Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 49 [Killing time] [pt2]

Now, there are only ten remaining. The fuckers are on high alert, not moving one inch from their position. I can smell fear, radiating from them.

"What do you say?" I smiled at them.

The assassins were quiet. They were either ducking behind cover or frozen in their places.

"There are ten of you left. But I only need three of you alive to answer some questions," I said.

The assassins flinched. I could see fear in their eyes.

"And I promise, if those three lucky guys answer my questions, I will let them go. So decide among yourselves which three of you should live and which seven of you should die. Make your choice quickly," I said mockingly. I walked to the closest car, which was blown to shreds by the RPGs, and kicked the twisted metal in their direction.

They flinched again, but didn't make a move.

"Hurry up, I ain't got all night. Oh, I got a better idea. Why don't you guys shoot each other? That's fun, isn't it?" I waved my hands. A submachine gun came flying in my hand, "Survival for the fittest," I said.

"Fuck! This freak is crazy!" One of them yelled.

[Bang!] The guy behind him shot him dead, "I ain't gonna die here."

"That was quick," I grinned, "5 seconds. If you don't kill each other in 5 seconds, forget three... I will kill you all!"

They looked at each other. It was a battle of survival.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

One of them got shot in the head, while another one took cover. The rest were shooting back.

"Four, three, two..." I kept counting, as the gunfire continued.

*Bang! Bang!*

One of them fell down.

Within 5 seconds only two of them survived with fatal gunshot wounds. I have to give it to the fuckers. They are desperate to live, even if it means killing their comrades. Oh, well...

I walked over to the first survivor. He got shot in his thighs and a bullet grazed passed his left cheek. His cheek is completely ripped.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"

I pressed the submachine gun to his temple.

"You will tell me who sent you here, or I will rip the rest of your face apart," I said with a cold expression.

"I..." he coughed blood. "I don't know."

"Wrong answer," I pulled the trigger and emptied the whole clip. The fucker didn't even have a chance to scream. His face is now completely shredded.

"So, who is left?" I asked.

One of the survivors stepped forward. The other one is not moving. He got a bullet wound just a little below his neck. Bastard was lucky, it missed his jugular.

"I'll tell you, I'll tell you anything, please..." he begged.

"Ah! Look at you poor guy. So, afraid of death. And look at your wound. If you don't receive treatment, you will bleed to death like a pig," I laughed, "So... What are you waiting for? Tell me anything. But..." I threw the gun. It's empty and picked up a shotgun. Then I pressed it on his crotch, "If your *anything* doesn't satisfy me, I will blow your dick off."

He is sweating profusely. He is trying so hard to stop his urine from spraying everywhere.

"Please, don't kill me, don't kill me! I'm telling you the truth. All I know is that the Assassins Guild is involved! I am just a simple henchman! I just overheard what I heard from our boss on our way here! I didn't want to come here. Please, believe me!" He yelled.

Assassins Guild. Fuck! Things just got complicated. As far as I know, those bastards are dangerous and a bunch of degenerates. But the question is who is their current leader, Kingpin or Belladonna or maybe someone else? I have no info on them, other than their name. Sex trafficking and human trafficking are like regular jobs for these fuckers. And my interference at the docks alerted them and interrupted their illegal business. Then, MJ finding out about them caused even more stir among them.

So, this is why they want MJ and since I am involved with her and made the mistake of leaving those goons from the alley alive, they are now after my ass too.

I looked at him, "Why are the assassins after us?"

"I don't know! We were just told to kill you and bring MJ back," he said.

"What do you mean you don't know? That's all you got? That's a pretty bad lie. Now, here is what is going to happen," I put the shotgun on his crotch, and pulled the trigger, "Ah! It's empty. You my friend are lucky, if it's not, your dick would've been blown off. Let's see..." I found a bullet lying on the ground.

I picked it up and loaded it up.

"Now, where were we?"

"Please! Don't kill me!" he screamed, "I don't know anything about the assassins! They just said to kill you and bring MJ back! Just like I said! That's all I know!" He is yelling so loud, his voice is almost breaking.

"Think again," I pointed the shotgun at his crotch again, "In a few minutes, the Illuminati will be here. They will keep you alive and torture you every single day for the rest of your miserable life. And once you are broken, they will just use your broken body as human research subjects. And they will keep using you, over and over, and over again, for the rest of your miserable life. Imagine that, being tortured every day, for the rest of your miserable life," I looked at him.

