Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 44 [Saving MJ]

"Wow! Now, aren't you Mary Jane? Your boyfriend Peter is all over the news... Tell us, how do you guys fuck? Don't get me wrong, he is a freaking Lizard after all... Hahahaha!" A burly afro head man grabbed her hand from behind. He is tall and muscular as fuck. He is definitely in his early 20s.

"Ugh..." MJ was trying to break free, but the other boys started to circle around her. She is alone and there is no one around here.

The afro guy snatched her phone from her hand.

"You know, I always wanted to taste a redhead's pussy. Look at this beauty!" He put his arm around MJ's neck and pulled her closer, taking a sniff of her hair, before rubbing his fingers in her hair.

"Stop it! Let go of me!" MJ tried to break free. "Get the fuck away from me, you disgusting bastard," she said as she pushed him away from her.

"You know what? I'll give you a chance to stop acting tough. But, if you don't, we'll have to force you... You better choose wisely!" He took off his t-shirt, revealing his muscular physique. His body is etched with tattoos. He pushed MJ onto the ground and gave a sinister look to those homeless. They quickly scattered away in fear. I haven't seen him before around the neighborhood. He must have come from another turf, now that I have taken down those goons at the dock.

"Alright, let's get started!"

"Wait," One of the boys throwing stones stopped the afro boy, "Are you fucker crazy? You want to rape her? If things go wrong, we will be in trouble."

"Don't worry. We will take turns and enjoy her," The afro kid said with a large grin, "Obviously, I will fuck her first then you kids can have your fun. Then... We will get rid of her and pin it on those homeless fucks."

"Fuck! What a stupid idea! But it will be awesome if we get to fuck her," another boy chimed in.

"I know, right?" the afro boy said and turned toward MJ. "Haha! Get ready for a gangbang." He said as he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. Then he turned toward his boys, "Keep an eye around the alley."

MJ took out a pepper spray, but the afro boy was fast. He kicked it away from her hand and dragged her to the ground. She tried to get away, but he was too strong.

"I was going to give you so many dicks to fuck before your death and you are resisting? How could you be so ungrateful, bitch?"

MJ was trying to get away from his tight grip.

"Ugh... Let... Go of... Me..." She tried to break free, but he grabbed her throat and choked her.

Alright, I have seen enough. Time to make my move. I dashed out of my apartment and ran toward the alley. I used my gravity manipulation to make my body lighter plus the speed boost from the fusion of the Symbiote with my body. I was able to run faster than a bullet and lessen the impact of the movement. It is like flying, but with the aid of gravity.

When I arrived at the alley, the afro boy has already torn up MJ's shirt and was on top of her. I can see her blue bra and he was about to unhook it.

There are six of them including the afro fucker. Oh, well, might as well break a bone or two before the cops come.

I put a bit of a smile on my face. They are in for a treat.

"What the..." The boy turned and noticed me. Before he could scream, I shoot tendrils from my finger. They wrapped around his mouth, muffling his voice, and rushed in, punching his gut hard enough to put the air out of him.

"Ugh..." he bent over and dropped to his knees.

I placed a tendril around his neck and yanked his head back. I quickly rushed to the second one, guarding the alley. Grabbing the back of his head, I slammed his face into the wall. It was loud enough to gather the other four's attention.

"Who the hell are you?" the remaining four shouted at me.

"Good question. To be honest, I've been asking myself the same thing," I replied as I threw the boy with the smashed face on the ground. Damn, his face is completely disfigured, and his nose... Oh, well...

The remaining three of the boys got knives.

"That was a rhetorical question, asshole," One of them shouted and charged at me.

He swung his knife toward my stomach, but I dodged to the side. I can't use tendrils in front of everyone. So, let's go with strength, speed, and endurance. He stumbled a few steps and I grabbed him by his arm, twisting it behind his back. Then, I punched him in the face with a left jab and tossed him over the shoulder.

Then, I smashed his knees with a nice and hard stomp, and his face with a powerful kick. They are comrades, it's only fair that I smash their faces, just to be fair.

"Ahhhh, ahhh..." the boy screamed.

"Oh, shut up," I punched the boy and the sound of his jawbone breaking could be heard.

I turned toward the remaining bastards. The afro fucker was not even moving but sitting on the ground with a smirk on his face. MJ was also stunned and was just sitting on the ground with a baffled expression. The other two boys have already taken ten steps back.

