Canon Fodder


I didn’t get credit for the quest twice. I had hoped killing the guy again would give me double rewards. Instead I just got one. 


Gantz Quest 3: Complete

Kill Shion Izumi



Gantz Sword



The black blade appeared in my hand. Just a long version of the dagger the sword was supposed to be extremely strong and cut through anything. It could also extend. I wanted to say to at least 50 feet. Which could be useful. My own Powerpole. I stored it away and began passing out suitcases. 


“Holy shit, it’s Reika,” one of the teens noted as she took off her hat. 


“Oh my god, it is,” another said. I eyed Sei and Kishimoto. Frowning, I made a motion and they grabbed the girl. Pulling her to the back room so she could dress in peace. “Don’t go, Reika. Can I get a selfie?” 

“Get your head in the game,” I barked at him. “We will start teleporting soon. Looks like we will be fighting dinosaurs.”


“Yeah, this is bullshit,” a gangster said. “Dinosaurs ain’t real.” 

“My god, you’re worse than Luffy,” I mumbled. He would have believed in a heartbeat. “For the last time. They’re aliens. They live here on Earth, and to hide they make themselves look like humans or every day things. I’m sure we will go to that huge dinosaur exhibit across town.” 

“You,” I said to the big man. He was at least 6 foot 10 inches tall and had muscles bulging everywhere. He had a pretty epic beard and spiked up hair. Wearing a vest and jeans he showed off his muscles. “Put on the suit.” 

“Don’t need it,” he said. I walked up to him. Reaching out my hand. 


“Prove it. I win, you wear it.” He frowned but began to squeeze my hand. I didn’t have to use the power of the suit to make his hand strength falter. He winced but I didn’t break anything. “The suit will make you stronger. Who cares if you need it? Why not use it? These things are going to be at least 30 feet tall. You think you can survive something stepping on you that weighs a few dozen tons?” He frowned but took the suitcase. 


“You alright kid?” I asked the small boy. His grandparents were putting him into the black suit. 

“I think so,” he said. Not crying anymore. “Did that guy really kill us?” 


“No,” I said. “This is just a bad dream, kid. You do what I say, and you’ll be at home in bed before you know it.” 

Someone gasped. Their head was disappearing. Others stepped away. “Don’t panic. This is what happens. We will be doing the same thing soon enough.” It was like herding cats. I was one of the last ones teleported. Some of the gangsters already ran off. I ran my palm over my face. Annoyed by it all. No wonder so many people died. They were stupid. 


“Hey um,” I looked up to see the 3 psychics. One was an older guy with sunglasses, cap, and overcoat. He kind of looked homeless. There was a kid with red hair next to him. I was pretty sure he went to my school. I didn’t know he was the psychic until I saw the old man next to him. And there was a young girl next to them that I didn’t recognize. I remembered the 2 guys were psychics because they were pretty awesome in the manga. They had telekinesis and could kill by just bursting a blood vessel in someone’s brain. 


“Yeah,” the older guy said. “We wanted to thank you for killing that guy.” 

“Oh yeah?” I asked. Feeling a little better hearing it. 

“Yeah , we tried to do something when he was shooting everyone. But he got us,” the older guy said. 

“You can pay me back by putting the suit on,” I said. “I don’t care if you’re psychic. The suit has defenses.”

“Psychic?” The guys asked nervously. “What makes you say that?”

“You’re not the only one with gifts,” I told him cryptically and walked away. “Okay, everyone that’s here, I guess you want to stay alive.” There were about 20 people left. Some of the teens, the old couple and kid, an old man, my group, Reika, a pretty boy guy that was eyeing Reika, the martial artist, and psychics. 


“We will be splitting off into groups,” I said. “Kishimoto, Sei, you have one group. Kurono, Kato, you have the other.” 

“What about us?” The old couple with the grandson asked. 


“I will put you somewhere safe…” I said looking around. There was a building next to us that appeared to be all offices. “Hold onto your grandpa,” I told the kid. His grandpa picked him up. I grabbed the old couple and ran them up the 10 story building. They screamed and fought, but I was done with explanations. 

“You will be teleported when it’s all over. Don’t move. Don’t escape or you will be killed,” I ordered. Jumping down I landed lightly on the ground. A couple of the teens wearing the suits were trying to run up the wall but it wasn’t working. 


“You all picked your teams?” I asked as I pulled the Gantz Sword out of my inventory. Kato and Kishimoto nodded. “Let’s do this.” We began to walk up the steps. Ahead was the dinosaur exhibit from across town. I had suspected as much. This was going to be a bitch to keep them all alive. Aliens were bad enough, but dinosaur aliens were a pain in the ass. It wasn’t long until the screaming started. 


I began to jog toward it. Others were soon following. I crested the stairs and saw the guys that had run away already being slaughtered. They were in the Gantz suits, but they weren’t using them correctly.

“Alright people. Moment of truth,” I said. “Oy!” A few raptors saw me and began running our way. “Fire!” I ordered. A few did so with their guns. The raptors exploded before they got to me. All the while I walked forward. Pulling small knives from my suit I threw them, getting the attention of more raptors as the people were attacked. 


And we went along that way. The raptors soon gave up on the stragglers. They attacked and ran at us. A long line of people fired their guns and were racking up points. My team especially.


