Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Vol-2 [Spiderverse] Ch: 101 [Spider Bite]

MJ stood in front of the full-length mirror, clad in a skin-tight Ghost Spider costume. It was one of those moments when she had to remind herself that her life had taken some incredibly unexpected turns.

She looked at her reflection with a mix of amusement and pride. The costume was almost perfect, down to the tiniest details. Brian had used his contacts to get her a job at the modeling agency, and her first gig was promoting this costume brand.

Ghost Spider merchandising had been booming ever since she stopped the Green Goblin, Doc. Ock, Rhino, and the Lizard from destroying New York. Companies were selling action figures, costumes, T-shirts, mugs, and all sorts of merchandise based on her alter ego's image. They even sold spider-themed donuts, for crying out loud!

It was pretty surreal, but it also came with perks. MJ got paid to model Ghost Spider cosplay outfits, and she will get 20% royalty every time someone purchases a Ghost Spider cosplay costume using her promo code. It's been a while since she has had photoshoot gigs as big as this one after the mess with his previous agent. It didn't take a genius to realize that a huge, and perhaps once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

All she needed to do was to ace this shoot, and more promotions like it could be on the horizon.

"Alright, let's do it," MJ looked herself over one final time in the mirror and psyched herself up. She got into character and strolled toward the shooting room.

Inside, a pink-haired woman wearing a white cropped T-shirt and cargo pants, as well as a number of Spider-themed earrings, waved to her. "You ready?"

She nodded, getting into position.

As they started working on the shots, the two engaged in light, casual chitchat. MJ got her name as Alexia; she's been working on several shoots featuring New York heroes, mostly Ghost Spider, Captain Marvel, and Storm. It sounded to her like this was the biggest one yet.

It was the first time they'd met, and they instantly connected. Perhaps it was her natural friendliness or her funky energy, but something about the way she talked and joked made her feel very welcoming and relaxing.

They began the shoot, and as the shutter clicked away and the flashes sparked, the atmosphere became incredibly energetic and charged.

Before the shoot even finished, they felt like old pals who knew each other inside out and could talk for hours.

"I gotta hand it to your people, this is one well put-together costume." MJ said, "It looks and feels so genuine, like I could actually become the actual Ghost Spider."

"Thank you! That's the goal, at least. Every Spider-suit is put together with that level of dedication."

MJ, impressed, inspected the stitching and details up close. "Now that you mentioned it, this isn't a premade costume bought off the rack, is it? This must have cost a lot."

"Haha, I'm glad you noticed!" Alexia grinned, "No, this isn't the type you can get anywhere. It's part of our hero merchandise line, as exclusive as you could get, only the privileged can afford this."

Alexia tossed her a pair of glasses. The lenses of the pair, sleek and silver-rimmed, were as black as the night.

"Here, you might need this. We are going all out for the promotional campaign and shooting multiple videos."

The shoot was only half finished, with some shots still to take. While they waited for the makeup artist to adjust a few things, Alexia pulled out her phone, swiping through pictures and showing some of her past works. MJ was utterly amazed by what she had made, both through her creative direction and hard work. Her portfolio was a trove of some impressive photos of the heroes.

As the photographer continued preparing, the girls shared stories. One in particular, Alexia was pretty enthusiastic about.

"Can you believe we're doing another collab with a superheroine as iconic as Ghost Spider? And she donates all the royalties to the orphanages and old age homes. She is the perfect example of a real hero. Oh, I cannot wait till the campaign is out, it's gonna be huge! How's about you, any plans for after the shoot?"

"Well, I am free after I finish here..." MJ replied as the makeup artist did her final retouch.

"Wanna hit the pub? Grab a couple of drinks?"

"That'd be cool," MJ replied, as she stood up for the final photo.

After the session finished, MJ went to the dressing room to change back to her regular clothes.

She reached into her bag to take out her phone to let Brian know about the successful photo session. "Oouch!" She felt a pricking sensation in her hands. As she retrieved her hand from the bag, two drops of blood oozed out from tiny punctures on her wrist. "A dead spider! Where did that come from?"

