Canon Fodder


I woke up to being choked. The lights were still off, I couldn’t see my attacker. I only felt their strength. They were strong. I acted on instinct. My legs wrapped around their waist. Clamping around them I pushed out of their grip with all I had. When their grip let go I took a deep breath and fell off the bed as they tried to pull me back. 


Kicking I connected with their face causing them to let go again. In a rush I made it to the light switch to find the Mizukage the only other person in the room. Her eyes blinked quickly as she slowly put together what happened. A stricken look crossed her face. 


“I’m sorry,” she gasped, tears already filling her eyes. “I’m so sorry.” Instead of moving toward me she grabbed her arms, covering her chest as she began to rock back and forth. I let out a long sigh as I studied her. The strongest woman in the village wasn’t there anymore. She was just a scared woman. 


Moving toward her she looked up at me, fear in her eyes. “Don’t,” Mei pleaded but I ignored her. Sitting beside her I put my hand on her back. She flinched but I kept it in place. As she continued to cry I slowly rubbed her back. Ever so slowly the crying intensified as I continued to sit by her. 


When the crying turned to wailing I pulled her into my chest. My hand moving up to the back of her head as I whispered reassuring words to her. It took time, but the wails changed to sobs, the sobs changed sniffles. By the time she finished my shirt was drenched in her snot and tears. 


“Not how I normally like to get woken up, but I’m open to most anything,” I said. Mei looked up at my face, tears still in her eyes. She scoffed then began crying again. “I’m sorry, it was a joke.” 


“I know,” she cried. “It just-I didn’t mean to. I swear I-” I stopped her by slapping the top of her head. 


“I know,” I said. “Of course you didn’t mean to.” She stared at me angrily for a moment from the hit but I mirrored the look back at her. “Was I that bad in bed?” I asked, her eyes widened but I cracked a smile. 


“Oh my god,” she groaned. “No.” 


“Good. That would have been a pretty bad review to get attacked afterward,” I said. 

“Does everything have to be a joke with you?” She asked angrily. 


“No, but you smiled, which is progress,” I replied. “Now, walk me through it. Has this happened before?” She hesitated but nodded. “And that’s why you chose guys like me? Because we are expendable?” 


“What? No,” she said. 

“Then explain it,” I said. “Mei…” I said tentatively, using her first name for the first time. I normally called her Mizukage. “I thought we had something. I would like to keep going. But I feel like this is something we need to work through.” 


“You…” she asked sheepishly. “Want to keep going?” 


“Of course,” I said, rubbing her back once more. “I told you I wanted to be here. If you’re into choking, I mean it’s not my thing, but to each their-” She slapped me in the stomach as I laughed. 

“It’s not funny,” she whined. 


“It kind of is,” I said. “Come on. What is it? Past issues? Still have some trauma from back in the day?” 


Mei bit her lip, but nodded. “Yeah. Back in the last ninja war,” she mumbled, turning back into that scared girl. “I was younger, but back then everyone was needed to fight. I um never really pursued anything with anyone after some…trauma,” she said. She looked up at me, but I nodded, understanding. 


“And you started wanting someone to fill your bed recently?” I asked hesitantly. 


Nodding she let out a shuddering breath. “I uh tried women,” she admitted. “But then my biological clock started going off, and decided I had to get past my own issues.” 


“So you want a kid?” I asked, surprised. 


“Well I’m not getting any younger,” she mumbled. “And it’s kind of hard to do that with a woman.” 


“Yeah, I see your point,” I said. “Is there a girl I’m taking the place of? Someone you dated?” Mei shook her head with a sigh. “Okay, how can we get you past this trauma then?” 


“I have no idea,” she sighed. “I didn’t think this would happen.” 

“Sorry,” I mumbled. “You’re just so beautiful. I thought you wanted it.”

“I do,” she said cutely. “I just thought I would have been able to make a move. But I kept clamming up. Getting nervous. Throwing myself in my work.” 


“That’s not healthy, Mei,” I said, holding her shoulder. “Is this something you want?” 


“I think so,” she said weakly. 


“Okay, then let’s work toward it. Mei, you are the Mizukage. You have a lot on your shoulders. I think we can agree that choking out your sexual partners isn’t healthy. What did you do with the women?” 

“I just didn’t sleep in the same bed,” she whispered. 

“Well, that doesn’t work for me,” I said. “I like to cuddle post-coitus. So will you let me make a proposal?” She nodded. “Okay, can I assume you would like to do what we did a few hours ago again?” Mei blushed but nodded. “Good. Then let’s continue. But somehow slower than we have been. Let’s start by sleeping in the same bed.”

“But I could-”


“You could kill me easily, I know this,” I lied. I could have used a lot more chakra to break out of her grip. She hadn’t used all she had, and neither had I. I got up and dimmed down the lights. “We will go back to sleep. Then if it happens again I will know it’s you this time and go from there.” 

“But what if I hurt you,” she said. 


“Maybe I’m into it,” I offered. “I don’t know. But I want to be here. And I want to help you work through this. So let me take the risk.” I pushed her back to the bed. “This time, you spoon me. So if you do wake up, you don’t feel like you’re in a position that you need to get out of.” I moved to be in front of her. Grabbing her arm I threw it over me. “See, you have all the power here.” She mumbled but nothing too much. It took effort but I did eventually fall asleep again. 



I woke up first. This time she wasn’t choking me. Her arm still draped over me she snored lightly. Instead of risking shaking her awake I moved my fingers along her palm. Gentle at first, then more. Mei eventually jerked awake. Her hand grabbing my fingers she stopped there. 


