Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Next Room

"What the hell is going on?" asked one of the Tygers who was taking cover behind a column in the hall that connected all the rooms used to "educate the merchandise". In which seven Tygers stood surrounding and pointing at the room where 3 of their companions had entered, but none had exited

"No idea, dammit!" exclaimed another Tyger. "Finally it's my turn to 'educate' and I'm stuck in this shit. fuck!" Despite his bewilderment and anger, he was nervous, as were most of his companions who pointed into the room clenching their weapons tightly.

Especially, after his companions went in to investigate, hearing shortly, screams and gunshots, only for it to go quiet again and they didn't come out.

"Tch," muttered one of them as he took cover behind the frame of some doors. "My situation is worse, I was just about to taste one of the newly captured pieces, only to be interrupted as soon as I finished tying it up" Said one of the Tygers as he looked towards the ``next room´´ they were aiming at.


"HmffFhm!" (Come on, FUCK!).

Meanwhile in the ``next room´´, a childish looking teenage girl, wearing a long coat like dress completely open, leaving her underwear being the only thing covering her. With her four pale limbs bound and stretched out towards each corner of the bed, due to her continuous attempts to fight, punching, kicking, even biting the Tygers who had locked her in. They even had to gag her.

"HMffh" (SHIT!) Which didn't stop her from talking, or bad talking.

The girl, it was Rebecca, trying to take advantage of being left alone in the room, struggling with her restraints trying to free herself, as she looked worriedly at the entrance to the room that had been left open by the Tigers when they left alarmed by someone's sudden assault on the base.

Whoever it was, he had saved her, when loud music began to play interrupting and confusing the Tygers who had finished tying her up and were about to..... rape her.

A song Rebecca recognized `Parasite Eve' one of the few songs she liked by Jackie, that trendy singer who to her was overrated and she didn't particularly like, but who had now thrust like a rocket in her favorite song raking after it helped her through one of her worst times, even when she lived in the subterranean mega city of Anchorage.

Seeking solace in her memories determined to get out of this desperate situation as she had done before. remembered when she was still living in the subway city of Anchorage. Where life was much harder and more depressing than in Night City, which made Rebecca laugh at people who said Nc had no future, if that was so.... then her hometown.... had no present.

In Anchorage it was normal to see abandoned children, scavenging through garbage, trying to get food on most city streets. It was common for parents, unable to support themselves, to abandon their children to their fate. Even becoming socially accepted in the city, as long as the child was old enough to walk and talk, they at least had a chance to survive.

This happened after the mines began to dry up, and the city became less important to the corporations leaving the millions of people in that city isolated and underground slowly rotting away.....

Making Rebecca remember when she was 4 years old and her older brother Pilar 11 and they were abandoned by their parents, and in order to survive after being abandoned, they made an oath or a shared dream, in order to have a hope or goal to hold on to in those difficult times.

Which was to gamble everything, their body, their soul, everything they had in their short life in order to escape the depressing mining town of Anchorage, and stop being a Sunless.

Which was no easy feat, as not only did they have to get enough Eddis to get out of the subterranean city and out of Alaska, but also to cross the northern states of NUSA, due to the severe effects of climate change. Most of the northern states of the New United States of America (NUSA) together with the free state of Alaska, still part of the NUSA and Federal Canadian States (FCS) are in winter all year round, hiding the sun with thick storm clouds for months.

Going through all kinds of hardships to make it, which forged her and made her into the crazy girl she was. That's why Rebecca could be stubborn, foul-mouthed and violent, but it was the only ways she had learned to survive her tough childhood, besides she wouldn't abandon anyone she liked, as she didn't want to be like her horrible parents who abandoned her and her brother.

So when she regained consciousness inside an unfamiliar van and saw Judy in it, even though she had just met, she was saddened to learn that contrary to how she had thought, Judy had not managed to escape like Sasha.

As Rebecca finished strengthening her resolve not to give up or despair, a smile was drawn across her gagged mouth as she felt one of the bindings on her arm begin to loosen.

But a joy that was interrupted by a strange scream of pain, coming from the room next to hers, where Judy had been put and Rebecca from the open door could see the nervous Tygers aimed at it

Causing them to be pinned motionless when the doors to the room opened again, out came one of their Tyger companions with a broken knee, with which he could barely walk.

