Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

The Guest

A few seconds before....


"Kill her!"


"That you kill her, I don't care, but when you do.... oh! dude what's in store for you, I swear you'll ask me to finish you off" Sora said as he unsheathed Getsuga from behind his hip.

"You know why I'm worried about the Trauma Team.... because they would be the first to interrupt what I'm about to do to you..." He added as with his free hand he tightly gripped Getsuga's blade, cutting himself, dyeing Getsuga's blade red with his blood and....


Surprising not only the armed Guest but also Rossy who, though weak from the drug the Tygers had injected her with. Her heart was beating like crazy, fully aware of everything that was going on.

Almost stopping (her heart), when she heard the maniac that was approaching whith his blade red from his blood, insisting to the man who held and touched her in a perverted way, to kill her, demonstrating what little or no value she had to him to use her as a hostage.

Being able to see both Rossy and the man who grabbed her, how with every step Sora took, his eyes changed, from a bright blue circle around his iris, to turning totally black, and his iris turning totally blue, starting to move his eyes as if he was looking for something.....

The armed guest believing Sora's words, in panic, opened fire as fast as he changed the target of his weapon from Rossy to Sora, who did nothing, just kept walking, without changing his serious expression or the speed of his steps.

Simply making small movements before being shot, dodging the bullets without stopping walking.

Making that between the shots the only thing that could be heard, were the steps of Sora with a slow but constant rhythm. Approaching the guest, that the closer he got, the more his panic grew, seeing how his shots were useless, not even to slow down the sound of steps.

The moment when the guest ran out of ammunition and saw that Sora was in front of him swinging his sword, he closed his eyes in fear of the pain to come.

In that moment he realized his mistake, underestimating Sora for being so young. He had reasoned that he could get away with it, despite the fact that Sora had killed most of the Tygers in the room.

Only to open his eyes again when he didn't feel the pain arrive, not understanding what had just happened, only knowing it was nothing good, as he watched a creepy smile begin to form from the jaws of the mask, not yet realizing how his IDn's Team Trauma App was disconnected, as if someone had literally cut it off.

Only Sora was able to perceive it when a faint electromagnetic impulse was generated from the blood on Getsuga during his swing. Sora was currently using his frequency vision mode.

That he had renamed as FrequenVista, which made him feel the most dizzy, as Sora could see all the signals in the air of the different frequencies, filling his brain with information as the air was saturated with them.

But he was able to identify the Trauma Team signal that was broadcasting the guest's vital data in real-time from the IDn in his brain. And from his strike, he could tell that the generated pulse was vibrating and moving at the same frequency as the Trauma Team signal, cutting it off and preventing it from reconnecting.

The Guest realized that his signal had been cut off right when he saw Sora's bloodied hand heading towards his head. He let go of Rossy as he tried to protect himself unsuccessfully.

Sora had another deja vu moment where he could see the Guest's desperate eyes between the grip of his fingers before he slammed him into the ground with all of his strength.


Meanwhile at the Night City Medical Center

In the Trauma team's user tracking control room, filled with screens displaying the health status data of all Trauma team's insurance clients.

One of the workers turned to his supervisor when he noticed something strange on one of the signs.

"Boss, the user-51241-KA his signal has been cut off, is that normal? Should we send a team?"

"Was there any indication or injury in his data before it cut out?"

"No, just a elevated heart rate."

"Tch, don't worry then, he'll be married and will have turned off the app tracking on his IDn, to not leave evidence behind when he cheats on his wife."

"Huh? Does that happen?"

"Yeah, you didn't hear about it? A corpo's ex, used her husband's Trauma Team app data in their Divorce Trial to prove he was cheating on her, winning the trial and leaving him with empty pockets... since then we occasionally have clients cut off their signals."

"Ho! The things people do..... hope he's having a good time hehehehe"


Back to the Tygers' base.

Sora, still clutching with his hand the head of the Guest lying on the floor. With the hand with Getsuga, he crossed it over his other arm, thrusting it into the Guest's crotch hard until it too dug into the ground. Generating a loud scream muffled by Sora's hand.

Releasing the grip of both hands. Causing the muffled scream to stop being.... muffled.

The scream of pain was so loud that even the Tygers on the third floor who had barricaded themselves at the entrance of Shigeo's office could hear it.

Sora turned around and without saying anything or looking at anyone, jumped back behind the bar looking for something for a few seconds, to come out with some metal chopsticks, which were used to hold the cocktail decorations together. Returning with them to the guest stuck to the floor with Getsuga.

