Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 102 [MJ]

MJ was caught in a nightmare, a disorienting blend of reality and terror. She found herself in a dimly lit room with webs crisscrossing everywhere, like a twisted labyrinth of silk threads. The room was filled with spiders of all shapes and sizes, crawling on the walls, ceiling, and floor. Their legs scuttled, creating an eerie symphony of skittering sounds.

She tried to move, but her limbs felt heavy as if gravity itself had increased tenfold. Panic clawed at her chest.

The largest spider, the size of a small dog, descended from the ceiling on a glistening thread. Its eyes gleamed with an unnatural intelligence. It approached her slowly, its fangs dripping with venom. MJ's heart raced, and her voice caught in her throat.

The spider lunged, and just before its fangs could pierce her, she closed her eyes tightly. When nothing happened, she opened them again and saw the spider suspended in midair as if time had slowed to a crawl. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that the other spiders had stopped moving, frozen in place.

The power holding her down had disappeared, so she stood up and rushed out of the room, the lifeless eyes of the spiders following her. She found herself outside in a dark alleyway, lit by a full moon. As she began to sprint away, the cobbled walls around her started to melt like wax, reforming into tall buildings with neon lights.

"What the hell is going on?" She said to herself, clearly feeling disoriented. Her head swiveled around as she watched the walls continue to shift, transforming into the streets of New York City. Everything felt so real, so vivid. Every sense felt heightened. The cold wind prickled her skin, the smell of the rain hung heavy in the air, and the sound of the bustling city was almost deafening.

Up ahead, a figure stepped out from the shadows. It was another version of her but dressed in a scarlet spider suit. Her eyes held a look of malicious intent, and she approached MJ with unnatural speed, ready to strike.

The dream's hallucinatory force hit MJ once more, and the landscape melted away. She is now falling down into the dark abyss, surrounded by faceless people.

Her nightmare culminated in a rush of static and distorted voices overlaying images of her parents fighting, her drunk father shouting, his fist coming up to meet her mother's face, followed by the sound of bones cracking and her mother screaming.

It is all too much for MJ. All the memories she had buried deep inside her flooded her mind. She saw those flashbacks as if they had all happened yesterday, reliving them over and over in excruciating detail. The tears streaming down her cheeks meld with the rain and lightning that seemed to reflect her inner storm.

She wanted to scream, to cry, but it felt like her emotions were being squeezed out of her chest like air from a balloon.

All those thoughts kept buzzing in MJ's head— 'What if I had stood up to him back then? What if I had stopped him? Why didn't I do anything? Why am I so helpless?'

For a while, she stayed that way. Emotionally worn out.

Not until the school bell rang.

"What?!" She found herself standing in her high school corridor. Tremors ran through her body, as she tried to catch her breath and make sense of her surroundings. Everyone was looking at her as if she had grown a second head. Then she saw their skin cracked open like a dry field as torrents of spiders came flowing out of their open wounds, moving like streams and merging with each other into large black waves. They rushed toward her with monstrous speed, crawling all over her body. She could feel their legs and their sharp pincers piercing her skin.

She tried to run away, but it was useless. They were everywhere, trying to devour her alive. She screamed as loud as she could, but no sound came out. She grabbed her throat as if that would make her scream.

The horror continued for an agonizing eternity until finally, the pressure to speak broke her silence.

"NO!" MJ gasped and jumped up, disoriented and trying to make sense of her surroundings, she found herself in an utterly bewildering situation. She wasn't standing on the floor; she was stuck to the ceiling, her limbs and back adhered to it as if gravity had flipped.

Her heart raced as confusion washed over her. She tried to move, but the laws of physics seemed to have abandoned her in this surreal moment.

That's when she saw the web. They covered the entire length of the ceiling and floor, giving the room a surreal look. The room looked more like something from a horror movie, with its disorienting angle. On the bed, lay a human skin-like web cocoon.

'Where the fuck am I? ' was her only thought. She looked around in a panicked state, trying to make sense of everything, and that was when the memories came rushing back into her mind.

