Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 68 [Victor and Ben]

Victor von Doom, brilliant scientist and inventor, stood in his advanced laboratory, surrounded by cutting-edge technology and intricate machinery. He was engrossed in a conversation with Benjamin Grimm, a man who had been transformed into a massive, rock-skinned creature known as "The Thing."

"Hey Ben," Victor spoke in a reassuring tone, "I have great news. I believe I have found a solution that can reverse your condition and transform you back into a human. Moreover, you can switch back to your rock form with just a simple thought."

Benjamin's rocky brows furrowed as he stared at Victor, a mixture of hope and skepticism in his eyes. "You serious, Victor? You're not just playing with my emotions, are ya?"

Victor shook his head, his expression seemingly genuine. "I assure you, I would never toy with something as serious as this. The technology and knowledge at my disposal have allowed me to uncover a solution to your problem."

Ben's rocky fists clenched and then relaxed as he mulled over his words. "And what's the catch? What do ya want in return?"

"Ah, always the suspicious one, aren't you?" Victor chuckled softly. "But I assure you, there's no catch, no ulterior motive. I genuinely want to help you, Ben. Our history might be filled with disagreements, but I wouldn't wish this fate on anyone."

He studied Victor for a moment, looking into his eyes for any sign of deception. "Alright, let's say I believe you. What's the plan then?"

Victor walked over to a nearby console and began typing on its holographic interface. A complex diagram appeared in the air, showing various genetic sequences and energy patterns. "The key lies in a combination of advanced genetic manipulation and harnessing exotic energy sources. I've formulated a serum that, when injected into your system, will initiate a cellular cascade effect, reverting your body to its original human form."

Ben scratched his rocky chin, deep in thought. "And the switching thing? How does that work?"

Victor smiled, a hint of pride in his expression. "That, my friend, is where my technological prowess truly shines. I've developed a specialized device, a sort of neural interface implanted in your brain. With a mere thought, you'll be able to control the transformation process, shifting between your human and rock-skinned forms at will."

Benjamin's eyes widened. "You're saying I can change back and forth whenever I want?"

"Exactly," Victor replied, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "Imagine the possibilities, Ben. You'll have the power to adapt to any situation, to become human for those moments you wish to experience that form, and to transform into The Thing when strength and durability are needed."

Ben's gaze shifted from the holographic diagram to Victor's face. "And what's in it for you, Victor? Why are you doing this?"

Victor's expression turned serious, his gaze unwavering. "I won't deny that I've had my share of ambitions and desires, Ben. But over time, I've come to realize the importance of using my intellect and abilities for the greater good. The world needs people who can make a difference, who can reshape the destiny of mankind. This is a chance for me to show that I can contribute positively."

Ben's rocky exterior cracked into a wry grin. "Well, ain't you a regular saint now?"

Victor smirked, unoffended by the sarcasm. "I wouldn't go that far, but I am sincere in my intentions. Besides, this thing is still in the beta phase and there are some risks. But if this thing works, we will be able to cure anyone who doesn't want to live their lives as freaks. Think about those mutant kids who fight everyday due to their deformities, just to fit in society... Some can't even touch their loved ones... Some mutations kill the mutant early in their youth or at birth..."

After a pause, he continued, "Think Ben... The possibilities... The countless lives we can save... Those who never had a choice will have one if we succeed..."

Ben rubbed his rocky chin, deep in thought.

He stared at the holographic diagram for a few more moments, his expression a mixture of contemplation and uncertainty. He had spent years as The Thing, adapting to his new form and using his strength to fight alongside the Fantastic Four. It had become a part of who he was, a part he had learned to accept and even embrace.

But the offer on the table was tempting. The chance to live as a normal human again, to experience life without the limitations of his rocky exterior, was something he had thought about many times. And now, Victor von Doom, a man with a reputation for genius and ambition, claimed to have the means to make it happen.

"Look, Victor," Ben finally spoke, his voice carrying a mixture of determination and vulnerability, "this ain't an easy choice for me. Being The Thing, it's become a part of who I am. I've learned to live with it, to make the most of it. But you're right, there are times when I wish I could just... be human again."

Victor nodded in understanding. "I can only imagine what you've been through, Ben. The struggles, the challenges. I asked Reed for his support, but..." His voice trailed off as his cunning eyes were on Ben's face, keenly observing his expression.

"But what?" Ben prompted, his curiosity piqued.

Victor's gaze turned introspective, his expression one of mild disappointment. "But Reed, for all his brilliance, has always been a bit cautious when it comes to exploring the unknown. He's skeptical of my methods and has concerns about potential risks."

Ben raised an eyebrow. "And what are these risks you're talking about?"

Victor sighed, his tone somber. "The serum and the neural interface are experimental technologies. They involve altering the very fabric of your being on a genetic and neurological level. There's a chance that the process might not be completely stable, leading to unforeseen side effects or even rejection by your body."

Ben's expression turned serious as he absorbed this information. "So, you're saying this could all go wrong."

"Indeed," Victor confirmed. "That's why I asked for his help to perfect it. With the tech the Illuminati has, it would have been a piece of cake for him if he wanted, but he refused."

'Why would he do that? This is a perfect solution to save countless people. Why did Reed refuse?' Ben wondered.

As Ben contemplated Victor's words, a seed of doubt began to sprout in his mind. The idea that Reed might not be supporting this endeavor bothered him. After all, if this technology truly held the potential to change lives for the better, why would Reed, a man of scientific curiosity and a drive to help others, reject it?

"Victor," He began cautiously, "I gotta be honest with you. It's not just about the risks or the technology. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around why Reed would turn this down. This seems like something right up his alley."

Victor's expression remained unchanged, but there was a subtle shift in his eyes, as if he had expected this line of questioning. "I understand your concern. Reed is a remarkable scientist, but he's also quite conservative when it comes to altering the fundamental aspects of human biology. He's concerned that the consequences of tampering with such intricacies could be far-reaching and unpredictable."

Ben crossed his rocky arms, his skepticism still evident. "And you don't share his concerns?"

Victor let out a sigh, almost akin to that of a disappointed mentor. "My views on science and progress are more aligned with pushing boundaries, transcending limitations. I believe that by harnessing technology and knowledge, we can elevate humanity to new heights. Reed's cautious nature often blinds him to the opportunities that lie beyond the horizon."

Ben chewed on Victor's words, feeling a growing sense of unease. He had been a member of the Fantastic Four long enough to know that Reed's cautiousness stemmed from a genuine concern for the well-being of the team and the world. Yet, he couldn't deny the appeal of Victor's vision – a world where science could solve problems that seemed insurmountable.

Victor noticed a hint of doubt in Ben's eyes, "Why don't you take some time to think? And maybe ask Reed why he refused to help?"


Next Chapter: Chameleon and the Surfing Boat

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