Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son


"Judy!... You're all right!.... I thought you had escaped with Sasha, but when I saw you in the van.... Sniff! I... I'm not crying, FUCK, I'm just glad to see you." Rebecca said as she wiped the tears from her eyes. All this time she had been holding back her emotions from being overwhelmed by them.

But now with Judy's sudden appearance and being saved a second time by the stranger who had stormed the base.

All those emotions of fear and anxiety of ending up being used as a doll by those "sick fuckers" were released, showing a vulnerable side that she hated to show. That made her brother Pilar who would laugh at her, causing Rebecca to rarely show weaknesses or her emotions in chewing them out with her usual violent temper.

Judy and Sora were surprised to see Rebecca's vulnerable side. Judy did so because she knew Rebecca's strong character, while Sora because of the contrast between the young Rebecca he was meeting at that moment and the Rebecca he remembered from the anime.. making it hard to contain herself again....

Making them react differently, when Judy said, "Rebecca-" she didn't have time to say her name with concern, as something interrupted her by moving rapidly.

Approaching the bed where Rebecca was and starting to pat her head, while "There, there, it's okay now."

"T-thanks.... Hiiii," making Rebecca startled as she looked up and saw who was comforting her, patting her head while smiling softly at her, but with his mask still on, it didn't look like it, freezing Rebecca as she let herself pet her head as if she was a scared animal.

"Sora.... what are you doing!?" Judy asked bewildered by Sora's actions.

"I couldn't hold back anymore, you saw how cute she looked, the question is how you were able to hold back without doing it yourself" Sora replied as he pulls down his still lit up mask, showing his face.

"Sora... that's not the point, since when do you go around petting the heads of half naked girls?"

"Tch, it's not that stuff, okay? For the record I like them big, not flat like Rebecca's, even if she's half naked, to me it's like looking at a cat in underwear."

"Okay that I understand It's normal that you don't know what their personality is like. But don't be fooled!, you think I didn't want to pet her when I met her? But she is- Wait! Do you like them big?" Judy asked putting on a surprised expression at the new information about Sora's tastes that she didn't know and unintentionally lowering her gaze to her developing scrawny chest.

"Huh? Yeah but don't worry either, ever since you've been eating Aoi-Obasan's bentos at the high school, I've always hoped those little ones would grow bigger! Hahaha!"

Sora said as he continued to pet rebecca's head, talking about the bentos his grandmother prepared for him and Judy to eat at the high school.

Not realizing how his words were having a reaction, inside the minds of Judy and Rebecca who were still finishing processing how Sora had compared the sexapil of her ``flat body'' to that of a ``cat in underwear´´, in Rebecca's case, and in Judy's, with the shocking revelation that one of the reasons he always brought her a bento to eat at the high school was in the hopes that her ``little ones'' would grow up.

Which made Rebecca overcome her initial fear and launch herself towards Sora at a with her leg tied up, entered her rabid mode. "MOTHERFUCKER, how dare you compare my beautiful body to that of a fucking cat, you know how spliced the Tygers were from geting me!!! one literally wanted to die with me fucker!"

Whereupon Sora just had to step back to avoid Rebecca's tantrum, stopping petting her, annoying him, as he was really liking it as a way to de-stress. While taking advantage of the fact that she seemed to be more upbeat, to.... "That's because they are perverts, who would be interested in a little girl's body?" messing with her.

"YOU FUCKER!" Making Rebecca still tied up on the bed try to hit Sora who was laughing at her and had forgotten about....

"Sora.... all this time.... have you been thinking ``that´´ when you were giving me the bentos? "Judy who had finished thinking about all those betos she had eaten, thought that Sora was sharing them with her, out of friendship and affection... but in reality they had such a dark and perverted reason.

"Oi, no, I only thought about it once, when I saw you eating one and enjoying it so much. I've been to your house and Ainara's food... it's hard to describe. Let's just say she tries. And Peter's is no better. So I thought maybe they were small... because of... the... lack of...." Sora paused as his speech slowed further and his statement became a question. "Proteins?"

Watching as Judy moved closer to him with every second getting more and more pissed off, reaching a hand into his pocket and

"No wait! Why are you pulling out the knife I gave you, Jud stop you don't need to get violent!"

"You bastard I'll enjoy it because your grandmother cooks a thousand times better than mine not because I lack `proteins' come here you bastard!" Judy said as she waved her arm with her knife in it, not stopping trying to stab Sora, but at the same time being completely sure she couldn't, when Sora started dodging Judy's attacks while....