She remembered the spider bite in the changing room. Then she went to the pub with Alexia and drank too much. After that, she felt sick and then everything is blurry... She remembers asking Alexia to call Brian... Then complete darkness...

She tried to get down, but had no idea how to since her naked body was sticking to the ceiling so effortlessly. She struggled like a drunk fly caught in a trap and moved her limbs frantically. With great difficulty she was able to crawl from the ceiling towards the door.

She's terrified. Her heart was racing, but what frightened her more was that somehow, she managed to stay upside down without feeling dizzy.

The door opened from outside, a familiar man entered the room with a breakfast tray in his hands. He looked up at her and couldn't help but ask, " Uuumm... You are naked?" He exclaimed, unable to contain the flirty nuance in his voice.

The tension was so high in the air that it felt as if it could be cut with a knife. For a second neither of them spoke a word nor did they blink.

He looked around the web filled room, at the cocoon and then back to her with a confused expression as his brain began processing and interpreting information that he was seeing, he said.

"You must be confused. Let me get some new clothes and we can talk once you are dressed."

Brian left the room, leaving a blushed MJ as she slowly climbed to the floor.

"Shit! He saw me naked!" She quickly sat down on the floor, legs crossed, hiding her huge breasts and crotch. Brian returned shortly after with a set of fresh clothes and handed it to MJ.

[Brian's POV]

"Here you go. I will be in the living room," I said and walked out of the bedroom to give MJ some privacy. I sighed as I closed the door behind me.

Dang! Those huge jugs were hanging down from the ceiling like ripe fruits waiting to be plucked. They are bigger than Peggy's tits. I wonder how they would feel in my palms. Damn! I gotta stop thinking about this. I mean she got bitten by a spider and woke up naked on the ceiling. And there I was ogling at her huge boobs like some pervert. And not to mention her red pubes! I'm sure she dyed them, or maybe natural. Fuck! Stop Brian.

After a few minutes, MJ came out wearing one of my t-shirts which reached till her thighs, leaving her long sexy legs exposed.

"Hey. Sorry about earlier, I don't remember much. Did we..." MJ asked hesitantly as her gaze shifted between Brian and the web-filled room. "I mean what's going on with me? The web-filled room, that creepy cocoon-like thing... What's going on with me, Brian?"

"You got bitten by a radioactive spider yesterday which altered your DNA and turned you into a Spider-MJ, just like Ghost Spider."

"A WHAT?! Radioactive SPIDER? Am I dreaming?" MJ replied in shock.

I walked over to her and pulled her cheeks hard making her yelp.

"Ouch! What was that for?" She complained while rubbing her reddish cheek.

"Did that hurt?"

"Of course, it does!"

"See, you are not dreaming. This is real. Yesterday you got bitten by a radioactive spider that mutated you. In short, you are now a spider girl... Although, Spider MJ has a nice ring to it." I explained calmly, hoping she wouldn't freak out.

"I have spider power!" She stood up from the chair abruptly. "OMG! OMG! I have spider powers. That means I can climb walls, and shoot webs from my wrists, right? Is that why I was hanging on the ceiling?"

"Yes, exactly."

"Holy shit! I have spider powers! Wait, where are my clothes? Please tell me you didn't undress me last night?" MJ inquired, slightly blushing.

I cleared my throat, "No, that cocoon belongs to you. It contains your old clothes. You shed them overnight along with your skin, hair, etc. You completely changed your physiology. So yeah, you are now a spider girl, Spider MJ. No, I got a better name for you. Scarlet Spider, it matches your beautiful hair color." I smiled reassuringly.

MJ blushed upon hearing me calling her beautiful.

"Forget the naming. What do I do now? How do I hide these powers?" MJ bombarded me with questions. "Wait, should I join the Illuminati? Or, maybe I can join one of their hero programs."

"Whoa! Hold your horses, Ms. Spidey. First things first, let us eat some breakfast," I gestured for her to sit at the dining table. "Then I have a surprise for you."


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