Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Old Story

A few minutes after Sora stole his car...

Morgan POV:

After undergoing rigorous security measures, I finally entered the hotel's projection room, forcefully banging on the double doors and swinging them open. Seeing the thirteen projections of the High Council members seated in armchairs arranged in a circle, including the projection of the Lazarus leader, all of them watching me and my angry entrance.

Each time I laid eyes on the realistic projections of the High Council members, it irritated me. Like a constant reminder of the wretched creator behind the holographic technology that Lazarus used—the same person who had just stolen my car

I took a seat in the only vacant chair, trying to hide my state of mind... with the urge to kill 'punks,' facing face to face with the projection of 'The Boss.' Her almost white hair and icy gaze reminded me of her father's. That madman had trained her since she could barely walk, and he had his reasons... to turn her into what she is now, the leader of the High Council and the Lazarus corporation.

Looking at the other Lazarus council members, I sat formally in the chair, as the leader of Lazarus military operations, Morgan Blackhand of NUSA, the legendary mercenary known for my skill, prowess, and cunning. 'What's up is what it says in my file!'

To my right was Robert Nesta, also known by his nickname "Dante," originally from Jamaica. He was an ex-smuggler, one of the best, despite his peculiar personality. He was in charge of logistics and secure transportation of goods for Lazarus. His extensive network allowed him to facilitate the efficient flow of resources and materials without relying on any other corporation or company, ensuring a discreet and secure transport, especially by sea, for Lazarus without leaving any records.

Next to Dante was Dinesh Nanjiani, a white-collar from Pakistan. He was responsible for public relations, legal matters, and maintaining contact with other corporations as a representative of Lazarus. Although he was a desk jockey, as a council member, he should not be underestimated. He preferred peaceful solutions after a tough and violent childhood.

Next, equipped with her exo-suit "L'Étranger" with multiple arms, earning her the nickname "Kali," was Èlise Medjani. She was a mixed beauty, half Algerian, half French, with blue eyes, tan skin, and red-copper hair. She was the leader of the exclusively female unit specialized in Exo-Cyberware called "Beast Beauties" of Lazarus.

Continuing the circle was "Ripper," I don't know his real name— 'Jack', maybe? He was from Canada, a handsome feminine boy who had sacrificed almost his entire body with a full-body conversion to a customized frame. He acted as the leader of a Lazarus cover corporation dedicated to counter-terrorism. He was dressed in an elegant gray suit matching his hair, leaving visible his serious face with a black metal jaw. As he sat there, resting his hands on the end of his sword's hilt, with the tip of the sheath planted on the ground.

Next to him was Erin Malour, also known as "Powder," the daughter of that "Lazy" and a Ukrainian woman. At only 19 years old, she was in charge of R&D for Lazarus. With great creativity, curiosity, and a thirst for knowledge, she designed all kinds of crazy and often unstable ideas, until her team of assistants refined them. She had a pale appearance with intense blue hair tied in two long ponytails and a strand hanging over her young face. She was dressed in a laboratory coat painted with all kinds of colorful and whimsical drawings, smiling at me cheerfully through her customized multi-tool glasses.

Representing China was Li-Fen, with her eyes closed, patiently waiting for the meeting to begin. She stood out for her mastery of martial arts, leading one of the largest groups of cyber-martial artists in Asia. She was an attractive mature woman wearing a traditional black Chinese dress with golden embroidery, revealing her voluminous and muscular thighs, which were abruptly replaced by the cold metal of her cyberware, looking like armor on her powerful legs.

Showing her closeness to him, next to "The Boss" was the only person she considered family, one of the people who had trained her since she was a child, the old Simo Hämälä, also known as "The White End." He was born in Australia to a Finnish family and was considered the best sniper alive, although I didn't know how long that would last, considering his 145 years. He leads Lazarus' sniper school in Australia and, unlike the others, sat in a wheelchair, covering his legs with a blanket. He was dressed in an elegant suit, but he was nodding off, struggling to stay awake.

Looking at me, with a friendless look on his face, was Erik Jadaka or also known as "Warbringer," Lazarus' representative in Africa. He had gone from being a child soldier to becoming the leader of one of the largest groups of warlords and mercenaries on the continent by the age of 30. I brought him to Lazarus myself when I encountered and confronted him as a young lad of less than 20 years, marking me, after, as a rival to be taken down. And this time, for some reason, he was staring at me more intensely than usual.

Next in order, of Egyptian nationality, was Anara Amari, an elegant elderly woman with white hair and dark skin. She had an "Eye of Horus" tattoo over her left eye and wore an eyepatch over her right eye. She was smiling at me with apparent amusement as she sipped her tea. She was Lazarus' top Netrunner, responsible for cybersecurity and maintaining Lazarus' secret cyberspace. Standing behind her, serving as her protector, was her daughter Fareeha Amari, the leader of Lazarus' "Raptora" unit, looking like a younger version of her mother with a similar tattoo on her right eye.