"Wow Jud, if you had stood up for yourself like that against Ishii and his boys we wouldn't be in this trouble now, hahaha" even now, knowing that whatever he said she wouldn't be appeased, at least he would have a good time laughing at her.

"SORA! you bastard let me stab you! You had it coming" Getting Judy to scream as she was interrupted by.....

"HaHahahahahaha" Rebecca's laughter that had been left standing with one of her legs back still tied to the bed, who began to laugh as he watched Sora and Judy argue

Feeling much better after her little tantrum she had had with ``Sora´´. That looking at the behavior of the two, it wasn't hard to realize that he was Judy boyfriend and the person who had stormed the base, killing all the Tygers on the floor a fact that Rebecca had not forgotten.

"So this is your boyfriend you were going on and on about at the tryout, huh?"

"Wow, Judy, you've been talking about me even in the tryout? I am flattered hahaha," replied Sora smiling.

"Shut up, Rebecca" Judy said, holding a hand to her face, knowing what was coming.

"You should have seen, her first introduction in front of all the Minis, and the first thing she mentions is her boyfriend. She even made some of the girls who were listening get mad at her, hahaha...." Rebecca said with a friendly tone to Sora as if they knew each other.

"Hahahahahahahah." Making them laugh together as Sora heard about Judy's performance in the tryout.

"REBECCA! If you were the only one who got mad!" exclaimed Judy unable to contain her embarrassment, with her face turning red.

"Well, I'm somebody too, aren't I? Well, are you going to help me untie myself?" asked Rebecca as she continued to enjoy watching Judy's state.

Judy reluctantly walked over to help free Rebecca, but stopped for a moment when she saw Sora staring sadly at the wall. "Sora, everything okay?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah, it's nothing. Don't worry, Jud, help Rebecca. I'll wait for you girls outside, okay?" replied Sora forcing a smile as he left the room without waiting for an answer from Judy.

Judy, knowing that something was bothering Sora, remained submerged in her worries until she was pulled away from them by...

"Nc calling Jud, are you helping me or what?" Rebecca who smiled at her... annoyingly.

"Don't call me that, you snitch" Judy replied, frowning.


Sora left the room heading to the hall where the battle had occurred, as he walked he was still testing all the changes that had occurred to his IDn, so he was wasting time joking with Judy and Rebecca, Sora had been using that time to test and get used to the settings that Arc had unlocked in his IDn.

Which had dyed the color of his IDn's Interface to a light blue, replacing the red that had been with him since it was installed when he was 3 years old and made him smile and appreciate his new life every time he saw it by being just like the one in the game and now he was able to see it inside his head, with what that entailed.

However, the changes were more profound than just a simple color change. He now had a tab on his IDn interface that allowed him to see the activity of the nanobots in his body and control them. It had different settings

-Physical Support, allowing to send nanobots to the muscles and cardiovascular system to improve their performance.

-Sensory Afinity, allowing to adjust the sensitivity of his senses, as well as his perception of time, there were also the settings of new senses, such as the one he felt when he was being recorded.

-Synchronization with other devices, in which currently only [Cortana.Qpc] appeared, which Sora has not yet been able to test due to the latest and most extensive option.

-Viewing modes, which Sora was surprised to find over 20 different options. These ranged from wave frequency-based visions, such as thermal vision to special visions such as echolocation or night vision.

Sora was still trying out all kinds of visions, like when he tried Echolocation, inside the room, being able to see by the noise of her heartbeat how Rebecca had two broken ribs and one fractured from the fight when she was captured, and also the thing that upset Sora.... when he looked up and saw through the walls, being able to see the state of the girls that the Tygers had locked up.

Making Sora pout and wanting to check their condition, but if he did and saw them.... Sora wasn't sure if he would be able to continue with his plan to escape.

Stopping himself in front of the door to the room he had seen through the Echolocation, remembering his priorities, he hadn't come here to kill the Tygers or save the captured people, he had come to save Judy and that he would do.

Convincing himself, `The best thing is for me to escape, I can go back, accompanied by grandfather and uncle.... yes.... that's best...' He thought, as he walked away from the door. annoyed by his decision.

When Sora turned around, he saw something moving in the middle of the room, which when he recognized made him want to recover his jacket, heading towards the Tyger curled in a ball in the middle of his dead companions, while inside his head `FUCK! Fucking wimpy fucker!' he yelled at himself for the decision he had made in walking away from the room.

Sora approached the Tyger and spoke with some annoyance in his voice, "Oi! Good job!. As promised, I'm not going to kill you. Give me the jacket before you get piss all over it."

