Cultivation Nerd

Chapter 85: An OldGovernor’sTales

Mao Shaoqi had served as the governor of Whitewall City for nearly a decade. When he first assumed office, Whitewall was merely a medium-sized town, though some still referred to it as such out of habit. In truth, it had burgeoned into a bustling city, especially during the summer months when merchants flooded its streets.

Since his arrival, he had relentlessly poured his energy into the town's growth, undeterred by the presence of two rival cultivator clans. Mao Shaoqi's unwavering determination and tireless efforts transformed Whitewall from a modest settlement into a city that even the prestigious Blazing Sun Sect deemed worthy of protection despite its local cultivators and defensive measures.

However, this year, the Sect's decision took a surprising turn. Instead of dispatching seasoned Inner Disciples proficient in Earth Grade Techniques, they had assigned a relatively unknown Outer Disciple to Whitewall. The unexpectedness of this decision left a bitter taste in Mao Shaoqi's mouth, yet he had no choice but to accept it.

As he reclined in his office chair, his mind drifted to the newcomer, his feet resting on the table.

Closing his eyes, memories flooded back—particularly one that had led him to this remote post.

Having once served under a core elder in the Blazing Sun Sect, Mao Shaoqi's advancement had seemed assured. Despite his modest talents, he had hoped to attain the rank of Outer Elder and even reach Foundation Establishment. Yet, his ambitions were derailed by a seemingly young girl, only at the Body Tempering stage.

Involuntarily, Mao Shaoqi's hand drifted to the scar on his face, the pain still fresh despite the years that had passed. He had believed he'd moved past the humiliation of that episode, but life had a way of surprising him.

A young girl, merely ten years old, had somehow inflicted injury upon a Qi Gathering Cultivator—an incident so humiliating that Mao Shaoqi could never face his colleagues again. He had been banished to the middle of nowhere to spare his faction from disgrace.

The culprit behind his scar was none other than Song Song. She was born into privilege and possessed talent, beauty, martial instincts, and a prestigious lineage. With abundant teachers and resources at her disposal, she lacked for nothing.

In his folly, or perhaps arrogance, Mao Shaoqi had deemed himself capable of instructing Song Song, given their similar training backgrounds. However, his attempt at discipline resulted in his face being slashed.

Now, after many years, his assailant found herself in charge of managing his city. Despite his apprehension about facing her again, she deemed him unworthy of even a greeting, treating him as a nobody.

The realization fueled Mao Shaoqi's rage, triggering a surge of malevolent Qi that propelled the table before him into the wall, shattering the expensive wood. His nervousness gave way to anger at Song Song's dismissal of him.

Did she even recall what she had done to him? Mao Shaoqi began to doubt.

He had eagerly pursued every rumor about Song Song despite no longer being part of the Sect. He was well-acquainted, though not surprised she ended up as a ruthless murderer. However, her recent behavior confounded him.

Standing, he effortlessly restored the fallen table to its place, but his gaze was drawn to the shattered window behind his desk.

"Damn it, I let my emotions get the better of me," Mao Shaoqi muttered under his breath.

Despite his authority as governor and substantial wealth, Mao Shaoqi was reluctant to squander his citizens' hard-earned money.

Tax revenue wasn't found on the roadside, after all. Especially during beast waves, those funds could be better utilized to fortify the city's defenses or support families affected by the conflict, preventing desperation from driving people to future crime.

Gradually regaining his composure, Mao Shaoqi took a deep breath. "I'm a different person now. The people of this city have relied on me as their protector for years. I am their benevolent guardian. I can't betray their trust... and glass is too volatile."

With his temper subsiding, Mao Shaoqi could now rationally contemplate the situation.

Reflecting on Song Song's character, he concluded she was cruel enough to relish demonstrating her power over him. While some individuals became malevolent due to life's circumstances, Mao Shaoqi believed there were inherently evil people like Song Song.

But why hadn't she just come and mocked him like he had expected her to do?—He wondered.

Suddenly, another figure crossed his mind—one he had previously overlooked. It was the youth Song Song had sent to Whitewall City, perhaps as a token member of her group. Given the youth's status as a Body Tempering Cultivator, Mao Shaoqi surmised he was likely deemed the least valuable member.

"Ah, I unjustly lashed out at the boy. We're both victims of that psychopath," Mao Shaoqi murmured. He recognized the goodness in the youth and couldn't help but see his younger self reflected in him from a certain perspective.

