Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

The preparations

Sora woke up the next day, feeling groggy. The first thing he did was check the strange sensation in his arms. In one, he smiled upon seeing Judy sleeping beside him under his cybernetic arm, with her head resting on his chest. And as he looked at his left arm, he muttered, "I hate you" to the disgustingly familiar feeling of having an IV in his arm.

Using his teeth, trying not to move his other arm, to not wake up Judy, thinking she was still asleep. Until she spoke in a sweet voice, "Imagine saying that to the person who took care of you all night..." Judy joked, looking at Sora, who had removed the IV like an animal.

Sora freed his mouth, spitting out the IV from the bed, and smiled at Judy, saying, "Of course! You know how much I 'hate' you," while giving her a gentle kiss before adding, "Thank you for taking care of me," and resting his forehead against Judy's.

"What choice do I have when you collapse in the middle of the apartment... I 'hate' you too... Well, are you going to tell me how you ended up like this yesterday? Aoi has been calling since early morning asking for you. Did you really block her IDn number?" Judy asked, looking at Sora, separating their foreheads after a few seconds of leaning on each other.

"Yes, I did. Although it's not so much because I'm angry with her, that also, but more to fuck off Ojii. It was his fault that I ended up like this yesterday," Sora replied, falling back onto the pillow.

"Really?!" Judy asked, surprised.

"Yes, he wanted me to confront an old friend of his... you have no idea how scared I was... Judy!" Sora said, sounding like a child, hugging Judy with both arms and burying his face in her "Generous twins"

Judy rolled her eyes while "Sure, sure" patting his head, letting him play, knowing him surely doing something.... to ended up like that....

"By the way... isn't it late? Shouldn't you be at the workshop?" Sora asked, with his face still buried between Judy's breasts, checking the time on his IDn interface.

"Yes! But I didn't want to leave you alone until you woke up. I even risked getting in trouble with your mother. Today, the tailor she recommended for the final details of my dress for the Gala was supposed to arrive... I hope you're also preparing yours... you promised you'd accompany me... even if it's as a Merc," Judy said, unaware of the tug-of-war between Sora and his mother regarding his attendance at the gala.

With Sora acting like a simp, unable to resist Judy's pleas and pouting, he ended up promising to accompany her to that "annoying" Gala, when she was invited by Hanako weeks ago, with Hanako doing it on purpose, aware of her son's weakness when it comes to his partner.

"Of course, I have it all prepared... (Lie)... as for my mother, if you tell her that you were taking care of her son, you'll gain some points," Sora said.

"That's exactly what I was planning to do!" Judy said happily, agreeing with Sora. Getting on her knees on the bed, and passing one of her legs over Sora, straddling him to reach the corner of the apartment window, to pick up the 'annoying' black card, while Sora enjoyed the view.

"Here, it hasn't stopped vibrating in your jacket since early this morning... it woke me up several times!" Judy said, irritated in the last part, handing it to Sora as she finished getting out of bed and headed to the apartment's bathroom, dressed only in the lower part of her underwear and one of Sora's favorite t-shirts, from the same series with the yellow-head taking pills, but this one had the yellow head chromed eating screws.

Sora picked up the card and remembered the last thing Morgan told him, as he run his finger over the card's screen and went through the same message with coordinates repeating every 20 minutes... for the past 2 hours.

"Damn," Sora muttered, feeling the card was transmitting their location, until it suddenly stopped right then and there... with the apartment door being violently pounded the next instant after the card stopped sending its location.

Judy came out of the bathroom annoyed by the pounding to open the door, but Sora stopped her, standing up with his torso, affectionately bandaged around his left shoulder and abdomen, even though he didn't need it, and wearing loose sports shorts, put on by Judy.

Sora's eyes lit up as he connected to the apartment's network and triggered the compartment near the door, deploying the handle of a Militech Crusher shotgun, which Sora grabbed and aimed, with one hand, at the door while opening it, to the surprised eyes of Judy, who didn't understand what was happening while Luna and Eco surrounded her.

As she opened it "Oi! cunt.... You want me to finish what happened yesterday, don't you?, you know how many hours-" Morgan's insults were interrupted by the barrel of a Crusher shotgun pointing at his face.

Which made him sigh, getting used to being aimed in the face when dealing with the "Kid". Morgan tilted his head slightly to look at the person behind the shotgun barrel.

