Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 69 [Chameleon and the surfing boat]

[Meanwhile on the North Pole...]

Dimitri Smerdyakov, known as the Chameleon, had always prided himself on his ability to adapt, to blend seamlessly into any environment. Today was no different. Bundled in a heavy arctic suit, he navigated the treacherous expanse of the North Pole, his footsteps muffled by the thick snow. His mission was clear: infiltrate the hidden research institute concealed beneath the ice, retrieve the alien artifact that Hydra had sent him for, and deliver it to the Red Skull.

The cold bit at his exposed skin, and the howling wind served as a constant reminder of the inhospitable nature of this frozen realm. His breathing echoed in his helmet as he approached the location indicated by Hydra's intel. It was said that whatever lay beneath the ice was beyond revolutionary, the pinnacle of scientific achievement that the Skull sought to harness for his nefarious goals.

As he reached the designated spot, he withdrew a compact device from his suit. A few deft keystrokes allowed him to override the security protocols guarding the entrance. With a soft hiss, the ground opened up, revealing a concealed hatch leading down into darkness.

Chameleon descended, the frigid air giving way to an eerie silence that surrounded him. Fluorescent lights illuminated the corridor, casting long shadows that danced across the walls. His steps were careful, soundless, as he moved forward.

At the end of the hallway, he noticed two heavily armed guards guarding a giant blast door. And there were automated turrets and three giant robots stationed on both sides of the hallway.

Dimitri's heart quickened as he observed the formidable defenses guarding the entrance to the research institute. Hydra had warned him that this facility was not to be underestimated, but seeing it firsthand sent a chill down his spine. However, he was no ordinary man; he was the Chameleon, a master of disguise and deception.

He has already disguised himself after killing the scout team's captain and the entire team out on the ice. And with his acting skill, it will be a piece of cake to enter the facility.

Dimitri, disguised as Jaxon, the scout team's captain, approached the heavily guarded blast door with a practiced air of authority. His heart raced, not from fear, but from the excitement of the challenge ahead. The guards scrutinized him as he approached, their fingers poised near the triggers of their weapons.

"Captain Jaxon," one of the guards greeted, "How are things outside? Has the blizzard stopped or still raging?"

"Still raging, unfortunately," Dimitri replied, his voice muffled slightly by the helmet.

"Where are the rest?" the other guard asked.

"Those newbies were cutting slacks as always," He sighed as he leaned on the wall. The guard took out a cigarette and gave it to Chameleon. He took it and lifted his helmet. He put the cig into his mouth, the guard lighted it and then he inhaled deeply. "Maybe a few more hours outside will bring them back to their senses.

"Hahaha!" The guard on the right laughed, "Those brats are in for it today!"

The other nodded in agreement, "What is the boss thinking, hiring such lazy people?"

Dimitri blew out a cloud of smoke and let out a sigh, "I know, right? By the way, thanks for the cig. I really needed it. Can't smoke inside, rules! So, how are you guys holding up?"

"Oh, nothing much, just the usual, guarding the door," the guard shrugged, "Nothing exciting has happened since...well, you know."

"Haaa..." Dimitri sighed as he took a puff, "The you guys standing all day without any place to sit and I bet you have been standing here all morning without taking a smoke break or even going to the loo? I think I will bring it up with the boss after this mission."

"Oh, don't bother," the guard waved his hand, "We are used to it. Besides, they transfer money to our families on time. It is enough."

"You guys are too kind," Dimitri smiled as he tossed the butt of the cig onto the ground and squashed it with his feet.

The guards chuckled as they moved aside, and opened the door, allowing Dimitri to enter the facility.

"You guys..." He stopped and looked back, "I will bring some brandy next time, and we will drink together, alright?"

"Hehe, that will be great!"

"Alright, Captain! Looking forward to it!"

The guards waved as the door closed behind Dimitri.

Beyond the blast door, there was a retina scanner. He easily passes through it thanks to his transformation and finally enters the main facility.

