Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 78

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The steady thumping of drums resonated through the air – thump, thump, thump! Startled, a flock of seagulls that had been idling near the quay abruptly took flight, their wings fluttering in response to the unexpected noise. A multitude of citizens had congregated beneath the fluttering wings, their collective gaze converging on a single focal point.

Amidst the sea of onlookers, at a podium erected on one flank of the quay square, Raciel made some final adjustments to his shirt collar.


An involuntary cough escaped his lips; he had already cleared his throat numerous times before.

‘…Phew, these nerves.’

Addressing a crowd was a more formidable task than he had initially conceived. It was particularly daunting to be thrust into the spotlight in front of thousands, as opposed to mere dozens or hundreds. Raciel raised his head, catching sight of a sign hung prominently on the podium.

[Commendation Ceremony for the Prestigious Medal of Cremo City.]

Upon laying eyes on this, a memory from two days prior flashed through his mind.

“…Pardon? What are you trying to tell me?”

Two days earlier, within the garden of the mayoral residence of the city.

The mayor of Cremo was summoned in the midst of daylight and involuntarily flinched. Was it due to the astonishing tale he had just heard? Or was it the imposing presence of Uruus, who had consumed the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill and now lay in a profound slumber? It could have been a combination of both.

A notion sprang forth in Raciel’s mind, prompting a chuckle to escape his lips. To avoid unsettling the mayor, he proceeded to elaborate on his scheme.

“I was contemplating the notion of organizing a ceremony to bestow medals as a means to publicize my new medicinal creation.”

“A ceremony… for promoting a new medicine?”


The mayor nodded, intrigued.

It was precisely as Raciel had articulated.

“There are various reasons, but anyway, Cremo City has recently suffered. Many people were surprised, suffered property damage, and are now facing a difficult recovery due to the Minotaur. So, I thought about awarding medals to those who tried to protect me that night, those who dedicated themselves to others, and those who showed examples of courage and sacrifice.”

“Are you to be the one personally presenting these medals?”

“Indeed. I possess ample justification. I’ve contemplated coupling these medals with an accompanying reward.”

“What might this reward entail?”

The mayor’s head tilted inquisitively.

Held in the Crown Prince’s palm was the object he had referred to as ‘this’ – a golden bead, slightly smaller than a candy eyeball. A distinct, tangy yet invigorating aroma emanated from it. The Crown Prince’s lips curled into a smile.

“The Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill.”


“A formulation, designed to combat heart ailments like angina. As an added boon, it induces a serene slumber that engenders physical comfort – much like the profound sleep the Minotaur currently enjoys.”

“Are you implying that you administered this to the Minotaur?”


“Your Highness, did you craft this remedy yourself?”

“Affirmative. Given my role in its creation, it is only fitting that I oversee its distribution. Given its precious ingredients, its cost is substantial. Thus, the notion arose to pair it with the medals during the award ceremony.”

“Ah, I comprehend now.”

“Does my intent resonate with you?”

“Certainly, Your Highness.”

The mayor nodded sagely. A seasoned politician with decades of experience governing a domain, he astutely grasped the Crown Prince’s intent based on the provided information alone.

“A medal commemorating the triumph over an exceptional catastrophe, coupled with the celebration of its achievement… were such a medicine to be bequeathed alongside a medal bearing the Crown Prince’s name… the nobility throughout the empire would undoubtedly be piqued by the identity of this remedy.”

“Exactly. You’ve encapsulated the essence.”

With succinct clarity, Raciel affirmed the comprehension, eliciting a satisfied smile to grace his features.

“How intrigued they will be by the medicine bestowed as a prize by the Crown Prince. It’s practically a Crown Prince-exclusive edition. A luxury product with the Crown Prince’s stamp of approval.”

“Yes, I believe so.”

“Exactly. There will certainly be a considerable number of nobles who will feel a sense of prestige just by possessing it. Or those who perceive the trend and wish to acquire it, even if not immediately needed.”

Once that notion takes hold, further advertising becomes almost unnecessary. They will naturally gravitate towards it, money in hand, eager to purchase. This is the allure of a high-end luxury brand.

‘I’ve observed this phenomenon a lot in Korea – how people can be swayed by the power of a brand logo.’

In retrospect, it held true.

Mercedes-Benz for automobiles. Rolex for timepieces. Objectively speaking, their features weren’t drastically superior to those of competing brands. Nonetheless, they commanded higher prices than their counterparts. In terms of cost-effectiveness, they might even lag behind.

Yet they sold astonishingly well!

