Canon Fodder



Naruto Quest 7

Save the Mizukage



Map to the Great Baria Reef



I ignored the reward since I had no idea what the Great Baria Reef meant. But saving the Mizukage, I knew. I looked at the clock, she should have still been in the meeting with her spy network. Throwing the food to her desk I bolted out the room. 


“Whoa!” Ao said as I almost ran him over. “What’s wrong?” 

“Somethings wrong with Mei!” I yelled. I thought he was supposed to be with her. I ran down the hall with my full speed until I came to the door the meeting was supposed to be at. Kicking it in I found Mei standing completely still. 3 men in front of her, they were walking to her from the other side of the room. They weren’t the people she had met with earlier. 


I didn’t hesitate. As the front man slashed at her I bowled her over. Pouring chakra into her to break her out of whatever genjutsu they had her under. I was stabbed in the side with the dagger the man used. Yelling out in pain, Mei threw me to the side on instinct. 


Training kicking in she released her steam with a simple hand seal. Almost like whistling the heat and water mixed instantly. Like fire it hit the front man, causing him to wail out. Ao was on the other 2 instantly. Kicking one into a back wall the other tried to take some type of suicide pill but Mei was on him. Breaking his arm with just her grip he cried out, dropping the pill he had in his hand. 


Other ninjas began pouring in then. But they were on Mei’s side. Grabbing the men the man she had sprayed with steam managed to bite his tongue off. Blood poured down his chin as people tried to save his life. Mei issued orders then noticed me. 


Her eyes bulging she ran over to me. “Weston, what are you doing?” She asked. 

“Being stupid,” I said weakly. Far weaker than I thought I should have been from a simple gash. I lifted my shirt with a shaking hand. The wound was black and bubbling. Mei gasped as I realized I had been poisoned. She yelled something but I passed out. 


I had very lucid nightmares waiting for me. Not good ones. But ones I have caused other to have. Nightmares I deserved.


I was strapped in my genjutsu dungeon. Landslide from My Hero Academia was there, Shidou from High School of the Dead too. They put me under the same torture I had done to them. Taking turns as they flayed the skin on my side. Or sent zombies to bite at it. I cried out, begging them to stop, but they didn’t. It kept going on and on. 


For days and weeks I begged for death. Sometimes they would pause their attacks only to think of something new to do with me. I shut myself off to the pain until the next torturous act was put on me. 


I had given up. Ceased wanting to live until she showed up. Toru Hagakure was there, but not invisible anymore. She was there in front of me. In the flesh as she hugged me. 


I cried into her chest as the shackles disappeared. All the while she soothed me. Running her hands through my hair as she whispered that it was over. I cried more. It had felt like weeks inside my mental prison. And when I let out a slow breath I knew she was right. It was over. I was okay. I locked eyes with the beautiful girl, and couldn’t help but miss her. She was my best friend, and it had been so long since I had seen her. 



I woke up in a hospital bed. I didn’t recognize it, but from the mist just outside the window I knew where I was, Kirigakure. I let out a sigh, knowing I was still alive. I tried to lift the blanket at my waist, but I was too weak. A nurse walking in she gave me a shocked look. 


“You’re awake,” she said, running over. “We weren’t sure you would.” 

I tried to speak, but my mouth was too dry. My shaking hands pointed at the water pitcher across the room. I felt like I was always begging for water when I woke up in a hospital bed. The nurse got the picture and ran over. Her hands shaking as she poured it into my mouth I didn’t mind it pouring all over my face. The wet feeling made me feel alive. 


When I was sated I let out a sigh and drifted off to sleep. This time it was a dreamless sleep. A warmth embraced me as I let it take me. I wasn’t sure how long I had been out, but I knew it was a while. 


I woke up once more to find a familiar auburn head on my chest. It was night now. The lights were dim in the hospital ward. The Mizukage and I were the only ones there. My hand was at her back. I pulled it up, finally able to move. I decided to run it along her hair. If she decided to choke me now I doubted I could fight back, but it was worth it. 