"Thank you-thank you, here it is. Thank you for not killing me." Answered Tygers on his knees relieved to hear that he wasn't going to be killed, as he nervously handed back the jacket with which he had helped murder his companions, betraying them.....

"But before you go, answer this: you do realize that your eyes are still recording, don't you?". Sora smiled with his uncovered face commenting on the annoying feeling of being recorded he felt from the Tyger's eyes, which even without covering his mouth, his mask was still in sync with him and smiling as well, but without any mirth in his gaze.

That made the relieved Tyger, who thought that at least he wouldn't die in this nightmare, turn pale again when he saw Sora's current expression, smiling, but at the same time, not.

"I-I'm not r-recording you on purpose, I swear! I'm going to erase it, okay? Look, it's already erased. I had activated the recording mode before you arrived and due to the sudden chaos of the situation, I didn't realize..." the Tyger said desperately, thinking that Sora had been pissed off because they were recording his now uncovered face, before being interrupted by...

"I see...." The coldest tone he had heard from the guy who had managed to kill or leave half dead all 12 Tygers on the floor, without getting a scratch on him....

"So you were going to record my girlfriend being raped, when I ``suddenly´´ interrupted you Huh?" Sora said drawing his gun again and pointed it at the kneeling Tyger's head.

"No. NO, it was ishii's orders, I didn't want to .... please don't kill me! YOU PROMISED! PLEASE!" shouted the Tygers throwing himself to the ground desperately begging for his life.

While Sora aimed his Nue, thinking about what to do with ``this piece of shit'' That on one hand had promised him to let him live, but on the other hand .... pissed him off.

When he was interrupted by a faint sound, behind him, causing him to move his gun where the sound came from by aiming at....

A woman in her 20's, in a deplorable state, blonde with messy tousled hair, with slight wounds and bruises all over her naked body, barely covered with a blanket she was using to cover herself, with her arms and neck full of puncture marks, from the drugs the Tygers put on her, that had just come out of one of the rooms.

while staring at Sora with an unfocused look in her grey pupils even when she was being pointed at with a gun, that she looked at it for a second, before raising her gaze back to Sora without changing it, as if she wasn't afraid of being shot.

On the contrary, it seemed from the way she stared at Sora, as if she was..... ``searching for it´´.

Without a glimmer of hope in her eyes, wishing that the stranger who had killed every man in the room, including the leader of the group that was using her, would give her peace in her hateful life.

Sora being able to recognize the woman's gaze, making him remember when he had a similar look... shot twice.


Moments earlier when Sora had left the room leaving Judy and Rebecca in it, Judy still thinking about what had upset Sora, used her pocket knife to cut Rebecca's bind.

Rebecca being released at last, she began to move her leg happily without stopping, until she put a hand to her upper stomach in pain.

"Are you all right, Rebecca?" Judy asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I just moved too fast," Rebecca replied, trying to change the subject. Looking out the open door and seeing Sora approaching the sole surviving Tyger. "So that's your boyfriend, huh? If I had one like him, I'd bring him up in every conversation too, haha."

"Yeah, Yeah very funny.... He's Sora. I've known him since I moved to Nc. He was my first and best friend before.... "

"Wow, how cute! But you know he's crazy, don't you, Judy?"

"Well, yes, sort of."

"I don't mean it as a bad thing, but for someone our age to be able to do something like this, and then make jokes like it's's weird, don't you think?"

"Yeah, but he would never-"Judy said alarmed at the insinuations Rebecca was saying, before she was interrupted.

"I'm not saying I'm a psychopath, but I know those types of people. They can be loving and joking with their circle, but something fucked them up, usually in childhood, creating and twisting something inside of them that gets released at times like these... and each time asking to be liberated more and more..... He wants to be a merc or something like, right?"

"Yes... " replied Judy somewhat saddened. Wondering herself what might have happened to Sora, if Rebecca's words were true.

"I figured as much. It's the same for me too. I think it's because of my childhood."

"Wait Rebecca, are you interested in Sora?" Judy asked with some annoyance and nervousness in her voice, at the attention Rebecca was showing towards Sora.

"No! You're crazy?! That's what surprises me so much about you being his girlfriend. You seem like a calm person who wouldn't hurt a fly. But you're a little twisted yourself, aren't you, Judy?"

"Besides, I like the melancholy, quiet ones, the ones who seem lost and need a big sister to help them. Yours is too much for me, girl."

"Well, to each his own," Judy said, trying to remain calm. "Sora is an amazing person and I love him for who he is. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks."

"Hahaha how cute, but I still think he's-" Rebecca didn't get to finish her sentence when she was interrupted by two gunshots, accompanied by screams of pain.


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