Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

The Hunt

Out of the world only a few seconds had passed when Sora opened his eyes again.

Before Judy could ask, she was already receiving a call on her IDn. Surprising herself when a window opened on her IDn allowing her to see the world through Sora's eyes, she stared at him in disbelief for a second before reacting again focusing on the code.

"Ok give me a second I downloaded a program on my IDn, for code modification so I can edit and check Eco`s code, maybe I can scan the code and .... Done! got it, Sora you can hang up now" With those words the call Judy was receiving was cut off, allowing Sora to be able to move his head again.

"Fuck, it's worse to see it than to imagine it. The code seems to have been written by someone called 'The Dragon' quite the idiot actually dialing in. Currently, the chip is in recording mode, recording Bd format information."

"Why would someone do something like that, if they want to sell Bd's wouldn't it be something so horrible. I don't understand."

"It's not to sell them, Rebecca" Judy replied "It's more like it's recording his traumatized state, like Sora said. No matter how long it takes or if she manages to overcome it, when the Bd made from these memories is activated, her consciousness will be brought back to the time she was locked up here and the time she was abused, reliving her trauma....." Judy explained, causing Sora to notice how the woman in her arms trembled as if she had heard what Judy said, her eyes still closed.

"What the fuck, so that's all to torture her? Why what would they do all that-"

"It's for a certain type of client.... apparently the Tygers have all kinds of clients with all kinds of sick tastes. Even now" Said Sora opening his mouth again after checking the security cameras Cortana had given him access to before he left, being able to know what was going on in the floors below.

When Rebecca understanding everything, she began to clench her teeth tightly, wanting to vent the hatred she felt as fast as possible, grabbing a Nowaki rifle half her size, and opening fire as fast as she took it at the Tygers that were still alive, including the one Sora ``had let live''

Making her finish firing, when she couldn't take the pain in her ribs anymore "FUCK! Okay, I feel better now what's the plan, how are we going to kill them all?" Rebecca asked, hiding her pain.

"The plan hasn't changed, no weapons will be needed," Sora replied.

"What do you mean" Rebecca asked, as Judy focused on reading the code so she could turn it off.

"Most of the Tygers are locked up on the fourth and third floors. I have access to the freight elevator, I´ll activate it again and we´ll use it to get to the warehouse part of the building and get out that way," Sora explained.

"Wait, how are we going to rescue the other Minis?" Rebecca realizing that Sora's plan was to "THINK ABOUT ABANDONING THEM?!?"

"I came here for her" Sora replied, pointing with a finger at Judy. "And Rebecca, I'll be honest with you, saving you was a happy accident."

Rebecca annoyed and angry at Sora's cold words planning to leave the rest of the people to their fate" And what about her, are you planning to abandon her too" Rebecca reproached pointing at the woman still in Sora's arms, who started to tremble waiting for Sora´s answer, afraid to open her eyes and that the little hope she had that her terrible nightmare would end would disappear.

Sora looked at Rebecca and not caring to look like a hypocrite "No, she's coming with us."

"You Fucking hypocrite! Why her yes and the rest no? Because she's out and you've seen her? You know what the Tygers are capable of doing with those implant dolls and more to them that are Minis" Rebecca said pissed off.

"Enough!" Judy shouted interrupting Rebecca, as from around her neck she pulled out a chip that she had erased its contents and put an alteration to the ``Dragon´´ code on it and put it on the woman.

"This will do for now, I have managed to stop the record mode and erase the saved data, I also have the installation data, when she can talk, I think I could .... erase all the time she has been locked up."

"Judy convince your boyfriend to do the right thing, and help us save the rest" Rebecca said hoping that Judy would support her but....

"Rebecca, I'm not going to oppose whatever Sora decides" Surprising her when Judy refused to convince Sora, even Sora himself was surprised, since a part of him....

"WHAT! You don't care about them either-"

"Rebecca let me cut you off there, it's true I don't want anything to happen to them and I wish I could do something to save them, but I care more about Sora's well being more than any of their lives, if Sora decides to gamble his life to save them.... I wouldn't like it, but at least we'd be doing something good and if he decides it's best to escape, so be it."

"I can't believe you-"

"But it would be another thing if hypothetically speaking, a member of the Minis in such a moment of crisis offered a generous reward for helping her, which I could use to provoke my hypothetical boyfriend in this hypnotic scenario, telling him that since in the future he wants to devote himself to something as dangerous and stupid as being a Merc, let him prove it, let him prove that he is capable of living that life, of which I do not agree." Judy said making Sora stare at her for her words.

"Wait! I can be that Mini," understanding what Judy was referring to, Rebecca wasted no time " Sora if you help me, I swear I will make the Mox pay you, please help me, I don't plan on running away and abandoning them, I know this is selfish, but despite your words, my gut tells me you care about me, not like you do Judy, but sometimes from your creepy eye's I feel worry in them, so please Sora, Judy help me. ...whatever you decide I'm not going to run away and abandon them."