Sitting next to them, if you could call it sitting, was the unstable Jason Pimento from Argentina, slouched in the chair with one leg over the armrest and his head hanging over the opposite backrest, appearing unconscious or hungover after a drinking spree. He was a psychologically questionable individual but highly competent in covert operations and gathering information. His unconventional approach, ability to blend in, and think outside the box made him a valuable asset to Lazarus. Despite his eccentric and volatile personality, Pimento proved to be extremely cunning and capable of handling dangerous situations.

And lastly, there was the "old fox" Winston McShane former MI6, from the United Kingdom. He was in charge of Lazarus' Continental Hotels worldwide, as well as training the staff and managing the various services available to Lazarus members.

All the members of the Lazarus High Council were gathered, each of them looking at me with different emotions in their eyes... annoying me. "What the fuck is going on? Why are you all looking at me like that?" I asked, irritated by their gazes.

"A little birdie has shown us something," Erin said, with a teasing tone in her voice, as she took off her multi-tool glasses and smiled.

"What the hell are you talking about, girl?" I asked, confused by Erin's jokes.

"Today at 11:49 am, 40 minutes after you deactivated the tracking of the new recruit's card, there was another infiltration into Lazarus' private cyberspace," Anara replied, setting her tea cup down on a small table next to her before continuing.

Giving me a moment to think about the obvious suspect. We had never had any infiltrations into our cyberspace before, and now it had happened twice... just 40 minutes after I deactivated his tracking. "Don't tell me he's seeking revenge for my betting prank," I thought to myself.

"Don't get worked up, Morgan. There was no theft or copying of our data, and unlike the previous time, it seems he learns from his mistakes. We didn't notice his presence until the system compared the data with the last backup and detected a discrepancy. There was more data than there should have been," Anara added, smiling with amusement at my perplexity, or so it seemed, but after knowing her for so many years, it felt... nervous.

"More?" I asked, not understanding the situation.

"Yes, we found a video, titled and I quote "𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥 𝙤𝙣 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚, 𝙄'𝙡𝙡 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥 𝙤𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨.avi"" Anara replied.

Opening my eyes wide in surprise and looking at Boss, who was staring at me intently... 'this wasn't just a revenge for my prank, as I thought... it was a warning.'

Boss intervened, "In the short video that was uploaded, you were about to be cut in half, before your final shots disarmed the new recruit. And when you aimed at his head to shoot while he was unarmed... he countered with a technique that both Li-Fen and I found 'interesting,' pointing your own weapon at you and firing... a blank round, but if it wasn't... Do you know what I'm talking about, Morgan?"

Boss shifted the conversation towards the content of the video, which seemed like prank. But in reality, it was a silent threat to me for intruding into his home, where his girlfriend was, a subtle warning from the "boy" to all of Lazarus...

"𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚, 𝙄 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥 𝙢𝙮𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛 𝙞𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 "𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩" 𝙤𝙣𝙚"

Understanding Boss's intentions, I said, "I see... So, you all have seen it..."

Most of the council members nodded in response, and Erin added, "There was also another short clip, showing you taking a hit on the forehead from some attack with his cyberware arm."

"We said we wouldn't mention that, chérie," Élise protested softly, with a clear French accent, gesturing her words with one of her multiple Exo-suit arms.

"That's your decision, I just want to laugh at the old man even more! And don't call me like that... I get silly!," Erin said, jokingly, while smiling and winking at Élise. I knew that treating her like a daughter was a bad idea, 'give them an inch, and they'll take a ...,' I thought before refocusing.

"That... FUCKING KID!, I'm going to kill him! Besides stealing my car, he uploads that to our network..." I exclaimed, using my genuine anger to redirect the conversation and the attention of the other members, focusing them on the content of the video rather than its real meaning. The threat of the boy exposing Lazarus...

"So, it's true, hahaha! The new recruit is evil, I like it!" Dante exclaimed, finding "everything" extremely entertaining, pounding on the arms of his chair.

"Did he steal your car? I hope you recover it, Morgan, or I'll charge its value in Eurodollars to your account," said the old fox Winston, only interested in matters related to him, such as the possible loss of an expensive sports car that had been rented.

"That's the new recruit? Do we really have to bring someone so conflictive into Lazarus? All I see is trouble," Dinesh commented, imagining the potential legal problems that could arise when the "recruit" started going on missions for Lazarus around the world.

"So, that's Musashi Hatake's grandson... my sword quivers with excitement for a duel," Ripper said, opening his mouth for the first time to say something like that... which made the room fall silent.




Only to be answered shortly after by the unanimous """Shut up, Weeb!""" from Powler, Élise, and Dante.

"I still have questions to ask! One of my guys just informed me... that one of Winston's pompous sommeliers reported that one of my 'babies' malfunctioned, and according to your words, old man, it was because of the 'Noob'... What the hell!... Things don't explode after I finish making them... and the other guys check them... but that doesn't matter! How the hell did the 'Noob' manage to overload them?! OLD MAN!!, answer me!" Powler shouted, especially the last part...

