Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

The morgue


In another bar in Night city, with some of its lights in the same green color as its holographic name at the entrance.

The bar itself was decorated in a practical way, which could be described as a cross between a country-western bar and a motorcycle guild hall all mixed up with a Cyber-Punk touch. The sound system played a variety of Rock-Tec music and Gothic rock, and the closest thing to dancing, apart from the Go-go dancers in tubes, were the occasionals brawls.

But this is a pro's club, no one needed to prove themselves; their presence was proof enough. Any brawls were strictly for fun. Yet the bar still retained equipment from its former use as the Nc morgue.

Back in the old days, Mercs would gather in the morgue to bid farewell to their dead comrades with a last drink. A tradition that grew so long, and there were so many dead among the Mercs at the time that the morgue looked more like a bar than a morgue.

But it wasn't until 2045 after the fourth corporate war, when the current owner took over, that it gained its current reputation as the quintessential gathering place for all Night City Pro-Mercs.

When the legendary Merc Rogue Amendiares became the owner of the Afterlife gaining its current fame.

Rogue was currently on her usual couch, surrounded by people, looking from the outside like a group relaxing and talking over a drink, but in reality they were all Rogue's assistants, and what they were talking about while drinking was work, about what was going on in the city.

Like the Tygers' attack on the Mox subsidiary gang, which in Rogue's experience, could lead to another gang war in the city, between the Mox and the Tygers.

But something had happened within the Tygers, that had given a chance to fix `all this shit', hopefully, before another gang war broke out in Nc.

And so Rogue had called out to the three who were approaching when they were stopped by one of the Mercs standing guard nearby.

"Let them pass."

Nodding, the Merc let the 3 in, who sat around the table.

"It's good to see you again Rogue, I didn't think we'd be hearing from you so soon."

"Shut up Maine, I wouldn't be calling you if it wasn't for our last exchange. I received a job and you are related to it, that's why I called you, besides the gig would not be accepted by just any Merc."

Rogue said as she lit up an annoyed cigarette, making it clear that a hadn't forgiven Maine for the screw up on the last job.

"What do you mean, what's the job, last time I talked to you it was to get information from this guy" Maine replied trying to get straight to the job, to avoid Rogue's cold attitude, as he pointed to the new member of his team.

"Wait, you asked her for information about me? What dark times we live in, where are those old values of trust and camaraderie. What a Boomer, HEHEH" Said the new team member who loved to joke around.

"Shut up" "Shut up" Said Maine and Dorio at the same time, demonstrating by this pyramid of sending each other to shut up, the hierarchy of the members of the conversation.

"What is the job Rogue and why wouldn't everyone take it?" asked Dorio.

"First let's start with what has happened. Just this afternoon the Tygers assaulted and captured a bunch of girls from the Minis the Mox affiliate gang, in some sort of revenge from a guy named Ishii, the son of Shigeo one of the Wakagashira`s of the Tygers."

"Tch those perverts, huh? Maine and I know Shigeo that mantis-crazed bastard.....So the job is on the Mox's side? To go into Tygers territory to rescue them? Are they crazy? If they want to die why don't they go?" asked Dorio, annoyed by the job she was imagining.

"If they did, they wouldn't be able to take advantage of the situation and start a war with the rest of the Tygers. I don't know exactly why, but apparently Shigeo's branch has been cut off, I contacted Wakako's old hag and she herself has confirmed it.

The job is to raid the base of the Tygers branch that has been cut off and rescue the captured girls, but obviously the Tygers won't let a bunch of pissed off Mox into their territory, that's where you guys come in, which from what I know and the reason I called you in, is because you're related or at least one of you is." Rogue said as she stared at the third and newest member of the Maine team. "Making you guys the ideal Mercs for this shitty job that would leave you stuck in the middle of the Tygers and Mox feuds."

Making Maine and Dorio also understood what Rogue was referring to, when they too stared at the new member of their team, Pilar. Having read all the information, which they paid Rogue to get in their last exchange, to check Pilar's background, before letting him join the team.

Which included all kinds of information about Pilar's life in Anchorage, including his only family, a younger sister in high school who had joined the Minis. Which from the way Rogue was talking she was also one of the captured Minis.

Pilar not being the brightest, didn't understand what was going on as they all stared at him, as he would never have guessed that his crazy sister was one of the weaklings who had allowed themselves to be captured.

"WAIT! Don't tell me you're all looking at me because.... Rebecca has been captured too!?"

Rogue tossed a pad on the table toward Pilar and said, "Here's a list of the girls who have been captured, according to the Mox and the witnesses who were seriously injured."

When Pilar read the list with his Kiroshi implant model MonoVision in place of his eyes, he jumped up, trying to call out to his sister's IDn, but without success. "FUCK! That fucking wimp!" screaming, gritting his teeth and clenching his cyberware hands in anger and rage at learning that his sister had been captured by the degenerate Tygers. "FUCK! She told me she joined the Minis so she wouldn't be bored until she finished high school."

"Calm down Pilar" Said Maine and Dorio seeing " Yes, this is not the place to act like this, calm down" how Pilar's shouting caught the attention of all the mercenaries near them.

Realizing how he was drawing attention, and not how he liked it. Pilar sat back down again and "Maine Dorio, I'm sorry, this is something you guys aren't related.... Rebecca is a pain in the ass, but she is my little sister, I can't leave her alone, thanks for giving me a chance to join your team, I don't want to drag you guys into something like this.... I hope I can see you guys again." Pilar said without waiting for an answer, when he got up and left with those last words.



"That idiot."

"You're just going to let him go?" Rogue asked in a disinterested way as she took a puff on her cigarette, but wanting to know if Maine had stooped so low as to abandon his Crew member, even if he had just joined.

"Of course not, at the end of the day it's a job and we don't have the luxury to be picky about jobs, besides that idiot, he's part of our crew now, so his shit isn't just his own, right Dorio?."


" Whatever... not that I care, you take the Gig, don't you? ".

"Yes, We accept the gig Rogue, send us the pay details along with the base address, let's go find that Idiot, he should have realized by now that he doesn't have the Tygers base address.... idiot."


In the alley outside the Afterlife full of customized and armored cars of the different Mercs that were in the Bar.

Pilar was pacing nervously as he talks to himself, " You fucking idiots. if you don't know where to go, Shit, but after that cool goodbye I can't go back to ask where it is. I'd look like an idiot!"

"Well at least you know better, ``IDIOT´´" being answered by a familiar voice coming out of the Afterlife.

"Tch, look at you leaving without waiting for a response from us, where are the old values of trust and camaraderie?" Along with the not at all feminine voice of her companion.

"Come on stop wasting time Idiot, we have a Tygers base to raid!"

"Maine, Dorio...Thank you!" Being answered, by the grateful Pilar, who had never liked more to be called an idiot as at this moment, while `hold on little sister´ he was thinking about saving his little sister, both in height and age, imagining her captured and while saying the name his older brother scared.... but the truth....


"DIE!, DIE!, DIE!, DIE!, DIE!!!! AHHAHAHAHAH! DIE SCUMBAGS!! HAHAHA!" she was not the one who needed help....

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