Canon Fodder


I walked inside the Mizukage’s office. She was alone in the large room. Working on some paperwork she barely gave me a second glance as she stamped a sheet and moved onto another. I stopped a few paces from her large desk. Not shy about looking her up and down. 

Mei Terumi really was a beauty. Tall, she had long auburn hair. Pale skin she looked tired, but she was still beautiful. Wearing a light blue kimono that covered her chest I guessed she was about a C cup. For someone so feared in the village I was surprised she had no visible scars. Her hands were without calluses, and she didn’t appear very muscular. 


As an expert on chakra release she could use quite a few elements. Elements that I wanted to learn. How I understood chakra you were lucky to only have one of the 5 main ones. But I had heard she could call upon steam and lava, despite water being her main element. 


“So who have they sent me this time?” Mei asked as she finished up with her paperwork. She leaned back in her chair looking me up and down. I stuck out my chest, standing at attention. 


I looked nothing like the 12 year old that had arrived in the Land of Mist 15 months ago. I was much taller, over 6 feet now. My unruly black hair hung loose around my head, down to below my chin. Evey had ordered me to let it grow out. One of the many skills I had learned was to permanently change my body with Lust Chakra. Making me look older and stronger it had hurt, but was worth it. 


“How old are you?” Mei asked as she finished studying me. 


“17,” I lied easily. 

“A baby,” she frowned. 


“You have said no to all the others,” I shot back. “They decided I was worth a shot.” 


“I have,” Mei said with a sigh. “So, what makes you different?” 


“My sense of humor,” I offered. “I’m told I’m very funny.”

“You are?” She asked, unsure what to say to that. 

“No,” I said honestly. “But I think I’m funny at least.” 


She chuckled a little. “Well, you have more personality than the others,” she noted. “They had trouble talking to me.” 


“Ah yes, I told them to stop sending the mutes, but they wouldn’t listen to me. I’m just a lowly…assistant.” 


She actually cracked a smile with that. “Fine, tell me about yourself,” Mei said. She pointed to a chair next to me. 


“Me?,” I asked, spitballing. Evey had told me what to say. She wanted me to act like how she taught her girls to be. Act as entertainment. Ask about muscles and pretty much blow their clients with compliments. In front of Mei I felt like she wanted to be entertained. But not have her ass kissed. She got that enough from everyone around her. I needed to make an impression. 


“My name is Weston,” I said. My cover gave me a new last name, Asashi, but I was allowed to keep my first. “As you can tell it is a very odd name. I was born on the West side of the village as you can guess. My father was not very imaginative. He wanted to name me Westson. But my mother at least vetoed that. They already had a daughter named Eastgirl.” 


“They send me a comedian?” Mei asked. 


“No, I told you. I’m the only one that thinks I’m funny. Sorry you have to put up with it. But I’m all that's left. You already beat up the other assistants,” I said. If there was one thing I knew about women. They liked a guy with a sense of humor. I needed more information to make her laugh, so making fun of myself was all I could do for now. 


“I didn’t beat anyone up,” Mei said defensively. 


“They told me that you made them wear skimpy clothes, fan you like a princess, and feed you grapes. And if they didn’t do it right you would spank them until they cried for mercy,” I said with all the honesty I could muster. 


“I did-” Mei stopped as she noticed my cracked smile. “Oh, I see.” Thinking for a moment she was beginning to relax a little. “Is that what you want me to do?” 

“Don’t kink shame me,” I said quickly. “Just because I like to wear skimpy clothes and feed a beautiful woman grapes, I get judged?” 


The Mizukage let out a genuine laugh with that. “You are dangerous,” she noted. Her eyes sparkling a little. Her mood was already better, which let me sigh in relief. “Were you trained as a ninja?” She asked, changing the subject. 

“A little,” I admitted. That was what my background said at least. “My parents got in debt though, so I was sold to the brothel to settle them before I could finish school.” 


“Too bad,” Mei said with a sigh. “What else should I know about you?” 


“Nothing,” I said. “I’d prefer to know about you.” 


“And why would you want that?” She asked, testing me.


“Because you’re the Mizukage,” I said. “The strongest person in the village? Why wouldn’t I want to know about you?”


“And it doesn’t bother you that I’m a woman?” She asked. I couldn’t get over how much sexism I heard she had to put up with on a daily basis. 