Sora after looking into Rebecca's eyes after she asked her for help like that... he looked back at Judy the cause of all this, calling her over so we could talk in private

[Jud what the hell is that all about?]

[What's up, I totally trust you, and that you're capable of getting us out of this, plus We've got some Eddis!]

[Jud this isn't a game-]

[Of course it's not, Sora I know you, I'm freeing you, I know perfectly well that you don't want to leave just like that, let alone without saying hello to Ishii. Besides, I know you want to save her too] Judy said while looking at the woman in Sora's arms before looking at Sora again.

[You should see the way you look at the woman in your arms, it makes me jealous! Ahmmm, I know the only thing holding you back... is me.

That's why you have to stop doing it. If the worst happens... I'm sure you would save me, right]? Judy said, drawing a smile on her face as she spoke, demonstrating not only with her words, but actions the confidence she had in Sora.

[What other choice do I have.... what a troublesome girlfriend...] Sora replied being infected by Judy's smile making him grow one too.

[Remember, 𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙜𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙩𝙖' 𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙡...]Added Judy,


[𝙠𝙞𝙞𝙡𝙡.] Sora replied.

A phrase she had used, not giving it much thought, but it was becoming special to them.

"Okay Rebecca I accept your proposal, but with one change, I don't want a reward for rescuing the Minis."

"Eh!? Sure, better if you don't want us to pay you, this way I won't have to convince the Mox, I'm not sure they would listen to me-"

"You misunderstood me, I want my reward to be for killing the Tygers" said Sora growing a wild grin on his face, feeling relieved of the doubts he felt, with his plan to escape the base without a fight.

"Hiii, okay..."

"Rebecca I'm not kidding about the Eddis, I really take your word for it, I hope the Mox pay me.

I'm going to need the help of those two and also yours Rebecca don't worry I know you have two broken ribs, Judy you are going to stay in the freight elevator, we are going to get all the girls in there from this floor and we will block it off between floors once this area is secured we will call you.

Okay, so this is the plan...."


A few minutes later

On the fourth and fifth floors that make up the private bar of the Tygers' clandestine base. Both floors are joined together, creating a large space with a bar, dance floor, laser and holographic projectors, as well as smoke machines.

With stairs leading from the bar to the VIP booths, without leaving the bar area.

The only light sources in the bar are the purple neon lights, which create a modern ambiance, which had nothing to envy to any crowded people nightclubs of Night City.

Actually inside the bar, it was not only the Tygers who were locked up, but also their customers, which we could differentiate in 3 different groups

The first one of some normal people who used the basic services of the bar, paying for company with the chip doll, without eccentric tastes, like any other brothel in Nc, scattered all over the bar, some at the bar counter, others on the armchairs.

Then the 14 Tygers who were guarding, most of them from the bar level while four of them from the upper level where the Vips booths were located.

And lastly 8 men in expensive clothes of different styles, some in black corporate suits and others in flashier outfits. Sitting all together in armchairs near the stairs to the Vips booths.

They were the best customers with the most ``excentric´´ tastes of this ex-Tygers branch, who had been personally invited by leader Shigeo to enjoy the new merchandise they had gotten, but when the Tygers were preparing the last details for their guests.

The base was attacked and they lost control of the building, locking them inside with all the doors locked.

"What the hell is going on, why are we still locked in?"

"Where is your boss, I want to see Shigeo right now!"

"Exactly you know who I am...this is certainly going to be the last time I lower myself to come to such a dive."

Who were starting to get nervous, from the sounds of fighting and shouting they heard from upstairs.

"Gentlemen don't worry, we are having some problems, but I assure you that you have nothing to fear, we have been able to communicate with Wakagashira and a group of Tygers are manually opening the doors to release us, as we speak. When they arrive shortly we will evacuate you from the building unharmed I assure you."

Most of the guests were pleased and reassured when the Tygers informed them, but one of them, it didn't seem so.

"Wait I don't want to leave, I want what I have been promised, Your leader, Shigeo promised us a night of debauchery and with a underage girl, no rules, no brakes, no control and you want me to leave just like that? Tell your Wakachiara or whatever you call him, I WANT MY NIGHT OF DEBAUCHERY, DO YOU HEAR ME?"

With those frantic words from one of the guest, most of the people stared at him, not noticing how from the level above it seemed that all the Tygers watching had disappeared, until they could hear a calm and cold voice answer him.

"I hear you, and don't worry you'll get it" causing everyone to look up seeing a stranger wearing a mask with red jaws smiling at them. As he threw a body at them from above.

Landing right on the table in the middle of all the guests smashing the glasses crushing everyone sitting on the couches with alcohol and blood, shocking them when they saw one of the Tygers who were watching from above, now dead in front of them with his neck slit.