Making him scream every time Sora forcefully nailed him with each stick, ending up with 3 sticks in each thigh and two in each shoulder.

He grabbed Getsuga again when he was done, generating another loud scream as Sora slowly pulled it out on purpose.

"How about your nights of debauchery? like you wanted right?, with an underage..."

The Guest seeing what was coming he "NO WAIT!" shouted in desperation before....

"HHHHMMMMMMMM!!!!!" He growled, gritting his teeth with all his strength as Sora cut off one of his arms.

And he didn't stop there....

-For with every sentence Sora said....

"No rules..."

-Even if he begged him to stop....

"NO!!! Please-please, I beg-!"

-Sora kept reciting the same words that the guest had said shortly before....

"No restraint!"

-As he cut off each limb...


-Not caring about the screams....

- "No control.... "

Only to ask after four cuts....

"So again, how was your night? I'm true to my word, right?"

"S-top it, no more....P-lease."

"What's the matter, you don't like it so much when you're on the other side, do you? Didn't the girls you were using tell you that too, you think I don't know, how you liked it when they screamed begging you to stop, you could hear their pleading..... FROM THE FUCKING CAMERAS OUTSIDE!"

Sora said, his voice so full of hate that it made him shout the end of his sentence to...

"Kill me..." What was left of the guest, limbless barely bleeding in comparison to his crotch.

"No, my friend NO!..... I have no more time to waste with you, but your night is not over.... that's why I've taken the trouble to puncture your veins.... I don't want you to die too quickly."

Without changing his gaze, which like his voice, were filled with hatred. Sora turned to the rest of the guests who had frozen....

"Well, who's next?"


"And that's what happened..."

"That idiot...." Judy said holding a hand to her face showing her disbelief, at her boyfriend's actions.

"Hahaha" Natasha laughed after being wide-eyed with surprise at finding the pitiful state, of the ``guest´´ she recognized.... from the first few days after she was captured... with all that implies.

Catching Sora's attention at the sudden laughter, he discovered Judy looking at him angrily and Natasha still staring at the body with its bleeding crotch.

While staring at Judy and smiling Sora said "You know what.... I'm not going to break anything." He had another use for the guests in mind. He decided to play a little game by giving them false hope, as any good Bolton would do, but...

"What?!" the guests exclaimed.

It didn't go the way Sora thought it would when....

"Don't kill us! Please, I have a wife and children," said one of them.

"Don't lie! You've never named that you have a family!" another reproached.

"W-hat do you know? I certainly wouldn't name them to a bunch of degenerates. I-I really-I really do. I swear!"

Sora looked at him with an expression that had `Are you kidding me?' written all over it.

That seeing it and seeing that his sad plan didn't work out.

"I-I if you spare my life, I swear I'll testify against the others! I'll turn myself in and tell everything I know to the Ncpd!"

Causing all the guests to stare at him creating a moment of silence... before the chaos began.

"What!? You want me to count the things you've done you bastard!, you want me to open my mouth, too?"

"You wouldn't dare, if you did I'd do the same! Do you think we don't know how you like young girls? What was her name Molly? For goodness sake if it was even on the news."

The rest of the guests began ratting on each other. First on the same person, but it didn't take long for all of them to start doing it to each other as well.

Creating a somewhat.... peculiar scene of 7 men, well dressed, ratting on each other, revealing their twisted sexual tastes to everyone, while some were grappling each other up, all this, on his knees.

Sora was puzzled by what was going on. He stood watching, until he noticed an unpleasant feeling, turning back to the source among the normal bar customers, seeing a man in the background staring at the spectacle of the guests.

Sora took a step back away from the area being recorded, the same area where they were arguing drawing everyone's attention, covering him as he moved discreetly around the back of the bar.

As the guests continued to argue, giving each other away, Sora stepped behind the man recording everything and....

"What are you doing?"

Freezing and startled the man, by the sudden voice he recognized behind him. Who like most of the people in the bar hadn't realized he had moved.

"Shit! What are you doing here-" Said the man who was recording, stopping talking when his face collided with the hilt of Getsuga, which Sora was gripping from the end of the scabbard, as if it were a stick.

Preventing him from turning his head towards Sora with his eyes still recording.

"Why are you recording?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about" He lied, the man of 25 years with short, dark brown hair, clearly nervous as he did so.