‘Consider Mercedes-Benz… They say the three-pointed star emblem alone is worth thousands of dollars. The same goes for Rolex. People queue up at store openings, grasping for the chance to buy one. But in terms of raw performance, they don’t significantly outshine other brands in their class.’

BMW and Audi competing with Mercedes-Benz in the automobile sector.

Omega taking on Rolex in the realm of watches.

To an uninitiated individual unversed in cars or watches, discerning a performance disparity was challenging. In reality, neither consistently demonstrated marked performance superiority.

‘But paradoxically… the common populace tends to recognize only the brands synonymous with a particular field.’

This is the strength of branding. Raciel believed that this principle applied to the current scenario.

‘The nobility, who will form the primary consumers of the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill… they lack substantial knowledge of medicine. In fact, their understanding may be close to negligible. Thus, this sort of promotional strategy will prove efficacious. Their attention will be drawn more towards the prestigious name behind the brand than the precise ingredients or effects of the medicine.’

Moreover, the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill wasn’t a mere marketing gimmick reliant solely on brand power. It represented a medicine crafted from the finest Minotaur’s Ohwang, boasting potent medicinal benefits as well as substantial side effects.

“Hence, we should capitalize on this opportunity to conduct thorough marketing. To secure an equitable price. This underscores the necessity of the medal award ceremony.”

“In that case, we must execute the ceremony with utmost grandeur.”

“I’m even more grateful that you grasp my intentions.”

“Not at all, Your Highness. Should we commence preparations promptly?”

The mayor’s response conveyed full comprehension. The more Raciel observed him, the more he found the older man dependable. A contented smile adorned Raciel’s countenance.

“I would greatly appreciate that. I shall keep this favor in memory, and I’m entrusting this task to you.”

“Understood. Count on me, Your Highness.”

…That was the discussion’s crux.

This exchange had occurred a mere two days ago.

True to his words, the mayor labored indefatigably. He dedicated day and night to ensure the event assumed the grandest proportions, and his swiftness was remarkable. Thanks to his tenacity, the medal award ceremony transpired a mere two days later.

Raciel raised his head.


Before him, an assemblage of thousands of Cremo citizens congregated in the square. Those unable to secure a place within the square leaned out from windows surrounding the area. Every gaze converged here, upon the podium.

Or, to be more precise, upon him.


He drew a breath.

Raciel inhaled deeply. Had he ever been the focal point of so many gazes simultaneously in his life? The answer was a resounding ‘no,’ certainly not in South Korea.

Back there, he had been a run-of-the-mill student, and as he aged, an ordinary local practitioner of oriental medicine. Simply an average individual with no remarkable reason to attract attention.

‘Of course, there were times when I was noticed here…’

Just once.

It had occurred when he confronted the second prince on the Lloy-Javi suspension bridge of the Imperial Road. Much like now, thousands of eyes had been fixated on the confrontation. Yet, the sensation was different from the present.

‘Back then, I was solely focused on facing the second prince. All my attention was directed there.’

Hence, he had little mental space to be conscious of the surrounding stares. But today? He was lucid and had to confront the collective gaze of this multitude. To be honest, it felt slightly – no, extremely – burdensome!

‘But don’t falter, Lee Han!’

Raciel motivated himself. He needed to perform well moving forward. Only then would the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill garner the promotion it deserved. Only then could the financial woes afflicting the Star Palace Clinic be alleviated.


He steeled himself. Clearing his throat, he gazed forward. Demian, who had ascended the podium seemingly out of thin air, stood before him. It was an uncommon sight to see Demian dressed in formal attire. Likewise adorned were Anise, the special duty guards, and the palace knights lined up behind him.

Those who had dedicated their efforts to safeguard him, poised to be rewarded with medals today.

The moment had arrived.

“Demian Cayenne and 33 others.”

He spoke softly. His words resonated amplified by the magical sphere, ringing out across the entire square as if a subwoofer had erupted.

“You all confronted the unprecedented turmoil caused by the Minotaur, stood unwaveringly to defend the royal lineage, and thus, through this ceremony, I, Crown Prince Raciel Adria Magentano, shall specially commend your accomplishments.”

He initiated the prepared address. Demian and the rest knelt on a single knee. Moving to each one, he bestowed a medal around their necks. Then, he produced an opulent case.

He unveiled the case.

Inside rested 34 glistening, gold-plated Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pills, neatly arranged in two rows.

“Furthermore, as a gesture of gratitude for your valor and dedication, I, Crown Prince Raciel Adria Magentano, have formulated this special remedy.”

