Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 43 [Symbiote’s Limits]

[2 days later]

Since my secret hideout was destroyed, I decided to build a mansion in that place. I paid a lot of money to buy the land around the location, but that's just fine. I am rich. But the problem right now is this small letter I found from that Hydra's agent. It contains a small photo of me with a big red X painted on my face.

Someone placed a hit on my head. Now, this is interesting. Who would want to kill a chef like me? I don't know... Maybe another chef, or... No. He is still under police custody. It can't be him, besides, he doesn't have enough money to hire someone like Hydra. Hahaha... Maybe I am overreacting... No, I am not.

I need to find out who placed the hit on me. I thought about that for a moment, and I only came to one conclusion. Let's wait for the next attack and catch that fucker in the act. This is the best way to find the culprit. But for now, let's test out what else this Symbiote fusion can do.

I can throw tendrils and control them at my will as if they were an extension of my body. I got this super sense that alerts me of danger. I can see better in the dark. I need to test more. The past few days were too busy for me.

For the last 2 days, my aunt was all over me, luckily she had a change of heart and decided to rent a hotel. She will go back to Europe for some kind of business deal, which I have no idea about. No wonder, I haven't seen her for days, but she was worried about me after hearing about the situation.

Right now, I am standing before the sink with a sharp kitchen knife in my hands. I want to find out if I have a healing factor or how good my defense is. I've got a better understanding of what this fusion of me and the alien is capable of, but there is still a lot to figure out.

I slashed my palm and watched the blood flow. I just placed the knife on the edge of the sink and my wound closed immediately. I looked at my palm and smiled. I felt no pain and my wound healed very fast. I thought about it and started to move around the kitchen. I sliced my thumb with the knife and the wound closed immediately. Then, I cut my other hand open and it healed almost instantly.

Damn, it's like Wolverine's healing factor. I placed my palm on the table and tried to stab it with the knife.

[Clank!] The knife shattered into pieces and I felt no pain whatsoever. Hahaha, this is awesome. I am stabproof. But let's stab a few more times, just to make sure.

After a while, I stopped, and the kitchen knives were lying on the floor in dozens of pieces. They were totally obliterated. I didn't even feel a thing. I took another knife and slashed my arm. Yup! I am not slash-proof. Now, let's do this the hard way. I will use my super strength and the knife will probably go through my skin and muscle like a hot knife through butter.

I placed the knife on my stomach and closed my eyes.

Here we go, I thought as I took a deep breath and pushed the knife through my stomach. It didn't budge at all. I pushed harder, and harder, and harder... And nothing. I stopped.

"This is not right. It should have gone through my flesh like a hot knife through butter... But this is good. Completely stab-proof," I muttered.

Now, time to check out the limits of my super strength and endurance. I took out my old gym equipment from the store room and started to lift weights. I started with 50 kg, but I didn't even feel it. It felt as light as a feather. I kept raising the weights until I reached a total of 150 kg. I was feeling no pain or anything, as my muscles and bones were not strained.

I kept increasing the weight. The more weight I increase, the more my body evolved. New muscles formed, my bones got stronger, and my skin and muscles thicker.

"180 kg, 200 kg... 250 kg... 300 kg... 350 kg... 400 kg... 500 kg... 550 kg... 600 kg... 700 kg... 750 kg... 800 kg..."

Damn! My biceps are as big as my head. This is seriously amazing. I kept increasing the weight. The muscles in my arm and legs are getting bigger and stronger. My shoulders are bulging, my legs are like tree trunks, and my clothes were all torn apart due to the sudden increase in my body mass. I looked at my triceps. A perfect 6-pack was forming on my stomach. I wasn't even sweating or feeling exhausted.

"Damn, my muscles are like steel," I said. I let the weight drop on the ground with a loud thud. As soon as I dropped the weight, the muscles went back to their original size. Luckily, there was no loose skin... It would be freaky if that had happened.

