Canon Fodder





All the worlds you could want to visit are behind the doors around you.


Congratulations on making it here.


For those of you who made the choice to receive Memory Meld,

you will notice that the Memory Meld, World Escape, and Status

Screen Ability and Skills will not require Challenger Slots to keep them.

For those of you with the Memory Meld Skill, you are confused.

Unfortunately this was part of the agreement prior to receiving the skill.

So good luck. And have fun as you try to become as strong as possible

for the coming challenges.


I pulled up my Status Screen. 



Weston Watanabe


Current Quest:


World 1:

High School of the Dead


World 1 Quest:

Save Takagi


World 2:



World 2 Quest:


World 3:

One Piece


World 3 Quest:


World 4:

My Hero Academia*


World 4 Quest:


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld


World Lasting Physique +


Protagonist Path


Usable Abilities:

Status Screen


2 Challenger Slots

World Escape






World Store



Give and Take Quirk


Conqueror's Haki



Increased Intellect



Chikyugi Necklace


1 Challenger Slot

Seastone Jitte



Chakra Absorption Scroll



Arm and Leg Weights

Stored (3)


Hero Costume



Reject Dial

Stored (2)


Gantz Armor

Stored (13)


Gantz Sword













“Guess that answers that question,” I said with a frown. Apparently I had made the choice to forget what I was challenging to gain the Memory Meld skill. I wasn’t too sure if that was a good or bad thing. 


My hand moved to the door handle again. 




Please pick the Challenger Slots you would like to keep for this new Hall.


Note: All Status screens are locked to the Hall. Skills, Abilities, Items,

and Bonuses will not be shared between Halls unless picked as a challenger slot.

No progress will be lost for leaving Halls. 


I began to grind my teeth as I thought. It looked like I wouldn’t lose anything from the Manga Hall. I was prompted once more.


Do you want to Choose Challenger Slots Now?




Warning: Those skills, abilities, bonuses, and items chosen will be locked

as challenger slots, and not be able to be changed.


I wanted the Chikyugi and my Chakra for sure. But what I really wanted was World Lasting Physique, but that was in my passive skills. I didn’t have a Challenger Slot to lock it in. I pressed No. Moving back to the Manga door I thought for a bit. There were still 4 doors I hadn’t checked out in my main room. Then another 4 in the hallway between the Manga room and the Junction. I had a lot I could learn yet. And if I completed more worlds I could get Challenger Slots. Hopefully a Passive Skill one so I could keep my strength. Otherwise I would be starting from scratch. 


There were 3 doors. Manhwa which was Korean Manga. There were a lot of awesome manhwas to check out. Solo Leveling at the top, Nano Machine, Tower of God. Not to mention the Returner worlds like The Live or A Returner’s Magic Should be Special. 

Books was very ambiguous. I could picture worlds like Harry Potter, it would be good to learn magic. Kingkiller Chronicles, that magic there is a little taxing so I would need some more Intellect Buffs. Wheel of Time would be interesting. Demon Cycle, Lord of the Rings, all pretty cool places to visit and learn from. But like the walls in manga I was sure that they would be separated by type. With my luck there was a Young Adult wall. I could get stuck in something like Twilight.


Comics was the most tempting in my book. There was the Marvel and DC universe. The Boys. Invincible. Watchmen. Hell since I had High School of the Dead I was sure The Walking Dead would be there as well. That canon would be a hell of a lot easier with my current strength. 


Too many choices, so I decided I had to turn around. I was in the middle of too many stories. Whatever I was there for was going to be a challenge. I needed to rack up more of these Challenger Slots, more skills, and I couldn’t lock myself down by them. I doubted I would go to any world without my Chikyugi or Chakra, but I had to be sure. If these challenges would have fighting, I needed to wait. 


Going back in the Manga door I headed through the hallway with 4 doors. 3 on 1 side and 1 on the other. For now I needed to focus on finishing up stories before anymore jumping around. I felt I was strong enough now for some long training arcs. Before I could get to One Piece though, I needed more Lust Skills from Naruto. So that was my first stop. 


