Canon Fodder


There was a lot less sex than I had hoped for while being an assistant. The Mizukage actually made me do real work. A 9 to 5 that was more like on call 24/7. The Mizukage was always working and thus I was forced to do the same. 


I was expected to relay any information I gleaned from her, but most of it was day to day. There was a big sewage project that she spent a week trying to find room for in the budget. Then they were trying to work on their image so she spent another 2 weeks working with consultants. Entertainment consultants. They ended up on agreeing to make a very tall viewing tower. At the center of town. A tourist attraction. It was all very boring. 


I kept a smile on my lips and was beside the Mizukage at all times. Keeping track of her schedule that’s all I did. Kept her moving from meeting to meeting. 


My cover was a kid from outside the village that had gone to one of many satellite ninja schools. One of the weaker ones. We didn’t worry about people recognizing me. Since there was a class system the higher ups lived in the middle of town. The lower class where I was from lived on the outer parts. 


Not that I was trusted fully or anything. I wasn’t allowed to handle documents and when the Mizukage went somewhere so did I. 


This was all to plan of course. Most of the guys who became her assistant had to do much the same. They didn’t last though. The guys were trained prostitutes. Not assistants. Meant to make women feel good for an hour at a time then laze around until the next client. 


The Mizukage wanted something else though.  At first I didn’t understand why she wanted a prostitute assistant. It took me a whole month to figure it out. She had trust issues. 


Mei was from a time where the village earned the name Bloody Mist. She had been pitted up against one of her childhood friends to pass ninja school. Like the Battle Royale book. When you were pitted up against your classmates, it made you realize you couldn’t trust anyone. A part of her was that scared 12 year old that had to kill her friend. 


I didn’t like it, but I understood it. And the more time I spent with her. The more I liked her. She worked harder than anyone else. Ninjas weren’t trained to run a town. They were strong and cunning in battle. 


She had to work hard to make sure everyone was happy at the end of the day. Learning things that didn’t matter to her during her life, she now had to care about tearing down this old building for a new business, while not pissing off the old people that grew up near the building and didn’t like change. 


I was with her through all of this. Her shadow as I pretended to be anything but a trained ninja. I knew I had caught my own case of Stockholm’s Syndrome. Forced to play a role I was happy to be near her.


Because I was given real work I didn’t make my offer to service her again. I left the ball in her court. And as the days drew on I noticed her watching me more and more as I stuck by her side. Simple looks as I shook her awake from a midday nap, or leaned over the desk to run a sealed letter to somewhere she needed it taken to. Looks that were slowly adding up. 


“Let me take you on a date,” I said out of the blue. 


Mei continued reading for a while. It was a full minute before she registered the words and looked back at me. “What?” She asked slowly. 


“A date,” I said. “You know. 2 people go out in public. Eat food. Talk. Leave their desks for once.”


“Why would we go on a date?” She asked turning back to her desk. 


“Because I’m not as strong as you, I need a break,” I said. 


“Then go take one,” she said. But I could feel her listening intently. 


“Good let’s go,” I said grabbing her arm. I was gentle as I picked it up. The first time I’d touched her since the day we met. 


Pulling her arm back she said, “I have work to do.”


“You always have work. You have an hour a day where you train. Come on. Let’s go on a date,” I pleaded. 


“Why a date?” She asked. Turning to me she had a slight blush. 


“Because I’ve never been on one,” I lied. “And I want my first to be with you.”


Mei tried to hide her smile. She turned back to the desk. “I’m the Mizukage. I can’t walk around without drawing a bunch of attention.”


“Oh come on. You’re the strongest ninja in the village. Do one of those transforming jutsus,” I said. “We can get ice cream.” That usually worked. “I’ll buy.” That always worked. 


“Fine,” she said with a sigh. Rubbing the bridge of her nose. “Fine. But it’s not a date.” She stood up putting on her coat. 


“Okay. Seduction mission it is,” I said. 


“A what?” She asked mid-stretch into her sleeve. 


“Seduction mission,” I said bluntly. “You know, I show you the joys of being with me. Away from the office. I make you laugh. Our hands touch. Then before you know it, you’re swooned.”


“That’s not how it works,” she said with a smile. 


I put on a surprised look. “It’s not? That’s how I was told it worked.”


“You've really never been on a date before?” She asked walking out the door. I followed behind. 


“You said this wasn’t a date,” I shot back. “Guess I’ll never know what they’re like.”


“Guess not,” she said. Turning around she asked, “what should I change into?”


“Hmm,” I said looking her up and down. “You but bald.”


“Bald?!” She laughed genuinely. 


“Of course. No one would recognize you,” I laughed. “And if they did. You can have them thrown in the dungeon or something.”


