Canon Fodder


Sex Road Trip was how I would describe our journey. We found large lakes and skinny dipped in them, were caught in rainstorms that we survived by hiding under trees and having sex, we even got stopped by bandits once. Since I was supposed to be undercover I didn’t wear my ninja headband. After a quick beating the bandits were knocked out. I made some clones and they ran them to the next village. The girls couldn’t help but be scared, and we had to have an extra long session that night until they were calmed down enough to sleep. 


It was a great trip. I wasn’t sure why I ever left Naruto World. Reina and Hina were 2 of my favorite people to be around. They didn’t complain that my dick was too big. Or said things like why have sex again, we just did it. They were simply down to do it whenever I was. Another thing I loved about them. 


They had become a lot more affectionate since I said the words too. Hina wasn’t as skilled at deepthroating as Reina was. The blonde had become more adamant about practicing on our journey. 


There was something supremely pleasurable about 2 women blowing you. Hell, just 1 person doing it was pleasurable. But when 2 gorgeous girls wanted to work and make your pleasure paramount, it was greatly appreciated. Watching the blonde woman take every shot of cum into her mouth hungrily while her best friend licked your balls or made out with you made life worth living. 


Sadly all journeys come to an end. We got to the coastal town of Nahara to meet with my contact, but my sister was waiting for me. 


“Well if it isn’t little Wessy,” my oldest sister said as I walked in the contacts home. 


“Evey,” I said. My eyes wide. “I thought you were… elsewhere.”


“I was,” she said, slapping her knee. “But I wanted to be the first to welcome you.” Evelyn Watanabe was taller than me. 21 years old she had dark hair down to her lower back. No fat or any curves on her whatsoever she was not my kind of woman. She was loud, cursed a lot, perverted, and not afraid of anything. Evelyn was a pain in the ass. 


Behind her was her butler, Kenta Saito. He had a shaved head. Not because he was losing his hair, but because my sister preferred him that way. The guy did look good with a shaved head. Kind of a Ikkaku from Bleach look. He was a muscle head that never spoke. Apparently he was my sister’s version of Hina and Reina.  


“Did my baby brother finally lose his virginity?” Evey asked as she pretended to wipe a tear from her cheek. “Tell me, which one of you 2 did it?”

Reina and Hina were caught more than a little off guard. Their eyes wide as we stood awkwardly just inside the door they stammered. “Ignore her,” I said. “You know Evey, I always thought you were just a pervy older sister. My Eroneesan. Who knew our family had such a secret.” 


Evey barked a laugh. “I begged dad to wait to tell you until I was back,” she said. “I was quite shocked myself. But it made sense. My Kenta here had been making my heart and nethers all aflutter for months before he told me.” 


“Oh my god, shut up,” I spat. “No one wants to hear about your nethers.” 


“You asked,” she laughed with a big smile. 


“I sure as shit did not.” 


“Look at you, cursing too? Where is my cute little Wessy? It’s enough to make your oneesan so sad,” she pretended to cry again. “Now, onto important matters. Which one of you took his cherry?” 


“Evey-” I tried to rebuke but she cut me off. 


“Dad hasn’t told you all the etiquette,” she said with a serious look. “The head maid takes charge. Why do you think Mika is so involved at home?” 


I shrugged, turning to Reina. She hesitated but said, “Uh me.”

“Damn, little Reina huh? My money was on the blonde,” Evey tsked. 


“You know her?” I asked, surprised. 


“Oh yeah,” Evey said. “We knew all the candidates. Aurora had lessons with all of them. Her money was on Reina.”


“I didn’t know that,” I said. I looked to the girls. They had blushes on as they bowed their heads slightly. “So what’s up? Why’d you call for me?” 


“I didn’t call for you,” Evey said angrily. “I called for someone with experience. Dad just dumped you on me to try to get me to finish your training.” 

“Finish my training?” I asked, a look of disgust slowly creeping up my face. 


Evey had a lecherous look on her face. “Of course, didn’t you know?” She stood up, untying the belt of her kimono the top of it opened to show her lack of cleavage. “To awaken the next stages of your Lust Element you have to partake in incest.” 


My eyes couldn’t help but watch. Mouth frowning I burped without cause. “Sorry, uh puked a little in my mouth there. I mean, I’m sure you’re pretty and all, but I mean look at these 2.” I pointed at the girls behind me. “They’re much more…substantial than you.” 

Evelyn looked down to her chest. Her rage rose up quickly, she closed the distance instantly. Punching me in the gut I wasn’t able to block it. I really did puke that time. She dodged my lunch as she grabbed my neck. Her strong arm pushed me into the wall. 


Growling in my face she asked, “Are you calling me flat chested?” 


“I sure as shit ain’t calling you big chested,” I said through gritted teeth. Evelyn kneed me in the balls. “Oh god,” I groaned as I doubled over in pain. She let me drop to the ground as I grabbed onto my dick. I couldn’t talk, regretting my words immediately. I thought I was strong, but I forgot how strong she was. 


“You are much stronger than I saw you last,” Evelyn said. “Your Chunin Exam must have done you well.” Walking back to her boy toy she stared down at me as Reina and Hina ran over top of me. Both scared as they tried to protect me from her. I pushed through the pain. Moving them out of the way I sat on my knees as I stared at Evelyn. 


“I am a Jounin though, you don’t have a chance of standing up to me,” Evey reminded. “Dad has asked me to finish your training in the Water and Lust Element. Since I have no interest in a little dick like yours, that is left to my protege.” Evey turned to face a back hallway. “Shinju, I will leave him in your capable hands.” 


A tall woman with short black hair walked out of the side hall. She had no chest like my sister. Wearing a simple brown kimono she appeared unassuming, but her eyes were striking. The pupils were a deep red. No emotion on her face she looked down on me as she moved to stand by my sister. 


“Weston, meet Shinju Ikeda. Your new maid,” Evelyn said. The older woman bowed slightly. I couldn’t help but frown. “Don’t give me that look,” Evey ordered. “Dad’s orders. You need someone with the 2nd stage of Lust to learn from, and if you even want to try at the 3rd stage, your girls will need all the help they can get.” 


My sister was serious now, so I acted the same. “I heard you didn’t move onto the 3rd stage,” I said. “You can train it?” 


“The 3rd is annoying for women,” Evey said with a sneer. “Damn sexist power. But 2nd stage is strong enough for most anything. I know the theory behind it, but you’ll have trouble learning the 2nd stage, trust me. Took Aurora 2 years to learn it.” 


“2 years?!” I asked angrily. “I don’t have that kind of time.” 


“Oh yeah? A big date coming up?” Evey asked. 


“No,” I said, not wanting to relay more than I knew. “I just need to be back in the village in 2 years…to keep a promise.” A promise sounded a good enough reason. 

“Hence the 3rd maid. You’ll need Shinju to push through. If you focus I’m sure you can get to the 2nd stage in a year. Then we can start the real mission,” Evey said. 


“What is my mission?” I asked, happy that I could get her to be serious for so long. 


“We can talk about that on the way,” Evey said standing up. “Your balls good? Or you need another kick?” 


“They’re fine…but can you cover up? Your small tits have been out this whole conversation,” I said. 


Her eyes bulged and she was on me again. This time I blocked the kick to the balls but she slapped me into the wall. I kicked out getting her in the boob which caused her to get more angry. It took the others in the room to calm her down. I couldn’t help it, I loved my sister. Toru thought she was teased badly? No, my sisters got the brunt of it. Only they gave as good as they got. Besides, it was good training.  

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