Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 84 [Unrest]

[Location: Farmhouse] [First person POV]

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Gwen and I sat at the kitchen table, having breakfast while the news played on the small television in the corner. The hot topic of the day was the Silver Surfer, and the news anchors were discussing the recent sightings and speculating on the cosmic entity's intentions.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as I watched the reports. The Silver Surfer's appearance had sent shockwaves through the world, and people were trying to make sense of this cosmic being's presence on Earth. It was a stark reminder of the unpredictable and often dangerous nature of the universe.

The news even showed the scene of destruction at the beach and the plane crashing down that Sue and I barely saved thanks to Captain Marvel's arrival. Thanks to the Symbiote's mask, my identity was hidden from the world.

Gwen, however, seemed focused on her cereal, her thoughts clearly elsewhere. She had been unusually quiet since the news began, and I could tell that something was bothering her.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, reaching out to gently touch her hand.

She looked up, her eyes meeting mine, and for a moment, I saw a flicker of uncertainty in her gaze. "I... I just can't stop thinking about the Silver Surfer," she admitted, her voice tinged with worry. "I mean, he just beat Captain Marvel with just a single swipe of his palm... And the number of disasters occurring is increasing ever since he has arrived..."

I nodded in understanding, sharing her concerns. The Silver Surfer's immense power and the chaos that seemed to follow in his wake were certainly alarming.

"Yeah, it's pretty unsettling," I replied, my tone serious. "We don't know much about his intentions or why he's here. But the holes he is creating all over the Earth... There must be a purpose behind this. Let's put Peggy on the call and ask about the situation."

I am aware that the Surfer is preparing Earth for Galactus's arrival. Initially, I planned to stay out of it and observe from a distance, but what if things go wrong and the heroes fail? However, I can't disclose this information to the heroes without raising suspicion about my source. It would only add to my troubles.

I think it's about time I take my power to the next level. If I can copy and fuse other heroes' power as I did with Sue, I might just be able to kick his ass for good and prevent that planet-eating freak.

"Why call? Let's go and meet her at her office," Gwen replied finishing her breakfast.

[Illuminati Headquaters]

Gwen and I quickly finished our breakfast and made our way to Peggy's office at the Illuminati Headquarters. The atmosphere in the city was tense, with people talking about the recent events involving the Silver Surfer. It seemed like everyone was on edge, and no one knew what to expect next.

As we arrived at Peggy's office, she was already on a call with some of the other members of the Illuminati. She looked up and nodded for us to take a seat as she finished her conversation.

Once the call was over, Peggy turned her attention to us. "Good morning, you two. I guess my retirement has to wait for now."

"You look like a mess," I said as I walked to her and gave her a kiss, "You are not pushing yourself again, are you?"

She smiled weakly, appreciating the concern. "Old habits die hard, Brian. But with the Silver Surfer situation, I can't exactly sit this one out. It's too dangerous."

Gwen and I exchanged worried glances. It was clear that Peggy was taking this threat seriously, and if she was concerned, it meant the situation was dire.

"What's the latest update on the Silver Surfer?" I asked, my voice laced with unease.

Peggy leaned back in her chair and sighed. "It's not good. The Silver Surfer seems to be systematically destabilizing the Earth's core, creating these massive sinkholes. We don't know his endgame yet, but it's clear he's preparing the planet for something."

Gwen chimed in, her expression troubled. "We saw the news. He took down Captain Marvel like she was nothing. He's on a whole different level of power."

Peggy looked at me with a smirk, "You haven't told her, have you?"

"Uumm... You are hiding something from me?" Gwen asked, narrowing her brows.

"Well, that black masked guy who stopped the falling plane... Well, that's me. I was there at the beach when it happened," I explained the situation to her about when I was there on the beach with Sue and how we stopped the disaster.

Gwen's eyes widened in surprise as I revealed my involvement in the incident at the beach. She looked at me with a mix of astonishment and concern.

"You were there?" she asked, her voice filled with worry. "Brian, why didn't you tell me about this before? No secrets remember?"

"Haaa... I tried to call you, remember? We were trying to get some lone time?" I said raising my brow. "But when I found you... Well, you already know... One thing led to another and we ended up in bed. Rings a bell? Last night?" I teased her.

Gwen blushed slightly at my teasing, and then her expression grew serious again. "Alright, I get it."

"Ohh," Peggy smirked, "Someone was busy last night. Brian," she looked at me, "I too want some lone time after we take care of this situation..."

"That's a promise," I replied.

"So, you even managed to get Sue, huh? So, did she break up with Reed?" Gwen asked with a curious look in her eyes, "Weren't they supposed to get married this month?"

"Well, they broke up," I replied, "Reed tried to push back the marriage and even duped her for his little experiments... And well, we met at the restaurant and one thing led to another and we ended up together."

"Ohh!" Peggy smirked, "Gwen, me and even Sue... What a playboy, you are, Brian! Just make sure to spend some time with us too..."

Gwen chuckled, shaking her head. "You're something else. But at least you have good taste."

Peggy chimed in, "He certainly knows how to make a woman feel special."

I grinned, feeling a bit bashful under their playful scrutiny. "Well, I've been lucky, that's for sure. But let's not forget the pressing matter at hand. The Silver Surfer and these sinkholes aren't going to wait for our love lives to settle."

Gwen leaned forward, her expression turning more serious. "Peggy, what's the plan? How do we stop the Silver Surfer? Do we have any leads on what he's after?"

Peggy nodded, her demeanor shifting back to the stern leader of the Illuminati. "We're working on it. Our best minds are trying to decipher his intentions, but it's not easy. The guy's power levels are off the charts. But one thing's for sure, we can't let him continue destabilizing the planet. That's a disaster waiting to happen."

I leaned back in my chair, deep in thought. "I might have a way to level the playing field a bit."

Both Gwen and Peggy turned to me with curious expressions.

"What do you mean?" Gwen asked.


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