She quickly changed back into her regular clothes and went to the bathroom to put on some disinfectant and band-aids. It's too late to go to a doctor, 'I will pay the clinic a visit tomorrow...'

When she emerged, Alexia was waiting in the front lobby.

They spent an enjoyable evening at the local pub. Laughing, sharing, and chatting away, it was one of those nights where the whole world around them melted away as if nothing else mattered, and everything felt right.

However, despite the positive company, MJ's stomach started feeling queasy a few minutes into their outing. As her vision started to go blurry, Alexia noticed something was wrong.

MJ looked down at the bottle in front of her—it was empty. No doubt she'd finished her drink.

Her mind seemed to slow as if she were swimming through a sea of thick molasses.

"I need a minute... Is there a washroom near us?"

"Oh, girl. Let me take you," Alexia said. "I think there are some available booths in the back."

With that, Alexia guided MJ into the stall. MJ felt a weird sensation running through her body. It was as if she could hear an echo in the back of her head.

As MJ stood there, her vision swimming, and the strange sensation in her head growing stronger, Alexia looked at her with growing concern.

"Are you okay, MJ? You don't look so good," she said, reaching out to steady her.

MJ tried to speak, to tell Alexia that something was wrong, but her tongue felt heavy, and her words slurred. The sensation in her head was now a full-blown pounding, like a drumbeat in her brain.

"I think you should sit down," Alexia urged, leading her to a bench in the corner of the restroom.

She sat heavily, her head in her hands. She felt like she was on the verge of passing out, and panic was setting in.

"What...what's happening to me?" she managed to choke out.

Alexia's eyes were wide with worry. "I don't know, but we need to get you some help."

"My phone... Brian... Call..." She mumbled.

Alexia quickly grabbed MJ's phone and dialed Brian's number. She explained the situation briefly, her voice laced with concern.

Brian, who had been relaxing at home after the rather eventful day, jumped into action as soon as he heard about MJ's condition. He was worried sick as he rushed to the pub.

Upon arrival, Brian found Alexia waiting outside with MJ, who looked pale and weak. Her condition had worsened, and she seemed unable to stand or speak coherently.

'System, what's wrong with her? I don't sense anything even with my Cosmic awareness,' Brian asked the System.

[DNA alteration detected]

[Archanaid DNA detected]

'Wait a minute! Did she get bitten by another freaking radioactive spider?'


[Anomaly detected]

[This DNA doesn't belong to this reality]

'I will be damned! Don't tell me, Spiderverse! I need to get her to safety,' He thought after finishing the scan, 'I don't want some crazy fucker coming after her.'

"I will take her home," He informed Alexia, concern etched across his face.

She nodded, "Please, take care of her. I hope she'll be okay."

"No worries. She isn't used to alcohol," Brian replied with a reassuring smile, "She will be fine. But I will swing by my private doc, just in case..."

As soon as he tried to pick her up in his arms...

"Bleeeehhh!!!" MJ emptied her last meal's contents out of her stomach.

"Oohhh... Just how much did she drink?" Brian looked toward Alexia, "There... there... get it all out..." He patted her back as she continued to empty the contents of her stomach.

"Uhh, umm. Sorry. I tried to stop her but she continued to drink saying how happy she is to know she can pursue her dreams thanks to you helping her deal with her problems," Alexia muttered as she looked nervously at MJ, then Brian and then looked back at MJ, who was slowly sitting back on the bench, leaning against the wall.

"She did?" His eyes widened in surprise, his smile grew wider, 'Sigh! She really can't handle her liquor... Well, at least I will take her praises as her genuinely complimenting and appreciating me... Phew! Thank you, MJ! But I am gonna tease the hell out of you.'

Brian gathered the passed out MJ in his arms.

"Well, let's get out of here before the owner makes us clean this mess."

Alexia watched as Brian carefully picked up the passed-out girl and carried her out of the stall. She could tell he was clearly concerned for her well-being, and her heart couldn't help but skip a beat as she watched him gently cradle her in his arms. Her ex's face flashed across her memory, bringing a wry smile to her face, 'Why can't guys be more like him?'

----[Next chapter on Monday]---

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