Raciel lifted the container housing the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pills, ensuring everyone across the square could clearly see it. His tone elevated, its resonance intended for all ears present.

“You are bona fide warriors who confronted the raging Minotaurus. Ergo! You deserve to partake in this unique and potent elixir, crafted from the gall of the Minotaurus.”


The square began to buzz with energy. The words ‘crafted from the gall of Minotaurus’ had piqued curiosity about the existence of a medicine made from such constituents. The symbolism of the Crown Prince gifting the remedy. The intrigue was palpable.

‘If it contains something from the Minotaurus… Could it be a potent medicine?’

‘It seems plausible.’

Eyes sparkled with anticipation.

What if they ingested it? Could they be imbued with formidable strength akin to a Minotaurus? Amidst this collective interest and anticipation, Raciel’s speech gained even greater eloquence.

“The moment it enters your system, your hearts will surge with vigor. It will disband blood clots and infuse you with enduring stamina akin to a Minotaurus. Taurine, cholic acid, vitamin D, ginsenoside, and protopanaxdiol will vitalize your veins and animate your spirits!”

……Murmur? Murmur?

The crowd’s excitement grew.

‘Taurine? Cholic acid?’

‘What’s Vitamin D?’

Unfamiliar terms, difficult to comprehend. Yet, curiously, that seemed to make them even more plausible!

‘Is it beneficial?’

‘It seems exceedingly promising?’

‘Could it be a form of magical energy extracted from the Minotaurus?’

Ears perked up all around. Riding this wave, Raciel’s speech surged with even greater intensity.

“But that’s not all. It extends beyond that. It will bestow the most rejuvenating and restful slumber upon weary and insomniac bodies. Revitalized and invigorated, you shall emerge as even braver souls. Just like the tireless Minotaurus! Upon consuming this medicine, you shall experience a rebirth. A metamorphosis into a new existence.”

A rustle of whispers ensued.

The claim was that the medicine would imbue them with courage upon ingestion. A ceaseless flood of potency and vitality would replenish their fatigued forms.

However, Raciel’s torrent of words didn’t conclude there. He drew inspiration from a home shopping channel host he often encountered while idly flipping on the TV back in Korea. He employed a succession of artful phrases.

“I am genuinely delighted by your presence here today. Your unwavering loyalty and unswerving integrity enable me to convey knowledge of this remedy to the empire’s populace. And so, commencing today, for a mere month’s span – just one month – a Crown Prince Award Edition, replete with opulence and offered at a reasonable rate, will be made available! The gateway to public sales shall be unsealed!”


The Crown Prince Award Edition? Were they truly selling such an extraordinary medicine? Raciel’s words penetrated the attentive audience’s ears.

“Merely 9,999 Majen! A limited quantity, available for a special sale! A remarkable price, coupled with imminent prospects of depletion! Solely accessible for the coming month! The most exceptional package to ever grace the market, an unprecedented offering! This special product shall be bestowed unto you, free of charge.”

He concluded succinctly.

Without superfluous adornment.

He revealed only what needed revealing. He terminated his speech with a sense of ty. In that very instant, spectators’ pupils quivered.

‘A mere… 9,999 Majen?’

‘So that’s the affordable tag for the limited special sale?’

‘What must the original price be if this is considered reasonable?’

‘It must indeed be remarkably effective. That’s why it commands such a high price.’

‘It’s due to its efficacy and value… that the Crown Prince is awarding it to the awardees, right?’


‘I envy those fortunate enough to procure this medicine.’

Similar sentiments resonated across their thoughts. A coveted item not easily attainable. A lavish luxury that could be flaunted by mere acquisition. A source of envy. An exclusive Crown Prince edition!

Avarice started to fill the gazes fixed upon the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill.


‘I desire it.’

‘I’m tempted to indulge.’

Their eyes shimmered brilliantly, akin to individuals who impulsively make a purchase after browsing a home shopping channel or scrolling through an online store.

Observing their expressions, Raciel felt assured.

‘It’s working.’

Today’s award ceremony, his strategically crafted words – everything had executed flawlessly. This very success evoked a sense of gratifying anticipation for its swift depletion.

However, he wasn’t content with halting there. Concluding the event with the mere promotion of the new medication? That would be an opportunity squandered. His blueprint wasn’t yet complete.

‘Having commenced the affair, I should capitalize on every aspect!’

He was determined to extract every ounce of potential from this day. To seize even the intangible. Bolstered by this resolve, he scanned the spectators. He brought forth the next stage of his design, projecting it forcefully into the fray.

(To be Continued)

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