And see Sora, bandaged and inside the apartment with what looked like IV bags next to the bed... opening his mouth as he arrived at a new conclusion to an answer, with which the siblings had been laughing at him until a few hours ago; "You just woke up!... yesterday... you ended up exhausted and beaten... so... I won the bet! Fuck you, siblings!"

Sora couldn't believe he was using the "Blackhand" for this 'character'... A 'click' sounded as he released the shotgun's safety, while his eyes lit up again, activating a part of the security system he had installed in the apartment, deploying two ceiling turrets aimed at the door from the free angles on either side of Sora's shoulders.

"It's a joke!... Relax, I haven't even paid them. Kid, we both know that if you wanted to shoot me, you would have done it already... get dressed, in something normal, and follow me. We should attract as little attention as possible where we're going. Say hi to your girl for me, I'll wait downstairs..." Morgan said, stopping the teasing and getting serious for a change, moving away from the door before remembering something and adding, "By the way..." taking a few steps back to look at Sora again, "If I have to come back up... I swear I'm coming in shooting," Morgan said, with an intense look and a twisted smile on his face.

Being responded by Sora's dead gaze, lowering the gun and closing the door, sighing at the day that awaited him, following Morgan Blackhand.

"He seems nice," Judy said, amused to see someone manage to irritate Sora that easily, when it's usually the other way around. "Your grandfather's 'terrifying' friend, I guess?"

"Hmp," Sora replied with an annoyed grunt, changing his good mood to a bitter one. As he put on a t-shirt from his closet near the door, he suddenly stopped, when he thought, "Why the FUCK! am I listening to him?" Then, he took off the t-shirt he had just put on, carried Judy in his arms, making her laugh, and led her to the bathroom to, as usual, shower together.


45 minutes later...

A radiant Sora stepped out of the apartment building, smoking and smiling at Morgan leaning against a luxurious Rayfield Caliburn, black with copper accents on its body, in an elegant and uncommon combination. While Morgan took a deep breath, suppressing the urge to shoot Sora and wipe that stupid smile off his face after making him wait for almost an hour.

Sora, dressed in a black hoodie made of various materials, with a high collar and loose jeans worn, and with Getsuga with its plain sheath hanging from the back of his hips, approached the car and asked Morgan, "Where did you get a car like this? Did you bring your own car to the city or steal one from some corpo?"

Morgan, finishing calming down, said, "Don't kill him, he's just a shameless punk. You're better than that, Morgan... Woosa." He sighed, letting go of all his homicidal intentions, and opened his eyes, looking at the "punk" who asked with renewed patience. "Neither. I got this car from one of the few franchises Lazarus has in Night City."

Sora, incredulous, asked, "Wait! Is it that easy to get a car like this with Lazarus?"

Morgan replied, "Obviously, they don't give them away. You purchase a service from the various undercover 'franchises' Lazarus has in most cities. I rented this car during my stay in Night City, just like the hotel where I'm staying. Both are services Lazarus offers its members. Everything... paid with their currency. You must have some too, right?" Morgan said as Sora rummaged in the pocket of his hoodie and pulled out one of the Lazarus coins.

Upon seeing it, Morgan affirmed and added, "Keep them safe, kid. They also come in handy to receive... let's say exemplary treatment from different security forces, both in and outside the country, although it depends on the place." Morgan got into the car, not unlocking Sora's side, leaving him waiting outside while he laughed like a child.

Sora raised his eyebrows at Morgan's childish behavior, sighing as he used his nanobots to hack into Morgan's Rayfield Caliburn's security, unlocking the door effortlessly, and wiping the silly smile off Morgan's face while the same smile grew on his own.

The two of them, riding in the luxurious Rayfield Caliburn, glided through the crowded city streets, heading to their first destination... arriving in Chinatown in the southern part of the Kabuki sub-district, filled with voluminous signs on building facades with Chinese characters on them. Sora was puzzled when they stopped in front of an old, rundown warehouse with a sign with Chinese characters of a textile factory.

As they entered, Sora was met with the constant buzzing of hundreds of sewing machines and hundreds of people diligently working. Shortly after entering, a hunched old woman, who seemed to be in charge, approached them with a sharp gaze. Without saying a word, Morgan took out a golden Lazarus coin and placed it in front of the old woman.

She took it and, without looking at them, gestured for them to follow her, leading them through the bustling warehouse full of sewing machines, guiding them to a red door guarded by two unfriendly-looking men in suits.