"Three down, three to go. So, who is next? Who wants to get a nice face job? I promise... I will make it as bloody and painful as possible."

"F-fuck y-you... You lunatic. Don't expect to get out alive!" one of them spat at me as he pulled out a handgun from his pocket and pointed at me, "I will put holes in you, motherfucker. If you move even a little, I will fill your stomach with lead."

I chuckled and stared at him. He is so fucking bold and reckless.

"Hey, dumbass! Are you threatening me?" I chuckled. It will be interesting to see if I am bulletproof or not. I know I am stab-proof, which is basically piercing, but is it the same with bullets? And if not, then how fast will I heal after suffering from a gunshot wound?

"Shut the fuck up, retard, or I will blow your fucking brains out!" He yelled. I can see his hands shaking.

"Hehe, alright, fine," I swooped in with my super speed and stood in front of him, "Go ahead. Be my guest," I placed a finger on my head and winked at him, "Shoot me."

His eyes widened as I held his arm and slowly, I started to push the muzzle of his gun into my skull. He screamed as my strength overwhelmed him.

"This is beyond scary," I grinned and pressed the muzzle into the center of my forehead, "I've heard that your brain will be pulverized and you will die from blood loss after a few seconds."

"F-f-f-f-fuck..." He screamed.

"Ah, shit. Look what you did," I sighed, "Well, you know what happens next, right?"

"N-n-n-no..." he whimpered.

"Sure, you do," I said as I kept pressing my forehead on the muzzle, "Just pull the trigger and it will all be over."

"S-s-stop! You lunatic!"

"DO IT!" I yelled.

[Bang!] The sound of the gunshot was deafening. But, yeah, I am bulletproof. The small pea-sized bullet fell on the ground with a little clank noise.

"Monster!" The two goons stumbled on the ground. The one who pulled the trigger peed himself.

"Don't worry," I patted his cheek.

"Mercy! Please, have mercy. I'll tell them to fuck off. Please... He is the one... This afro fucker paid us and who lured her in here. We are just students..." The goons begged for his life.

I grabbed the back of the head of the guy who pulled the trigger and smashed his face in with a hard punch. I tried to hold back, or else he would have died, but his face caved in and blood spurt from his mouth. Dang! It's like that manga Baki... That time when Ogre smashed that guy's face in. Damn! It looks nasty as fuck.

"Yes. Mercy. Excellent idea," I looked at the other guy, "I will show you mercy by not killing you. But I will smash your face and maybe break a couple of bones as extra mercy," I said.

"No, wait," He got up and tried to run away.

I used my super speed and strength and kicked his knee. His leg bent backward and then, the sound of his patella and bones crunching were audible.

"AAAHHHHH!" he fell to the ground.

"Stop! Stop! Please...!" He cried putting his hand on his face to defend.

"Please, stop crying like a baby," I punched him hard, and his hand broke with a crunching sound. Then another punch and his nose broke into a shower of blood.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" He was in pain and rolled on the ground.

"Pathetic. Here, have some more," I grabbed his right shoulder and squeezed.

"Aaahhhhhh!" He screamed in agony.

"This is for throwing stones at that cat," I broke his shoulder blade, and his arm was completely dislocated.

"Stop... Stop..." He pleaded, his voice muffled because of his smashed mouth.

"One more. This one is for grabbing her hair," I crushed his face and blood was leaking from his eyes, ears, and nose, "You deserve much more."

Phew! So much work. Finally, this bastard stopped screaming. Be glad you are still alive.

"Now, what should I do with you?" I turned toward the afro guy. Even after seeing his friends get fucked up, he is surprisingly calm and has a relaxed expression on his face, as if nothing has happened.

"Okay, I'll say it once again. You are going to tell me why you are here," I threatened.

"Hahaha! Yeah, whatever," He stood up and rubbed his fingers through his thick afro.

"Oh, is that a fucking hairdo? It looks terrible on you," I snorted.

"Hey, no need to be a dick, man," He pulled out a switchblade and blinked behind me, and jammed it on my spine, "Huh!?"

"What?" I turned back.

"W-What?" The afro boy tried to push in the knife with all his strength.

"You do know I am bulletproof, right? So, why do something so stupid as jamming a knife into my back?" I tried to grab his hair, but he disappeared and appeared far end of the alley. "So, you can blink. Well, that's interesting."


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