“Hell no, it makes you hotter,” I said. “Not only are you beautiful, but strong too. You’re the whole package. And I get to hang around you as my job? Kind of like a dream for me. I had to fight off a few other guys for the position.” 


“You said you were all that’s left,” Mei said. She blushed, unused to the compliments. I gave her my best smile. 


“Well yeah, after I beat up the rest,” I said. “You’ll have to accept me now. I doubt the other’s will let me back without a beating. You’re my only hope.” 


Mei bit her lip, trying to hide her smile. I gave her a pleading look to drive home my desperation, but she knew I was joking. “Fine, you can be my assistant,” she said. 


“Perfect,” I said excitedly. I wasn’t home free yet though. Many guys had made it this far, but I doubted many had made as good of an impression as I had. “Now where is my skimpy outfit and giant fan?” 

“They will be here later,” she said, still smiling. “You will have to wear your normal clothes for now.” 


“Damn,” I said sadly. But I felt I needed to become more bold. Push her more if I wanted to make a good impression. “So do you want me to go down on you now or later?” 


Her face became deep red as her eyes widened. “Go down?” She asked. 

“Well yeah. I mean, I’m a trained prostitute,” I said like it was obvious. Standing up I moved to sit on the front of her desk, staring down at her as I did. “Is that not part of the deal? I’m your willing and obedient sex slave, right? Ready to do anything and everything to please you.” I eyed her up and down. “I have all this training. I would hate for it to go to waste.” 


The first guy sent to be her assistant had offered himself to her. She kicked him out at the first meeting. The others were warned not to, but I was taking control of the conversation. A strong beautiful woman in power, I could tell she liked me being so bold. 


She stared up at me, her face red to match her hair. I didn’t break eye contact as I watched the gears in her head turn. I was sure it had been a while since she had any sort of human touch. So instead of asking permission I walked slowly around the desk. 


Still facing straight ahead I noticed her hands shaking a little as she clenched them into fists. Grabbing the shoulder of her chair I turned her slowly to me. Looking up at me through her long bangs she appeared to be a scared girl as I bent to her level. 


“I’m not sorry for being forward,” I said, locking eyes with her. “I want to be here.” I moved a little closer, she still bit her lip. “With the Mizukage. You could kill me without any effort. You have trained your whole life to kill. But me? I’ve trained to please you.” My hands coated in chakra moved to her legs. They were shaking as I grabbed onto her thighs. She didn’t stop me. 


“While you keep the village safe. Let me do for you what I’ve been trained for,” I whispered. Leaning forward more, I slowly moved closer and closer to her lips. All the while I expected her to hit me. I was pleasantly surprised to reach her lips. It was a dry kiss, but as my hands moved further up her thighs she moaned in my mouth. It turned into a deep kiss. Our tongues touched as her body reacted more and more to my chakra. Almost losing herself in it as I let it trickle over her. Just a taste of what I could do. 


Then we were interrupted as the door was knocked upon. I stood erect quickly. Taking a step back and to the side to give us some distance. The Mizukage adjusted herself while recovering. “Enter,” she ordered in a deep voice. In walked a tall man. He had dark hair spiked up to meet at a point on his head. He had an eyepatch on his right eye and wore the Village of the Mist ninja headband, which was 4 vertical squiggly lines spaced out in 2 rows. 


“Mizukage,” the man said. “It is time for your next meeting.” The man eyed me up and down. 


“Of course,” Mei said with a cough. “Ao, this is Weston. My new assistant. Have a room set up for him.” Ao nodded, most likely used to the constant revolving door of assistants. Mei was soon standing and walking out of the room, not giving me another look. I didn’t mind, she was mine, I could feel it. Ao soon had me set up in a room near where the Mizukage stayed when she decided to just sleep near her office instead of going home. I sent for my things at the brothel and made myself comfortable. I had a long road ahead. 



I had spent the last 15 months in intense training just for this day. Evey had set me up at the brothel and we went to work. It was literal torture. Where I had to practice manipulating my chakra while having sex to learn to use the 1st phase of the Lust Chakra. For the 2nd stage I wasn’t allowed to cum at all. 