He is pale, he is shaking. His legs gave up and he is sitting on his knees.


"Fuck you, bastard, shitting yourself," I laughed, "How dare you shit yourself in front of me. You piece of shit! That's it, I am tired of this shit."

"Windfield Villa!" He yelled

"What?" I frowned.

"Windfield Villa! That's where we were supposed to deliver the girl and pick up the payment. I swear that's all I know," he is crying, pissing himself.

Windfield Villa? That's where the old rich guy lives. I heard that place is like a fortress. Haa... One shit after another...

I shot the gun on the road, near his crotch. The guy blacked out and stumbled backward, before falling on the ground.

After a few minutes, the police arrived, followed by ambulances. Peggy and a woman dressed in a black leathery suit got out of their car and walked to me.

"What in the hell happened here? You alright, Brian," Peggy asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for coming," I nodded, "They tried to kill me and kidnap MJ. She is inside. So, you might want to check on her. Girl might be having one of the worst episodes of her life."

Peggy nodded.

The girl in a black jacket nodded and went into my apartment.

"You look tired," I said in a low voice, "Working late again?"

"It's not work," Peggy shook her head, "It's just that..."

The police officer interrupted us.

"Ma'am, no survivors. It looks like they fought among themselves. There are over 30 bodies. All dead," the cop said.

Peggy sighed, "Are you sure they are all dead?"

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied.

"Uum... Isn't he still alive?" I pointed at the guy who just passed out a few minutes ago.

"The scan result shows that he died of a heart attack," The cop said.

Heart attack! Wait! I shot the ground, but he died just from that. Hahaha... And he wanted to be an assassin. What a joke.

"So, what did you find out from him?" Peggy asked.

"Well, all he knew is that the Assassins Guild is involved and they are supposed to kidnap MJ and kill me," I replied, "Oh yeah, there is something else. They are going to deliver her to Windfield Villa. And we got ourselves one corrupt police officer named Benjamin Smithson and MJ's agent. You might want to go after them. They are both guilty of sex trafficking and human trafficking."

"Haaa... They are also trafficking alien weapons," Peggy sighed and took out her phone. She dialed a number, "Hey, it's me. Yeah... No survivors. Send Squad 5 to capture Wilson Fisk and Belladonna. Assign Squad 4 for air support. Failure isn't an option, got it? Alright... See you later. And be careful."

"What are you planning?" I asked.

"Don't worry. We Illuminati will take care of everything. I promise you, after today, the guild is history," she said.

I nodded.

"Hey, you be careful, alright? If you need my help, all you have to do is ask," I said.

"Thanks, Brian," she smiled.

The girl in a black suit is out with MJ.

"We will guard MJ for now. She will be safe in our headquarters," Peggy said with a smile, "And Brian, you killed them all, didn't you?" she asked.

"Who? Me? You are telling me that I killed all these assassins who are involved in illegal shits and tried to kill me and kidnap her? Really?" I blinked, "Didn't you hear what that officer said? They fought among themselves and all died."

Peggy just stood there staring at me with narrowed eyes.

"You know, if you are that curious, you can ask MJ," I shrugged.

Peggy is still staring at me. Fuck! This is awkward.

"What?" I frowned.

She didn't reply, she just looked at me.

"Ah! Don't look at me like that," I waved my hand, "Alright, alright, I killed a few of them. I had no choice. It's either them or us."

Peggy shook her head, "You are telling me with your power it was that hard to subdue them without killing them?"

I looked the other way while whistling.

"Brian, you are a good guy. But you need to learn how to control your power," Peggy sighed, "Alright, we are going to take MJ to our headquarters. Thanks for the help. See you."

"Hey, one more thing. It almost slipped my mind. They were using MGH. You know the ones I smashed in the alley. Be careful," I said.

Peggy nodded.

"Hey, Brian," she turned around, "You wanna go on a date? Just you and me. I... We... There is this nice new resort nearby, so I thought we could spend a day together. They have this nice spa and pool and all... I mean..."

"Peggy..." I interrupted her.

She is blushing.

"I will pick you up at 10 am tomorrow morning," I said.

"Yes! I mean, okay. See you then," Peggy stuttered.

I smiled, "See ya."


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