I walked into the Naruto door without any hesitation. As the black nothingness of the area slowly subsided I was once again walking with Hina and Reina. Last time I was there I had bought more arm and leg weights. Upgrading my own so that the wrists were 200 pounds and the ankles were 300 pounds each. Making my extra weight, 1,000 pounds. 


After a night of sex at the first village we were on our way again. Simply walking as we followed the dirt trails between villages. 


“Girls,” I said, reaching out and grabbing their shoulders. I couldn’t help but pull Hina and Reina in for a hug. Reina was my head maid. The girl this body lost its virginity to. She was also one of my most beautiful girls. Large D cup breasts, long black hair, fair pale skin. She looked like a younger version of Reika from Gantz. Only Reina could handle my chakra a lot better. As the first person I picked to be by my side, I knew I had made the right choice. Her bubbly attitude but also firm hand had helped me learn the lust element quickly. 


“I missed you,” I said as I pulled them to me. 

“And how have you missed us?” Reina asked, a small smile on her lips as she side eyed me. “I thought you got your fill of us this morning?” 


“I could never get my fill of you 2,” I said with a wide smile as I leaned over looking down her cleavage and pinching Hina’s rear. “I just want you both to know that I love you. And what you do to put up with me.” 


That stopped them in their tracks. “You love me?” Hina asked slowly. She was a perfect 10 blonde. C cup breasts she had an athletic body. Strong thighs, firm everything. She was my cheerleader. One of the best parts about her was her stupid laugh. Especially at the most mundane things. I once saw her crack up for 10 solid minutes when a small boy strapped a hat to a toad. 


“What do you want?” Reina asked as she stopped. “You are not sticking it in my ass again.”

“What? No,” I said quickly. “Not that…Are you sure I can’t talk you into it?” She gave me an angry look. I laughed loudly. “No, just recent events have allowed me to realize that my life is a lot better with you in it. You 2 are my rocks. I know that no matter what I did, you would be by my side. And because of that, I love you.” I couldn’t help but put on a sheepish grin. 


Pulling them close I kissed them on the cheeks. I had to start dragging them along. Both girls quiet as we walked to the next village. Our journey was going to take about a week on foot. I had to run us now and then to make it not take longer. The Village in the Mist was on an island far to the East of Konoha. We would walk for a week then take a boat that would eat up about a day or 2. 


We stopped at the next village on our way and were able to secure a room. I was not expecting to be able to enjoy a bath, but we were all pleasantly surprised to find that the hotel had a large one. One that we could share. 


It wasn’t long until the maids had it filled and were throwing logs into the fire underneath. It was reminiscent of the bath back in Alabasta, but way more boobs, and way less dicks. I got to watch the 2 girls undress as I sat at the back of the bath. 


“Tell me more about this love,” Reina said as she got into the bath. 


“Huh?” I asked, lost as I watched her body jiggle with each step. She sauntered over, sitting on my right. 


“Love, what makes you say that you love us?” Reina asked. She had a confident smile on, but I was starting to realize she was also nervous. Maybe excited. 


What brought this on was Toru of course. I had only been with her a month or 2, and yet she became my best friend. Someone I looked forward to seeing everyday. Spending my time with. Making her laugh. I had fallen for her without realizing it. Back in My Hero Academia World I was set on avenging my mother, but Toru was a light that I clung to. She made my days there all the better. 


It wasn’t until I realized my feelings for her that I understood I felt the same about these 2. They could keep up with my Chikyugi. Accepted everything wholeheartedly. Laughed, joked, prodded, and still couldn’t wait for me to cum inside of them. Using them to sate my lust. They were a joy to be around, and they deserved to know how I felt. 


“I love you,” I said looking in her eyes. She bit her lip, either hiding a laugh or a smile. “I wake up happier knowing you’re there for me. I get distracted with training, and you’re there waiting for me. Ready to help in any way you can. I like being around you, and I couldn’t picture life without you. So, thus, I love you.” 


The 16 year old woman put on a big smile. Leaning forward she kissed me deeply. Her hand moving to my dick as her large chest pushed into me. “I love you too,” she whispered, pulling away. Giggling she kissed me again, but it was Hina’s turn. 