“I’m not doing that,” she laughed. 


“Oh come on. Now I can’t help but picture it.”


She quirked a smile. Doing the hand seal smoke left her body as chakra changed her clothes and made her bald. I kept a straight face for a minute but then burst out laughing. She looked like the Ancient One from Dr. Strange. 


Mei rolled her eyes but found a mirror close by. “I actually like this look,” she noted. 


“You do,” I agreed. “No one will recognize you. Next time I’ll have to ask you to put on a mohawk.”


She giggled and walked away. Me behind her no one stopped us. We got outside and I risked walking beside her. “Damn. I was hoping someone would say something.”


“Me too,” she chuckled. “Guess it’s the simple changes that throw people off.” We walked through the streets in the large crowd. It was nighttime but there were plenty of people out. 


“Where do you want to go?” She asked. 


“I don’t know. I’m further in my plan than I expected,” I admitted. 


“Oh you had a plan?” She asked side eyeing me. 


“Of course. While you’ve been busy working. I’ve been busy planning. My next course of action was to throw in a contract in your stack of papers. That said you agreed to go on a date with me. Then when you signed it. I’d hold you to it.”


“What makes you think I’d have signed it,” she asked. 


“Because there is always a stack you don’t bother to read,” I said. “You move your eyes over the words, but don’t bother to understand them.”


“What makes you say that?”


“I already threw in a contract raising my pay. You signed it without question,” I said. 


“You didn’t,” she asked, getting serious. 


“No, but I could have,” I said. 


Mei frowned. “Maybe, there are just so many papers,” she said. I laughed agreeing with her. “What was your next step of the plan?”


“Hmm find out your favorite restaurant. But you agreed to the date too quickly. I couldn’t figure it out beforehand.”


Mei blushed. “It’s here,” she said, pointing at a small booth. They sold takoyaki. “Always my favorite place.”


“Then let’s go,” I said. Grabbing her hand we got in line. It was backed up so we waited in line until it was our turn. Buying 2 orders we took the treat and started walking throughout the city again. 


Kirigakure was a lot like Konoha. People everywhere. Houses and shops were much the same. Wood buildings, same colors, dance feel. There were some metal roofs which were new. But nothing too extravagant. 


“Is being the M word everything you hoped?” I eventually asked. 


“M word? Mizu-“ she tried to say but I raised my hand. 


“We are undercover. People could be listening,” I said like we were keeping a secret. 


Mei rolled her eyes but nodded. “It is far less fighting than I hoped. I fight more with the elders than the other clans ninjas.”


“Yes, it is very boring,” I said. 


“You can quit at anytime,” she offered as a challenge. 


“So can you,” I shot back. That caught her off guard a little. She didn’t have a response. “Sorry.”


“No, I guess I could,” she said. “I hadn’t thought of that. It would be bad for the city if I did though. I have too much going on.”


“You do. A lot of reforms,” I noted. “I’m surprised you had to fight so hard to raise the legal marrying age.”


Mei sneered. “Those old city nobles. They like to be able to marry younger and younger girls. It’s disgusting.”


“It is. But you got the law passed,” I said. 


“And here I am, with a younger boy,” she said with a sigh. 


“I prefer the term younger man,” I said, sticking my chest out. “I am a special case. I signed up for the job.”


“Is it turning out to be all you imagined?” She asked. 


“Oh yes. I thought you’d demand a lot of me. But I thought it would be more fun. More bruises on random places of my body. Less paper cuts,” I admitted. 


“Sorry to disappoint,” she said. “I just chose someone with your skills so I’d have some eye candy while I worked.”


“So you admit that I’m super cute,” I said unashamedly with a big smile. 


Mei blushed. We continued walking as we finished the takoyaki. “So is our date everything you imagined?” I asked. 


“It’s not a date.”


“Right. Mission of seduction. Is it working?” I asked. 


“Takoyaki is how you were taught to seduce,” she asked, but she couldn’t hide her good humor. 


“Of course. The way to a woman’s heart is her stomach,” I said. “…or is that the way to my heart?” 


“So there is a way to your heart?” She asked. 


“Oh of course. Why? You interested?” 


“Maybe,” she said with a small smile. “You have been a better assistant than the others. You don’t fall asleep as often.”


“Oh no, I do. I’m just good at hiding it. I have this new trick where I look like I’m awake. But I’m actually asleep,” I said. 


“Yes. I have this skill too,” she whispered. “Like today when old man Getsu was talking.”


“I knew you were asleep,” I said accusingly. She giggled again and we continued to walk and banter. Eventually we had done a large lap around the city. Heading back into the main administrative building with an unsaid agreement. 


