Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 72 [Disaster]

As they headed back towards the shore, their romantic beach date took an unexpected turn. Dark clouds had begun to gather on the horizon, and the once-calm sea started to churn with an unnatural intensity. The atmosphere grew heavy with foreboding, and a sense of unease settled over the beach.

Suddenly, a massive tremor rocked the ground beneath their feet, causing them to stumble. It felt like an earthquake, but the intensity of the shaking was unlike anything they had ever experienced. People on the beach screamed in terror as they struggled to maintain their balance.

"What the hell is happening?" Brian shouted over the deafening roar of the quake.

Sue, her eyes wide with fear, could only shake her head in disbelief. "I don't know, but we need to everyone to safety."

As they were about to make their move, they noticed something even more terrifying. The sea, which had been relatively calm just moments ago, had turned into a raging maelstrom. Enormous waves surged towards the shore, far larger than anything a natural tsunami could produce.

The beachgoers screamed and scattered in all directions, desperate to escape the oncoming wall of water. Panic rippled through the crowd as they realized the danger they were in.

Amid the chaos, Brian spotted an airplane descending rapidly towards the beach. Its engines sputtered and smoked, and it was clear that the aircraft was in distress.

"You save the people in the water, and I will somehow try to stop that freaking plane," Brian yelled as he flew into the sky. He used his Symbiote cells to create a mask and costume similar to that of Spider-Man.

"And here I thought to have a nice problem-free day," Susan Storm rushed toward the sea.

The towering waves crashed against the shoreline, threatening to engulf the panicked beachgoers.

Extending her arms, Sue summoned her force fields, creating a massive protective barrier that stretched across the beach. It was a herculean effort, even for her incredible powers, to shield the people from the approaching tsunami. The force field shimmered with energy, deflecting the crushing force of the water and redirecting it harmlessly away from the beach.

Brian rocketed towards the faltering plane with incredible speed. He knew that time was running out, and the lives of those on board hung in the balance. The plane's nose was dangerously close to the ground, and disaster seemed imminent.

He used his gravity to slow it down, but it was too big and the descent was too strong.

The plane continued its rapid descent, and Brian's heart raced as he strained to exert his gravity-manipulating powers. He pushed himself to the limit, trying to counteract the plane's downward trajectory, but it was a formidable challenge even for someone with his abilities.

Sue, on the other hand, struggled to maintain the massive force field that protected the beachgoers from the colossal tsunami waves. The strain on her powers was immense, and beads of sweat formed on her forehead as she focused every ounce of her energy on keeping the force field intact.

"Argggg!" Brian screamed as he used his Symbiote power to increase his strength and defenses as he pushed the plane hard.

His entire body screamed in protest as he fought to keep the plane from crashing. His muscles strained, and his bones ached as he pushed his gravity-manipulating powers to their absolute limit. The plane was an unyielding force, and the strain on his body was excruciating.

The pain was relentless, coursing through every fiber of his being. It felt as though his body was being torn apart, piece by piece. Without the Symbiote's power, he would have been crushed under the pressure of that plane.

He glanced back. Sue was on her knees, extending her hands to hold on to the forcefield. There were multiple cracks on the shield and the plane was pushing him back, heading in her direction.

The civilians were able to escape the disaster, but the ones inside the plane were not so safe.

'Why the fuck am I doing this? I ain't no hero,' A thought crossed his mind, 'Fuck it all!'

In an act of desperation, Brian pushed himself even harder. His body trembled with immense strain as he unleashed every bit of his gravity-manipulating power. The air around him crackled with energy as he fought to stabilize the faltering plane.

With a final surge of effort, he managed to slow down the plane's descent just enough to prevent a catastrophic crash. The aircraft's wheels grazed the sand of the beach, sending a spray of debris into the air.

But now, it's rushing toward the forcefield even faster. The only thing standing between them was a single human.

"Just stop, you motherfucking piece of shit!" Brian screamed.

In that heart-stopping moment, as the plane hurtled toward the fragile force field and Sue, everything slowed down before Brian's eyes. He could hear his rapid heartbeat. He could feel his cracked bones. His fists were almost destroyed. His legs were nearly crushed, but thanks to the Symbiote's endurance, and speciality, his body was rapidly healing.

However, the pain he felt was beyond anything he had ever felt.

Sue turned toward Brian. Blood was dripping from her nose. She was also at her limits. Even so, she extended her left hand toward him, helping him slow down the speeding plane with her forcefield. But the pressure was too much for her. Her elbow cracked.

He clenched his teeth, his face contorted in agony as he exerted every ounce of his power to counteract the plane's deadly momentum. The impact with the force field created a deafening crash, and the plane shuddered as it came to a violent halt just inches from Sue.

The force field cracked and flickered under the immense strain, and he knew they were running out of time.

'Can't even use tendrils in here,' He thought. 'Oh, what the hell?'

He kicked the ground, digging his legs into the sandy ground as far as possible.

His boots dug deep into the sand, creating furrows as he anchored himself to the ground with every ounce of his strength. The weight of the plane, combined with his gravity manipulation, caused the earth to tremble beneath him.

The force field, though battered and on the verge of collapse, held for a moment longer. It flickered like a dying flame in the wind, its integrity wavering under the relentless pressure. Sue's strained expression mirrored the desperate effort she was making to keep it intact.

Both of them were on the verge of collapse.

Then suddenly a voice came from above.

"You did good," It was Captain Marvel. She flew down beside Brian, "Leave the rest to me." With a single hand, she stopped the plane as if it were a piece of paper.

A blinding flash of silver light enveloped the entire beach. It was a sight that left everyone stunned and baffled, as if a cosmic force had descended upon them.

When the light finally dissipated, it revealed a scene of utter devastation. The once-mighty tsunami had vanished as abruptly as it had appeared, leaving behind a barren stretch of land where the sea had once been. Dead sea creatures littered the exposed seabed, their lifeless forms a grim testament to the inexplicable event that had just occurred.

People on the beach, who had moments ago been fleeing for their lives, now stood in shocked silence, their expressions a mix of awe and fear. The entire landscape had been transformed, and they were left to grapple with the incomprehensible.

Amidst this bewildering scene, the cause of the calamity emerged. Rising from a colossal hole in the seabed was the silver object that had captured Brian's attention earlier. It was a gleaming, metallic figure standing on a silver surfboard, surveying the altered landscape with an enigmatic gaze.

The being's form was sleek and ethereal, its body radiating a cosmic luminescence. It was the Silver Surfer, and his presence raised more questions than answers for everyone. What had brought him to Earth, and what role had he played in the cataclysmic events that had just unfolded?

Fuck! Galactus!

The silver creature flew into the atmosphere with a blinding speed.

"Go," Sue said.

"The help is on the way. Sit tight," Captain Marvel said nodding her head. She flew into the sky, chasing the silver creature.

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