"Keep going like that and I'll throw you in that group?" Sora said gesticulating with Getsuga his words, faintly tapping the man's head and pointing with it at the group who were kneeling down arguing with each other.

"Okay! My name is Eddie Brockton." Said Eddie at the same time Sora said "Your name is Eddie Brockton."

Sora had scanned Eddie's IDn, making him laugh inside at the resemblance of the name.

"That I know, the last time I ask you, why are you recording Eddie?"

"YO, hold on please! I work for News 54, A partner I respect, she-"

"Oi, wait, your name is Eddie Brock-ton and you're a journalist?

"Yeah, is something wrong?"

"You wouldn't happen to know a Peter Pakerson or anything like that would you?" asked Sora in a joking tone not expecting any answer, but....

"Peter? Of course-" But being answered by Eddi who didn't get to finish his sentence....

"NO FUCK!" By the sudden interruption of the unbelieving Sora.

"No man I don't know anyone by that name, I was just pulling your leg."

"Tch... don't play with people's expectations."

"What expectations? I was just going along with the joke, going off the tone of your voice, by the way, who is Pe-"

"Forget it, go on with your story..."

"Eh? Oh yeah! I have a co-worker, a real journalist, that I respect. She told me about a story she was working on wanting to uncover the Tygers' sex trafficking and prostitution ring.

When she got an invitation to the private bar, she asked me to help her get footage of the inside, the Tygers know her and it wouldn't end well.

"I swear I didn't record anything you did. But when they started arguing... I couldn't hold it in. No offense, but unveiling an illegal prostitution ring used by corpos, while they rat each other out... is much better news than the massacre another one of the gangs in Night City."

"What's your coworkers name?"

"I don't think you know her, she's a journalist who usually works on news about corrupt politicians or the dirty laundry of corporations. That's why she hardly ever goes on the air.... well except when they degrade her.... AH sorry I'm digressing, her name is Bes Isis"

"Heh" Humoring Sora upon hearing that name "Do whatever you want, just don't record me or those near me.... also... here."

Sora reaching under his mask to pull from his neck one of the empty Chips Judy had taken from the corpses above.

"Inside there are several of videos from the security cameras, of corpos and wealthy people entering the booths.... In some of them you can even hear what they go through inside, there are also recordings of.... the sixth floor. Warning, they are not pleasant

Eddie without moving his head, watched as Sora's outstretched hand with a chip on it came into his field of vision.... Taking the chip without hesitation and putting it at the entrance of his neck. "Fuck!" Being surprised by the images he was seeing.

"Okami, why are you giving this to me? If you sold this to any news channel they would take it off your hands." Eddie said referring to Sora with the only name he could think of after hearing it before.

"I don't care about that. I mean it's always nice to win Eddies...but I don't want to win them by trafficking this, even if it's to expose it to the public. When you get out of here call Bes and give it to her so at least someone can tell the story, also...

There is more inside the Tygers server, I imagine, where they keep their blackmail material as insurance to keep their clients mouths shut, well, until now"

Sora looked at the group of guests who were starting to run out of things to give themselves away with. "But it can only be accessed face to face, so I have no idea what's inside."

"What are you going to do with that information... because I imagine you're going to go get it aren't you?" asked Eddie, still looking ahead, though he had felt Getsuga moving away from him.

"Maybe what are you offering me?"

"Eurodollars! but from what you've said... before, I don't know what else I can offer you, can I turn around now? I've stopped recording" Eddie said, when the guests had also stopped discussing, hopefully not seeing Sora around, only to be replaced by little Rebecca pointing her rifle at them

Judy, who had noticed Sora's movements, was coming towards them with Natasha behind her.

Sora had something he needed help with since he found out who his father was...

"It doesn't have to be money. You and Bes are good at finding stuff right?" he said to Eddie who had turned around.

"Huh?, I don't get you, but yeah, Bes has all kinds of contacts, she says from her rocker days whatever that means..."

Smiling as he listened to him, he took advantage before Judy could hear them. "I'll give you all the information I find on the server, if you guys look for a person for me."

"Who is the person? No, wait, why are you looking for him? No, no, not that, are you planning to kill them?" Asked Eddie without finishing a question before asking another one. Seeing Sora's face he said, " Sorry journalist mind, one question is never enough."

"I'm looking for him because he has something of mine by inheritance, to your question if I'm going to kill him.... Fucking Yes!" Sora said creating a violent grin on his mask.

"W-what's his name?" stuttered Eddie seeing the expression Sora was making.

"Jeremiah Graysom."

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