Awakening Old Simo, "Did someone call me? I wasn't asleep!" He said, thinking he was being called.

"Shut up Simo, it's not pudding time," Erin added impatiently when she was interrupted by a topic that interested her.

"Hmm?... okay," Simo responded calmly, not quite understanding what was happening but accepting Erin's outburst. Then he added, reminded by her, "Can I have some pudding?"


"Ahmmm," Boss sighed before briefly speaking to someone on her communicator, and within seconds, someone in Australia would bring the pudding to Old Simo.

"Morgan?" Anara asked, redirecting the conversation to prevent it from veering off course.

"No idea how he did it, but it seemed like his tattoos were some kind of electrical conductor, and as you saw in the video, his arm is fully customized. From what I've seen, he has a Grapple gun and a Bunker pillar. Who knows what else he has inside? He could easily have some batteries that he used to overload... your 'junk,'" I said, finishing my sentence and looking at Erin to provoke her.

Easily achieving it when someone messes with her creations, exploding like her nickname "How dare you! You... you'll be-" she was interrupted by Dinesh, who asked seriously, "Is this why we've gathered the High Council? Because of a recruit? Okay, I understand that he defeated Morgan, but I don't think it's such a big deal."

Making the bureaucratic Dinesh nervous, as I stared at him, growling as I didn't like his words one bit, "N-no, I don't mean it that way, Morgan. You know I'm a big fan, and I have the utmost respect for you, but what does it matter? He played at home and caught you off guard," Dinesh said, sharing his rational thoughts.

"I started the fight by shooting him while he was swinging around distracted, causing him to fall from over 50m/160ft... until he thow a grenade and made it exploded at close range, escaping my control and diverting his fall. After that, we had a standoff, shooting at each other until he lunged at me with his sword," I said, summarizing my duel with that damn "recruit."

Creating a brief silence. "..."

"Oh! The more I hear, the more my sword vibrates with-" Ripper, upon hearing me, opened his mouth to make a comment that shivers down, and "Thank god" he couldn't finish it...

When Erin shouted at him, "SHUT UP, WEEB!" to silence him.

"Great, but that's not what I mean. even if Adam Smasher himself was entering Lazarus, we wouldn't be gathered here talking about him," Dinesh added, making me more pissed off every time he spoke. "Morgan was just an example, I-"

"It's because of who sponsored him, that I want the opinion of all members on whether to accept it or not," Boss interjected, bringing up the real topic at hand.

"Who is it? We don't care who it is, even if it's a member of the 'Arasaka' family itself," Dante added.

"That's exactly it," Anara responded, aware of the circumstances.

"What?" Elise asked.

"The new recruit's sponsor is Hanako Arasaka," Boss clarified.




"I knew it had to be related to Arasaka, being Musashi Hatake's grandson. But to have it be Hanako Arasaka herself." Ripper responded, getting serious and stopping his jokes.

Boss nodded at Ripper's words and continued, "As you know, we've had almost no contact with Arasaka. They were one of our initial sponsors when Lazarus was created with funding from the WCC, but since then, we haven't had any support from them. That has been both good and bad. We're gathered here to make a decision about the Mercenary Okami, Sora Inuzuka, Musashi Hatake's grandson and sponsored by Hanako Arasaka. Initially, apart from his sponsor didn't seem to be of great importance, but after the recent events-"

"the old man's defeat, right?" Erin, being young and impulsive, had the brilliant idea of interrupting Boss to take a jab at me, which wasn't bad, but she shouldn't have done it by interrupting her.

Creating an uncomfortable silence "..." when Boss simply turn her head and stared at Erin for a few seconds, making her quickly apologize, "S-sorry," as she stuttered.

"As I was saying, due to the recent events, I don't know if the potential benefits of having someone like him in Lazarus outweigh the problems he could bring. That's why, before making a decision, I want to hear the council's opinions after Morgan shares his perspective as the only one who has had direct contact with him." Boss finished speaking, looking at each of the members.

Even Pimento, who seemed to have come back to life but was somewhat disoriented about why he was in a High Council meeting, said, "How did I get here?!..." without caring much about the answer to his own question, he added, "Ah! Hi, guys, I have to tell you about a new drug that has been created recently... it's crazy... it makes the unconscious part of your brain take control and move for you... while the conscious part soars high... the bad thing is, when you wake up, you have no idea how you ended up where you are or what you've done!"


After Pimento's abrupt comment that generated a peculiar silence among all the council members, I gave my opinion about the annoying "Kid" who stole my car and hacked into Lazarus again.

"The kid is a walking contradiction... highly skilled and with great potential, although Musashi claims to have trained him with an iron fist and tried to beat him into reason when he was young, even so, the kid remains tremendously undisciplined, according to Musashi 'more so every year'.

His relationship with Arasaka is also contradictory. It's obvious that they have invested a significant amount of resources and time in him, which, after my confrontation with him, I firmly believe he's augmented and for the capabilities he demonstrated, the ones which could only be achieved by making them before he was even born, considering what that entails."