The Tyger's when they saw their partner walking away as fast as he could dragging his wounded leg, they put on an expression of surprise and doubt as he was not any of the 3 that had just entered at the room

Without realizing because of the tense situation, on the leather jacket he was wearing with the symbol of the Samuria band, which no self-respecting Tygers would wear, as it was a band hated by the them.

But who began to notice something was wrong when.

"YOU STOP!. DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" shouted the Tyger leader, trying to stop his wounded comrade by pointing his gun at him. Increasing the tension in the room making it palpable as the rest of the Tygers looked at each other, unsure how to handle the situation.

"HMM-MMP" while the wounded Tyger, kept making noises with his gagged mouth as he kept moving forward starting to cry in despair, as if he had no choice but to keep moving forward if he wanted to survive.

But he was force to stopped when the makeshift leader, with some reluctance to kill one of his companions, shot in front of him. Stopping him relatively close to the rest of Tygers, thing that when the wounded Tyger stopped, he paled, wanting to look back wondering if he was going to die, but managing to restrain himself, when the leader of the group approached him, pulled out a knife and cut the gag. "Speak!"

Surprising the wounded Tyger by the behavior of his companion who had not killed him, but had approached him to free him, making harder what was about to happen, when he could barely be able to say with his broken voice.

"sorry" said through tears as suddenly the jacket he had been fitted with remotely shut off, turning off the lights on his collar along with the Samuria symbol on his back, also turning off the magnetic attachments that the owner of the jacket installed to hold.... his hobby.

Dropping three silver spheres, causing the Tygers to react as quickly as they identified them, trying to shield themselves behind cover and if they couldn't, at least cover their eyes before they.....

They exploded in a loud burst of light and sound, momentarily disorienting and blinding the four Tygers within range, especially the leader, who was just below them.

Being the leader of the group able to see moments before the grenades exploded, as his partner who had just betrayed them curled up on the floor like a frightened animal and from the door he had exited, something was smiling at him from the darkness of the room with a red smile and blue eyes, moments before he was completely blinded, and soon... forever.

When Sora left the room as soon as his flash-bang grenades exploded, that he had kept them handy in case Ishii wanted to take revenge on him outside the institute, shooting the disoriented group leader and killing him as soon as he left.

Taking advantage of the cover of the columns in the room as he fired where he could, killing or disarming and immobilizing the Tyger as the situation dictated.

Prioritizing his shots at those who were not blinded, to interrupt their attempts to shoot him, causing them to take cover, while Sora charged towards the blinded Tygers in the center of the room, at the same time using them for hide and shield him from the Tygers attempting to shoot him and with Getsuga in one of his hands, he slashed at the legs, arms, or neck of the blinded Tygers, neutralizing them as fast as he could.

When Sora had managed to neutralize the fourth and last blinded Tyger, the 3 surviving Tygers had repositioned themselves, surrounding him, forced by the action of Sora, who used the bodies of his now dead or severely wounded blinded comrades to cover, making them unable to get a clear shot.

But now that they had him surrounded the three Tygers fired mercilessly at Sora, with nothing he could use for cover or hiding, making the Tygers think they could at least avenge their dead comrades.

Without panicking, Sora from his new blue Hud from his Idn, which had been upgraded by Arc, now allowing him to see his nanobotic activity in his body and choose where to use them, he turned up the maximum setting he had in time perception, managing to slow down his time at will.

Sora used it to dash towards the nearest Tyger while dodging the shots with minimal movements, like tilting his head to dodge a shot coming towards his head from behind, now without the need to see the shots to react to them.

Because now he could feel them in his body!

As if each holographic trajectory of colors he saw through his vision were now accompanied with a sensation in his body. With different levels, from danger to approaching bullet.

Which Sora used to dodge the bullets, not due to the speed of his body, but thanks to his new sense and his slowed down perception, which when put together allowed him to move at the precise instant before he was shot, making it seem like he was dodging bullets in real time.

Getting the Tygers surprised, that seeing that his attack was not successful, they involuntarily made his shots less accurate which gave Sora enough freedom to return fire, when he raised his arm with his Nue on it and started firing blindly without turning his head, interrupting two of the Tygers that were shooting at him while he kept charging towards the closest one.

Causing one to take cover, while the other Sora managed to wound in the shoulder, causing him to drop his weapon and fall to the ground.

The Tyger who fell to the ground wounded and unarmed lay motionless and stunned by the scene before his eyes, staring at the blood-stained surroundings and the bodies of most of his dead comrades. The few that were still alive cried out in pain clutching their missing limbs. Before reacting again.