Song Song had undoubtedly anticipated Mao Shaoqi's anger towards Liu Feng, knowing their history. But Mao Shaoqi had evolved, no longer the man he once was. He saw Liu Feng for who he truly was and, in many ways, saw a reflection of his own past self in him.

It may be time to bridge the gap with the young Liu Feng. Lingering animosity served no purpose, especially amidst the already simmering tensions between the city's clan leaders.

Although Liu Feng had shown no outward hostility, Mao Shaoqi couldn't discount the possibility of hidden animosity. Despite his youth, Liu Feng might possess a level of emotional control beyond his years—stranger things had occurred in Mao Shaoqi's long life. So he didn't question it that much.

Exiting his office, Mao Shaoqi was met with silent salutes from the guards stationed outside—a gesture he found comforting. While he could have hired Body Tempering Cultivators from the city's clans, he preferred the loyalty and affordability of mortal guards.

Moreover, by recruiting guards from the city's rougher districts, Mao Shaoqi had effectively suppressed criminal activity at its core. However, he acknowledged the covert collaboration between certain criminals and the clans.

Stolen from Royal Road, this story should be reported if encountered on Amazon.

As he navigated the hallways and descended the stairs to the ground floor, Mao Shaoqi received respectful greetings from his servants despite not sharing close relationships with many of them. They were hardworking individuals who understood the value of respect.

"Good morning, Lord Governor."

"I hope you have a good day, Lord Governor."

Each greeting reaffirmed his belief in the importance of diligence and respect among the city's populace.

Stepping outside, the warmth of the winter sun contrasted with the itchiness of his old injury. It was an unusually warm day for the season.

As he passed through the gates, two guards followed him without needing instruction. They understood their duties, just as Mao Shaoqi understood his.

If it wasn't for the aid of the Hong and Lu Clans during the Beast Waves, Mao Shaoqi would have eagerly sought to rid Whitewall City of their parasitic presence. Throughout the year, these clans relentlessly drained the city's resources to fuel their cultivation pursuits, depriving the hardworking populace of their rightful wealth.

Mao Shaoqi couldn't help but ponder how prosperous Whitewall City could have been without the voracious greed of its two dominant clans. Instead of enriching the city, the wealth extracted by the clans often lined the coffers of the Blazing Sun Sect, the region's sole provider of cultivation resources.

Upon arriving at the compound assigned to Liu Feng, Mao Shaoqi was met by two guards who quickly relayed a report.

"Sir, we were just about to inform you. The Lu and Hong Clans have sent servants for the guests."

Mao Shaoqi's frown deepened, the suppressed displeasure within him threatening to surface. With a deliberate breath, he calmed himself, recognizing that yielding to anger now would only exacerbate the situation.

Normally composed, Mao Shaoqi's emotions had been stirred by the mere thought of Song Song's visit the previous day. He reminded himself of the need to embody the rational, logical governor he had become. Personal emotions had no place in governance; his duty was to serve the people of Whitewall City.

To him, Whitewall City was akin to a child, and every resident—regardless of status—was his responsibility.

"Did these servants happen to be female?" Mao Shaoqi inquired.

"Yes, sir."

As anticipated, the clans sought to exploit Liu Feng's vulnerability with female allure. While Liu Feng might be unremarkable in the Blazing Sun Sect, he was a prodigious talent in Whitewall City—a fact not lost on those seeking to manipulate him.

"When did those girls arrive?" Mao Shaoqi inquired calmly, his mind racing to anticipate potential scenarios.

"This morning, sir," the guard responded.

Not as dire as he had initially feared. The Clan Leaders likely deliberated overnight before sending their daughters and nieces in the morning. If Liu Feng hadn't acted impulsively, they could resolve this matter discreetly.

Without further delay, Mao Shaoqi entered the mansion. However, what greeted him momentarily halted his steps.

Liu Feng was crouched beside the pond, accompanied by two young girls—one his age and the other younger—clad in the colors of their respective clans.

The girls giggled at a jest from Liu Feng, who wore a genuine smile. Yet, years of political acumen allowed Mao Shaoqi to discern when someone was merely playing a part.

"Did you rest well after your journey, Liu Feng?" Mao Shaoqi spoke aloud, striding toward the trio with his hands clasped behind his back.

Though the girls visibly flinched at his approach, Liu Feng's smile remained unwavering as he turned to face the governor. "Yes, thank you for your hospitality. Whitewall Town has been exceedingly welcoming and gracious."