"...." I paused briefly, creating a silence among the members of the high council due to the implications of my words regarding the illegal taboo of genetically enhancing a newborn.

"I know what you're thinking. But, how many of us have been guinea pigs or done crazy things to gain strength? What I mean is that, after the resources invested in him, Arasaka, like any other corporation, would have raised him closely to serve their purposes. But with this kid, it doesn't seem to be the case at all...

In the end, it doesn't matter which path we choose; both options have clear benefits and disadvantages. Of course, it would be easier to reject him and avoid the potential problems he may bring by joining us. However, we may be underestimating his benefits by solely considering his relationship with Arasaka. The kid has great potential, being able to fight against me, with less than 20 years old..."

I had to pause for a moment again, feeling Erik`s "Warbringer" intense gaze. He hadn't said a word throughout the entire meeting, and now I understood why. He wasn't much different from Ripper's "Weeb" jokes. Erik was genuinely interested in "meeting" the person able to "put me in trouble..."

'What's up! If I wanted to, I could have easily defeated that punk!' I thought to myself, to the small part of myself that was questioning me.

"As I was saying.... he's not stupid, and as you may have read in the report, his IQ could be on par with Erin's. He has made advancements that even we use in Lazarus, but he has simply applied them to conceal the metallic structure of his Iron Beasts. It's a valuable technology that even Militech is eager to get their hands on its patents.

I haven't witnessed firsthand what the militarized versions of the Iron Beasts he uses as a mercenary can do. But according to what the Hatake Brothers told me, when he was "together" with his dog and the crows he used to record the footage he uploaded to our server, even the two of them couldn't handle him."

When I finished speaking everyone turned to Ripper almost seeking for one of his "Weeb" comments, but he simply kept a straight face and shook his head before the expectant gazes of the other council members

Them, there was a brief silence as the members assimilated everything I had just said and made their decisions. The Boss, after a few seconds, letting them finish making their decisions, spoke again when most of them raised their heads

"Now that we have heard Morgan's opinion, I want to know the responses of the Lazarus high council."

Erin was the first to share her opinion. "Yes, I'm in favor. Not to insult anyone, but we could use more brains and less metal and muscle. I'm not talking about you, Li-fen... I mean! ma'am!... Besides he seems fun."

Dante was the next to speak. "I share the same view as the young lady. It seems fun. I say yes."

Pimento, confused about what was being discussed, but at least being honest, said, "I have no idea what we're talking about, but since Erin is nodding at me to say yes, I'll say yes."

"Ahmm" 'What's wrong with that girl, why is she so eager on it?'

Old Simo, surprisingly awake and aware of the topic, said, "I oppose it. The greatest factor for the success of a mission lies in the discipline, patience, and determination of a soldier, and adding someone like him to this group, with an already questionable discipline, would only bring chaos. Back in my day, we wouldn't even have bothered to vote on this, even so, I'll say it; I'm against him joining."

'Damn! What's in those puddings?!' I thought as I listened to old Simo's sensible reasoning.

Anara looked at me with a touch of guilt, after my opinion about the kid, and she said, "I somewhat agree with Elder Simo. I... honestly think I would sleep better without someone like that roaming around Lazarus."

Èlise rolled her eyes at the faces and glares Erin was throwing at her before responding. "I'm also against it, I'm sorry, Mon chéri. No matter how many faces you make, my answer remains the same. If it were a strong-willed young woman that I could help by getting her within my unit, I would do it. But that's not the case, so... no."

My turn... "as I said, although he's a pain in the ass, and I might regret it. What the hell!, I'll probably regret it! I believe the kid has the potential to become the thirteenth member of the Council in no time." I spoke sincerely, ruffling some feathers among those interested in that position, from behind Anara's steadfast projection, her daughter Fareeha, and Li-Fen, who longed for one of her disciples to achieve that position.

Dinesh looked at the rest of the members before giving his response. "It might surprise all of you, but I'm in favor of his admission, but, not for a stupid reason like the majority... not yours, Morgan, I respect yours. I'm talking about the others...

Although it's obvious that you don't want to discuss it, he has infiltrated our cyberspace twice, once completely unnoticed. If he doesn't join... I doubt Boss will allow anyone outside the corporation to know that information... so to avoid any problems due to the extreme measures our esteemed leader might take, I say yes to his admission"

Dinesh's sensible words made everyone look at Boss, who smiled slightly at Dinesh's accurate assumption, sending a chill down the spine of anyone who saw that faint smile.

Ripper, acting with seriousness and a hint of sorrow, said, "I don't want any trouble with Arasaka, and I hope our leader doesn't either, wisely avoiding doing anything crazy, still, I say; No. As Old Simo said, an undisciplined person will only bring chaos, and we already have enough of that... It's a shame that being Musashi Hatake's grandson, he has that rebellious nature."