When the hunched woman briefly yelled something in Chinese at the men, they quickly opened the door, allowing Morgan and Sora to enter an elegant room, in stark contrast to the atmosphere of the rest of the warehouse. The room featured a small bar, which Morgan wasted no time in using, along with wooden display cases showcasing different fabrics and carefully arranged suits, and what seemed to be shooting mannequins at the back.

Shortly after, a bald man dressed in an impeccable suit entered. He approached Morgan with a drink in his hand and a slightly bowed as a sign of respect, saying with a distinct European accent. "Buongiorno, Signor Blackhand. It is an honor to have a 'Legend' like yourself returning after so many years since your last visit."

"Learn, kid. This is how one should treat people," said Morgan, looking at Sora, who sighed before replying, "Rather dead than treat you like the hairy one..."

"I see you've brought someone interesting with you, Signor Blackhand," said the bald man, with his eyes fixed on Sora, who had ironically called him 'hairy.'

A warm smile grew on his face as he continued, unfazed. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Luca Mosca, one of Lazarus' artisans trained to provide the best support to our members. It's an honor to meet the Okami"

Sora felt surprised that Luca knew his identity as a Mercenary, but before he could express his confusion, Luca responded to his thoughts. "Don't worry, Signor Okami."

Luca wiped away his smile, adopting a solemn and professional expression. "At Lazarus, we take the information we use to provide the best support and service to our members very seriously. We also ensure that this information doesn't leak outside of Lazarus under any circumstances. It's our humble promise. Well, now that introductions are over, I imagine you're here for us to tailor a suitable suit for you. Is that right? How much time do I have?"

"Three days," Morgan replied.

"Hmm, three days. I would have liked more time, but it's more than enough," Luca's eyes lit up as he connected to the room's system, raising a small cylindrical platform from the floor and activating various holographic projectors in it.

Upon finishing, he turned to Morgan and Sora. "Let's begin then. Who will be first?" Luca politely asked, guiding his first client to step onto the platform for measurements.

Morgan, who had settled comfortably on one of the sofas with a drink, said, "The kid will go first."

Sora, curious about it, stepped onto the platform. Upon seeing him, Luca clicked his mouth and said, "Nch, nch, nch. Signor Okami, I know it's trendy among the young, but you have to remove that monstrosity if you want me to take proper measurements." Luca gestured towards the hoodie Sora was wearing, which he took off and threw at Morgan, annoying him. Staying with his white 'Nicola' t-shirt with his famous slogan 'Taste de Love' written on it.

Leaving in plain view, his cybernetic and tattooed arm, along with the shoulder holster containing his Malorian 3516, attracted Morgan's attention, while Luca affirmed and activated the holographic projectors on the platform, creating a perfect hologram of a suit covering Sora's body.

Sora raised an eyebrow, by the high-quality and stable hologram that had color and didn't glitch, almost deceiving the naked eye. Seeing Sora's reaction, Luca smiled and added, "I see you've noticed. Don't worry, we only use these holography advancements for functional purposes. We don't sell or profit from the technology patented by your company."

"Still, I'm curious where you got it from. We control all the Iron Beasts we've sold, and besides the ones we know ended up in certain corporations, there shouldn't be any more manipulated Iron Beasts," Sora said, squinting his eyes as he stared at Luca, waiting for an answer.

But receiving the answer from Morgan still sitting on the couch, "Militech was the one who gave your advances in holographic technology to Lazarus. Damn, I was chosen myself to carry out the transaction and deliver the chip to Lazarus."

Staring for a second at Morgan, Sora replied; "Hoh... I knew Militech was behind the patents, but for them to do business with a tech that doesn't even belong to them... takes some balls," getting pissed off, also feeling the anger of his 'Soulcode' at the blatant theft of a technology that both parts of him had created together, following some advice from Arc, who had stopped helping them shortly after. And it was one of the factors for the high value of Iron Beast's shares.

"There will be time for that later, but not for me to start working. Signor Okami, I'm going to ask you some questions about the suit style. If you don't know the answer to any of them, let me know and I'll clarify the options," said Luca, cutting off the discussion and maintaining control in his workplace.

With Sora affirming in a cold silence, while thinking of a way to get back at Militech, Luca, the Italian Tailor, asked, "Tell me, Signor Okami, is this a formal event or a social affair?"

