Canon Fodder


“Well yeah,” I said. “There is supposedly a giant force of aliens on their way here to kill us all. I have no idea when it is coming though.” 


“At least you know about it,” she sighed. “I worried that we were all wiped out and no one knew.” She was chewing her lip as she looked at the pictures of the dead. “Gantz show me countdown,” she said. 

The screen changed to show numbers. 





“Holy fuck,” Mio said. “I have been dead for 5 years.” 


“Damn,” I said. “Sorry.” 


“Don’t be, you gave me another chance. I can stop it.” 


“Stop what?” I asked. 

“The alien invasion,” she said. “I-I think I can.” 

“Wait? You can stop the alien invasion?” I asked. The people behind us didn’t utter a word. All staring at us wide eyed. 


“Of course, that’s what Gantz is for,” she said. 

“It is?” I asked. “Okay, Mio, right? Start at the beginning.” 


Mio looked at me. Frowning, she said, “I at least owe you that much.” She looked to the others. “Might as well sit if you’re staying for this.”

People sat, but others left. It was soon my people, the psychics, the old man, and the big karate guy. 

“I was brought here when I died during a car accident back in 2004,” she admitted. “My sister and I, our parents, and the other driver and his passengers were all brought here. We thought we were Isekai’d.” She scoffed. “When we got here Gantz told us-”


“Wait, Gantz talked?” I asked. Moving to point inside the ball at the muscular naked man. “This Gantz?” 


Mio nodded. “Yeah. He stood right here and told us everything,” she admitted. “He was a clone of some guy that built the orbs here.” She slapped the black orb. “There were thousands of him and the orbs made. Sent all around the world.” 

“So there are other Gantz teams?” Kishimoto asked. 


“Yes,” Mio said. “There is one in Osaka. I did a mission with people from Seoul once. All over. Aliens have been on the planet for years, but they mostly don’t cause trouble. However there was one heading our way that wants to destroy us. They are called the God Aliens.” 


“God?” The old man asked, worried. 

Mio nodded. “Can’t tell you why they’re called that cus I have no idea. But they are a strong race that goes from planet to planet stealing resources. The guy that made the Gantz balls had special divine intervention from another alien race that wanted to stop the God Aliens from getting Earth. Some kind of revenge against them. Anyway, that’s why he is called Gantz. God Alien Neutralization Training Zenith.” 


My mind was a little blown. I didn’t think it was an acronym, sure as hell wasn’t in the manga. Mio continued. “So us in the car accident, we were the first group for Tokyo. Looks like I was the first to die and he kept replenishing us. All for training on taking the God Aliens down.” 


“Yeah, but how is that supposed to help? I mean, they aren’t here yet,” I said.

“Gantz isn’t just for training. He is for transporting. As he did to get you here and send you on missions. His original purpose was to find individuals that wanted to be teleported to the aliens to fight them and kill them before they reached Earth. We were training all the time. Gantz had us connected with the other teams and we would talk about it. You never heard of this?” I shook my head. “Damn, I guess people kept dying. Guess Gantz meant it when he said he could only explain it once.” 


“Why the hell didn’t you write it down on the wall or something? Or an instruction manual in the room?” I asked. 

“You ever killed anyone in here?” She asked. I hesitated. “Gantz wipes the room clean after teleporting people here.” I looked over, and Izumi’s body was gone. 


“What happens if we were to destroy the aliens before they arrived?” Kato asked slowly. 


“Gantz said we would be freed,” she said. “No more fighting. No more coming here. No more anything.” 


My heart began to beat. I was being offered a skip scene button. A big one. The alien invasion would be bad. Killing billions. There was no guarantee I could save everyone in the room. The aliens would get the jump on humans, and we were the only ones that could fight back. 


“How do I take this challenge?” I asked, a big smile on my lips. 


Mio looked at me. “Gantz main menu,” she said. 





“Are you fucking kidding me?” I asked. “There was a main menu the whole time?” 


“Yeah,” Mio said. 


“What’s transfer?” I asked. 


“Let’s you transfer points around,” she said.

“Goddamn, I hate you Gantz,” I said. “Okay, how does the Challenge work?” 


“Click it,” she said. “I was always too scared to.” I nodded, pushing the word. 






“Holy shit,” I said. My heart beating faster. 


“Weston, don’t,” Kishimoto said. Standing up she walked over grabbing my arm. 


“Don’t do it,” Sei said, following right after her. 


“I have to,” I said. “There is no other option.” 


“Why? Why you?” Kishimoto asked, crying. 

“You know why,” I said. “Do you think I like this? Do you think I like you girls risking your lives? The aliens will be here in 45 days. Whether we like it or not. If I could stop it now. I could save hundreds of millions, if not billions of lives.” 


“There’s no way you can stop it on your own,” Mio said. 


