Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 79

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Rumors wield a formidable influence.

Information travels via word of mouth within communities. The accuracy or authenticity of such information may not hold significant weight. What truly matters is the mere existence of the rumor itself. Even individuals who consider themselves sagacious are not immune to its effects. They find themselves, albeit minimally, swayed by these circulating whispers.

Rumors mold initial perceptions and cast a mold for future perceptions. Numerous illustrations of this phenomenon abound in our surroundings. On occasion, we encounter firsthand instances that push the boundaries of believability.

‘…I found myself in precisely such a situation.’

Raciel suppressed a sigh mingled with remorse. Each recollection that surfaced brought forth a pulsating ache. It was an ordeal he had undergone back in Korea.

‘A rumor circulated within the apartment complex and our Oriental medicine clinic… that a COVID-19 patient had visited there… on two separate occasions… curse it.’

Just the notion caused his fists to quiver. The trauma ran so deep that he dreaded the potential emergence of post-traumatic stress even during his slumber. And even in the present moment, the injustice of it all still lingered.

The patient had merely transited through the premises. Fortunately, on both occasions, no one within the clinic had contracted the virus. Stringent protocols for quarantine, disinfection, and preventive measures were meticulously adhered to. In reality, no issue existed whatsoever.

However, the perception within the community was divergent.

‘The rumor that permeated the vicinity cast an image of the ‘COVID-19 treatment center.’ Folks harbored concerns that stepping inside might expose them to the virus. They chose to journey a bit farther to other places instead…’

And that marked the conclusion.

Once such a notion took root, the most adverse impression became indelible. Reversal became an unattainable goal. Redemption faded beyond consideration.

The abandoned clinic stood eerily silent, devoid of any visitors. That final evening in the consultation room, before removing the signboard, Raciel reminisced about the tears he had shed while consuming an entire bottle of soju in solitude.

That ordeal had granted him a profound comprehension of the supremacy of rumors. He bore a profound recognition of the kind of sway and outcomes that rumors and publicity could wield.

The present situation mirrored that past experience.

‘A crowd of thousands gathered for the first time in a while. Not just for anything, but to hear my speech. To see the face of the crown prince, which they might see once in a lifetime, they gathered in large numbers. Hence… an opportunity laid out before me.’

Raciel lifted his gaze to observe the throngs of people amassed in the square. Unexpectedly, the square had fallen into silence. They awaited the crown prince’s speech. He could sense it.

‘They likely anticipate an emotive discourse. That the royal family draws tremendous strength from the prosperity of the port city of Cremo. That they are indebted for the diligent efforts of the mayor, which have steered this prosperity, and even more appreciative of the contribution made by the citizens who have propelled the development of the harbor and the city. That they are moved by the determination of those who rise and pledge to rebuild even when faced with unforeseen catastrophes, and so forth, extolling your excellence, and so on… The customary platitudes.’

Presumably, such were the expectations for speeches. Most likely, everyone foresaw such a discourse.

This thought prompted a smile to creep onto his countenance. Raciel moistened his lips. He clutched the crystal ball embedded with the sound amplification spell. The citizens in the square, awaiting his oration. He commenced, uttering the lines he had meticulously prepared.

“Greetings to you all, citizens of Cremo. As you are already aware, I am Crown Prince Raciel Adria Magentano. And furthermore, I preside as the director of the Star Palace Oriental Medicine Clinic.”


His salutation bore an unexpected twist, prompting a ripple of murmurs to course through the crowd.

Raciel’s smile deepened.

Today, an opportunity lay before him. An optimal occasion to propagate the merits of the Star Palace Oriental Medicine Clinic.

‘…I can’t let this chance to promote the clinic elude me!’

He couldn’t afford to squander this opening. Letting it slip through his grasp would be nothing short of imprudent.

Promotion and advertising constituted bedrock principles for all enterprises. Even recently inaugurated restaurants in neighborhoods expended efforts to attain visibility, hiring part-time staff to distribute flyers.

And now, an opportunity had emerged to promote to a multitude of thousands, devoid of cost, unilaterally. Such an opportunity demanded exploitation. Every ounce of advantage must be extracted. Truly, this was the creed of a shrewd entrepreneur.

With this conviction in mind, he unapologetically launched into his sales pitch. He unreservedly delivered the lines he had rehearsed the preceding night.

“Thus, as the director of the Star Palace Clinic, it would be a disservice if I were to merely discuss the clinic and depart, don’t you think?”


The murmuring of the people intensified.

The pivotal moment approached.

‘Now is the instance to gently draw them in.’

Like a fisherman cautiously reeling in his catch, alluringly, he piqued their curiosity, softly laying the bait.

“Hence, I address you today. What is Cremo? Is it not the most splendid trading hub within the North Sea, the very heart of the northern empire? Yet, who are the true architects of this locale? Who imbue it with a vibrancy teeming with life? It is all of you. If you are in good health, Cremo shall flourish even more. If Cremo prospers, so does the empire. In essence, your well-being bolsters the empire’s might! Your health equates to the empire’s power, dear citizens.”

