Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 99 [Galactus- A battery?!]

"Huh?!" I looked around. Everything was just stuck in its place, even that giant freak was frozen. It's as if time has stopped. What the fuck is going on? I have no idea, but the fun thing is that I can move.

It's a weird feeling... My body feels light and I can see a thin layer of yellow energy radiating. This is it... This must be it. My unique power, because of this feeling is entirely different from my super speed. It's just I know it in my mind.

"System, what the hell is happening?" I asked.

[New Cosmic Mode Activated]

"System, can you explain what this new cosmic mode is?" I inquired. "Any status window with skill info or anything like that?"


Analysis: Cosmic Mode enhances the user's physical and mental attributes to a level far beyond that of ordinary beings. It grants control over cosmic energy, allowing for the manipulation of time and space. User gains the following abilities:

Time Manipulation: The ability to control and alter the flow of time, including freezing or accelerating it.

Spatial Manipulation: The ability to manipulate and traverse through space, enabling teleportation and dimensional travel.

Enhanced Physical Attributes: A significant boost in strength, speed, agility, durability, and sensory perception.

Cosmic Energy Manipulation: The user can harness and utilize cosmic energy for various purposes.

Immunity to Mind Manipulation: Resistance to mental control or influence from cosmic entities.

Enhanced Healing: Accelerated regeneration of injuries and extended lifespan.

Cosmic Awareness: Profound understanding of the cosmos and cosmic events.

Energy Conversion: Ability to convert various forms of energy into cosmic energy.

Cosmic Beam Projection: Emit concentrated blasts of cosmic energy.

Reality Warping: Limited reality manipulation within the user's immediate vicinity.

Note: Cosmic Mode consumes cosmic energy, and the user's abilities may vary depending on the available cosmic energy reserves.

The system needs time to rearrange the mode system. [1%]


I was genuinely surprised... What a hell of an upgrade. Cosmic energy, eh? I can see my cosmic energy gauge on the top right corner. And I have... a lot.

[Cosmic Energy: 100%]

So I have 100% of cosmic energy. This mode is really cool... This new mode seems to take it to a whole new level.

So, why don't I take this opportunity and smash up this giant hell of a freak to a pulp? If the Silver Surfer is right and Galactus is indeed in his weakest form, then it's somewhat doable. I mean, I won't know how strong I am if I don't fight or at least beat him up while he is frozen.

Let's give it a try...

I flew towards him and smashed my fist onto his left chest and boy, the moment I threw my punch I thought he is going to collapse. Well, I was dead wrong. I only managed to damage myself after landing a direct punch on his chest and damn, it feels like a boulder.

Dude, what kind of armor is that? Is this made of cosmic stone or something? A level of durability I can't destroy even with my symbiote's enhancement with added cosmic power is surprising indeed. If a physical attack doesn't work, how about a cosmic beam attack?

I pointed my finger at his humongous body. And I released a blast of cosmic beam. A vibrant yellow beam emerged from my finger and struck the exposed part of his face. But like the sucker attack, the attack exploded a second after hitting Galactus. Heck, I can't even hurt him... Ugh, it's like an ant fighting a giant monster. I took a peek at my energy gauge.

Well, I consumed 20% of my energy just trying to hurt him... Isn't that a bit too much?

Wait a minute! Isn't Galactus himself an embodiment of Cosmic energy? He must have consumed so much cosmic energy over his billions or trillions of years. Therefore, all I need to do is absorb his energy, right? I flew over his head and grabbed his armor, "Cosmic Energy Manipulation- Absorption."

It felt as if my entire body is being electrocuted while connected to his body but I didn't let go, and instead, I concentrate on absorbing his energy.

"Give me your cosmic energy, Galactus! You big bastard!!" I exclaimed with gritted teeth.

In fact, that is what the whole idea. It's worth trying, isn't it? Or, do you think it's impossible to consume the energy of a cosmic entity like Galactus? Well, only one way to find out.

1 minute...

2 minutes...

