Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎15th November,1992▪︎]

[▪︎John's Pov▪︎]

"Soldier Boy grew up in the birthplace of American liberty. Born poor on the mean streets of South Philadelphia, he learned the values of hard work, tenacity and bravery. 

He used those values to prove America's exceptionalism to the world. He defended us against the encroaching Red Menace. 

He helped guide America into a brighter future, and along the way, he found the love of a good woman, which made his sacrifice all the more noble, when he gave his life saving us from a nuclear holocaust.

This is America's first and greatest hero, a man who put his life on the line to save countless people."

The Narrator of the video said. 

The video was displayed by a projector on the wall in a white small room with a man standing beside the projected screen.

"Soldier Boy is so cool, I want to be like him when I grow up. I want to make America proud like he did."

I said excitedly in my seat. Soldier Boy has always been my idol. I've watched a lot of documentaries about him but I still get excited when I watch his videos.

He is my hero. I wish I could have seen him before he died to save America.

"You will John don't worry. You have the potential to be the strongest and greatest hero, even greater than Soldier Boy. It's just a matter of time."

Mr Jeremy said with a smile on his face.

When I turned ten, the scientists here including 'Dad' dont smile at me anymore. They don't talk to me like they used to and nowadays I don't even get to see 'Dad' like I used to.

Its only Mr Jeremy who still smiles at me, even though it's fake and it only happens when he is teaching me I still want him to do it.

"Okay let's talk about Payback today, th---."

He didn't finish speaking before the door opened with 'Dad' entering the room.

"Sir, is it time already?"

Doctor Jeremy asked.

"Yes it is."

He replied.

After hearing the reply, Doctor Jeremy nodded  and left the room leaving the two of us alone.

" Dad, what's going on?"

I asked since I didn't know what they were talking about.

"Today is a special day, we are going to meet someone special today."

He replied with a smile on his face.

Someone special? Then it has to be the him.

I nodded, got up and followed Dad. While we were moving towards our destination, my mind went to something that happened a while back.

Two days ago when I was going to my room after attending a class, some the Doctors were talking about someone with excitement.

They were walking towards me from a far distance but I could hear them perfectly.

They were talking about a certain boy who was very smart, they said he might the smartest man in the future.

I wanted to know more so I continued to listen, and that's when I finally got to know the reason why Dad wasn't paying attention to me that much lately.

I automatically assumed that he was the reason why the Doctors and Dad were cold towards me nowadays. 

I got angry at the thought of this and approached the Doctors wanting to know more about him.

When I asked them, they told me I didn't need to know. I was angry at that time so when the Doctors tried to leave I grabbed the hand of one of the one closest to me, preventing him from moving.

He screamed and tried to get my hand off him, but I was stronger. His colleagues got away from us and watched me fearfully with one of them taking their phone and calling.

I asked him once more but instead of telling me, he insulted me. My anger increased when he did that and this made me increase my grip on his hand until it broke.

He cried in pain and knelt in front of me, and looked at me fearfully with tears and snot covering his face.

A part of me was happy about what I did to him but I pushed that feeling away since it was sinful.

When I realized what I did, I left his broken arm and rushed towards my room just before the scary guards came.

Surprisingly, I wasn't punished by Dad and ever since that incident I've been wanting to meet him.

"We are here."

I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard his voice.

We were standing in front of a white metallic door which slid apart the next moment. When we walked through the door, I saw a wide room with plenty comfortable chairs with various men and women sitting on them facing a clear and large glass panel on the wall.

We were behind them so they turned to look at us. When they saw us they smiled and one of them said:

"You guys are finally here."

"Sorry for the delay, we are going to start immediately. John, you see the door on the left side of the panel? Go through it and wait for my voice."

Dad said, pointing towards door.

I immediately went towards it and and opened the door.

A large, open and deep cubical room was revealed. When I looked downwards I realized how deep it was, it was wide and deep enough that in order for me to reach the bottom I have to fly down.

I saw a white haired boy with his back against the wall in the room looking at me with his red eyes.

I flew down and landed on the floor a few seconds later and stared at the boy who was now standing just a few meters away from the wall.

I've never seen someone like him before, I don't even think his hair color is natural. He looked cool standing there in his white tshirt and black Jeans with his hands in his pocket.

"I'm John, what about you?"

I introduced myself since the silence was getting awkward.

"I'm Virgil, so you are the John I've been hearing about huh?"

He replied with a calm smile.

So he has heard of me? Who told him about me, was it Dad or the other Doctors?

I wanted to know so I asked excitedly.

"You've heard of me? What did they say about me?"

"Not much, just that you have the potential to be stronger than Soldier Boy and that you are very powerful."

He replied calmly.

What he said brought a sheepish smile to my face but his next words erased it.

"I am kinda disappointed. I mean I expected to see something more than this, they said you are going to be the best but all I see is a waste of resources."

He said as he shook his head in disappointment with a neutral expression on his face.

A waste of resources? No one has ever said anything like this to me in my entire life. I can fly, shoot very hot temperatures of heat from my eyes that can cut through metal and I can carry ten tons without breaking a sweat.

But he called me a waste of resources.

All the anger that I've been keeping inside of me because of how people treat me lately added to the anger that came as a result of his words erupted.

"That's a lie, you are just jealous that I'm better than you!"

I exclaimed angrily.

"I see, let me ask you a simple question then. Have you ever been jealous of the trash you see around?"

He asked mockingly.

Rage I've never felt before was brewing inside of me. I don't know what I've done against him for him to say such hurtful words to me but I'm going to let him regret it.

My eyes started glowing in red as I stared at him. He didn't even look afraid, he was watching me the same way the Doctors did when they were experimenting on me and this increased my anger.

"You guys have been brought here this faithful afternoon for a test. This involves an all out fight between the two of you, the winner gets to wish for anything they want. So give your all and don't hold back, now Begin!"

Dad said with his voice echoing in the room, and the moment he said begin, I released a large ray of heat from my eyes towards Virgil with high speed with the intent of hurting him.

He just tilted his head to the right the moment the beam was about to hit him making me miss,it destroyed the wall behind him which sent stones everywhere but oddly none of them hit him. 

It was like they hit a wall when they got closer to him and dropped to the ground which made me surprised.

He looked at me with his red eyes that was now shinning and said:

"That was interesting."


Clearly not taking this fight seriously.

And thus our battle began.

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