"Warbringer" looked away before smiling and speaking up briefly, "I agree." It was easy to imagine what Erik had in mind when he gave that response, wanting to "meet" him as soon as possible.

Winston looked at me first and said, "I'm sorry, old friend, but..." already knowing his response before he even continued speaking. "Manners maketh man. Without them, we're just animals, and from what I see, the boy agrees with me, by the way he is calling himself as a mercenary. I'm against it. With members like him, Lazarus won't be what I envision."

After Winston`s opinion, a faint "You old pedantic fart..." could be heard from Erin, without bothering to dissimulate.

Li-fen crossed her arms, shaking her impressive bosom, and expressed her opinion, "While I agree that fresh blood is needed, and I must admit his martial arts skills seem interesting. However, upon learning about his character and his lack of discipline, I don't believe he would be a good example for my disciples and other young members of the organization. Therefore, I say no."

After hearing everyone's verdicts, I thought, 'Damn... you'll owe me for this, kid... and so do you, Musashi... the whole damn family will owes me!'

Boss nodded and, after listening to each member of the high council, began conveying her decision, "After hearing all of you and disregarding Pimento's foolish response, as he clearly doesn't understand the matter at hand, with a voting result of 5-6, the council members have made a decision to deny Sora Inuzuka access to Laza-"

"I have something to report, and as a member of the high council, I activate Security Protocol 'Zeta-7' due to the importance and sensitivity of the information I need to share. I request a private meeting with the leader of Lazarus."

At that moment, upon mentioning it, the Zeta-7 command was automatically activated, causing the silhouettes of the other council members to become blurred and obscured, leaving only Boss visible in my field of vision.


General POV:

On the other end of the connection, the opposite occurred, where others could only see the black figures of Morgan and Boss, unable to distinguish their features or hear their words.

"What the hell happened?" Pimento asked, unsure if he was still under the influence of drugs.

"Nothing, just the automatic protocol kicking in... I hope the old man can convince her," Erin said with a touch of sadness, longing to meet someone her age with a similar IQ whom she could have a conversation with

Having prior knowledge of Sora before his involvement with Lazarus, thanks to the Iron Beast that Erin was a big fan of, but due to the scarcity of information about him on the net, she couldn't satisfy her curiosity until now, when he might become a companion to Lazarus. Although, that seems less likely now.

"Hah, as if anyone could change that woman's mind..." Dante responded, lighting a suspiciously green cigarette.

While the rest of the members waited patiently, on the safe and isolated side of Morgan and Boss, under protocol 7...


Morgan POV:

Now that we were alone... sort of. Boss pulled out the only bad habit she had, feeling comfortable enough in front of me to take out a cigarette and light it up, asking after taking a long drag and exhaling the smoke,

"Well? What do you want to say to make me change my mind... you've tried many times before and you've never succeeded," she said, looking at me with her blue eyes that seemed to shimmer through the smoke of her cigarette, smiling as if she found my behavior amusing. Almost giving me the feeling that she was actually standing in front of me... 'Damn the "Kid's" holography tech is good.'

I began to recall an old story. "I want to tell you an old story... one that was told to me over 40 years ago, from the laziest of the laziest Eran Malaur, Erin's father and the creator of Malorian Arm. He told me this when I visited him a few years after a certain Rockerboy's death.

I found Eran drunk and depressed when he discovered in whose hands it had ended up one of his customized weapons... one that he made with great affection for an old friend. Being drunk and feeling nostalgic for those who had passed away, he told me a story he would never have shared if he was sober, I'm sure.

In it, Eran recounted how a Rockerboy with a silver arm, an old friend of his from the army during their time in the First Central American War, wanted to call in a favor Eran owed him. Commissioning an order from Eran as the greatest Gunsmith alive.

The Rockerboy had to reveal some crucial details for Eran to have a clear vision of what he was looking for. As a result of his work, two handmade variants of the Malarian Arm 3516 were created: one silver, loud, heavy, and aggressive, and the other black, elegant, smart, and silent.

Do you know what the Rocketboy told Eran as the concept behind creating these weapons?

"That they should be a powerful reminder... '𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙨𝙤𝙣'"

With one of the weapons symbolizing the mother of his son, while the other represented Johnny himself in a weapon he used until his last moment... both intended for his son, as a reminder of a fathers he would never get to know."

Disbelieving and struggling to believe my story, Boss said, "Morgan... what are you talking about? You're not suggesting that the kid— It has been more than 50 yea-!"

Interrupting her, I continued, "The kid already... has his father's weapon, I'm completely sure. The last confirmed person who had it and depressed Eran was Smasher's accomplice, 'I-don't-know-what' Greyson, and something tells me that after meeting the kid, it's very likely that he's underground... what I'm saying, 'Joy,' is that if the kid has his father's weapon... then who has 'the mother's'?"