Mao Shaoqi felt a twinge of annoyance at the term 'Whitewall Town,' implying a lesser status.

Nevertheless, he quelled the irritation. Liu Feng was simply unaware of the city's transformation, a fact he would soon come to appreciate. After all, Whitewall City had evolved into one of the region's strongest cities.

"Excuse me, ladies, but I must speak with the governor," Liu Feng interjected politely.

The girls, appearing bashful, averted their gaze and offered a slight bow to Liu Feng before departing, seemingly lost in thought. In their distraction, they forgot to pay their respects to the governor as they withdrew.

Were they meant to charm him or be charmed themselves? The question lingered as they disappeared.

"Don't hold it against them, governor," Liu Feng interjected as if foreseeing Mao Shaoqi's thoughts. "They're just young kids trying to earn their parents' approval. It was actually refreshing to talk with normal teenagers for once. In the Blazing Sun Sect, kids their age are usually messed up in the head. That's not how children should behave."

"You do realize they were attempting to seduce you, don't you?" Mao Shaoqi clarified, ensuring Liu Feng understood the gravity of the situation.

"Honestly, I'd prefer this over peers trying to take my head off," Liu Feng shrugged nonchalantly.

What an unusual youngster...

"I was planning to ask you anyway, but could you stay here under the guise of discussing matters and guard me for an hour or two?" Liu Feng's request came out of nowhere.

"Why?" Mao Shaoqi frowned, considering the pressing matters awaiting his attention amidst the impending Monster Wave. Without a compelling reason, he would have to decline the request; his people needed him during such critical times.

"Oh, I'm going to attempt a breakthrough. I studied some notes last night and made the necessary preparations," Liu Feng explained casually as if discussing the weather.

Mao Shaoqi's plans and discussions for the day instantly evaporated. While breaking through from Body Tempering to Qi Gathering wasn't as perilous as later stages, it was still a challenging milestone many struggled to overcome for years.

Despite their brief acquaintance, the level of trust Liu Feng placed in him was remarkable. Or reckless... a bit of both, perhaps.

"Very well, just let me know where you'll be attempting the breakthrough," the governor acquiesced.

"Right here," Liu Feng settled onto the grass beside the pond. "Even if someone manages to conceal their presence from your Qi senses, this location offers enough visibility to see intruders."

Why would someone skilled enough to conceal their presence target Liu Feng? Mao Shaoqi pondered. As far as he knew, the boy was unremarkable. Perhaps he had some hidden background, but if so, Song Song wouldn't have abandoned him. Then again, Song Song wasn't known for her logical decisions.

"Go ahead, kid," the governor shrugged, allowing Liu Feng to proceed with his breakthrough attempt.

Liu Feng nodded, muttering under his breath as a purple barrier formed around him.

An Array Conjurer? Mao Shaoqi's interest piqued. Such talent at a young age was rare. That was why Song Song brought him along; he had his own unique abilities.

Mao Shaoqi couldn't hear Liu Feng's breath despite his chest moving. The silencing array likely helped him concentrate.

Not expecting much from the attempt, Mao Shaoqi watched as Liu Feng's Qi surged. Doubts about the boy's ability vanished as a tornado of Qi engulfed him.

Impressed, Mao Shaoqi's eyes widened as Liu Feng's breath grew shallow, and he opened his eyes. A burst of Qi erupted from his body, cracking the silencing array.

A new Qi Gathering Cultivator typically struggled to control their Qi, akin to mastering a new limb or sense. It often took months to adjust, with their senses overwhelmed by the newfound perception of Qi.

In an instant, the unruly Qi calmed, settling under his control with the finesse of a veteran. Liu Feng's mastery became evident. Soon, his Qi was so well-suppressed that Mao Shaoqi had to concentrate to sense it at all.

The notion that Liu Feng had somehow faked his breakthrough and had been a Qi Gathering Cultivator all along briefly crossed Mao Shaoqi's mind. However, he dismissed the thought as nonsensical; such actions had no logical benefit.

At that moment, Mao Shaoqi realized he had misjudged Song Song's motives for leaving Liu Feng behind.

She hadn't deemed him useless; instead, she had likely wanted to keep another monstrous individual like herself at a distance!

A surge of pure, unbridled rage blossomed within Mao Shaoqi. An emotion he had abandoned long ago woke once again. The key to revenge lay right in front of him!

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