I did that for a while as I closed my eyes. Thanking whoever was there that I was alive. It had been a close one, I knew that. My mind went to the Cowboy Bebop movie. Spike Spiegel had been so beat up once that he said his body almost broke. If one of his cells had given up, he would have died. He was that close to death that he was balanced between life and death. 

I didn’t know if I was that close, but I felt I understood what he meant a little bit better. I felt like I had been wrung out and every ounce of chakra and muscle had been called upon to keep me kicking. 


Mei began to stir at my side as I continued to brush my fingers through her long hair. When she finally awoke it wasn’t to choke me, but hit me. Her eyes looking up at me, I tried to smile but she smacked me on the forehead. 


“Ow!” I said loudly.

“You idiot!” She cried out. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” 


“I was trying to sleep!” I yelled back. 


“Not that,” she said, actual tears in her eyes. “You almost got yourself killed.” 

“Yeah, saving you from what I remember,” I shot back. 

“You-” She frowned keeping herself from crying me. “Do you have any idea what you were poisoned with?” 


“A knife?” I asked. 

“Not that, god can you not joke for once?” 


“I don’t know. Can you not attack me in bed for once,” I said. She blushed. 


“Sorry,” she said, looking away. But didn’t get up. Her head buried further into my chest. 


“It’s okay,” I mumbled, trying to soothe her. My hand back on her hair as I combed it behind her ear. “What happened? How long have I been out?”

“A week,” she said. “We weren’t sure you’d make it until you woke up yesterday.” I could hear the tears in her voice. “You were poised with the Kage Killer.” 


“The what?” 


“The Kage Killer. It’s a rare poison. Made for killing Kage’s like me. It’s got about a 97% mortality rate,” she admitted. 


“Jeez,” I said. “No wonder I feel like shit.” 


“You’re lucky to be alive,” she said. 

“Everyone’s lucky to be alive,” I said. “You would be unlucky if you weren’t.” She scoffed but kept herself attached to me. “Have you been sleeping with me every night?” 


“Just the last couple,” she mumbled like the young girl deep inside of her. “I…was worried.” 


“Good,” I said. “I’m sure it helped me pull through.” Mei laughed and we stayed quiet for a bit. 


“Who attacked you?” I eventually asked. 


“I assume hired ninjas from some nobles that don’t like some reforms I made,” she said.

“Oh good,” I admitted. 



“Yeah, just glad it wasn’t some outside village. Would be a shame to have to go to war,” I said. She sighed but nodded.  


“Thank you,” Mei mumbled. 



“Thank you,” she said louder. 

“What? I can’t hear you. I think the poison affected my ears,” I said. She looked up at me angrily but stopped when she saw the smile on her face. “I don’t want words as a thank you.” I puckered my lips. 

“My breath is awful,” she mumbled. 

“Don’t care,” I said. She rolled her eyes but moved closer. Kissing my lips she didn’t taste too bad. My mouth didn’t taste too bad either. Something she agreed with as her tongue entered my mouth. She moaned happily as her hand moved to my face, holding onto it to make sure I didn’t move. It was a long kiss and by the time I was done I was more than ready to go. 

“Need to calm it down or I’ll need your help relieving myself,” I said. She looked down to where I was looking. Eyeing the erection from under the blanket she blushed. But was bolder than last time. 


“I could help,” she mumbled. 


“Oh yeah?” I asked. “I’m injured though. You’ll have to do all the work.” 


She turned back to me, I could see she was accepting the challenge. Looking to the door no one had come to it or walked by it. Slowly she grabbed the edge of my blanket and pulled it down. I realized I was naked then. The only thing I was wearing was the bandage on my right side where I was stabbed. The bandage was large, hiding the deep black it had been before. 


Mei’s eyes were locked somewhere else though. My dick was at full mast now. All 11 inches pointing straight up. It had been over a week since it had released any kind of relief. 


“I heard the nurses talking,” Mei said. “But seriously?” 


“What can I say? There’s a reason I was sent to the brothel,” I said with a wide smile. Feeling better already as she gulped while staring at it. But she had accepted the challenge. Moving down she placed herself between my legs. 