By calling her 'Joy,' Boss's real name, and since she was not used to hearing her name, she looked at me, unable to hide her surprise, unable to process everything I was telling her but understanding what I was implying. She added uncertainly, "You're not saying that his sponsor, none other than Hana—"

"What I've been saying all along, is what my gut is telling me... that someone incredibly powerful went to great lengths to enhance the kid in an unhealthy, unethical, and illegal manner... almost like a mother obsessed with her only child's life... and that same person wanted him to be born safe and free from the influence of his family, especially considering who the father of the child was.

Surrendering him over to someone she trusted completely, to take care of him as a "Grandfather" to her secret son. Whom she had somehow with the public enemy of her family... Johnny Silvehand... giving birth, almost, to the anti-Christ of our Corporate era...

So, 'Joy'... if you change your mind, you could have a direct heir of the old Saburo within Lazarus, and when everything goes to hell... perhaps, with our support and a bit of luck... we can use Arasaka's resources to our advantage... that's what I'm hinting at."

After processing everything I had said, successfully making her change her mind for once, Joy sighed and said, "Ahmm... I'm glad to have you, Morgan."

Nodding my head, without giving her a moment's respite, I added, "But we'll also have to deal with the other part..."

Exasperated at the idea of having someone like "the father" in Lazarus, Joy responded, "Silverhand's part, right?"

I nodded my head again before adding, "They're like two peas in a pod. Anyone who knew Johnny won't be able to avoid remembering him when dealing with the kid."

"We'll have to do something about it, but we'll talk about that later..." Joy said, extinguishing her cigarette and reverting to being the Boss of Lazarus as she deactivated protocol 7.


General POV:

When Boss and Morgan's projections became visible again to the rest of the High Council members, they all turned to Boss and Morgan, eager to know what decision they had made.

But contrary to their expectations, Boss looked at Anara and said with a serious expression, "Due to the sensitive nature of the information shared by High Council member Morgan Blackhand, I will activate Protocol Z-77."

This caused Anara to widen her eyes in surprise, as did the other High Council members who were familiar with all of Lazarus' protocols, except for Pimento, who couldn't recall them and still had no idea what was happening.

The protocol involved the thorough deletion of all records, copies, and information associated with the ongoing High Council meeting from Lazarus's servers, as well as a prohibition for High Council members to discuss or disclose the meeting's topic, even with Lazarus staff, until the issue that triggered the protocol is reassessed.

Anara was taken aback as she struggled to hide her astonishment. She asked, "Boss, are you absolutely certain that activating Protocol Z-77 is necessary? We haven't employed such extreme measures since the creation of the 'Little Dark Ages' Protocol."

As the individual responsible for Lazarus' cybersecurity, Anara needed to confirm the order. She held the final authorization, meaning that even though it was Boss's directive, she couldn't proceed without Anara's ultimate consent.

Boss nodded solemnly and replied, "Yes, Anara. The information shared by Morgan is too sensitive. To ensure there are no leaks, we must activate the protocol."

Erin, knowing what would happen next, asked; "Wait! Before you do it! What's the decision regarding the 'Noob'? Will he join us or not?"

In response to Erin's question, all the members looked at Boss and could see her nodding with a slight affirmative smile before erasing it and saying, "Activate the protocol.

"HELL YE-!" Erin's half-shouted exclamation was the last thing the members heard before the signal was cut off. As Anara acted in accordance with Boss's order, she activated the protocol, erasing all the content on the servers where the meeting was hosted, and consequently disabling all projections.

Ending the Lazarus High Council Meeting


2 days until Gala Night

On that night, three days after Adam lost contact with Geyson and four hours before the explosion of the Ebunike.

In a luxurious black Rayfield Excalibur "Jet" version Av, adorned with red Arasaka markings, soars over the Pacific Ocean. Unlike the typical Av that resembles a flying car, the "Jet" version bears a closer resemblance to a small private plane, characterized by four smaller wings at the front and a larger pair at the rear.

Inside the luxurious AV, the pilot took a deep breath before adopting the most formal tone possible and announcing through the cabin communicator, ["Yorinubo-sama, allow me to inform you that we are only an hour away from reaching Night City."]

Yorinubo responded by turning on the passenger area monitor and having a short video call as a courteous gesture with the pilot before ending the call.

Then, erasing the subtle expression he used to address the pilot, Yorinubo looked towards the other person, who was in the Av or "at this point, thing" Yorinubo thought looking at Adam Smasher, and his imposing Full cyborg body heavily modified for Arasaka. Having to modify the Av, so that it would be able to carry him.

"When we arrive, I want you to take charge of leading the rest of Taka's forces waiting in Night City. Once it's established and the area is secured for my meeting in the hotel room, you can address what has been troubling you these past few days," said Yorinubo.

Smasher said nothing about Yorinubo's "meeting," always ending up with the same "flesh bag" without really caring. He replied, ["Alright."]

Yorinubo, not finished yet, asked, "Have you considered my offer?"

Adam remained silent before speaking through the speakers, ["Yes, and I'm not willing to accept it. I may have lost my body, but I'm still myself, so I reject... your offer and... those behind you."]