Sora: "Both."

Tailor: "And is this for day or evening?"

Sora: "For night."

Luca nodded, walking in circles around the altar while one of his eyes illuminated, controlling the projection of the suit onto Sora's body, changing with each answer he gave.

Tailor: "And what style?"

Sora glanced at Luca for a second before answering, "Italian."

Tailor: "How many buttons?"

Sora: "Two."

Tailor: "Trousers?"

Sora: "Tapered."

Tailor: "How about the lining?"

Sora: "…."

Luca was about to speak in response to Sora's silence, until Sora smiled and replied, "Tactical."

Sora: "I have a request. I plan to wear my helmet-"

Tailor: "Ah, my mistake."

Luca interrupted Sora, and within seconds, a perfect holographic recreation of Okami's helmet appeared over Sora's head.

When Luca finished asking a few more questions, Sora had to admit that, although he wasn't a big fan of suits, they weren't bad at all, drawing a smile as he saw his reflection in the room's mirrors with the holographic three-piece suit, designed by Luca, the Italian Tailor of Lazarus.

After finishing Sora's suit and moving on to Morgan, who only requested a simple long coat with a high collar and matching hat, Luca's excitement diminished, and he left the automated program to complete Morgan's order.

While passionately explaining to the interested Sora the process and materials he would use for the suit's construction, Luca said, "Among the layers of the suit, you'll find these Silicon carbide discs, Ceramic matrices, and accompanying laminates. All of them cutting-edge body armor, zero penetration, except for electromagnetic weapons. However... Quite painful, I'm afraid," Luca explained, shooting one of the mannequins wearing a suit jacket and showing the impressive armor's result to Sora.

At the end, Luca extended his hand to Sora. "May your mission be successful, Signor Okami. I will start working on your order to have it ready as quickly as possible. When I finish, I will send you a notification to your Lazarus Card. You can either come and pick it up yourself or activate the location on your card, and we will deliver it to wherever you are."

Sora nodded, grateful for Luca's treatment and work, turning to Morgan with a disapproving look and said; "Old man, learn. This is how one represents a 'Corporation,'"

Morgan, faced with Luca's change in attitude, leaving him with an automated program for his order and paying more attention to Sora than to himself, the supposed Legend, replied, "I'd rather be dead than treat you like the baldy."

The two of them left the room, with Luca now genuinely bothered by Morgan's insult... That will make him pay for it, in his own way.


Both of them got back into the Rayfield Caliburn, making Sora desperately search for the grip on the windows, like an old man frightened by the way Morgan was driving, even though a sports car like the Rayfield Caliburn obviously didn't have it. Finally, they stopped in front of a solemn building in Night City's luxurious Zero District:

The West Continental Hotel.

This hotel occupied an entire building in the city's most expensive and exclusive district. Its solemn facade didn't draw much attention at first glance, perhaps intentionally so, yet at the same time, it seemed to stand out for its apparent lack of extravagance compared to the flashy architectures of the other buildings in the Zero District.

Upon entering the hotel, they headed towards the receptionist, who, upon seeing them, stepped out from behind the counter. "Mr. Blackhand, the sommelier you requested has arrived and settled in. Please follow me," said the receptionist.

Morgan nodded his head while handing another coin to the receptionist, who gladly accepted it. Then, the receptionist led them to another room adorned with 'fancy' wallpapered walls. Upon entering, they found the sommelier waiting for them, surrounded by weapons.

Sommelier: "Good day, Mr. Blackhand. It's been a while."

Blackhand: "Heh, likewise... I'd like to do a tasting. I have to attend a Gala in the city and can't go empty-handed. You know how much I enjoy your recommendations."

Sommelier: "For an event of this caliber that is approaching, I know you have favored Old West varietals in the past, but I can wholeheartedly endorse the new breed of Austrians Glock .34 and .26. They have recontoured grips, a compact and practical design without any extra weight. They also feature a flared mag-well for easier reloads. I know you'll appreciate the custom porting. What's next? "

Blackhand: "I need something light and discreet, but still satisfying."

Sommelier: "Hmm, light and discreet yet fulfilling. These exquisite options have just arrived from our talented colleagues at the Virginia headquarters.