His voice deftly rose and subtly fell, like a melody crafted to resonate with their emotions. He established eye contact with each individual in the foremost row.

“I extend my earnest wish for your continued well-being. It is my sincere hope. That’s why I implore you. If any among you here feel even the slightest discomfort or ailment, I encourage you to step forward. It matters not if the condition is not severe. Be it a common cold, body aches, headaches, toothaches, muscular discomfort, neuralgia, postnatal discomfort lingering, arthritis, rheumatism, chronic indigestion, or gastrointestinal issues. I shall thoroughly assess them all, as the director of the Star Palace Oriental Medicine Clinic.”

The susurrus in the crowd intensified!

The murmurs within the crowd gained strength. Their gazes shifted to their neighbors. Each individual had a moment of introspection.

Did I have an area of discomfort? Now that I think about it, my mother’s knee hasn’t been in the best state lately. Can I genuinely seek treatment from the crown prince for such a reason? A substantial number of those gathered in the square found themselves grappling with similar quandaries.

In response to this spectacle, a contented smile blossomed on Raciel’s countenance like a profusion of roses.

‘Oh dear, my patrons… no, my valued patrons for extended life.’

His patrons were grappling with a dilemma. So, what next? The time had arrived to deliver the decisive blow. Raciel moistened his lips. He aimed a definitive statement at the hesitating assembly.

“Those who step forward now will receive a complimentary treatment coupon, limited to the first 100 individuals.”


“Complimentary, first come, first served, commence.”

“What in the…!”

Exploiting the crowd’s stunned state perfectly, he achieved victory. Raciel had executed an impromptu advertisement and sales pitch for his oriental medicine clinic under the guise of a speech. The outcome was a resounding success.

♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣

‘Jackpot. This is a jackpot, haha, lulu!’

Joy erupted organically.

Within the port city of Cremo, every result resembled a series of jackpots. Unexpectedly obtaining a King Minotaur for free(?). Securing the chance to consistently obtain top-grade Minotaur-bile. And not to forget, the prosperous promotion of the oriental medicine clinic.

His lips curled into a smile effortlessly.

“Form a line, form a line!”

“No cutting! Wait your turn!”

Chaos reigned in the square.

Lines of individuals extended ceaselessly. It was akin to the queues forming for the launch of a new seasonal tumbler or picnic set at Starbucks, or the lines seen on the morning of a new iPhone model’s release. Or, as if a store had initiated an almost unbelievable 1+10 promotion, prompting people to rush in like a tide.

Raciel raised his head, a sense of contentment enveloping him. He observed the individual seated across from him—an unnamed grandmother from Cremo.


“Yes, yes, Your Highness the Crown Prince.”

“Your digestion appears to have significantly weakened, am I correct?”

“Yes? Absolutely, you’re right. How did you discern that?”

“I inferred it from your earlier remarks.”


“In any case, it’s challenging to enhance digestion that has declined with age. Endeavor to chew your food thoroughly and avoid lying down immediately before and after meals.”

“Oh, at your command, I shall do my best.”

“And opt for seafood and poultry over pork and beef.”

“Yes? Could you explain why…”

“That aligns better with your constitution.”

The grandmother’s eyes widened.

Raciel bestowed a radiant smile. His previous statement held truth. After analyzing her pulse, he deduced that the grandmother’s constitution did not favor red meat. Likely, she experienced mild delayed allergies and inflammation each time she consumed it, resulting in a sensation of stuffiness.

And furthermore…

“You might have encountered reddish spots appearing on your neck or body, accompanied by itching. Am I correct?”

“…How did you know about that?”

“That’s an allergic reaction stemming from continued consumption of foods rich in histamine. Endeavor to minimize your intake of aged pork. Likewise, steer clear of ripe fruits and vegetables like avocados, bananas, and tomatoes. Ah, the same principle applies to mackerel.”

“Will reducing my consumption of those items alleviate the itching?”

“It’s quite likely. Additionally, please accept this.”

“What is this, Your Highness?”

“A coupon.”


The grandmother’s eyes widened even further. Raciel offered a somewhat awkward smile.

“I diagnosed your condition on the spot today, without having any Star Palace herbal medicine prepared. I couldn’t even write you a proper prescription. That’s why.”

He gazed warmly into the grandmother’s eyes, hoping his sincerity would be transparently communicated. He wished for his genuine sentiments to permeate.

“Present this coupon at Star Palace Clinic, and I shall have a tailored constitutional enhancement medicine crafted for you. Naturally, it’s complimentary. I’ll even cover all the travel and lodging expenses to and from the Imperial Capital.”



A magical word capable of instantly touching anyone’s heart in the world. The grandmother’s eyes sparkled with a surge of emotion.

Observing this, Raciel nodded to himself. He had managed to touch the grandmother’s heart. His earnestness had genuinely resonated.

