Cultivation Nerd

Chapter 84: Fixing Problems The Xianxia Way

The two newcomers were notably younger than the governors and retained a full head of black hair. One of them sported short hair and possessed a stockier build with a square jaw, donned in a striking red robe. Meanwhile, the other cut a tall, thin figure, resembling a stereotypical cultivator with his long hair tied in a ponytail, clad in a green robe.

In stark contrast to the old governor's aged and weathered appearance, these individuals exuded youth, and the trappings of a life lived in luxury.

"Allow me to introduce the two individuals who oversee a significant portion of this quiet and somber town," the old governor reclined in his chair, gesturing towards the newcomers. "The shorter gentleman is Lu Peng, the leader of the Lu Clan. And on the opposite end, we have Hong Guanyu, the leader of the Hong Clan."

He then redirected his attention towards me, continuing, "Clan Leaders, this young man here hails from the Blazing Sun Sect. His name is… What was it again?"

"Liu Feng," I promptly supplied.

Though it bordered on rudeness to refer to the Lu Clan Leader's stature in such a manner, he displayed no outward signs of displeasure. Nevertheless, it presented an opportunity to create a rift between the old governor and these two figures. At least, they didn't seem inclined to resort to assassination and concealment of my body.

Meeting new people in this world set me on edge, anticipating their intentions. But as the saying goes, more harm befell those who were careless than those who were paranoid.

Unlike the old governor, I rose to my feet and respectfully clasped my fist and palm toward the two Clan Leaders. However, I refrained from bowing my head as we remained on equal footing, and they showed no inclination towards such formalities. "It is an honor to meet both of you. I've heard much about your clans during my journey here. I hope to glean valuable knowledge from you esteemed seniors."

"Indeed, we are honored to welcome a member of the Blazing Sun Sect," remarked the Hong Clan Leader, reciprocating my gesture with a similar one.

The other, Lu Po, merely grunted in acknowledgment, appearing to prefer being anywhere else but here.

"One of my nephews also attempted to join the Blazing Sun Sect. He was a prodigy, achieving five-star Body Tempering at the tender age of fifteen. Unfortunately, he met his demise during the final stages of the examination," shared the Hong Clan Leader, seemingly more willing to engage in conversation than his counterpart, who observed us silently.

"I offer my condolences for your loss. I understand that this year's exams were particularly perilous, especially with the appearance of that monstrous beast," I replied cautiously, ensuring to keep the details vague. I wasn't sure how much of the exam's events the Blazing Sun Sect made public.

"We can only accept fate and carry on," sighed the Hong Clan Leader, shaking his head. "Sometimes, the heavens claim those who possess too much talent, keeping them for themselves."

According to him, his nephew's reaching five-star Body Tempering at the age of fifteen was impressive. However, it was nothing special in the Blazing Sun Sect, and he had a good chance of failing the exam altogether.

Moreover, it was possible that his nephew had simply utilized abundant resources to boost his power. Progressing fast during the Body-Tempering realm didn't necessarily correlate with cultivation talent; it was merely about training the body and preparing it for Qi. Technically, anyone could become a Body-Tempering Cultivator.

"I am sure he is in a better place now, and hopefully, his murderer receives retribution from the heavens themselves," I said, carefully observing the Hong Clan Head's face.

I, too, have taken lives, and if this was an elaborate ploy for revenge against me, the Hong Clan Head was mistaken if he thought I'd be an easy target. But despite my scrutiny, there was no sign of betraying his emotions.

However, people were adept at concealing their feelings. I had heard in my previous life that those who committed suicide often appeared happy and were the life of the party before their tragic act.

"Anyway, we are all here together and on the same side," I smiled. "I would appreciate it if we could work together and set aside our differences. Undoubtedly, you have more experience in handling Beast Waves than I do. But it was the Sect's decision to put me in charge. Just to be clear, I will take your suggestions and advice seriously."

Consciously or not, I was merely speaking platitudes, pretending as if I had the option to ignore their counsel. In such situations, one must acknowledge the superiority of the master. It was akin to a lesson I learned in my previous life, where those who outshone their managers often faced termination. It was a lesson I had fortunately learned without personal detriment, observing it in others. Never attempt to surpass the master, lest you become the nail that gets hammered down.

Scheming like this took a lot of work. I'd much rather read in the quiet of the library than engage in these mind games with egocentric individuals.

The Hong Clan Leader chuckled and placed a hand on my shoulder, "You don't have to be so modest, young man. While we may possess more knowledge, the younger generation holds greater potential. You may learn from us, but it's up to you to carry those lessons forward, just as we did with our forefathers."

The Lu Clan Leader also nodded and grunted, "Indeed, as a member of the Blazing Sun Sect, you have more potential than us despite being an outer disciple."

Stolen novel; please report.

Surprisingly, I didn't have to resort to threats using Song Song's name. There may be another way to navigate this situation.

So much for my plan of threatening them with Song Song culling their bloodlines if they didn't comply. Frankly, I never fancied that plan anyway. It usually just brewed more resentment.

The Hong Clan Leader's smile widened, resembling how someone looks at their favorite nephew. "Since you'll spend some time in Whitewall City, the Hong Clan would be honored to have you. I have a smart daughter who knows the city like the back of her pale-skinned hand. She can show you around."