I suggest the DR-12-'Lz' Quasar. You might be surprised that I recommend a weapon from Darra Polytechnic, but this beauty has been modified by our skilled craftsmen, transforming its rudimentary and cheap revolver mechanism into a refined one-handed submachine gun while maintaining its compact and functional design." The Sommelier pulled out a black DR-12 with gold accents from behind the counter.

"Next, I can offer another adaptation of the classic and affordable DS1-'Lz' (Lazarus) Version. It has been completely redesigned to become a marvel that will go unnoticed by most, perfect for an event and VIP protection without drawing attention like a visible firearm." The Sommelier then presented the DS1, which took the form of a simple rectangular case with a handle, almost resembling a small black briefcase. Morgan grabbed the handle and unfolded it with a fluid motion, transforming it into a submachine gun and restoring its DS1 shape.

"And lastly... I understand your lack of preference for Asian-style dishes, but as a humble member of the guild, it is my duty to honor those who deserve it. The TKI-20 'Lz' Shingen Smart Submachine from Arasaka, with our compact and camouflaged redesign in this small rectangular form, is my final recommendation." The Sommelier revealed another camouflaged weapon, but instead of unfolding with Morgan's movement, an elegant barrel, magazine, and grip smoothly extended from the small rectangular shape.

Sommelier: "So, which one will you choose, Mr. Blackhand?"

Morgan put down the last weapon he was testing, without ammunition, and smiled at the Sommelier. "All of them."

Upon hearing this, the Sommelier smiled, pleased that his recommendations had been well received. "Magnificent. I will prepare all of them to be transported to your room."

Blackhand: "Yes, thank you."

The Sommelier, having satisfied one of his clients, glanced at the young man who had been observing everything with curiosity. He noticed the figure of his body and the sword he carried concealed on his back, disguised as a slightly curved black stick.

Sommelier: "Now that we've finished with the main courses, how about we move on to the dessert that might interest the young man?"

Sora: "Dessert?"

Sommelier: "Yes, our finest cutlery... or for a dish that requires the use of our hands."

The Sommelier then retrieved an elegant box from behind the counter. Opening it illuminated Sora's eyes, as it contained all kinds of knives, throwing weapons, and gadgets for close combat. There were reinforced fingerless gloves with a structure similar to brass knuckles, with four pyramid-shaped protrusions on each knuckle, even rings that Sora had no idea what they did.

Sora: "Don't you have any swords?"

Sommelier: "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid not. Other sommeliers at Lazarus handle those. I don't have enough expertise in the subject to recommend them to my clients. This puts me in a difficult situation, not being able to satisfy my new client. Let's do this: since I can't meet your taste preferences, allow me to offer you these as a gift from the house. I noticed you were interested in them."

The sommelier picked up the fingerless gloves, with reinforced knuckles, and handed them to Sora as a gift, frustrating Morgan, who had been working at Lazarus for 12 years and had never received anything... while this newcomer was being treated better than him.

Sommelier: "Try them, they might surprise you."

Sora put on the gloves, and as he clenched his fists, small electrical discharges started jumping from knuckle to knuckle, forming a smile. When he struck his fists together, a powerful surge of electricity illuminated the room for a moment.

The sommelier watched Sora, who appeared to be smiling happily, but in reality... he was increasing the voltage of the gloves through the nanobots of his tattoos on his left glove and the nanobots of his whole arm in the case of the right one, generating powerful discharges that burned the fancy wallpaper and ceiling paint, exceeding the expected amperage of the gloves.

Overloading the circuits of the gloves, that started releasing smoke... "Ah!" Surprising him, as he "Sorry" apologized, for burning the gloves.

Witnessing this astonishing scene, the sommelier reacted, excusing Sora, "No, no, don't worry. It couldn't have been your fault. It must have been a malfunction, although I've never seen something made by our artisans fail like this. I'll get in touch with them. I'm sorry, it seems that instead of correcting one mistake, I'm creating another."

With a smile upon seeing Sora's gift ruined, Morgan said, "Come on, kid, I still have things to do."

"Wait, I didn't buy anything!" responded Sora.

"Screw you... shouldn't have overloaded your gift... idiot," said Morgan as he left the room, after using his Sandervista to observe weak electrical currents flowing through Sora's left-hand tattoo, invisible to the naked eye.

In response to Morgan's comment and the consequent sommelier's incredulous gaze, Sora laughed and scratched the back of his head, saying, "Hahaha... I have no idea what he's talking about. A pleasure meeting you" and quickly left the room, following Morgan out of the building.