“You’d be surprised. I’m not risking anyone else’s lives,” I said. I was getting more and more excited. “I’m doing this.” The quest popped up. 


Gantz Quest 4:

Defeat the God Aliens before they reach Earth.



Rewards decided upon completion of quest



I got the same vague notification for the Chunin Exam. This was a way bigger event. World ending worthy. Granted I was OP, but still. I moved to Gantz and clicked transfer. I was able to give the rest of my points to Sei and Kishimoto. They soon had over 100. 


“If I’m not back in 30 days,” I said. “Resurrect me.” I gave the girls both a kiss. “Don’t anyone come after me, alright.” I ordered Kato. He didn’t know what to do. They all had lost looks as I touched the Challenge button. 


I clicked yes, and immediately my head started to disappear. The last thing I saw was Kishomoto and Sei’s crying eyes. 



The God Aliens were giant 75 foot tall aliens. They had 2 eyes on either side of their heads, 6 fingers on each hand, and were honestly pretty strong. Their ship was about half the size of the world. A huge city that they walked around in and went through their daily lives. 


They weren’t expecting an attack. When Gantz teleported me, I appeared in the middle of the floor of a shopping center. I kind of forgot how big the aliens were. But as I walked around I got the lay of the land. I spent the first few days following people. I found the people in charge slowly as I traversed the miles upon miles of the massive ship. 


They wore military uniforms and had big muscles. Easy to spot really. I latched onto them and was toured around the facility way faster than I could run. It was a daunting idea destroying such a big ship, but I had a month to figure it out. 


It took me about 15 days to make a plan. I had found a translator item for understanding their language and it was simple enough to listen in to where we were going and how we would get there. Once I knew everything, I simply killed all of the crew on the bridge. They were big, but not fighters. By that point I had all the passwords and access cards mapped out in my head. I began the slaughter of the crew in the early morning. They weren’t expecting it. By lunch I had the place pretty well barricaded. I set a course for a nearby sun. The controls were surprisingly easy to handle. Point and click. 


I hung around for another 2 days. Fighting off aliens trying to get to the bridge. Again and again they tried. I couldn’t blame them. It was their own fault for making everything controlled from just the bridge. I felt bad since there were women and children aliens on the ship. But it was my people or theirs. 


Their new destination was the closest sun to ours. Waiting until the last minute I could actually feel the heat from the sun when I finally said, “Gantz return.” Of course I worried the command wouldn’t work, or he would be late. But for once he was on time. The top of my head disappeared then the rest of my body as the aliens did another last ditch effort to save their lives. It was useless though. I knew this because as I reformed in the apartment I received the notification. 


Gantz Quest 4 Complete

Defeat the God Aliens before they reach Earth.



World ID (1)

Chakra Increase 1.5x

1,000,000,000 Yen



“Well shit,” I said. Not sure if I was happy or sad with the reward. It was a lot of work, yes. But honestly I was hoping for another quirk or something. 


The Gantz music came up. “Here we go, one two three!!” It finished. Then words began to appear on the orb. White on black. 






“That it Gantz?” I asked. “A congratulatory message?” I looked to the ball, but it didn’t stir. Nothing happened. It was simply over. This was a worse ending than the live action movie version. 




Was all it read. And then it faded to black. “That’s bullshit. You suck. I want a million fucking points so I can bring everyone back. Well not everyone. Just the kids and hot girls.” Gantz didn’t stir. “Well fuck you. I’m gonna go have an orgy or something.” 


I left the room. Tired, pissed off and ready to be done with all this. I headed back to my apartment. I half feared to get there and there would be clones of me waiting. The girls worrying I had perished only to make more of me, but no. It was them. I came back on a Saturday. Sei and Kishimoto were sitting on the couch watching TV as I walked in. 


They both perked up and as I drew closer they began to cry. Running at me they about ran me over, but I caught them. “Is it really you? It can’t be? Did you really do it?” Kishimoto and Sei babbled as they kissed me and cried. 


“It’s me. The aliens are dead,” I said. “Now, I haven’t had a proper shower in over 2 weeks. Would you mind joining me? You know, if you 2 wouldn’t mind showing how appreciative you are to the guy that saved the world.” They smiled big and were quickly pushing me into the shower. 


They stripped me down, then themselves, and gave me a true hero’s welcome. They rubbed me down first. Kneading my muscles as they scrubbed the alien blood and grime from me. Then as I got clean they made extra sure as they rubbed their bodies on me. Then the real treat started. Watching them give me a double blowjob was worth the whole ordeal in my book. Sei’s thick lips on my glans, Kishimoto hungrily swallowing my balls. They were slow and stared up at me as they made sure I felt everything. 


They swallowed 2 loads before we left the shower. Then they rode me for all I was worth. Lasting far longer than they ever had before as I came in them again and again. Everytime they tried to pass out I was fucking them awake and making them scream my name. 

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