The Lu Clan Leader frowned and approached before my mind could process and decipher what I'd just heard. "You're also welcome at the Lu Clan, where you can practice martial arts. I have some nieces who can show you the town much better than some Hong Clan spoiled young lady."

"What did you call my daughter?" The Hong Clan Head frowned, locking gazes with his fellow clan leader.

But I paid no attention to their quarrel as my mind was elsewhere.

Throughout this whole time, I'd been anticipating something adverse to occur, expecting the clan leaders to oppose me tooth and nail, shutting down any decision I might make.

Have I spent too much time around Song Song? Has her antisocial mindset infected mine?

"I've already prepared a special compound for the newcomer," the governor said as he intervened between the two clan heads, who seemed poised to start a scuffle.

Though they still appeared irritated with each other, the tension had dissipated somewhat. They both turned toward me, awaiting my decision.

Technically, the choice remained mine, and I could defy the governor. But I chose not to.

"Thank you for the kind offer, governor," I nodded, pretending not to notice their expectant looks and maintaining the façade of an innocent youth.

Despite the verbal clash the governor and I had, there was no reason to let words cloud my judgment.

While it was flattering that the clans were eager to win me over, receiving the young master treatment felt pleasant occasionally.

However, I stood to gain more by aligning with neither clan than by choosing one and making the other my enemy. Not to mention the extreme scenario where the clan I rejected might resort to assassination rather than let their rival gain a member from the Blazing Sun Sect.

"I will personally escort you to your new residence," the old governor stated sternly. It must be his default mug because he didn't say what he said to me when the clan leaders weren't present.

It seemed he wished to conceal any conflict between us from the clan leaders.

Ah, I was beginning to grasp the town's dynamics.

Now, how could I leverage this to my advantage?

As the governor led the way, with me at his side, the two clan leaders silently trailed behind us. We walked outside his mansion and then into the story roads, with the marble buildings around us, as a wave of bodyguards surrounded us without the governor needing to say anything.


The governor swiftly guided us through town with a dozen armored guards, ensuring our uninterrupted passage. Some people stared, while others whispered among themselves. Yet, despite our celebrity-like status, no one dared make a loud noise with us so close.

It was evident that certain unspoken rules applied to the common folk when cultivators were nearby. Undoubtedly, some unpleasant experiences had taught them this the hard way.

My new residence was less of a house and more like a grand mansion. It exuded an ancient Chinese aesthetic, with curved roofs and intricate details. Positioned at the town's corner, where few ventured, it was surrounded by a sturdy wooden fence supported by rocks and white cement.

Two additional guards stood sentinel at the mansion's gates, bowing their heads as we approached.

The governor reciprocated the gesture before leading us onto the mansion grounds. A pond teeming with fish adorned one corner, while a miniature shelter in the opposite corner housed a chessboard.

"I've assigned those two guards at the gate to follow your commands. If you need anything, simply instruct them. They can fetch food or guide you to the finest eateries if you wish to explore the city," the governor explained.

His words highlighted the mansion's emptiness despite its grandeur.

"I'll arrange for a personal chef! I know some of the finest cooks in town," the Hong Clan Leader interjected eagerly.

However, the governor seemed to interpret it differently, his expression darkening. He turned to the clan leaders, stating, "Then you must trust those chefs implicitly. You must also trust the ingredient suppliers and servants who will attend to Liu Feng. Should anything happen to him under your care, the Blazing Sun Sect would not hesitate to make an example of anyone found responsible... they would decimate the Hong Clan."

The Hong Clan Leader's friendly smile faltered, a bead of sweat trickling down his cheek. He retreated with an uncomfortable laugh, "My apologies. Should you need anything else, send one of your guards to the Hong Clan, and we will attend to you."

"Well, we'll leave you to settle into your new home," the governor announced, shooting a pointed glare at the clan leaders, prompting them to depart.

"Apologies, Liu Feng. Duty calls," the Hong Clan Leader lamented before leaving.

The Lu Clan Leader offered a nod before taking his leave as well.

As soon as they exited the mansion grounds, I released a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding.

"How vexing. Ironically, I felt more at ease with Song Song around," I grumbled under my breath. "Even Ye An is better company than this."

I stepped into my new abode, greeted by impeccable cleanliness—not a trace of dust, not even above the door frames. As I explored the mansion, its emptiness became apparent, as if no one had inhabited it for years.

Undoubtedly, this was the old governor's way of absolving himself of responsibility should anything untoward occur.

Nevertheless, I found solace in this solitude.

Secluded in this remote location, with minimal noise and no distractions, it was an ideal setting for a breakthrough.

Previously, I had been content to delay, lacking the drive to hasten such matters. But now, the situation had changed. The need to actively seek a breakthrough had become pressing.

Setting down my wooden backpack, I smiled at Speedy as he peeked out, surveying our new surroundings.

As I gently placed my wooden backpack on the floor, I couldn't help but smile at Speedy, who poked his head out, his eyes wide with curiosity.

"This is our new home, little buddy. What do you think?" I asked, affectionately rubbing his head.

Now, how does one actively pursue a breakthrough? Both of my previous near-breakthroughs had occurred by chance.

Fortunately, I possessed a wealth of knowledge on how to approach such a task.

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