Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

The Hallway

Meanwhile, in an old section of stairs in the building that was not connected to the building's server or had cameras in it, Ishii struggled to descend the stairs while clinging to the wall with one hand.

Since losing his ear in the previous confrontation, he had been experiencing dizziness and other symptoms of Cyberpsychosis, and due to this latest incident where he had to flee from Sora once again...

He couldn't understand how, after all that he had sacrificed of his body, he was still the one who ended up screaming and bleeding every time he faced Sora.

Coming to the dangerous conclusion that he needed more metal and less flesh, Ishii was convinced that Sora had some unknown Cyberware within him.

"Perhaps a Sandevistan or maybe a Kerenzikov," Ishii thought. He wasn't sure which one it was, but he was determined to discover it when he "ripped him and his girlfriend's bitch apart."

Obsessed with that thought, Ishii headed towards his father's last resort in critical moments.

Ishii had already managed to steal the start-up and boot code of something that Shigeo had to sell Arasaka information for, with all the implications that entailed, just to have the chance to buy it, spending most of the Tygers' branch funds at the time.

But, upon testing it, he felt that it was worth it, feeling like he could take down even the likes of Smasher or Musashi Hatake with it.

And now, Ishii planned to use it.

Ishii could hear the shots upstairs with his only functioning ear, which made him pick up the pace, while...

"Just wait... the next time, I won't be the one bleeding.... heheheh."


On the third floor, where gunshots could be heard, the guests walked hand in hand as they made their way down the hallway towards Shigeo's office.

This caused the Tygers, upon seeing and recognizing them, to not dare shoot and instead decide to fire at their feet to stop them.

One of the guests, unable to bear it any longer, pleaded, "Please, they're going to kill us." looking up at the person behind them.

Who was following behind them and aiming at them, replied, "Choose: either they might kill you, or I guarantee that I will...."

"You're crazy, damn it! If we get wounded, Trauma Team will come for us. Do you want that!?" one of them exclaims

"Oh, of course, like they came for him, right?" Sora retorted, looking at what was left of the guest with his four severed limbs, which Sora was dragging by the hair across the floor. "If you're finished, shut up and move your damn pedophile asses."

Sora created doubt in the guests about the effectiveness of Trauma Team, using the mutilated guest as an example. He was toying with them, not repeating the same trick with Getsuga and his blood to cut off the other guests' signals, so if they were injured, Trauma Team would really come, but now Sora didn't care if they did.

When the group of Tygers who were barricaded in front of Shigeo's office started shooting again at the group of guests approaching them.... holding hands.

"PLEASE, DON'T SHOOT US!" the guests pleaded.

"DON'T MOVE, DON'T GET ANY CLOSER," one of the Tygers yelled.

"WE-WE CAN'T DO T-HAT!" insisted another guest, looking sideways at Sora, pointing a gun at him with a smile on his mask.

Seeing some of the Tygers still pointing towards them, one of the guests tried something new, saying,


"Hahah, Good one, let's see what they say! Hahaha..." Making Sora laugh at the silly try.

Which caused most of the guests to turn to turn to Sora and urge him to "Shut up!" desperately and the few who didn't thought it.

"I'M NOT GOING TO REPEAT MYSELF: STOP OR THE NEXT TIME WE SHOOT, IT WON'T BE A WARNING!" Again warned one of the Tygers shouting towards the guests holding hands.

"WAIT, ST-!" which was responded by one of the guests trying to stop them, but being interrupted.

"BO-RI-NG♪" interrupted by Sora, who, from behind them, shouted "All you do is bark with no bite. Come on, shoot already!" at the Tygers on the other side of the hallway.

"WHO ARE YOU HIDING BEHIND YOU!?" Alarming the Tygers who were now all aiming at the guests.

"What the hell are you doing!? Do you want us all to get killed!?" exclaimed another guest with disbelief at Sora's actions, turning towards him.