She was a little more nervous. Shyly staring at us, I could tell she didn’t expect to be included. “Hina, my life has gotten better since you joined us,” I admitted. “You have become just as much a part of me as Reina has. Your laughter, and sense of humor are a part of you I adore. I don’t want you to ever change, and I want you by my side, always.” 

Hina had legitimate tears on her cheeks as she moved to me. Sitting on my lap she moved Reina’s hand and expertly slid me into her. Reina grumbled but Hina gasped, ignoring her as I entered quickly. Her tight cunt squeezed me for all she was worth as I began to channel chakra. Letting the flood gates go. 

Instead of talking she locked eyes with me. Rocking herself back and forth on my shaft as she kissed me. Her voice letting out high pitched gasps I decided to help. Grabbing her hips she began to cum. Shaking she only moved faster as her body shivered in euphoric bliss. It had been a long time since we had sex. I had gone to My Hero Academia, One Piece, and Gantz. 


They weren’t used to my increased chakra control. After more thrusts she came again. Not as often as the girls from the other worlds, but more often than usual as I poured chakra all over my body. Needing to touch and caress the blonde as she gave me her all. 

“Cum in me,” she gasped. I nodded. Speeding up my humping up into her it wasn’t long until I was painting her insides. My chakra soaked cum caused her to go into a powerful orgasm. Her body shaking with each spurt of my dick into her she locked lips with me. Twirling her tongue around mine as she lost control of her body. 

Hina let out a long sigh as the orgasm finished. “I love you,” she mumbled on my chest. I chuckled, stroking her hair. 


“Enough, my turn,” Reina said. Hina groaned, getting off. 


“I swear, your Pleasure Touch is stronger,” Hina mumbled as she sat beside us. Reina soon took the same position. Sitting on my dick I got to feel the dark haired woman’s curves as she impaled herself on my 11 inch dick. 


“Ohhh,” Reina said. Her eyelids fluttering as she moved down and down. “You feel so good. Is it love?” 


“Probably,” I said. I grabbed her hips and pulled her the rest of the way in. She grunted but let out a sigh. 


“You feel amazing,” Reina noted. Kissing me as she leaned forward. Simply happy for me to be inside of her. “Thank you for everything.” 


“I doubt I’ve done much. Pretty sure all I do is take for you,” I said. Kissing her forehead as she leaned into me. 


“Oh no,” Reina said. A wide smile on her lips as she began to rock back and forth. “You have done plenty. Giving us the opportunity to experience this.” Her eyes fluttered again as she squeezed my dick with her strong lower muscle. “Treating us well. Never forcing. Always working hard. You are everything I hoped you would be, and more.” 


“Good,” I said, starting to pull her into me. “I’m glad I could live up to your expectations from back when you used to stalk me.” 


She frowned but never stopped moving. “I didn’t stalk.” 


“She did,” Hina whispered in my ear. Kissing me as I sucked Reina’s tit. “She would always ask, ‘did you see the young master? I saw him at the ramen house.’” 


“Really?” I asked, looking up to Reina. She blushed deeply, even in the heat of the bath. “Don’t be embarrassed. I think it’s hot. If I had known about you girls I probably would have tried to peep on you.” 

“You look like the peeping type,” Hina teased. 

“I’m the worst. There’s something about your sexy bodies that I can’t get enough of,” I said. I began to pour more chakra around my dick and Reina gasped. Cumming immediately she shivered but kept moving. My hands on her large breasts I massaged them, feeling everything in the hot water as she did the majority of the work. 

We soon stopped talking, and let our bodies have the conversation. When I came into her in that position we moved to another where I was picking her up and fucking her. Hina whined but we made out as I used Reina how I wanted. The girls were a little taller than me since they were 16 and I was close to 13, but I was much stronger than them. Using each how I wanted, we were eventually kicked out of the bathhouse. Moving to our room we didn’t bother to keep it quiet. The next day the other patrons were more than pleased that we wouldn’t be staying any longer. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.