“Okay, from what I remember there is a T-Rex, brachiosaurus, and triceratops exhibit. Plan for all of these to be monsters. Shoot till they’re big puddles in the ground.” We walked inside as a group. People kept commenting on stupid items like why did I kill that guy, who are you, what is this. I let Kato handle them. 


“How long have you been doing this?” Reika asked as she walked up beside me. 


“2 months maybe? Month and a half? Missions have been kind of slow lately,” I admitted. 


“And those are aliens we shot?” I nodded. “Sorry, this is just crazy.” 


“Uh yeah, that’s an understatement,” I said. “Get back with the girls. They’ll protect you.” I said as we came into the wide open exhibit. Inside was a giant T-Rex. A very angry T-Rex. It surprised me as it’s mouth began to glow and a huge fireball was expelled out of it’s mouth like a Mario villain. I instantly pulled all the heat in front of me away. The fireball dissipated just before reaching me.


“What else you got?” I asked the T-Rex as it’s mouth began to glow again. “Shoot it from the sides. I’m at the front!” I ordered as I ran at it. Gantz sword in hand I hadn’t played with it much. I knew they could extend, but that was about it. So I just thought about it extending and it did. Shooting up it became a good 50 feet long as I sliced down with all I had. It lost momentum so far away. Simply knocking the T-Rex away as it fired the ball. 


Then the raptors attacked. Coming out of a side entrance they went for the groups. I growled, but trusted my people. I pulled the sword blade back to me and jumped at the Rex. It’s mouth was glowing again but I sliced down. Moving from snout to chin the black blade slid through nicely. The beast roared. Trying to bite down on me as it landed. I moved to the side and ran forward. 


Slicing the chicken leg the sword cut right through. Toppling the Rex over I was then at it’s neck slashing across. The head was severed with a growl and groan. I had extended the blade just a little to decapitate it fully. I was starting to like it. I needed to get good enough with the Jitte to cut so well. 


Turning the others were still dealing with raptors. The big karate guy punched one, blowing it’s head off. He looked quite surprised to have done so. The psychics raised their hands pointing at the raptors heads. Whichever one they pointed at fell and died. Probably bursting blood vessels. 


My girls were shooting the raptors on their side of the fight. One got too close and Kishimoto punched it, knocking it back. Sei shot it and it soon exploded. It was going nicely. Even Reika shot a couple. 


“Nicely done,” I said walking up. All in all it wasn’t an overly hard mission with so many people. All had guns, most had suits on, we attacked efficiently and swiftly. I was gaining more confidence as we wrapped it up. The groups split off for different areas. They killed the triceratops, way more raptors, and some minor dinosaurs. I killed the big bad brachiosaurus boss. It really was strong, and quick, but not stronger or faster than me. 

I was starting to feel like One Punch Man. There hadn’t been a challenge I couldn’t face yet. I was tempted to leave and go somewhere else. I could do Naruto World and finish my training in chakra. One Piece was out for the moment. My Hero Academia was fun, but I was having trouble focusing. I wanted an end goal. A reason to keep going. 


After we finished the mission we all got our points. Kishimoto and Kato were closer to their first 100 threshold. I was surprised that I received 60 points from the mission, but actually had over 200 points total. Then I realized that since that Izumi guy had used 100 points to revive himself. He was refunded it as soon as he was killed again. Then when I killed him, I got the points. I decided to keep that to myself. Who knew what would happen if you could kill people for points.


Curious on what to do I showed the surviving 20 people the reward screen. There were cheap weapons for 100 points. I wanted the giant body suit and flyer that cost 500 points, but I doubted I would get that many. Instead I looked at the screen of the dead in Gantz memory. 


I recognized a few people but no one I was willing to spend my points on. So I scrolled down as Kato and the girls shared contact information with others. I scrolled down on the screen. Down and down. It was way longer than I expected. After a thousand pictures I came to the very bottom. 


A small thumbnail of a picture was shown. The very first person that Gantz called there. It was a girl with long blonde hair. I pushed her picture and a name came up. “Mio Hattori,” I said aloud. I hesitated then pushed the revive button. I had 100 in reserve just in case something happened to Kishimoto or Sei, but I was curious about the first people called there. They never touched on it in the manga. It was all speculation.


The 20 people were still behind me. They stepped away as the woman appeared. Her blonde hair first, then her clothes. She was in her black Gantz uniform. Not as buxom as my girls she had smaller breasts, but she was still fit. She wasn’t a natural blonde but had it colored that way. She was obviously Japanese. 

When she fully formed she dropped to the ground. Breathing in and out she looked up to me then those around her. A tear in her eye she asked, “I died didn’t I?” I nodded. “Fuck!” She stood up and looked around to the others in the room. 

“Who rezzed me?” She asked. I waved my hand. She noticed the ball behind me. Her eyes wide she moved to it. Her finger moving over the thumbnail images she cursed again. She cursed more as I began to scroll up. “What year is it? “


“2010,” I said. I was pretty sure the manga started in 2001, so I didn’t know why the year was 2010. 


“Oh my god, no!” She cried. Real tears falling. “We are doomed.” 


“Uhh yeah of course, but what do you mean?” 


“I mean, aliens are going to kill us all,” she said. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.