"You surprise me. I thought with your taste for violence, you would like the idea. Whatever. There's always time if you change your mind. Let me know when the moment comes," responded Yorinubo, genuinely surprised by Adam's conservative response but not caring about being rejected as he turned his gaze back to his pad, but before that...

["I have something to ask."]


["I'm curious, what would you do with them if I accepted, how would you use them... and why do you need them?"]

"To answer that, I would have to give you a long talk about my personal goals and the change I yearn for, but since I'm the one who asked you... and there's still an hour left, I'll respond."

"When I was 21 years old and had graduated from Todai (University of Tokyo), my father Saburo brought me to his private chambers at the compound. It was the first time in my life that my father expressed pride in my accomplishments. However, that happiness was short-lived when my half-brother Kai explained the true nature of the Arasaka Corporation and the role they expected me to play alongside them.

Rather than agreeing with my father's vision and the path chosen by my elder half-brother Kei, I was secretly appalled and chose to remain silent as my father continued speaking. That night, after a celebratory dinner held in my honor, I slipped out of the compound and disappeared into the Tokyo night. Knowing what went on within the corporation, I despised my father's goals and vowed to stop him. I didn't want the only family member who had ever cared about me to be entangled in the machinations of my brother and father.

However, all my beliefs began to crumble, planting the seeds of doubt after the Fourth Corporate War and the death of my half-brother Kai in 2023.

During the war, I took further action to disrupt Arasaka's operations. Despite attempts from Militech to lure me to their side, I refused to join them. Yet, even after the war and the attack on Arasaka Tower in Night City, I realized that it wasn't enough to destroy the corporation. I understood that if I wanted to truly dismantle Arasaka and free my sister and myself from the grip of our father, it had to be done from within.

But when the war ended, I attended my brother Kei's funeral, and with the assistance of my dear sister, I was able to mend my relationship with my father. It was during that period that I observed a transformation in her, which sparked my initial doubts.

Denying what I thought. Since then, I created and led the Taka Faction within the Arasaka Corporation, accumulating power and living the corporate life, playing the role my Half-brother Kai and my father intended for me. However, I never forgot the reasons behind my decisions.

Heh, to free an ungrateful sister, one who doesn't realize the sacrifices I had to make for her and even claims she doesn't need my help or salvation... only to realize at that moment that I was too late.

My beloved sister, changed from a naive and spoiled woman eager to know about the outside world, due to the cage our father raised her in, to a cold and full of secrets, where in her eyes there was nothing of the care or affection that she once showed for me.

Thanks to my father a mere leftover of what once was.... Realizing that, after traversing that long path, and so many sacrifices, that the person I was doing it all for... was no longer there. With that realization, the rest of my beliefs also faltered.

What difference would it make... if, after years of hating my life and staining my soul, I managed to destroy Arasaka?

'What would change in the world?'

Perhaps a brief period of instability, until another corporation rises and seizes the vacant throne of Arasaka, or perhaps Militech would claim absolute power.

That's when they contacted me, and about your questions I would... make you the perfect soldier... Adam. 'Invincible and immortal'"

["Hmm"] Adam, at Yorinubo's long monologue, wasnt able to avoid grunting when he heard the last part, which didn't sound bad.

Yorinobu smiled and added; "Heh, let me know when the time comes." turning his gaze back to his pad.


After Adam and Yorinubo arrived in Night City, Adam took command of Taka's forces, who were awaiting them, and as ordered by Yorinubo, he secured the hotel and the suite where Yorinubo's "meeting" with his preferred prostitute would take place, a routine he always followed when in Night City.

As Adam finished overseeing the security arrangements, he crossed paths with the next meeting of Yorinobu, Evelyn Parker, in the hotel lobby. Adam received pleasure from sensing the fear in people as they encountered him, like Eveling, who displayed unease when they crossed each other, him exiting and her entering the hotel for her next "meeting."

Eighteen minutes later, Adam ventured alone to the port where the Ebunike was docked. He could see signs of battle at the port but found no bodies. ["Scavengers"] Adam muttered, attributing the cause. With his next destination in mind once he finished investigating what had happened to the Ebunike, he made his way to the armored room where he stored his personally favored weapons and spare exo-suit, ensuring he wouldn't always have to rely on Arasaka.

Adam unlocked the door to the room that should have been illuminated upon entry. He stepped into the dark room and approached the monitor and server that controlled it. When he powered on the server, the lights came on, revealing an empty room with all the display cases where his weapons should have been, leaving only the case containing his armor, which had a recorded message etched onto it.

Adam clenched his armored fists tightly, wondering who had the balls or stupidity to... steal from him. He approached the case containing his armor, noticing a circle of dried yellowish liquid surrounding and coating the bottom part of his spare armor.

As he guessed what it was. There was an uncomfortable sound of metal banging mentally, caused by Adam's arms., triggered by his anger, causing him a slight episode of Cyberpsychosis—an experience he hadn't encountered in a long time, since he learned how to keep it under control and maintaining a "functional" state.

