Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 48 [Killing time] [pt1]

[2:30 AM]

MJ is sleeping soundly in the bedroom. I wanted to go to the next apartment, but she insisted on staying, so, I took the couch. My senses are on high alert. Those fuckers outside haven't made any move yet. Instead, they called for backup. Two SUVs and ten armed people.

The situation has become worse, now. They are here with guns and heavy firepower. I peeked out the window. Their guns have silencers, meaning they are trying to keep it quiet. The guys outside are not regular thugs. These are pros. They have somehow isolated the area and are blocking all the exits. There is no way out of here.

I need to draw them away from here.

But, just how far does their influence go? How deep is this conspiracy?

I picked up my phone and dialed Peggy. Since she is an Illuminati member, she should be able to take care of the mess I am about to make.

"Brian," Peggy's sleepy voice answered the phone, "What's wrong?"

"Peggy, there are some heavily armed guys outside my apartment. No time to explain, but get here as soon..." The connection got severed. Fuckers using jammers!

Oh, well. I hope Peggy heard the first part. Because starting now, I will start breaking those bastards. But before that, I need to alert MJ.

I went to the bedroom and saw MJ sitting at the corner of the bed, looking at me. I signed her to keep it quiet and lock the door from the inside. She did as I asked.

I walked to the door and peeked through the peephole. Thanks to the Symbiote's fusion, I can clearly see in the darkness.

I could see two guys in front of the door. One was a large, muscle-bound guy, while the other one was short, thin, and wearing a ski mask. Both are armed. I could see another man standing right in front of the stairs. His face is covered by a black balaclava. He is holding a silenced submachine gun. I wanted to lure them away, but it seems that I will have to kill these three fuckers silently.

The thin one is fiddling with the lock. I jumped up on the ceiling, sticking like Spiderman. The thin guy unlocked the door and slowly opened it. After a few minutes, two of them entered, followed by the third one, guarding the rear. They looked well-trained and equipped.

The muscle guy signed and three of them spread out and began searching the apartment. The thin guy was heading towards the bathroom. The muscular guy was heading toward the kitchen and the tall guy was standing near the door.

I dropped from the ceiling right behind the tall guy. He didn't even hear me. I grabbed his head and twisted it in an instant. With a satisfying crack, the tall guy was dead. Dang! That was fast.

I dragged him out and silently put him down beside the wall.

After that, I once again went inside and crawled onto the ceiling. My next target is the short one. He just went to the bathroom. I stuck to the ceiling and silently slid down the wall. That short fucker is peeing without care...

Well, isn't that a good thing?

He is now about to die without a care.

My eyes fell on the military knife on his back, strapped to the belt. I softly closed the bathroom door and walked behind him.

As a chef, I have filleted countless fish and sliced a lot of meat. Now, I am going to fillet and slice this carefree assassin. I wonder if he will be able to remain carefree after I slice his throat.

I grabbed his neck with my left hand and broke his Adam's apple with my right hand. This was enough to render the thin fucker useless. Then I quickly took the knife and slit his throat.

That was easy.

I am strong and fast, and with my Symbiote power, I am able to think faster than usual. The fight is in full swing. And surprisingly, I am enjoying this. I feel invincible right now. Two down, one to go.

I opened the bathroom door and swiftly hid myself behind the couch on my right. That muscle fucker is walking toward the bedroom. He has a custom shotgun.

The muscle fucker bends down to pick the lock. Perfect chance!

I walked and stood behind him. Perfect stealth!

The bastard doesn't know that I am here. As much as I wanted to make him regret breaking into my house, I don't have time for that. I tightly grabbed the knife and slammed it into his ear.

And then I twisted it, grabbing his mouth. He tried to resist, but I was stronger than him.

[Squash!] Ah! I grabbed his mouth too hard, and the muscle fucker face below his nose turned into a mush.

Oh, no. I'll need to wash the floor...

Damn, these bastards. I will kill them all. Every single one of them.

Now that the ones inside the apartment are dead. It's time to kill those bastards outside.


As soon as I stepped out, all the assassins aimed their guns at me. They seemed to be expecting me. I thought there were only ten of them, but it seems there are more. As far as I can see, there are thirty assassins. Well, more for me...

The gunfire started. They all opened fire on me simultaneously.

*Gravity!* I focused all my attention on the ground, and the next instant, all the bullets stopped before me. Nice. It's like that scene from the Matrix movie where the bullets can't hit Neo.

"That's enough."

The gunfire stopped immediately.

"Hand over the girl and we will look the other way," one of the men in black balaclavas said. "We will let you go."

"Let me go? Hahahaha," I laughed hysterically. "That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my life! Hahahaha... Give me a moment. You are so funny... Hahahahaha," I kept laughing hysterically.

"I am going to count to three. If you don't hand over the girl, I will blast your ass. Six of them took out RPG launchers and aimed them at me.


Oh, those hilarious motherfuckers! I flicked my finger, manipulating the bullets to turn around, and aimed them at the thugs. The one counting stopped mid-count because he saw what I was doing.

"Two!" I said with a large grin. Ahhh! This smell of fear... I like it.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you guys counting? Do it! Fire those RPGs! I dare you! Do it!"

"That fucker is seriously mad." One of them yelled, stepping back.

"Don't shoot. He has weird fucking powers. He will turn it back to us," another one said.

"What's wrong? Afraid of death? Too afraid to shoot?" I taunted them. I could feel my mind getting clearer by the second. I can see through their body. Their internal muscles, veins, blood, organs, nerves, and even the bone structure. This is new. Is this also one of the Symbiote's powers? As far as I know, different Symbiotes has different power... I wonder what else this fused Symbiote can do.

"Don't listen to him, you idiots. Shoot him! We need to take out the girl, no matter what." The leader of the men in balaclavas shouted.

"Three!" I threw all the bullets toward the assassins. I saw fear in their eyes.

"Fire those RPGs! Fire those RPGs! NOW!" The leader was screaming at the men.

The bullets hit randomly, killing four on the spot and shredding their cars. Some took cover behind the cars.

With my gravity manipulation, I pressured those RPGs to explode right on the spot.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

In a blink of an eye, the peaceful night street was filled with thick, gray smoke and the sound of loud explosions.

Now, there are only ten remaining.

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