Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 45 [Power Pills]

"You do know I am bulletproof, right? So, why do something so stupid as jamming a knife into my back?" I tried to grab his hair, but he disappeared and appeared far end of the alley. "So, you can blink. Well, that's interesting."

"Fuck... Oh, shit..." He cursed.

"Don't worry. I will leave you alive," I walked toward him, "I promise I'll break your legs and arms. Maybe smash your face like your friends and something more.."

"Hahaha..." He chuckled, "So, what are you, a superhero or a fucking psychopath? Hahaha..."

"Neither." I gave him a creepy smile, "I'm an asshole."

He was about to blink again, but I used my super speed to reach him and grabbed him by the throat. I started to squeeze and lifted him off the ground.

"Ugh... Ahhh...!" He choked. Then he quickly took out a pill and swallowed it with his mouth. "Damn..." He struggled, but it was no use. My grip was tight. But he blinked again and appeared a few meters away from me.

"I am disappointed. Is this all you got? I was expecting more..." I taunted. This strength feels great. I like this feeling.

"Hahaha... You are so damn cocky, man," He said.

Huh? His body is crackling with sparks of lightning. What kind of pill did he swallow? MGH!

"You afro fucker. That pill... It's MGH, isn't it? Mutant Growth Hormone that gives regular people mutant powers," I laughed, "So, that's why you were so arrogant. You think your electricity or whatever else you got can kill me? Go ahead, show me more."

"What a dumbass. Haha..." He disappeared and appeared in front of me and threw a punch.

I can see his fist coming toward my face in slow motion. This feeling... It's awesome. My senses and speed are out of this world. I can see the tiny movements of his muscles. I can see the electricity dancing around his body. I can even see the small sparks of electricity around his fist. Well, time to fuck up this bastard.

I dodged his punch and swooped down, punching his nuts hard. I can see them squish and his face twisted in pain. He tried to blink away, but I used my super speed. I grabbed his hair, yanked him back, and elbowed his nose.

"Ahhhh...!" He groaned in agony.

I can see blood spurting from his nose. I didn't give any time for him to recover and smashed his face again and again with a barrage of punches.

"Fucking... Fucker...!" He grunted and spat blood from his mouth.

"Your face looks awful. But you know what?" I smiled, "It's not over yet," I slammed his face on the ground, "Not until I'm satisfied."

"Ahhh... Fuck... Ahhh..." He groaned as I grabbed his neck and squeezed.

"Oh, you are so weak. I could choke you to death, but I promised not to kill you, right? But I never said anything about the condition you will be in after I am done with you." I tightened my grip on his neck, "Do you want to give up or should I continue?"

"Fuck you, motherfucker," he grunted in slurry speech.

"What? I can't understand what you are saying," I slammed his face once again on the concrete, "Now, now, don't black out on me. Let's have a nice chat."

I let go of his neck and he gasped for air, "Ahh... Ahh... Ahh... Ahhh..." He gasped for air as he writhed on the ground. Electricity was flushing out of his body like smoke from a fire. It seems I am immune to electricity, that's good to know.

I loosened my grasp on his neck.

"Now, tell me, why did you try to rape her? Don't tell me it was your idea or something."

"Hahaha... Huh... Ahh... What... You think... Huh..." He said in gaspy speech.

"I see," I gave a big nod and then smiled, "Okay, if that's the case, then..." I looked around and saw the pepper spray that fell from MJ's hand lying on the ground.

I picked it up and walked over to MJ.

"You alright?" I asked. I picked up her clothes, "Here, wear them. Your shirt is ruined."

"Yes," MJ was shivering, but she slowly nodded and took her t-shirt. "Thank you for saving me."

"You are welcome," I said.

"Yo... fucker... ignoring... me..." The afro boy said.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry. I will be right back," I said as I looked at MJ and said, "I can't leave you with torn clothes. Just give me a moment."

I walked over to the afro guy and took off his jacket.

"W-What the... Fucker! You are fucking insane! Hahaha!" he laughed.

"Still laughing. What a creepy fuck..." I said and quickly threw the jacket over MJ. "Wear it for now. I will get you a clean one in a moment."

MJ quickly puts the jacket on.

"And as you," I pointed the pepper spray at his face, "What will happen if I empty this can on your battered bloody face? Huh?"

"Fuck... Fuck... Fuck... Shit... Fuck!" he shouted, "Fuck... you... Hahaha... I... Will fucking kill you, asshole... Hahaha..."

"Wow, you are tough. I give you that. Now, here's my proposition. Tell me what I want to know and you get to spend the rest of your days in the hospital with a broken face and body. If not, then I will call the cops and you will spend the rest of your pathetic life behind bars. Just so you know, the inmates are much worse than me. They will ask you to pick up the soap and with that broken body of yours, you won't be able to resist..."

"Haha... What? You fucking serious? Hahaha... Huh? Okay, okay. I will talk... AHHHHHH!"

I sprayed him in the eyes, nose, and mouth. "On second thought, I don't care. Your face irks me. And I am sure the heroes will get the information about the MGH eventually, right?"

"Ugh... Fuck... Stop... Huh..." He screamed in pain and then coughed out blood, "Ugh... Fuck you, man. Huh... Hahaha... Do you think you... can escape? You... are a superhuman... you fucker. The Illuminati will eat you up."

"Oh, you pathetic fucker, hahaha," With a chop behind his neck, he was unconscious. I didn't have any restraint to not smash his face in, but I held back. Anymore, and he might end up dying.

MJ called the cops and we left the area.

I went to my apartment, "Just give me a moment to clean up the blood. And don't mind the mess. There is the fridge, help yourself out." I rushed into the shower.

"I will wait here." She said.

When I finished, I put on some regular clothes, took a shirt, and stepped into the living room where MJ was waiting. She was sipping on a can of lemonade.

"Here, wear this for now," I gave her the shirt, "I will wait outside. I will drop you home when you are ready."

"Alright," she said and quickly changed into the shirt.

She looked better now, but still has the face of someone who went through hell.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I am okay," she replied.

"Really? Because if I were you, I would be bawling my eyes out," I said.

"I am feeling fine... I am just relieved that things ended well. I am grateful that you were there," she said.

"Yeah, me too," I replied.

"Um... So, are you a mutant or something like that?" She asked with a curious look in her eyes as we entered the garage, "Because, I am pretty sure you are not a normal human. Wait! I know you... Brian Lawson, the famous chef! I am a huge fan of your cooking, and I love the dish that you created. Wow! Haha... Sorry for not recognizing you before. I never expected you to live in this part of town..."

"What? You thought I live in a big mansion and own a couple hundred luxury cars?" I raised an eyebrow with a little smile as I started the car.

MJ blushed.

"Oh, no. I didn't mean..."

"Hahah. Just kidding. You see I can also live a luxurious life if I wanted to. I just like to keep my feet on the ground. Besides, I really enjoy a simple life," I said as we made our way to her house.

------[Next Chapter on Wednesday]------

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