Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎15th November, 1992▪︎]

[▪︎Main/Virgil's Pov▪︎]

Tilting my head to the right, I dodged John's beam just as it was about to hit me. 

I have already trained my reaction speed to subsonic levels so dodging his heat vision is childsplay.

It seems my plan of making him angry was successful. I don't know a lot about his physical capabilities but from what I've seen in Vogelbaum's memories, he is way stronger than me physically.

When humans are angry, their rational side diminishes and thus they move and act without much thought.

Judging by the look on his face, he was underestimating me and so he didn't think I would be able to dodge his beam.

Taking advantage of his pause, I stretched my left hand and sent a telekinetic wave towards him, sending him flying and hitting the wall at the other side of the room, cracking it in the process.

He groaned and got up from the floor a few seconds later with no injuries with his eyes shining red in anger.

I knew it won't damage him, this attack was meant to create some distance between us.

He floated in the air the next moment and positioned his body towards me.


The air exploded and the next moment he was in front of me with a punch sent towards my face. 

I hurriedly blocked the punch with my left hand, the force behind the punch sent me flying but I positioned my self mid-air and flipped backwards making me land on the ground safely.

My left hand was feeling numb after taking his punch. Even though I've been neglecting my physique, I know full well how durable my body is through some tests so I knew I could at least block his punch.

If it wasn't for my [ESP] which sensed the punch and my accelerated thought process which made me see the world slower, I wouldn't have been able to block that punch.

He is able to break the sound barrier at this age, I'm impressed but it's still not enough to harm me.

"How does it feel to be beaten by someone you called trash?" 

He asked with a smirk. He was looking at me from above condescendingly. 

"I'm impressed, I never imagined you were this fast. But the game ends now, it's time to get serious."

I replied with a smile.

I've been developing some techniques and moves but I haven't really gotten the opportunity to test them out yet.

I'm refraining from using my [Telepaty] in this match as it will make the fight too easy and I want to use this fight as an opportunity to train and polish my skills.

I can end this fight in a few minutes but where's the fun in that, the audience wouldn't like that and it's been long I satisfied my inner sadist.

I grinned and levitated the next second. 

Surprise was again shown on his face but this time he frowned and made himself ready instead of blindly rushing at me.

I guess he is learning huh? Oh well, it doesn't matter at this point.

"[ Force Pull ]."

I muttered in a low voice executing a pulling gesture with my right hand.

John yelped in shock as he moved towards me in high speed the next second with no control of his body.

I got into a boxing stance and reeled my left hand which was now okay and waited till he got to my position and punched him in his stomach with my hand which was now covered in a barely visible membrane.

My punch sent him flying downwards with enough force that it created a huge crack on the floor with him groaning due to the internal shock he felt.

I didn't wait for him to recover, and with a wave of my hand he was sent flying into the wall close to him creating a large dent on it.

He fell unto the floor and got up with no injuries other than a few scratches.

He had a fear stricken face, but it quickly got replaced with anger as his eyes glowed and the next moment a beam of highly concentrated heat was sent towards me.

With a thought, a barely visible transparent concave shield was projected in front of me effectively protecting me from the beam.

It was dispersing the beams into small rays that striked the ground, burning it and creating holes in it in the process.

The beam didn't stop, but was constantly striking the shield with an increasing concussive force that was pushing me backwards in the air.

The shield started cracking due to the force so I utilized another technique.

"[ Force Push ]"


A wave of concussive force emitted from my body immediately spread across the room, creating large cracks on the wall and pushed John to hit the wall with his back, making him embedded in it.

This gave me enough time to fly towards him with high speed, effectively catching him off guard and struck him with a drop kick.


The force of the kick sent him furthur into the wall sending dust and debris everywhere making the room shake uncontrollably. 

I landed calmly and watched as he dropped onto the floor from the human shaped hole.

I didn't bother to check on him since he was probably unconscious, so I turned and walked towards the door that was behind me.

<Coughing sounds>

I only took two steps before I heard coughing noises behind me. When I turned I saw him gradually standing up from the floor with his clothes in tatters but his body with no injuries.

My eyes widened when I saw this as I didn't believe that after all that damage he would still be unharmed. 

The shockwaves his body experienced alone should have knocked him out but there he was with no visible injuries.

A part of me was screaming to strap him down to a table and experiment on him to see how much he can take. 

But my logical side took over the next second as I knew I only had to either fully scan Vogelbaum's memories or acquire his experimental records which is easy given my current status.

My brain only took a second to discover a way to incapacitate him fully so I made my way towards him with an eerie smile on my face that frightened John when he saw me approaching him.

"The fight ends with the winner being Virgil, write what you want and give it to me tomorrow."

Doctor Vogelbaum's voice announced.

Hmmm,it seems today is his lucky day. Oh well, there will be a next time eventually.

I stopped and smiled at John who was standing at the moment looking at me like I fucked his mom in front of him.

I turned my back and flew towards the door leaving behind a fuming John.

I've already looked into his mind but I couldn't scan it fully because of the time. What I've seen is enough for me to make a profile on him and that's enough for now.

I guess it's time to fully scan the memories of the important people around to know the things I'm missing because a lot of things don't add up.

And with that I left the room, thinking about all the plans that need to be set in motion.

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