"ARGH!! FUCK!!" I groaned while my fingers started to tremble as a surge of cosmic energy is passing through my arm like an electric shock. My depleted energy gauge filled up back to 100% and any more might kill me. My eyes fell on Gali... Ah! This could be fun. I extended my hand toward her, releasing the excess energy for her to absorb. Although she is frozen in time, I don't know why or how it is working. But nevertheless, the cosmic energy is being passed into her and like an instant energy drink, she is completely energized.

"Gali, eat up all you want and become strong. It's rare to feast on such high-quality cosmic energy!"

40 minutes later...

Motherfucking shitting hell... It's almost one whole hour. The only thing that has changed is his size. From sky-high, his size shrunk, but he is still as high as a three-story building. He is getting weaker, but I need to make sure to render him useless. 

15 minutes later...

Just how much energy this fucking giant has? It's not even ending at all. The surplus energy was becoming overwhelming. It was like trying to pour an ocean into a teacup. Gali's body isn't absorbing the energy anymore.

I needed a way to release this excess energy without causing harm to myself or the environment. 

"Hey, System, can I fuse the excessive energy with the symbiote cells?" I inquired because I can't hold it any longer, and I can't let this opportunity go to waste. I need some help here to fuse it with my Symbiote cells without losing my concentration, otherwise, things could explode, which won't be of much help.


Incompatibility with Cells. Forceful fusion might result in eternal hunger for cosmic energy. However, the host can use the excess energy to overload the target's body. This is the best solution according to the System's analysis.

Overloading targets' bodies: A short-term burst of immense energy will leave them fatigued, while a continuous and consistent overload will destroy them completely.


Well, I don't want to become another planet eating freak. So, let's bombard this bitch...

"What are you waiting for? Overload this bitch already," I commanded my System.

I focused on redirecting the excess cosmic energy into his body. With each surge, his colossal form trembled, and his once towering presence waned. It was like watching a balloon being inflated until it reached its limit.

As the surplus energy surged into him, Galactus's eyes, previously frozen in time, flickered with a strange, muted light. His metallic form began to twitch and spasm. He was unable to react, frozen in that moment of agony.

The chain reaction I initiated with the System continued, causing a cascade of explosions within his body. His limbs convulsed, and the energy surged through every part of him, seeking an escape. But there was no escape. The cosmic overload was relentless, and I maintained my focus on channeling it into him.

Minutes passed, and the once mighty giant planet eater was reduced to a trembling, flickering shadow of his former self. His form crackled with energy, and his screams, though frozen, echoed through the frozen time.

Finally, as the cosmic overload reached its peak, there was a blinding flash of light, and a deafening explosion erupted from within Galactus. His colossal form disintegrated into cosmic dust, scattering in all directions.

[Time freeze- Limit reached]

The world began to move again...

The huge crater where Galactus was standing... There was an unconscious human lying in the crater. 

If I am not wrong, that's the real form of Galactus, Galan. 

Did I just turn him into a charging battery and then explode him by overvolt? I rubbed my eyes. Yup. But as far as I know, he is kinda immortal being. So, as long as this Galan guy lives, there is a chance for him to come back. 

"Wow! What the...?" Gali looked around. She looked shocked to see that her giant daddy had disappeared, "Did you? And my body!" 

But before we could have a nice peaceful conversation, magic portals appeared around us. Torrents of magic chains rushed out from those portals, binding Galan's body like a cocoon. Then another barrage of magic chains rushed toward Gali and Silver Surfer.

Dr. Strange and the rest of the Illuminati are here to tie up the loose ends I see. Well, not on my watch. I am gonna recruit these two uber-strong cosmic beings to my new team and I won't allow anyone to get in my way.


OK: For now, Galactus has become a charging battery. Ahem! Not the best ending, but it's kinda funny. I will now have to make a new System window and rearrange all his skills. It will take some time. Jokes aside, there is a reason behind Galactus's weak form: he ate a planet with old power and was attacked by Thanos on the way. He barely survived. Doom has other plans for his armor.

----[Power stones>please]----

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