I thought it was a joke at first of course, but no. That’s what needed to happen for the 2nd phase. Using my lust element on Hina, Reina, and Shinju continuously for days on end, I wasn’t allowed to cum at all. There was apparently some mental blockage that had to be pushed through to awaken the second stage. I had spent weeks having my balls emptied multiple times a day. To not being able to release my own lust at all. It was hell. 


What made it worse was I was unable to stop chakra from flowing to my Chikyugi for the training. I had to learn to mentally stop myself from lusting. To control my own erection at will. Something that was not easy when I had 3 naked women begging me to make them cum again. 


It had taken a month to learn the 2nd stage of Pleasure Touch. This stage was called Love. A simple touch from my chakra not only brought intense pleasure but it also caused the girls to feel like they were in love with me. A very terrible skill that could be used for evil. Now not only would women remember the pleasure, but they would look back on the sex like time with the love of their life. 

Once Shinju judged that I had learned the skill enough I made the mistake of being unable to stop myself. I had sex with all 3 girls for the next 24 hours. Cumming into them over and over I was able to release the lust that had built up over the month. Of course that meant I had to start all over again. 

Back to celibacy I had to learn how to upgrade my other 2 skills, Lust Aura and Endurance. Lust Aura was easier of the 3. Where before it had been a sort of haze around me that turned women on, now it was a permanent effect that I planted on the girls. The next phase of Lust was called Mark. It was like a brand. Made from my chakra after being with a woman I could give them the Watanabe heart tattoo like I had on my dick and balls. That heart would then be able to store chakra. 


This Mark contained some of my chakra. Right on top of a Tenketsu. When I was with the girl more and more, chakra would build up, and they could use it if needed. A focal point that allowed them to absorb chakra from my semen. I now had what I needed to supply Saeko with chakra. 

After learning the Mark skill I didn’t attack the girls, but started working on the last of the skills. This was the hardest of all and took me 2 months to awaken it. Where Endurance allowed me to not cum early, the next phase was called Epitome. It allowed me to change my body with Lust Element chakra. I could change my looks, grow my hair out, make my dick bigger or smaller. I didn’t do the last, but I did the rest. Forcefully aging myself to look more like the body in the One Piece world it would ensure that the Mizukage was at least a little interested. There was no way she wanted a 14 year old. 


Once I learned all 3 skills I was forced to take a break. I was more than happy to. Able to have the 3 girls for the first time in a long time we spent a week simply fucking, it was a great vacation. Then Evey had me working for real. I had to learn a bunch. 


Not only training me in the Water Element she had me taking other classes. Etiquette, seduction, manners, Land of the Mist history, my own covers history. I had to learn any and everything. I dove right in. Able to have sex with the girls it was a lot less stressful. Filling my days with training, it was a fun time. I developed my own water attacks, trained with my weights daily, and was quickly closing the gap between my Jounin sister and I. 


My sister finally judged me ready when I landed a few hits on her. I had requested training on how to awaken the 3rd phase, but she said this time the trick was repetition. When I had used the 3 new skills enough, they would naturally evolve as I figured them out. She waited for the Mizukage to send away another assistant, and it was finally my turn. 


It was all worth it. In the inner sanctum of the Mizukage I could continue to train, learn about the area, and practice my secret skill. Laying on my bed I sat up. I created an orb of chakra in my hand. 


I had been working on it since arriving in the Land of the Mist. I knew the trick to Naruto’s Rasengan. His ultimate move currently, it was quite simple. First you create an orb of chakra about 8 inches in diameter. Then you force in turbulent chakra. The turbulence inside caused the attack to hurt whatever touched it. Really an unwieldy attack he eventually added wind to it making it a shuriken ranged attack. 


I didn’t have wind, but I had water. So I had taught myself to make the skill work with it. Making a huge ball of water chakra I surrounded it in a non-elemental chakra orb like the Rinnegan. Currently about 2 feet in diameter I forced the orb to compress. Pressuring the water inside I didn’t stop until the ball was as small as possible. Holding it there I focused. Trying to compress it further as I made sure it didn’t explode. 


When I got a knock on the door I reabsorbed the chakra almost instantly. “Yes?” I asked. 


It was Ao, the Mizukage’s ninja assistant. “Are you ready to start assisting? The Mizukage has a long schedule that you need to learn.” 

“Of course,” I said sitting up. I had to actually do a job while I was there. Something I had been trained to handle along with my many other subjects. “What can I help with?” 

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