Sitting cross legged as she stared at my dick she watched it, mesmerized as it moved with the heightened pulse of my heart. With shaking hands she reached out grabbing it. Her eyes met mine then. 


“I’ll probably heal faster if you help,” I said.

She scoffed but smiled. Licking her lips she moved her mouth to the tip as her chest spilled from her shirt. Licking the mushroom head she never moved her eyes from mine as I groaned. Plopping off she asked, “Why does it taste sweet?” 


“No idea,” I lied. It was part of my Epitome skill. The evolution of Endurance. She licked her lips and drooled out a large glob of saliva. Both hands on the shaft she apparently knew what to do. Her strong grip moving up and down my length I was careful not to jerk too much with my side hurting, but as she continued it was hard not to. 


She took my dick in her mouth again. Going up and down she surprised me by making it half way down. I let her know how good everything felt as she continued. Sucking on it hard she was quickly getting into it while seeing what it was doing to me. 


Over a week without a release and weak it wasn’t long until I was releasing in her mouth. She didn’t hesitate to swallow. Moaning happily from the taste she licked the head after each spurt. Gulping it down it was a huge amount, but Mei took it all. 


I sighed as soon as I finished. “Holy hell I needed that,” I said, amazed by the truth of the words. My head was already clearer. She plopped off loudly. 


“That was…better than I thought it would be,” she admitted. “It was…different.” I knew it was the chakra in the cum, but let her think what she wanted. “Is it…supposed to be still hard?” 

“It’s been a while,” I said. “And you’re so sexy. It’s been hard to be around you without making a move.”

“I-I can do it again,” she offered stroking my shaft. 

“How about you take a turn,” I suggested. Hope in my voice. 


She looked down to it. “But you’re injured.” 


“I know, you’ll have to do the work,” I said. “Sorry, I wanted to be able to for our first time, but…” I looked up shyly. 


She gulped but decided I had earned it. Checking the door again she got off the bed. Dropping her shorts she shyly moved to straddle my thighs. Sure to not poke my wound she maneuvered herself over my shaft. Looking down at me she hesitated, but descended. 


Chakra poured out of me as she moved down. Mei gasped as she dropped. My powerful Lust Chakra causing her to feel intense pleasure I didn’t do the full effect, but it was more than enough. Her body craving the pleasurable feeling she kept going down and down. As soon as her crotch collided with mine she came. 

Yelling out I clamped my hand over her mouth. Her eyes rolling into the back of her head her entire body shook once more. I thought it was just the first time, but her body reacted strongly to orgasms. I enjoyed it. Her cunt muscles writhing as they wrapped around me I helped her feel more pleasure as I hardened and softened my dick inside of her. 


When the orgasm finally left she became more heated. Losing herself in the feeling she began kissing me as her body rocked back and forth on my dick. 


“This is amazing,” she grunted as she sped up. “This is the best dick ever.” 

“Your pussy is the best,” I noted. I tried to help hump up into her but my side hurt, so I let her do all of the work. 


“Holy fuck,” she grunted through gritted teeth. “I don’t remember it being this good. And you’re soooo deep.” She began to cum again. Gasping out she lost strength as she held onto my shoulders. Her long hair whipping around as she jerked around almost violently. I was only giving her about half the power. I was curious what would happen at full strength, but I would need to be on top for that. 


She continued to ride me. Cumming over and over as she did all the work. Yelling out with each orgasm, Mei muffled her voice but anyone close would know what we were doing. I simply enjoyed the show. Pinching her nipples. Grabbing her ass. Talking dirty when I had the urge. Eventually I came into her. I warned her, but she moved faster to try to get it out of me and into her. 


When my chakra touched her insides she came the hardest. Squirting on my abs she lost all strength and passed out with the power of the orgasm. I was shocked by the reaction, but my dick felt far more relieved. Cumming in her deepest parts I was soon asleep. Only to wake up to her riding me once more. Something awoken in her it took another 2 times to sate her. And that was only because the daylight was starting to show. 


She put her pants back on. Walking on wobbly legs she kissed me goodbye and promised to be back as soon as she could. I chuckled and looked forward to it. 


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