Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 36 [Emilia Croft’s crisis]

[A few hours earlier] [Dr. Croft's office]

Dr. Emilia Croft couldn't sleep. She was thinking about Brian. He is a good looking guy with a nice body. And then, he made a move on her. A subtle move, but she could sense the lust behind his words. She noticed how he was lusting after her breasts. She has been a doctor for a long time. She has seen many men lust for her and vice versa. But Brian was different. It wasn't just lust, there was something else in his eyes.

When he was looking at her cleavage, she felt a tingle down below. Something about Brian triggered something deep within her. Something that she has kept locked up for years.

She was married once, but it was a loveless relationship. Her husband was a very busy man and they didn't have much time for each other. After a few years, her marriage started to fail. It was then when she realized that her husband was having an affair with one of his assistants.

That's when she decided to move on and start a new life. But the divorce was hard. Her ex-husband tried to get custody of their 4 year old son. Thankfully, the judge denied him.

She was still hurting from the divorce. So, when Brian hit on her, she didn't resist. He was a patient of hers. There was nothing wrong with doing her job and helping her patient. That's what she told herself when he told her to visit her at night.

She was curious about Brian. She knows that he is a famous chef, rich, good-looking, and charming. To top that, he is good with children and often does charity work.

She leaned back on her chair, "How could someone like Brian be interested in a lonely divorced doctor? Wait! Does he even know I am divorced and have a kid?"

She shook her head. It didn't matter. It was just a one time thing. It doesn't mean anything.

"Well, it doesn't matter. I am sure someone of his caliber has many girls lining up for him. Maybe he even has girlfriends or fiance," She sighed and stood up.

She didn't want to think about it, but a part of her couldn't get his thoughts out of her mind.

"I am sure it's nothing but a one night stand. He is so young and I am already 36," She mumbled to herself while walking around her office.

She walked to the window and looked at the stars. It's been a while since she had any real fun.

"What's wrong with a fling? It's just sex. If it helps him feel better then, who cares. It's just sex, I can do that. I am a doctor after all," She said to herself. "All I have to do is help him with his problem."

She felt a little relieved as if she has finally made a decision. Now, she just has to act cool and professional and everything will be alright.

She checked the time. There was still some time left. She decided to freshen up and put on some make-up. She was a bit nervous. She knew that Brian was a special guy. She couldn't quite explain how special he was. It's a feeling deep within her heart. And she has never felt this way before.

Dr. Croft walked out of her office and made her way to the washroom with her handbag.


She locked the door and glanced at herself in the mirror.

She saw the smile on her face and chuckled. "I am acting like a schoolgirl. This is ridiculous. He is just a patient. A hot patient that wants to fuck me. Well, he is the first patient that I have been excited about."

She took off her lab coat and removed her earrings and washed her face.

"Haaa..." She sighed. The mark of age was showing on her face. The stress of her career and her divorce were taking a toll on her. She hasn't had a good fuck in a long time. "Ah, crap!" She noticed her white hair and sighed.

She looked at her face once again. "He won't notice them among my blonde hair, right? And even if he does, what's the harm? It's just sex."

She was nervous and excited at the same time.

She quickly wiped her face with the towel and then went through her purse to find her make-up and other necessities.

"Just be yourself, Emilia. Nothing more, nothing less. And don't worry too much. Just show him a good time and move on," She said to herself and chuckled. "There is nothing to worry about. There is nothing wrong fucking a guy ten years younger than me."

She smiled and applied some red lipstick to her lips.

"If more, younger guys like older women, just hope he doesn't notice your stretch marks," she mumbled to herself while applying some eye shades.

After applying her makeup, she opened her shirt and took wiped her body with the wet towel. She checked herself in the mirror once again. There were a couple of stretch marks. She then traced her fingers down her belly.

"Hmm... not bad," she smiled, "I still got it."

Then she grabbed her boobs and lifted them up, "And these babies are still firm."

"Aah..." She sighed. It feels good to check oneself.

She applied some perfume, fixed her hair, and put her clothes back on. She decided to go with the simple look. Just a little bit of make-up and perfume and she is ready.

"I never imagined my old makeup kit would come in handy," she chuckled and put it away.

Suddenly a thought stuck in her mind. She quickly dropped her skirt and turned around, looking at her bubbly butt.

"Damn, this thing hasn't sagged. Maybe, I am still good to go." She shook her ass and giggled. "I wonder if Brian is more of an ass person or a boob person."

She glanced at herself once again. She checked her watch, still 40 minutes left.

"Should I practice some moves?" She mumbled stretching her butt cheeks, "This thing will look really nice when Brian fucks me from behind."

She shook her butt again, enjoying the feeling of her soft butt cheeks. She has always had a nice and firm ass. But she hasn't checked them in years. She drowned herself so much in work that she stopped paying attention to her body and needs.

"Ah!" Emilia suddenly remembered something. She quickly dropped her underwear and checked her pussy, "Fuck me!" Her eyes fell on her bush. She hasn't shaved for a very long time and she wasn't expecting Brian to invite her to fuck. "What to do? What should I do? Fuck... I can't let him see this."

She looked around and quickly looked through her purse, but there was no razor or anything sharp. She quickly adjusted her dress and rushed out to the storage room. Since it's a hospital, there should be razors and other tools that she can use to shave her pussy.

"Oh, no! The door is locked!" She checked her watch, 30 minutes left. "Shit!"

She didn't waste any time and rushed to the elevator. Thankfully, it was empty.

She pressed the button and the doors closed.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck... Shaving, shaving... Shaving!" She kept repeating the word while looking at her reflection on the metal wall of the elevator.

On the second floor, there is another storage room. She just has to get there as fast as possible.

"Fuuuck," She mumbled and sighed, "I am too old for this. I should have done this earlier. Arggg! I can't believe I am so depraved that I have to rush to the storage room and shave myself while thinking of a patient. God, I am pathetic. But it's so horny... I can't help it..."

The elevator stopped and the doors opened. She rushed out and took a turn to the storage room.

"Ah, thank god," she mumbled, seeing the storage room door.

She ran up to it and was about to knock. Suddenly, the door opened, and a nurse came out.

"Sorry, Mia," Emilia said, making her way inside.

"What's wrong? You seem to be in a rush," Mia asked.

"Uh... yeah... I forgot something," Emilia mumbled and glanced at the nurse's uniform, "Hey, where do we keep those razor stocks? The ones for shaving?"

"There should be a couple in the drawers, on your left," Mia informed.

"Oh, thank god, I don't have much time," Emilia mumbled and walked to the drawers, "Oh, there they are. Thanks, Mia."

"No problem. Got a sudden date night?" Mia smirked, knowing how her boss is.

"Yeah... something like that," Emilia chuckled and quickly grabbed the razor.

"Have fun," Mia winked.

Emilia nodded and rushed out.

"Hahaha... So, she finally found someone. Good for her," Mia said to herself with a smile.

[Outside the hospital]

A man wearing a hooded black jacket was standing outside the hospital, looking at the gate. He slightly opened his jacket and glanced at the gun, in a holster around his chest. He then went on one knee and pretended to tie his laces. His eyes were scanning all around while he checked the small handgun strapped with his shocks.

"Let's begin..." He mumbled with a sinister smile on his face.


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