I followed her to the office. Waiting for her to make a move. But she still didn’t have the nerve. Gritting my teeth I tried something bold again. As she reached for the doorknob to her office I reached for it as well. 


My hand over hers she hesitated. Looking up at me I knew she was ready, but didn’t know how to proceed. 


“This is where you make demands of me as your sex slave,” I whispered. 


Mei bit her lip. Holding back a surprised laugh. “I’m not doing that.”


“Damn,” I whispered as I channeled some chakra to my hands. “How often do I have to keep offering?”


“More than you have,” she whispered back. We were eye level though. I leaned forward risking it as our lips met again. I had seen her training. She really could kill me if she wanted. But our lips met for the second time and my heart continued to beat. 


This time I pushed more though. My hands moving to her sides I pushed her against the door. The older woman let me do what I wanted with her. But she wasn’t passive in the action. As my tongue entered her mouth, her’s entered mine. She practically shook in excitement as my hands gropped her sides. 


The kiss lasted a long time. It had been building up to this. Every late night next to her. Every rebuke she gave me for reminding her of her schedule. It all added up as I was finally able to release some lust I felt for the woman. 


“We shouldn’t,” Mei eventually gasped as she turned her face to the side. I pulled back a little. 


“We shouldn’t here? Or at all?” I asked. She didn’t have an answer. I studied her. The scared woman that ran a country. The overworked strongest person in the land. “I’m going to take charge.”


She looked up at me. Surprised by my words. “You have to do that enough. Make decisions for everyone. Make sure they don’t hurt themselves. Let me take control here,” I said. I moved in. Kissing her neck, slowly I moved my way up. “Let me help. While you take care of the village. I can take care of you.”


Her whole body shivered. I took her hand. Walking down the hall she obediently followed to my small apartment room. It wasn’t too far from her office. So late in the night we didn’t have to worry about anyone seeing us either. 


We walked into the small room and I turned to her. “You are beautiful,” I said. She blushed. “But would you please release the transformation jutsu.”


Mei blushed more. She turned back into her normal self. Long auburn hair she was wearing a tight kimono that hid her curves. Over a month without the girls I was feeling the lust but I had to go slow. 


Moving into her we continued making out but explored her body more. Just barely any chakra on my hands I touched her bare skin wherever I could. I couldn’t risk too much. She was one of the strongest ninjas in the world. Lust Element was a Konoha secret and had to stay that way. 


As we kissed I knew Mei was all mine though. I had already progressed further than all the others. My hands untied the belt at her waist as I exploded her. Opening the 2 sides I revealed that she wore simple cloth underwear. 


The powerful woman blushed as I eyed her. But I wasn’t in the mood for talking. I had to take charge. Picking her up by the waist she naturally opened her legs for me. Resting them on my hips as I walked her to my small bed the Mizukage was all blushes. 


I wanted her. Kissing her my hands touched her bare sides and thighs as I began to move down. She let out a stifled cry as I lifted her simple tanktop undershirt. Revealing her breasts for the first time they were just as I imagined. Her perky nipples matched her hair. The areolas small I attached to one. Licking it as she began to pant. 


As my tongue swirled around her nipple my hands moved to her undershorts and began moving them down. Her long legs opened up to allow me. Gasping my name as I didn’t ask for permission but took. 


When they were off I began kissing down her smooth abs. My hands gripping her thighs I noticed the thick pubic hair on her mound. It was a dark red, darker than her hair. I moved my head between her legs, kissing her inner thighs, causing minor tremors to move through her body as her eyes shut. 


Then my lips were locked on her lower ones. Just a trickle of chakra escaped my lips, adding some pleasure as I explored her inner lips. Liquid was practically pouring out of her. My saliva was added to the mix as I latched onto her larger than normal clit. It was at least 3 times bigger than others I had seen. But it made it all the better to please her as my tongue expertly licked all over it. 


It didn’t take long at all for her legs to wrap around my head. Screaming out as her body no longer shook but vibrated with the power of her orgasm. Yelling out she was no longer shy or quiet. Like something had broken in her, the normally quiet Mizukage began to spasm from her toes to her chest. My hands moving up to her nipples I pulled them as the orgasm continued. 


When the orgasm ended she let out a long sigh and her entire body relaxed. I continued to kiss her pussy causing aftertremors to move through her. Wiping my mouth I lifted up to see she had actually fallen asleep. I guessed she must have been really backed up. I had never seen such a powerful orgasm.


Grabbing her legs I moved them over the bed. Completely out I threw a blanket over us as I laid down next to her. I took 3 breaths and my hard dick became flaccid once more. Spooning her I forced myself to calm down, happy with the progress I had made that day. 


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