A few seconds later, with Smasher still in front of his armor case, while he was trying to regain control of his "agitated" state, the room's speakers activated automatically and a fragment of a song started playing—a song Smasher knew and despised, but more than that, he detested the voice of the singer.

[♩ Guiding me to the end ♩]

[♩ Black dog in my head ♩]

Adam remained motionless as he listened to Johnny Silverhand's "detestable" voice, focusing on the recorded message etched into his armor.

[♩ In concrete canyons squinting neon eyes ♩]

[♩ Black dog beside me, like shadow needing light ♩]

[♩ Stalk the backstreets, never at ease ♩]

[♩ Locked in a chase that'll never cease ♩]

[♩ A bloody Moon, portending doom ♩]

Reading the note slowly, ["Now I Have A Machine Gun Ho-Ho-Ho, Thanks for de Weapons... By Little Johnny....]

[♩ Another cruel day, coming soon ♩]

[♩ Have to end this but it's just begun ♩]

[♩ A final charge, with the rising Sun ♩]

Reading the additional engraved message, ["P.S. Be careful when you leave!"]

[♩ Tonight is the night that we run... ♩]

[♩ The hunter becomes what he hunts ♩]

[♩ The escape and the chase is now one ♩]

At the same time that the change of rhythm occurred in the song and in Johnny's voice. Adam understood the meaning behind the "Careful" part of the message, when the screens in the room displayed a pixel art animation, reminiscent of retro games—of a black dog, just like in the song's title—walking on two legs and dragging a sack, stopping in the middle of the screen... and laughing as it pulled out a bomb from the sack... Covering his ears still laughing.

[♩ Run, run ♩]

[♩ Tonight is the night that we run ♩]

[♩ The hunter becomes what he hunts ♩]

[♩ The escape and the chase is now one ♩]

[♩ Run, run ♩]

Adam "ran" toward the exit of the room just as a bomb detonated in the ship's engine room, triggering a chain reaction that ignited the ship's fuel and resulted in a massive explosion. The blast propagated throughout the ship, setting off ammunition, explosives, and flammable materials, creating a "beautiful homemade fireworks display" that shocked through the neighboring districts of the port.

The force of the explosion severely damaged Adam's Samson frame, obliterating his limbs and hurling him into the depths of Night City's bay. Where remaining submerged for hours, until he was rescued... thinking every second he spent underwater in... "Little Johnny"


1 days until Gala Night


0 days until Gala Night


12 hours until the Gala Night.

In Hanako's private room at Hakone Castle, in Japan,

"Hanako-sama, the entire team is prepared for the trip to Night City, with an estimated duration of 3 hours and 33 minutes. Our team consists of four Avs, carrying all our personnel, security team, and equipment. We are ready whenever you give the order," Oda reported, standing firmly in the doorframe of the room, with Yumeko, Hanako's assistant, at his side.

Hanako emerged from the room, dressed in an elegant black suit with silver subtle details that accentuated her figure, which she intended to wear for the journey. She also planned to take advantage of her short stay in Night City to conduct a review of the company in which she is a shareholder.

"Thank you, Oda. Give me a minute, and we can set off immediately,"Hanako said, sketching a faint smile, unable to hide her good mood, as she politely requested a moment alone.

Once the two of them retreated and patiently waited outside, Hanako entered the deepest and most secure part of her room, where her bed, private server, and a small safe with complex security measures, including the classic combination, were located.

Hanako placed her hand on the section adjacent to the safe's display, looking like a simple fingerprint scan. However, "Hm" in reality, it was a simultaneous analysis of DNA from five blood samples taken from all five fingers at once, quite painful. As a final security measure, the blood needed to contain something very special and specific: nanobots, exactly the same kind used in her son.

Being the mother and the son, the only two people who could open the safe without destroying its contents, with only one chance before the safe self-destructed.

When the safe opened, Hanako carefully moved the photos she had of Sora, from when he was a baby to various stages of his growth. These photos had been sent by Aoi, and Hanako made a physical print of them so she could touch her son's face, even if only in the photographs.

Gently grasping the black wooden box that covered the photos, Hanako sat on the bed, softly caressing the box before opening it, revealing an elegant black Malorian Arms 3516. This customized model featured a slightly longer barrel than the standard 3516 versions, along with a powerful laser marker for smart bullets beneath its barrel, equipped with a built-in silencer.

Within the box, there was an old, time-worn piece of paper—a response to a message—a father's response upon learning he had a child—from a mother who couldn't resist but reach out once again to let him know that Hana, the person with whom they had a brief relationship, was pregnant with his child.

With the black wooden box, the weapon, and the note in her hands—as the father's response, sent under a false name, to none other than Hanako Arasaka herself.

Hanako read the worn note once again before placing it back inside the black box and placing it in a briefcase adorned with the Arasaka symbol. She then left her room with the briefcase in hand, on the way to its rightful owner—in Night City.

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