Anyway, now it's time for the next test. I picked up the metal weight ball. I can lift it up to 500 kg without any effort. This super strength acts on its own as if I was always this strong. That would be enough for me to go on the wrestling world championship circuit. Hahaha. That would be cheating. Alright...

I tried to crush the solid iron ball with my bare hands. To my surprise, my fingers pierced through the metal ball and destroyed it. I picked up the other iron balls, which were about the size of a tennis ball, and started to crush them with my fingers. One by one, the iron balls were crushed to smithereens.

I took the weight-lifting rod. Time to bend it. I put it behind my neck and made a hook with the ends of my hands. I took a deep breath, and then... The pressure exerted on my hands caused the metal to bend like a spoon. I took the weight plates with both hands and bent them into an arc, causing them to break into two pieces.

Hahaha. This is the best!

How about my teeth and inner muscles?

I took a small iron ball and placed it in my mouth. Alright, the moment of truth. If this works it would be awesome, if not, well... Then, goodbye to my teeth, haha...

I clenched my teeth. There was no blood coming from my gums or mouth. The ball is not budging. I clenched harder and it was crushed like a hard candy. I kept on chewing until the iron became nothing but a speck of dust. I spit it out and then washed my mouth properly.

I took out a bottle of sports drink from the fridge. I can do anything. I am indestructible!

After gulping down the drink, I took a shard of a broken knife and tried to stab my tongue. It didn't budge, but as soon as I slashed it...

I felt a slight pain and watched the wound healing quickly. Humm... Internal injuries hurt, but outer injuries don't hurt... Good to know.

"This is cool, it doesn't hurt at all. But I am still not invulnerable..."

I'll try to keep testing the limits of my abilities.

After another hour of experimenting, I found out that my internal injuries don't heal as quickly as my outer injuries. So, I will be invulnerable to cuts, bruises, and any piercing injury, but if something reaches my internal organs, then it will hurt. I'll have to be more careful from now on.

Wait! I remember Symbiote has a massive weakness to fire, but this one... Hmm, I took the lighter from the table and turned it on. I put my hand on fire. Nice...

"This one seems more resistant to fire than the other one," I muttered. I feel the heat, but it's endurable. I guess this one doesn't have that weakness. Then what about sound?

Do I have a sound weakness? I remember this Symbiote having a reaction to sound when it was clinging on to that Lizard Parker... I went to the garage and went into the car. Time to press the horn.

I pressed the horn. Nothing happened, good.

I went back to the room, and put on my headphone. I increased the volume to max settings and played a shrill sound. My earbuds burst and the sound caused me to fall back.

"Ouch. Fuck..." I took off the headphones. It's not a weakness, but on a human level, I couldn't bear the sound. But that's not a big problem. I took off my headphone and tried the horn again.

"Hmm... Hmm... Nope. Not a weakness," I said.

I stood in front of my home theatre and played it at max settings. Nope. No change. I can shoot tendrils and I still have my strength plus healing factor even within all this noise. I guess it's safe to assume that sound is not a weakness. It seems the Symbiote cells evolved or changed after merging with my body.

I should try some other things to find my weaknesses.

I went back to the room and kept testing my new limits. I looked out the window. I can see very clearly and far away. I saw a group of boys throwing stones at a cat. They are about 30 feet away from me. I could even hear their conversation.

"Why the hell are you brats throwing stones at that cat?" A red head girl interrupted the group of boys. So brave of her, going up against those arrogant boys. But, I don't think that's a good idea. It's in the alley, filled with a couple of homeless people.

"Why do you care? Get lost, you stupid girl," One of the boys replied.

"Hahaha... Look at her hair. She is wearing a wig. She must have caught a wig. Let's check it out," Another boy started to taunt her.

"Okay, this is it," She took a step backward and took out her phone.

"Wow! Now, aren't you Mary Jane? Your boyfriend Peter is all over the news..." A burly afro head man grabbed her hand from behind. He is tall and muscular as fuck.


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