“Sales success!”

Internally clenching his fist, he raised his head.

“Next patient!”

Anise’s voice resounded. A man with a sailor’s demeanor took the spot previously occupied by the departing grandmother. Raciel assessed the man’s pulse and activated his Palpation skill, simultaneously utilizing the meridian scanning feature.

“Your shoulder joint doesn’t feel well, does it? When you raise it to this extent, do you sense a stabbing sensation here?”

“…How did you know, Your Highness?”

The sailor’s eyes widened. Raciel’s eyes crinkled at the corners, evoking a smile.

“Allow me to explain… when this occurs… do such-and-such… blah blah… and here, accept this. It’s a coupon.”



The culmination of each treatment was invariably marked with a coupon. Given the necessity to diagnose dozens, if not hundreds, of people on the spot, there existed no alternative. Preparing and concocting a substantial volume of customized herbal remedies for everyone was essentially unfeasible. Acupuncture would demand excessive time.

Thus, today’s focus was solely on diagnosis. If genuine treatment was desired, the coupon was proffered, inviting recipients to visit the Star Palace Clinic. As a strategic maneuver, they even bundled the costs for a round-trip journey to the Imperial Capital.

He diagnosed numerous citizens, selecting up to a hundred who seemed to necessitate an actual visit to the Star Palace Clinic, and bestowed upon them coupons. He tended to a total of 481 citizens until dusk.

The achievement with the coupons was truly remarkable.

‘Excellent. Truly excellent. A hundred free coupons dispensed. So, even if only 10 percent of those individuals decide to visit the Star Palace Clinic? That amounts to a secured count of 10 patients.’

However, that wasn’t the sole feat.

Courtesy of today’s gratis treatment event, there was hardly anyone in Cremo City left unaware of the Star Palace Clinic. And Cremo Port, the northernmost trading city, teemed with activity.

The outcome was evident without necessitating observation.

‘Rumors will traverse by ship and horse, spanning all directions. Within a month, they will permeate the entirety of the northern empire. Star Palace Clinic, overseen by the Crown Prince. Unacquainted? You might even hear whispers from informants.’

Initially, it’s crucial to foster recognition. That’s how congregations form, results materialize, and why businesses allocate resources for advertising.


Raciel gasped for breath. It had been a tempestuous day of diagnosing patients, stretching on for a grueling nine hours.

‘Did I perhaps overexert myself?’

His head throbbed mercilessly. His eyes were parched, and a wave of faintness washed over him. Every inch of his body seemed to ache in protest.


[Your internal organs call for adherence to labor standards.]

[Heart: Hey! When are we allowed some rest?]

[Lungs: Huff… heh heh… ㅠㅠ]

[Large intestine: Nine hours straight without a break? This human is genuinely insane.]

[Liver: And what of overtime compensation? What about night shift incentives?]

[Stomach: Yeah rightㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ If you expect us to perform, at least offer us a meal, haㅋㅋㅋ]


Undoubtedly, he was struggling.

Nine hours of continuous treatment might not sound too arduous, yet for his frail constitution, it was akin to heavy toil. However, he couldn’t reveal it. Raciel gave no indication of his fatigue. All eyes were on him.

‘I’ve successfully promoted and completed the treatments. Everything’s done, so it’s time for a swift exit.’

Now’s the moment.

He must depart with composure. That way, the impression of the promotion would be impeccable. Fueled by this resolve, Raciel tensed his legs. He endeavored to spring up, but his attempt met with unexpected resistance.



‘Did I possibly strain myself too much?’

For an instant, the world appeared tinged in yellow. Nausea and dizziness overwhelmed him. Despite his resolve, his legs buckled beneath him.

‘I shouldn’t appear like this.’

Onlookers abound. He must maintain his composure till the very end. Thus, collapsing wasn’t an option.

Nonetheless, his body proved uncooperative.



He toppled over, landing in a rather inelegant posture. In that moment, Raciel bit down on his lip.

‘I’ve ruined it.’

All eyes were fixed in his direction.

His heart sank, and a bitter tang coated his mouth. After executing everything correctly, he fumbled at the finale. He begrudged his ongoing health struggles and his constitution’s feeble endurance.

Yet, in an unexpected turn,


An unfamiliar notification tone resonated in his ear. An even more unexpected message materialized before his eyes.

[You have diligently treated numerous patients in merely half a day. Consequently, you have succumbed to a state of weariness and fatigue.]

[Cremo’s denizens have observed your presence.]

[The sight of the crown prince succumbing to exhaustion following his altruistic treatments is profoundly touching the hearts of Cremo’s inhabitants.]

[The sincerity you emanate resonates with Cremo’s populace.]

[Cremo’s inhabitants are captivated by you.]

[The amalgamation of emotions—admiration and commendation—from these individuals has kindled newfound potency in your medical expertise.]

[The Great Doctor Point (GDP) system is now accessible.]

(To be Continued)

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