When Sora left the building, Morgan was standing on the street, lighting up one of his cigars with his cybernetic finger, and upon seeing him, he said, "Alright, kid, fuck off. We're done. The next time we see each other will be at the Gala. Protect your client..." Aware of the client he had to protect, Morgan added, "It's not a date, don't screw it up, and don't make a scene, you hear me?"

"Hmh," Sora responded affirmatively, distancing himself from Morgan. But before he completely left, he remembered something and added, "By the way..." He took a few steps back to look at Morgan again. "Where's Lazarus' car franchise?" Sora asked, with a twisted smile on his face.

This caused Morgan to laugh in his face, saying, "Hahaha, kid, What do you have left? 4 coins. With that, you can rent a Thorton Galena... Hahaha."

"Tch, that's what I thought... well, I'll find another decent car to go to the Gala. I always have... ah, whatever. Thanks for the ride, old man," said Sora, unaffected by Morgan's laughter. Waving his hand, as he walked away.

Surprising Morgan for his reaction, or rather, lack thereof, breaking his illusion and laughing at him. The receptionist of Continental West came out of the building shortly after Sora left. With a serious tone, she said, "Mr. BlackHand, the secure line with the High Council that you requested is ready. They're all waiting for you."

Morgan nodded and said, "Let's go. It's better not to keep her waiting, or..." He stopped speaking when he heard a familiar sound—a sound he had been hearing all morning while driving. He could see his black Rayfield Caliburn with copper accents speeding out of the street where he had parked it, with Sora behind the wheel, smiling at Morgan, waving his hand, and lifting his middle finger as he drove away.

In that moment, Morgan had to use every neuron related to self-control in his brain to resist shooting Sora, remembering that if he damaged the car, he would have to pay for it. He couldn't run after him either, with the entire High Council waiting for him.

Forcing himself to breathe, he attempted to calm down as much as possible, saying "Woosa..." Until, the receptionist next to Morgan, who swore she saw Sora wink at her as he sped away in the car, added, "Isn't he really cute?"

Morgan's vein instantly bulged, and he re-entered the West Continental, intending to finish the meeting with the High Council as soon as possible so he could retrieve his car. But first, he checked the location of Sora's card, unlike the rest of the Lazarus members, without needing his authorization. It was one of the powers Morgan had within Lazarus as a member of the High Council.

[Unable to locate]

However, his vein bulged even more, as Morgan wasn't as fortunate as this morning. With "Kid" haing taken precautions, enclosing his Lazarus' card in a Faraday cage by covering it in his pocket with a conductor polarized in a null balance, such as his nanobots.


Morgan finally managed to retrieve his car when Sora and Judy returned to their apartment late at night, after picking her up from the workshop, to invite her to dinner at an expensive restaurant and even going out for drinks. Sora was able to calm Morgan down when he shared the live feed of one of the Fools, broadcasting from a port with a docked ship, and whispered in Morgan's ear, what was going to happen... and to whom, as a devilish grin grew on his face, matching his attitude.

Delighting Morgan, who left with his car and a smile on his face, while keeping an eye on the signal Sora had shared with him.

After dealing with Morgan, Sora invited Judy to watch homemade fireworks from the rooftop of their building... since... three days had already passed.


2 days until Gala Night


A terrible incident occurred at the dawn of that new day, that shook the city, quite literally... only a part... a little one. Alarming the authorities of Night City, prompting increased security throughout the city in anticipation of the upcoming Gala.

When a ship docked at one of Arasaka's ports in the city intentionally exploded, with some radical, anti-system, or outright terrorist groups claiming responsibility for the bomb used. And the subsequent unsuccessful assassination attempt on Adam Smasher, the only victim of the explosion, who was found hours later in the Night City Bay after being thrown into the sea by the blast. He couldn't move due to the damage to his Cyberware until he was rescued.

Soon after, a mysterious video went viral on the internet, with never-before-seen footage of the Ebunike ship explosion. It showed the sole victim as a black blur being launched out of the ship in slow motion. The video even added music and effects to the fall, seemingly mocking the only victim.

Hours later in a new body, when Adam Smasher himself saw the video, his eyes or rather cameras gleamed dangerously, vowing to kill the one who had recorded the video and uploaded it to the network, mocking him... certain that it was the same person who had planted the bomb on his ship... And engraved the name "Little Johnny" over his armor.

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