Inside the main facility, the atmosphere shifted from the cold and desolate exterior to a high-tech marvel. Brightly lit corridors extended in all directions, and the hum of machinery filled the air. Dimitri, still disguised as Jaxon, followed the signs directing him to the heart of the facility.

As he walked, he passed by glass-walled laboratories where scientists in white coats worked diligently on experiments involving alien technology. They seemed completely absorbed in their tasks, unaware of the Chameleon's true intentions.

Finally, Dimitri arrived at a massive chamber with a vault-like door. A large, circular indentation on the floor indicated that this was the location of the coveted artifact. He knew he couldn't waste any time. Hydra had provided him with a portal gun and a place where he could use it to pass through the wall.

Dimitri, maintaining his disguise as Jaxon, casually made his way to the restroom area. Once inside, he ensured that he was alone and out of sight. He carefully activated the portal gun he had been provided by Hydra. The device emitted a soft, subtle glow as it hummed to life.

Placing the portal gun against the wall, he pressed the button and watched as a swirling vortex opened up, revealing a shimmering portal. This was his ticket to bypassing the heavily guarded vault door. Activating his cloaking tech, he stepped through the portal, feeling a brief sensation of disorientation as he passed through the interdimensional rift.

On the other side, he found himself in a corridor adjacent to the chamber where the alien artifact was held. The portal closed behind him, leaving no trace of his entry. It was a feat of technology that had even Hydra's most advanced scientists impressed.

The room was not as big as he had imagined. It was dark and he could barely see anything. Before him was a pillar made of some kind of energy field and inside it was a floating surfing boat that was gleaming with a silver glow.

He scanned the room with his scanner, but there weren't any weapons or securities which surprised him because, in his eyes, everything went too smoothly for some reason.

As he carefully approached the pillar.

"What the fuck is this? They want me to steal a freaking surfing boat!?" He wondered as he noticed something weird. The silver surfing boat looked as if it was made of molten metal. But he couldn't care less because his mission is to steal and deliver.

Dimitri took out a small box and placed it on the floor. Then he pressed a button on his belt. Instantly, the small puzzle-sized box became a big one. Big enough to hold the surfing boat.

Now all he has to do is somehow undo the energy field.

He carefully approached the energy field that encapsulated the silver surfing boat. He examined it closely, using his advanced technology to analyze the energy patterns and security measures in place. His nimble fingers worked deftly as he began to disable the field's controls, attempting to create an opening that would allow him to retrieve the artifact.

Just as he was making progress in bypassing the energy field, a sudden surge of energy pulsed through the chamber. The air crackled with electricity, and Dimitri was thrown backward by the force of the blast. He crashed into the wall, his cloaking tech flickering momentarily as the impact disoriented him.

Stunned and disoriented, Dimitri struggled to regain his bearings. He quickly realized that the security measures protecting the artifact were not only robust but also reactive. It seemed that his attempts to disable the energy field had triggered a countermeasure designed to repel intruders.

Gritting his teeth, Dimitri fought through the pain and dizziness, his mind racing for a solution. He knew that he couldn't afford to fail this mission. With a determined resolve, he activated a device on his wrist that emitted a series of high-frequency pulses. The pulses interfered with the security systems, causing them to momentarily falter.

Seizing the opportunity, Dimitri lunged forward, his gloved hand passing through the weakened energy field. He grasped the silver surfing boat, feeling its cool, metallic surface beneath his fingertips. Adrenaline surged through his veins as he pulled the artifact free from its confines.

However, as he lifted the artifact, the energy field surged once again, this time with even greater intensity. The chamber was filled with blinding light and crackling energy, making it nearly impossible for Dimitri to maintain his grip on the silver surfing boat.

With a silver burst of light, the facility was reduced to nothingness. Only he was alive and stunned.

Before him stood a frozen silver-colored humanoid creature. His eyes were gazing at him with intense pressure that nearly made him piss his pants. The silver surfing boat stopped before the ice sculpture.

"In the name of motherfucking devil!" Dimitri stuttered, "What the fuck is this?"


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