"Do you still have to ask that? It would be shit if none of you lost an arm or a leg, you know you deserve more than that...besides...I wonder what stupid thing you'll say next? Hahaha!" Sora said laughing at the complicated position of the nervous guests.

"NO-NO ONE, PLEASE, DON'T SHOOT!" while another of them was responding to the Tygers.

"Of course, I am someone, how rude!," Sora kept talking, getting on the nerves of the guests in this moment of crisis, that...

"SHUT UP!" Unable to hold back any longer, they turned back to Sora and yelled at him, breaking their act and any hope they had of not being discovered by the Tygers.

Upon seeing them, the leader of the Tygers group ordered one of the guests to be shot in the thigh to stop them and the person behind them.

As they did so, amidst the screams of pain from the guest, Sora emerged from the hole he had created in the wall of the perverts that covered him, and...

"Finally! What a shitty shot. My turn!" Sora mocked the Tyger who had only injured the guest and not blown off one his limbs as he wanted, while shooting back at the Tyger, blowing off his knee and causing him to scream in pain as well.

The guests, seeing what was coming, were practically crying, "NO, DON'T SHOOT! PLEASE, WE'RE HOSTAGES!"

The situation was becoming more and more unbearable, and it seemed that a massacre could erupt at any moment. The guests were trapped in a nightmare with no escape on either side, while Sora seemed to be enjoying the situation by laughing and insulting them, encouraging the Tygers to shoot.

Seeing that they were more cold-blooded than most of the Tygers they had encountered so far. Sora became fed up with the Tygers' inaction, as they were reluctant to attack the guests who had stopped, when he said, "Fuck it, if you're so afraid to shoot, I'll make you do it."

Holstering his Nue again, which he had reloaded with .45 caliber bullets from the Tygers`s weapons in the bar. To grab the guest by the hair with both hands, Sora exclaimed, "Time to shine, my boy!" And as if throwing out the trash, he hurled the limbless guest towards the Tygers.

Seeing Sora preparing to throw something from behind the wall of guests, the Tygers opened fire and wounded the majority of them, all in the hopes of getting a clean shot at Sora.

In the process, causing mayhem at the Trauma Team control center when alarms sounded for several injured clients, some of whom had lost an arm or a leg due to the Tygers' shots, just as Sora had intended.

Despite the Tygers' efforts, they were unable to land a clean shot on Sora in time, giving him the opportunity to launch the remaining gifts-laden guest at them

Unsure of what it was, the Tygers stopped firing and took cover. The guest was unfortunate to land face-first on the ground, causing him to scream as the metal chopsticks that Sora had used to puncture his veins dug further into his body upon impact.

At first, Sora had planned to make a Maine and shield himself with what was left of guest. But when Sora saw the explosives that the Tyger reinforcements had brought with them to the bar....he had a better idea.

The problem was that they were Breaching Charges, which required a surface to detonate and were directional, meaning someone relatively close to the explosion could survive if they were on the safe side.

The model the Tygers had brought with them could be programmed to explode on a specific side, making them useful as both Breaching Charges and Claymores.

Sora wondered what would happen to the guest who had planted the Breaching Charge on his chest. `Would he survive or not?´

The guest after being thrown by Sora landed at the entrance of the room where the Tygers were barricaded. Two Tygers approached the guest, turning him over due to the screams he was making.

As they did so, they could see that he had a metal square on his chest about 20x20cm with a pulsing green light in the center that changed to red, before it blew up!

Sending the two Tygers who were looking at it flying against the walls by the sudden explosion. As Sora swiftly slid into the room with his two Nue's in his hands.

Quickly reducing the number of Tygers by altering his shots between head or limbs depending on the marks Cortana had given him, leaving only three Tygers when Sora stopped firing with his empty magazines, that slowly came out from behind their covers, regardless of their dead comrades, deploying their Cyberware all at once;

one pulling out a pair of mantis-blades, another pulling out a monowire from one of his arms, and the last one pulling out a pair of ``incredible´´ claws Wolvers from his cyberarms. Which caught Sora's attention, with some envy....

