Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 98 [Galactus’s arrival]

Before we could embark on any further adventures, Gali suddenly teleported us out of the private room to a desolate, barren land. I was taken by surprise, the sudden change of scenery disorienting me for a moment.

As I tried to regain my bearings, I noticed the unmistakable figure of the Silver Surfer materializing before us. His silver surfboard hovered nearby, gleaming brilliantly in the dimly lit landscape.

The Silver Surfer, whose true name is Norrin Radd, regarded us with his iconic stoicism. His metallic skin reflected the ambient light eerily.

"Brian," Gali said, her tone serious, "I think our little adventures have to wait till we deal with this present situation."

"I agree," I said as I buckled my belt.

"Come with me. Your father awaits," the Silver Surfer flew down, levitating before Gali on his board.

"Still doing his bidding I see..." Gali said with a smirk.

"Master's orders are absolute. I am tasked with bringing you to him at all costs. Resistance is futile," the surfer said, his voice emotionless.

"Allow me to give you an offer of a lifetime. Help us destroy my father, go back to your people, and live peacefully with them," Gali replied.

The Silver Surfer's expression didn't change, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes. Perhaps a hint of conflict or doubt.

"Destroying Galactus is not something I can contemplate lightly," he replied. "There is no one strong enough in this world or universe who can destroy his existence."

"What about you?" Gali asked, "What if I unshackle you from my father's influence? I have already blocked his mental manipulation... If you agree to help us, I will unleash your true potential with my remaining energy."

The Silver Surfer seemed to consider Gali's offer for a moment. His eyes darted between us, and I could sense a deep internal struggle. It was evident that he was torn between his loyalty to Galactus and the possibility of a different path.

Finally, he spoke, "I have been the herald of Galactus for eons, serving him faithfully. But I have also seen the destruction he brings to countless civilizations. The suffering he inflicts upon innocent beings. It weighs heavily on my conscience."

He looked at Gali with a newfound determination, "If you can truly free me from his control and grant me the power to resist his influence, I will join your cause. I will help you stop him, even if it means my own demise."

Gali nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips, "Very well, Norrin Radd. Prepare yourself."

Gali extended her hand towards the Silver Surfer, and a brilliant surge of cosmic energy flowed from her to him. I watched in awe as his silver form seemed to glow even brighter, and a newfound strength emanated from him.

The Silver Surfer's expression changed, no longer a passive servant but a determined ally. "I am free," he said, his voice resonating with power. "I can sense the cosmos in a way I never could before."

This was easy... Now, one less problem to deal with... But, Gali has used up all her energy and is now looking hungry as hell.

"But we must hurry," he looked into the sky with a grim expression, "He knows and he is coming for us." He turned toward me, "Keep her safe."

"You are going to face him alone?" I asked because I know how fucking strong Galactus is.

The Silver Surfer nodded. "I must confront Galactus alone. It is the only way. With the power Gali has granted me, I stand a chance, albeit a slim one. But it is a chance we cannot afford to pass up."

[Cosmic being: 100%]

Finally, it's 100%. Now what? I don't feel any difference or anything. What about my unique skill? I tried to ask the System but didn't get any response. And I don't have enough time to bring up my status window and read everything.

"You do know that if you kill Galactus, the others who are hiding in the shadows will come forth. His place cannot remain empty. Someone must take his place to maintain the balance and keep those powerful forces at bay," I said, addressing the Silver Surfer.

He nodded solemnly, "I am aware of the consequences. But it is a risk we must take. Galactus is in his weakest form right now. It's the best chance we have got."

"Then let's formulate a plan. Ask the Illuminati for assistance. Let's make that slim chance a better chance," I continued addressing the surfer.

He considered my suggestion for a moment, and then he nodded, "Very well. Galactus will be here in less than a week. And convincing your friends won't be an easy task. You..."

[Booom!] With a massive explosion, a gigantic humanoid appeared before us.

The colossal figure before us was none other than Galactus himself. He loomed like a cosmic titan, his immense form radiating a terrifying aura of power. His helmeted head turned slowly, his gaze fixating on the Silver Surfer.

Motherfucking son of a bitch, Galactus is here. And yet, I don't feel any pressure. Interesting. I can sense his cosmic energy, it's like... It's hard to explain, but considering the amount of energy radiating from his body... I can tell that he is strong, stronger than any hero, but the Surfer is just a little bit stronger than him.


I want to beat up this guy. My body... My cells are screaming to kick the hell out of this freaking giant. I am barely stopping myself from rushing in, beating him up, stealing his power, and fusing it with my body.

Is this because of the Symbiote or my evolution to the Cosmic being? I don't have the answer.

I have to wait. I have to wait for the perfect moment. With him here, I am sure the Illuminati is on their way. Things are about to get messy.

"Norrin Radd," Galactus's voice boomed like thunder, "You dare to defy me?"

The Silver Surfer stepped forward, his newly acquired cosmic power evident in his confident posture. "I serve you no longer, Galactus. My loyalty lies with a new cause, one that seeks to prevent the destruction you bring."

[Meanwhile at Wakanda]

Back in Wakanda, the heroes had indeed prepared for the arrival of Silver Surfer. Black Panther, the mastermind behind the plan, had gathered some of Earth's mightiest heroes to confront the former herald of Galactus. 

The plan was simple: lure Silver Surfer into a trap, incapacitate him, steal his board, and have Brian step on it. Their plan to kill two birds with one stone was so close...

As the heroes in Wakanda were preparing for their confrontation with the Silver Surfer, the Earth's emergency alert system began blaring loudly, drawing their immediate attention. Black Panther, the mastermind behind the plan, rushed to the computer panel to investigate the source of the alarm.

With a furrowed brow, he examined the data on the screen, and his eyes widened in disbelief. The cosmic radiation readings were off the charts, indicating a level of power and presence that was beyond anything they had anticipated.

"Impossible," Black Panther muttered to himself, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and dread.

The other heroes gathered around the computer panel, their expressions mirroring his astonishment. They were witnessing a cosmic event of monumental significance, and it left them both exhilarated and anxious.

"That's him... How the hell is he here? What about the Earth's defense system? What about the magic barrier?" Peggy turned to Dr. Strange.

"The magic barrier is still active and working," Dr. Strange replied as he drew some intricate sigils in the air.

"So is the defense mechanisms... Nothing looks breached. Everything is working perfectly..." Shuri who was constantly checking the system replied as she prepared the emergency V-Rays projector weapon into the space, and aimed it over Galactus, "He must have used some sort of teleporter or portal... Portal is out of question since the magic is still intact. Teleporter might be the correct answer. His tech is a thousand times better than ours..."

"Captain," Black Panther put the live footage on the bigger screen, "I think you should see this..."



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