He was only looking for his missing weapon, like a soldier who loses an arm and starts looking for it without realizing that he is bleeding to death.

He was in shock, refusing to accept reality, making his mind to find a way out, escaping reality.

And his mind chose to ``look for his weapon´´ as a method of escape, as if by finding it all his problems would be solved. But his fear and confusion increased when he found his weapon and the situation did not change, he looked up, not wanting to face what was happening, just when Sora had managed to get close to one of his companions.

The Tyger witnessing his companion's head being cut off, relentlessly, as his assassin covered himself with the now free cover his once living companion was using, while reloading his weapons slowly, not caring about the life he had just taken.

Leaving The Tyger of looking at Sora, when his companion's head fell near him, looking at him with a terrified expression still on his face. Tightening the metaphorical rope of the Tygers sanity seeming on the verge of snapping.

Listening as in these moments of panic someone was screaming at him, he turned his pale head towards the sole remaining survivor, the same Tyger he was just talking to about what an annoying situation had interrupted them from their turn to rape the girls they had locked up.

The Tyger was yelling at him to get the two of them to come out at once and attack again, but the moment the Tyger came out of cover..... he was shot in the head. Sora being perfectly capable of seeing when it was going to come out of cover and acting accordingly, blew his head off.

Leaving the Tygers who was searching for his weapon as the sole survivor....


That being unable to continue denying the desperate situation he was going through, the metaphorical string representing his sanity.... snapped, causing the Tygers to react by laughing at the last of his companions who had just been killed in front of him, now with his sanity broken, he was able to escape his terrible reality through the door of madness.


Laughing at the awakened situation, with his eyes roaming lost ending up in the room he had been longing to get back in to abuse the girl who was hitting all his strikes with her childish body.

Causing him as he laughed like a madman to drop his gun as he ran out, waxing inside the room where the girl who had been wanting to abuse her had managed to free herself from most of her bonds.

That when he saw her, he didn't erase his crazed smile as he pulled out a knife and said "at least we'll leave together hAHAaHhA" as he approached Rebecca who was sitting on the bed trying to untie her last bound leg.

"Get the fuck away from me you crazed fucker!" replied Rebecca.

"If you hadn't been such a violent girl I could have at least tried you once-"

As the crazed Tygers was about to reach the bed where Rebecca was lying, from the other side of the door they could hear a....


Loud and characteristic sounds of something charging electromagnetically, Rebecca being a big fan of firearms being able to recognize the sound. Which the Tyger also heard turning his gaze back to the door and

"Shit" with his sanity back for his final moments he said his last words. Before...


Being pierced by 28 pellets from two consecutive shells shots from a Rostović DB-2 Satara electromagnetic shotgun, fully loaded, capable of penetrating walls easily. In chest and head splashing blood to the girl tied to the bed tied behind him.

Within seconds when the door opened Rebecca was startled when she saw a young man with black hair tied in a short ponytail. The lower half of his face was covered by a tube-shaped scarf, with red animated beast maw. He was wearing a short black T-shirt with a dark gray bulletproof vest over it and brown pants that narrowed them below their knees.

Who was staring at her, while holding a Rostović DB-2 Sataracon on his shoulder, with his all black eyes and glowing blue pupils making Rebecca's skin crawl. Still, for a moment, she seemed to catch a glimmer of affection or concern in them, before they turned cold and made her shiver.

"You... who are you?" asked Rebecca with a certain nervousness and a strange formal tone generated by the fear she did not feel even with the Tyger, to the person who had saved her for the second time today, which she could not explain, but, her instincts, which have never failed her, were screaming at her to be careful with him, as if she were encountering a beast or a dangerous animal rather than a human.

Thing that when Sora heard the polite tone, which didn't fit Rebecca, He laughed softly demonstrating in his mask that he was totally in sync.

"Hii!, don't kill me please!" Thing that scared Rebecca, making her look smaller by her little fearful snort, which Sora struggled to contain, without approaching and treating Rebecca like a cat starting to pet her her head. but as she was half naked, it would not be the best first impression.

But that he manages to control himself when he suddenly whistled, causing a few seconds later a head to pop out of the door somewhat nervously for blood filled environment and the few Tygers that were still alive and conscious grunting and screaming in pain from their missing limbs.


"Hehehe hi Rebecca, do you want us to give you a hand?"

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