Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 35 [Hospital pt2]

"Thanks for the food." I picked up the plate, "So, how have you been? Dr. Emilia, right?"

Dr. Emilia Croft nodded, her hazel eyes sparkling with recognition. "Yes, that's right. I'm doing well, thank you for asking. How about you? You had quite the scare back there. Feeling alright?"

"I'm hanging in there," I replied, taking a bite of the food she brought. It tasted surprisingly good for hospital food.

She smiled, relieved to see me in good spirits despite the recent ordeal. "I'm glad to hear that. You're quite lucky to have survived. I've seen some tough cases in my career, but yours was one of the most critical."

"Guess I have you to thank for pulling me through," I said, giving her a genuine smile. "You and the advanced biotechnology."

She chuckled softly. "Well, I did what I could. But you also have a strong will to live, which played a significant role in your recovery."

I felt more at ease in Dr. Croft's presence. She was kind and understanding, and our conversation flowed naturally.

While conversing with Dr. Emilia Croft, I couldn't help but admire her stunning appearance, especially her beautiful smile. Damn, I got Gwen and Peggy and yet, here I am thinking about my doc.

"So, doc, when am I ready to leave?" I asked.

"In 48 hours. We need to perform one final test to make sure everything is alright," She replied. "Well, now that you finished your meal, time to check your blood pressure."

"Sure thing." I turned over on the bed and she proceeded to check my vitals.

I couldn't help but feel a little excited as she leaned in close to take my blood pressure. I can see her nice cleavage from this angle... God, she is so hot. Just hold it in, Brian. Don't do anything stupid. I mean I couldn't help it. Her bust is big and nice. Besides, she is in her doctor's attire.

I glanced at her cleavage once again. It was impossible not to, her clothes were so tight. Damn, I want to squeeze them and lick them... And maybe other places.

She finished taking my blood pressure and smiled. She noticed me looking at her boobs, "Humm... Blood pressure seems a bit higher than usual, is there something I can help you with, Brian?"

She looked into my eyes. God, I wanna take her right here and now. I am barely in control. "No... Just... Nope, nothing. It's fine."

She chuckled and shook her head, "Now, now. Don't be shy, you can tell me if you want anything specific."

I know what she is hinting at. Lately, the girls around me are acting too caring and weirder than usual. And then those voices in my head. I need to check my powers once more. Maybe, I just gained some unique seductive power that makes the girls think that they are close to me or something like that. That must be it.

Gwen and Peggy will arrive at any moment. Can't risk them catching me with my pants down and my dick in Dr. Croft's mouth... Haaah... Damn it. We are in hospital... If they catch me... They might just put me in the ICU once again.

I cleared my throat and said, "Maybe I might need some help at night, you know, a night visit, maybe you can help me out."

She blushed. "I'll try my best to be there. I can't let my patient's health deteriorate. Can I, now?"

"Thank you, doc," I smiled, feeling a bit relieved.

She left after doing some weird tests with some freaking weird machines and giving me a couple of pills. Shit tasted bitter more than anything I have ever tasted. The tests looked normal.

Gwen and Peggy arrived 30 minutes after that. I was glad they didn't catch us.

"Hey, Boss. Feeling better?" Gwen smiled at me.

"Much better now that you two are here," I replied.

She chuckled, "See. I told you that he can survive anything."

Peggy added, "No wonder he managed to keep us awake for an entire night."

"Heh! I will take that as a compliment," I chuckled, trying to keep it cool.

"Oh, he fucked me again in the shower in the morning," Gwen grinned, making me blush.

"Hmm... and you forgot about me?" Peggy added, shaking her head, "I wonder, just how much stamina does he have?"

"We will find out later," Gwen said, winking at me.

"Well, that's enough, you two," I said, trying to distract myself.

"Oh, don't be so shy, we have time," Peggy said, walking up to me. "Besides it's been a week since we have sex. I don't know about you, but I need my fix. Don't you want to do it with me too?"

Haa... The threesome sex with both Gwen and Peggy was just awesome. I can still vividly remember everything. And the two girls have been acting different lately. They only think of sex whenever they are around me. Just as I thought, something is wrong... no... Something awesome has awakened within me. I noticed it worked with Dr. Croft. Then, I wonder... Will it work on Sue? I have to find out.

"I definitely want to do it with you. But I think it would be better to do it somewhere a bit more private, yeah?" I asked.

"Alright, I waited a week, I can wait two more days," Peggy said, rolling her eyes.

We talked for hours. Gwen kept me updated about my business. The new restaurant seems to be blooming in business, which is great news. And she told me that my aunt will visit me tomorrow. I hope she hasn't informed my situation to my mom. I just don't want to make her worried. She has had enough trauma after the explosion incident, and I don't want to trouble her anymore.

Time seem to fly and then, they left for the night. I decided to hit the shower before turning in and wait for Dr. Croft.

It was a nice and refreshing shower, but it was kinda lonely without Gwen and Peggy. I was really looking forward to having sex with them and well, a threesome. I never felt like this before. I have been too horny lately. Just the thought of having a threesome with both Gwen and Peggy gets me excited.

I lay on my bed. It's already 10 pm. I still have some time to waste before she arrives.

My thoughts went to those voices in my head. I remember absorbing the Symbiote's power for myself and then destroying it. If that was real then I should have all the power of a Symbiote. Let's just check out the basic tendrils throw...

[Zooop!] Eeh!

A black tendril shot out from my finger and hit the wall. It worked with a single thought, and it's pretty fucking fast.

Then, I willed a tendril to retract back, and it did just fine. It shot back and fused with my skin. My eyes fell on the juice can Gwen bought. It's on the table beside me. I willed a tendril to lift the can. Once again a string of web like black tendril shot out from my finger. It coiled with the can and swooped it back into my palm.

Amazing, this is awesome. Power of Symbiote without any voices in my head. This is fucking awesome. I can now make my own custom suit and fly around the city like Gwen and kick some goon's ass.

I felt like a kid in a toy store. This is what I always wanted. Just like in the comics and movies... Damn, I am so lucky. When life gives lemon, who am I to refuse?

I kept on shooting tendrils from my wrist just like Spiderman and Gwen. It feels awesome. Just as I was about to crawl around the wall, the sound of knocking surprised me. Dr. Croft... I almost forgot about her.

I quickly retracted the tendril and said, "Come in, it's open."


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