“Weston,” she let out with a sigh. “Sorry I-” 

“Did nothing bad,” I said as I turned around in her arms. I looked down at her chest. Restricted in her cloth undershirt. I couldn’t help but kiss her lips before she could stop me. I kept my lips there as I made her forget the issue. My hand went to her firm ass pulling her lower half into me. She was soon into the kiss as I kept it going. Growing more and more heated as my dick dug into her. 


When we eventually pulled away I said, “As your assistant, I came to wake you up to start your day. First you have a meeting with-” She shut me up by kissing me again. I laughed as I rolled us over. My body moving over top of hers she opened her legs to allow me between them.


I loved the feel of her body against mine. Her breasts pushing up into me as my glans poked near her entrance. She began to pant as my hands moved into her shirt. Cupping her chest as we moaned in one another’s mouths. 


“Cancel my appointments,” she mumbled as her nails scratched my back. I began sucking on her neck trying to find her weak points. 


“You have the meeting with the Iwari nobles,” I reminded, but continued my exploration.

Mei groaned, from anger rather than pleasure. “I should go to that, shouldn’t I?” I nodded but pulled her shirt up, sticking my head in. She giggled again and we acted like teenagers for a time. Touching and caressing one another as we enjoyed the closeness. Eventually we did get up though. I wanted to get laid, but didn’t want to push her. 


“Do people know my role here?” I asked as we made sure no one was in the outside hall. 


“A couple,” Mei admitted. “But I don’t want to announce it…as you can imagine.” I nodded. “Not that I’m ashamed-” I put up my hand. 

“I understand, Mizukage,” I said, fully meaning it. She took it the wrong way. Stopping me she kissed me as she pushed open her own apartment door. Her room was next to mine and larger. She had her own home of course, but she slept there more often than not. A large bed, cabinets with clothes, it was well stocked. 


“Don’t take it like that,” Mei plead. 


“I’m not,” I assured. “But outside of the bedroom, you are the Mizukage. In here, I will call you Mei.” 

She frowned. “And if I want you to call me Mizukage here too?” 

“Then prepare to be disappointed,” I said boldly as I kneaded her ass. She giggled again, kissing me. Her eyes sparkling as she met mine. 


“Good. But we must get going,” she said pulling away. 


“Okay, but I want to watch,” I said. Sitting on the foot of her bed she blushed as she went to her closet. Taking off her clothes she looked back shyly. Showing off her curves, she really was my type. Wide hips, actual breasts, fair skin, and long auburn hair, she was the whole package. She made a show of dressing for me, and I openly watched her lecherously. I could tell that the woman appreciated the attention. 


We went about the day. I shifted into my assistant role once more. As she had meeting after meeting I could tell she was a little restless. Looking at me more often, I tried to keep my face neutral, but when no one else was looking I gave her a wink now and then. She would blush then look away, but a smile always crept up her lips. 


Just after midday I was kicked out for a covert meeting with her own spies. I headed out to town and went to her favorite takoyaki shop. Getting her an order I walked down an alley on my way back. Stopping at a side door I was surprised to see my sister. 


“What are you doing here?” I asked angrily. 

“What? You think I didn’t know you were banging Reina, Hina, and Shinju during your daily reports?” The cocky woman asked from the doorway. “I hear you made some headway last night.” 

“How’d you know that?” I asked. 


“You aren’t the only spy I have in the head office,” Evey said with an all knowing look. “So did you seal the deal? Throw the old Mizukage a bone?” 


“I did not,” I admitted. “But we slept in the same bed.” 

“Wow, virgin, good for you. Gonna let her peg you next?” She asked. 


“I hate you,” I admitted. “Why are you this way?” 

“Because I love you,” she said. “No, good job. You’ve surpassed the others. Gonna seal the deal soon?” 

“I’m going to try,” I admitted. “What exactly is the end goal here, Evey. I can’t stay this way forever.” 

“I know. I already have an extraction plan for you. The brothel will sell your contract to an outer village and you disappear on the way,” Evey said. 


“Dude, that’s not going to work,” I said. “The Mizukage has feelings for me.” 

“Woah there, You’ve been there a month. You aren’t that needed.” 

“I’m serious,” I said. “She has some major trauma. She has latched onto me pretty hard after just one night sleeping in the same bed.” 


“Ugh, was she a virgin?” Evey asked. 


“Kind of. Hard to explain,” I said. 

“Then explain. You are a ninja. This is the job. I am your handler. I ask questions, you answer,” she said. I felt bad telling the Mizukage’s secrets, but implied what I had gleaned from what Mei said. “Ah shit,” Evey said. “Yeah, selling you isn’t going to fly. You’re gonna have to disappear.” 

“Just abandon her?” I asked upset. 


“It happens every day,” Evey said. “Don’t worry. Just have to fake your death. I’m going to work something out. Start making a visit to the docks as part of your daily routine. I will let you know what the plan is once it’s set.” I frowned but nodded. I didn’t want to disappear on Mei. I had big plans in Naruto World, and in my plans I would be seeing her again. I would have to try to make her not hate me when I reappeared in her life again. 

“You’re doing good work,” Evey added. “The intel on spies has helped. Keep doing what you’re doing, okay?” I nodded and walked away. 


I couldn’t help but hate myself a little as I walked back to the Mizukage’s office. Here she had some deep trauma, unable to trust people enough to let them sleep next to her. Then there I was, proving her attack on me right. A pit in my stomach I knew spying wasn’t for me. I would prefer to keep my enemies right in front of me. Nice and simple like Naruto had it. I pushed it out of my mind for now as I came to her office.  

I almost dropped the takoyaki when I got the quest notification. 

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