Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 85 [The myth of Planet eater]

"Well," I began, "Since the Illuminati already knows about my existence, there is no point in hiding it anymore. I have another power apart from Gravity manipulation. I can absorb cosmic powers..."

Both Peggy and Gwen stared at me, their expressions a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Peggy was the first to speak, her tone cautious. "Absorb cosmic powers?"

I focused my powers. I can feel my cells moving... It's a creepy and weird feeling. But with a bit more focus, I turned invisible.

They gasped in astonishment. They looked around the room, trying to make sense of what had just happened.

"Sue's power?" Peggy asked.

"Yup," I replied, reappearing before them. "I can copy the powers of people I've come into contact with, and thanks to Sue, I can turn invisible."

Peggy stood up, "I think it's better if we talk to the Professor."

'Hey System, you better block his telepathy power,' I said in my mind.


With a sense of urgency, Peggy led the way as we made our way to Professor X's office. The halls of the Illuminati Headquarters were bustling with activity as members and scientists scurried about, and from what I gathered from the tiny bits of their gossip, they were trying to make sense of the Silver Surfer's actions and how to counter them.

Upon reaching Professor X's office, Peggy knocked gently on the door, and we entered upon hearing his welcoming voice.

"Come in, Peggy," Professor X said, his wheelchair neatly positioned behind his desk. He looked at us with his piercing blue eyes, his telepathic abilities already likely giving him insights into our purpose.

Dang! He looks exactly like the baldy from comic books.

"Gwen, it's been a while. I hope you are doing good," He said with a calm tone, and then he looked at me, "So, you are Brian... The one with gravity manipulation power and the savior of countless people. I saw how you stopped that falling plane at the beach. It takes a great will to face such an impossible challenge without proper training."

"Well," I began, "Truth be told, my first thought was to run away and save myself. But... Well, I couldn't and before I knew it, there I was, trying to stop a falling plane. But, without Sue's help, it would have been impossible to hold on, and not to mention Captain Marvel arrived when I was about to pass out."

Professor X nodded in understanding. "It's only natural to feel fear in such situations. What matters is how you chose to act in the end, and your choice saved innocent lives. But I guess we are not here to talk about that, are we? I guess, you are here because you might have a solution to diffuse the situation with our Silver Surfer?"

He looked at Peggy, "May I have a moment with him, alone."

Peggy and Gwen nodded and left the room, closing the door behind them. Now, it was just Professor X and me, and I could feel the weight of his telepathic presence in the room.

"First," I said, "I've requested that you not use your telepathy to delve into my thoughts."

"I couldn't even if I wanted to," He replied with a smile, "Please, take a seat. I think we have much to discuss."

"That we do," I replied.

[Meanwhile, Italy]

Tony tracked down Silver Surfer's next location. He decided to take a chance with the new armor he made with Shuri. It was the most advanced suit they made yet.

"Going somewhere?" Tony quipped, his voice amplified by the suit's speakers.

The Silver Surfer regarded them with an enigmatic expression. "Your interference is unwelcome, mortals. Leave and enjoy the time you have with your loved ones, for soon, it will all be extinguished." His voice carried a hint of sadness.

"I'm not going anywhere," Tony replied, his tone defiant. "We need some answers. What's your game here? Why are you destabilizing Earth's core?"

The Silver Surfer's silver form seemed to shimmer in the sunlight as he regarded Tony with an otherworldly gaze. "You would not understand, mortal. My actions are necessary for the survival of my master. And for my people."

Tony's eyes narrowed behind his helmet's visor. "Your master? You're working for someone? Who is it?"

The Silver Surfer hesitated for a moment, as if grappling with the decision to reveal more. Tony could sense the internal struggle within the cosmic being.

Finally, the Silver Surfer spoke, his voice tinged with resignation. "I serve Galactus, the devourer of worlds. He is drawn to this planet, and my task is to prepare it for his coming."

Illuminati has explored and had contact with many worlds out in the galaxy, but they never heard anything about Galactus's existence. Tony couldn't believe what he was hearing. Galactus, the devourer of worlds, was supposed to be a myth, a cosmic legend. But here was the Silver Surfer, claiming to serve this ancient and destructive entity.

He found it hard to believe.

"Galactus? You expect us to believe that?" Tony asked, skepticism evident in his voice.

The Silver Surfer regarded Tony with an almost mournful expression. He flicked his finger, and suddenly, the space around them shifted, revealing a surreal cosmic panorama that defied Tony's understanding of reality. Stars, planets, and galaxies whirled around them in a breathtaking cosmic dance.

"You doubt the existence of Galactus, mortal? Behold the truth," he said, his voice carrying the weight of eons. "He is the devourer of worlds, a cosmic force beyond mortal comprehension. And he is drawn to this planet, Earth."

Tony was awestruck by the cosmic spectacle before him. It was as if the very fabric of the universe had been unveiled, and he was a tiny speck in the grand tapestry of existence.

"This... this is beyond anything I've ever imagined," Tony muttered, his disbelief slowly giving way to acceptance.

He watched in stunned silence as an entire solar system, with its stars, planets, and countless lives, was swallowed by the colossal cosmic entity known as Galactus. It was a horrifying and awe-inspiring sight, one that defied all logical explanation.

The Silver Surfer's voice echoed through the cosmic void, providing context to the catastrophic event unfolding before them. "Galactus is a force of nature, a being that feeds on the energy of planets. He consumes worlds to sustain his existence. Earth's energy signature has drawn him here, and my task is to prepare it for his arrival. This Solar System will doom, just like all the others before."

As Tony gazed upon the annihilation of an entire system, he couldn't help but feel a sense of overwhelming dread. Galactus was not a myth or a legend; he was a cosmic cataclysm, a harbinger of destruction on an unimaginable scale.

"We can't let this happen," He said, his voice filled with determination. "We have to find a way to stop him, to protect Earth."

"Many tried," the Silver Surfer flicked his finger once more, "All failed." He showed Tony the struggles of the heroes who stood up against Galactus, but in the end, they were devoured along with their planets.

And they all were many times stronger than the whole Illuminati combined.

Tony witnessed the heroic efforts of countless beings across the universe, all ultimately futile in the face of Galactus's insatiable hunger. The cosmic entity was an unstoppable force, and his arrival on Earth threatened to bring about unparalleled devastation.

"We can't just give up," Tony said, his voice resolute. "There has to be a way to stop him, to protect our planet."

The Silver Surfer regarded Tony with a mixture of pity and understanding. "I once believed as you do, mortal. I too sought to defy my master's will. But the power of Galactus is beyond comprehension. You cannot hope to defeat him in direct confrontation. Now, go and spend the rest of your days with your loved ones. Enjoy the time you have left..."


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