As they looked up again trying to comprehend the situation, the stranger spoke again.

"Starting [NOW!" Cortana] turning off all the lights making those present could only see from the darkness the illuminated mask smiling at them. while everything else was turned on, the speakers blaring music, the laser projectors, the smoke machines, even the dance floor lights were turned on.

Causing the Tyger who was informing the guests, "We have an enem- AGH!" to be interrupted by himself, with a grunt of pain, as he was trying to warn the rest of the Tygers. When he was impaled by the stranger's, when he jumped down from the second bar level, with his sword pointed down to him as he fell.

"It hurts to get nailed, doesn't it? Don't worry, I'm going to do the same to your sick buddies too, you're something the world would be better off without all of ya in it." Said the stranger....

"Wh-what Blghghh" To the Tyger who had fallen to the ground, as he clutched the sword stuck in his chest, desperately slashing his hands, trying to pull it out, while unable to say anything, without vomiting blood.

"Shh, Shh, easy, easy" Said the stranger, almost comforting the Tygers he was impaling, when grabbing in reverse his sword he pulled it out of the Tygers chest, making a quick swing with it cutting off his head, as he looked up, resting his gaze on all the shocked witnesses in the bar who had stood still watching.

Not unlike the rest of the Tygers who had stood still for a second watching as they cut off the head of one of their companions, reacting again the next instant by aiming to the attacker, who quickly took cover behind the couches where the important and degenerate guests were, the Tygers did not dare to open fire, until with shouts and pointing their guns and gesticulating with them they got the guests to move.

Allowing them to open fire, but when they were pulling the trigger almost reaching the firing point, the holographic projectors that had not been activated until now, did.

Creating in the environment, filled with smoke from the machines that generated it, hundreds of Ecos in combat form with their hair up, next to their ears, with different colors in their fur and eyes, appearing everywhere in the bar, from the bar to the tables and sofas. Even some smaller versions of Eco appeared on stools and small surfaces in the bar, baring their teeth and snarling at everyone present, blaring over the loudspeakers

Interrupting the Tygers and causing some of them, the more nervous ones, to shoot at the approaching Eco projections, while most were fully aware that they were simply projections. "Don't be pussys, they are simple projections" said one of them to calm his nuervised companions letting himself be passed through by one of the Ecos that had jumped towards his neck to calm his companions.

Making the brave Tyger, who had volunteered, regret it. When he threw his head back, pierced by something and fell dead, at the moment the hologram attacked him, unable for his companion to see his body, because of the layer of smoke on the ground.

"What the fuck!" Making the surprised Tygers....

"Aren't they holograms?" seeing something they couldn't explain....

"What's going on" fell into a panic.

Not realizing they had been misdirect into thinking there was only one attacker. And they didn't see the little teenage girl with ponytails on her sides hiding in the second level catwalks who was firing away covering the noise of her shots with the bass of the song and the flashes with the laser projectors that kept moving.

As a result, most of the Tygers grouped together, believing they were being hunted by the wolf projections, and starting to fire in panic at any of the projections that came near them. This led to accidents, such as when one of the Ecos jumped over the bar and startled one of the Tygers, causing the Tyger to fire without seeing that there was a fellow Tyger behind the projection.

Adding to the chaos and confusion of the situation when they started taking friendly fire casualties.

Still, it didn't stop them from firing at the projections. In their focus on the larger and seemingly more dangerous projections, they let the smaller ones get too close.

One of them that looked like a puppy jumped with all its might at the knee of one of the Tygers, who when he saw it jumping even in such a moment of crisis couldn't help but think it was cute, slowing his reaction.

When from the ``cute´´ appeared a blade with a snow-white edge and the rest dark as ebony.

That cut him off at the knee. Being able, as he fell due to the sudden loss of one of his legs, to see his real attacker, who ran ducking, hiding among the projections and smoke as he hunted down the frightened Tygers one by one.

In the midst of the chaos, one of the Tygers, who had been attacked by one of the projections, felt a shot in the shoulder, causing him to uncontrollably fire his weapon. In doing so, one of the projectors was hit, causing the system to malfunction and a portion of the Eco projections to shut down.

Realizing the simple solution that had not occurred to him because of the tension, he shouted to the rest of his comrades who were still alive to fire at the remaining smoke machines and projectors.

As the projectors and smoke machines were destroyed, the situation began to clarify and the Tygers were able to see their true enemies.

Managing to see a young man in a mask with lights, who shook his sword to remove the blood of the dead Tyger beneath his feet from it before quietly putting it back into its sheath.

Crossing his arms immediately, pulling out his two Nue from his arm holsters, shooting with them as he darted behind the bar, while from the second level of the bar a young woman with two ponytails subtly stopped shooting and opened automatic fire, covering her partner with cover fire while screaming like a maniac.

Changing the hunt to a firefight between the 2 attackers and the 6 tygers that remained alive.

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