Sora got serious as he felt danger from the three Tygers who seemed to be in their 50s, older and more experienced than most of the other Tygers that Sora had encountered so far. Holstering his Nue's, he unsheathed Getsuga, grabbing it with both hands, as the three Tygers rushed towards him at the same time.

Sora stood firm, focusing on the Tyger in the middle of the three, who was launching himself at him with his mantises extended ahead.

Sora as he took a deep breath in his mind he relived his grandfather Musashi's vertical cut. Lifting Getsuga with both hands over his head and performing a quick vertical cut, forcing the Tyger to move his mantis-blades to block Sora's powerful vertical slash.

When the Tyger stopped the cut, he was surprised when he almost seemed to see another unknown person looking at him with a single eye performing the powerful cut that stopped him in his tracks.

Sora, not caring about the Tygers' confusion, made a second quick vertical slash, breaking the block of the Tyger's mantis-blades`s in the process and allowing Getsuga to sink into the Tyger's shoulder, while Sora stepped back...

Releasing Getsuga, he tried to react to the attacks of the rest of the Tygers who had already launched his attacks at him. One of them threw his monowire towards Sora, who had no choice but to use his forearm to stop the cable, which began to burn and cut Sora's flesh until something hard and black made contact with the monowire around Sora's arm, stopping it.

Upon seeing it, without hesitation, Sora grabbed the burning monowire with both hands, repeating the process of being burned by them until something black made contact with the monowire again. Pushing with all the force he had while burning his arms and seeing the wolven claws about to drill into his head.

Sora relaxed his legs, letting himself fall while the space he had generated was replaced by the Tyger who was pushed by his monowire, being the one who was impaled by the claws of his partner Tyger.

As Sora fell, he released the monowire from his hands, drawing his DB-2 Satara from his back, "Vzzhzz" charging it for an instant, before consecutively firing his two shotgun shells into the two extended arms that were impaling the chest of his Tyger companion.

Demonstrating once again how envy can lead us to the destruction of that which we long for, but do not have...

When Sora literally blew the Tyger's Wolvers cyberlimbs into hundreds of pieces.

Falling backwards to the ground, Sora didn't waste a second before jumping back to his feet.

Grabbing the remains of the two Cyberlimb Wolvers claws still impaled on the Tyger of the monowire. Giving one of them back to its owner... nailing it ..... to his head.

Meanwhile, with the second one, Sora threw it like a football towards the stomach of the Tyger with Getsuda embedded in his shoulder.

The Tyger managed to block it with his mantis blades. But Sora took advantage of that moment to charge towards the Tyger, who had protected the lower part of his body, leaving his head defenseless.

Sora delivered a knee strike to the Tyger`s face, causing the Tygers to stagger backward, while he pulled Getsuga out of Tyger`s shoulder, making him scream in pain.

Performing Sora a quick horizontal slash as fast as he grabbed Getsuga, cutting the throat of the staggering Tyger who was holding his face from Sora's knee strike.

When Sora was done, he breathed heavily after this exchange of attacks against the three Tygers...who had managed to injure him for the first time...and it could have ended worse for him if not for the nanobots in his body. Sora whistled as the room fell silent.

Soon, three people appeared in the hallway, passing through the guests who were clutching their wounds, to reach where Sora was surrounded by dead or injured Tygers, impacting Skyler one of the three people who had come.

"Sora! What the hell happened to your arms, are you okay?" The second person, who was obviously Judy, as she asked worriedly, approaching Sora surprised and shocked to see his injured arms with burn marks.

And lastly, "Tch, how selfish, look at your arms...that's what you get for hogging all the fun, I heard you laughing from the end of the hallway, you had a good time screwing them over, huh?" Rebecca said, pointing her head at the hallway where the injured guests were waiting for the trauma team to arrive.

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