Delayed Transfer

Chapter 19

With the remaining skill points that he had, Mark knew that he would probably spend it all on Inventory and Replicate to increase its utility further. Regarding some of the skills that he still had left, they were interesting, specially the Floating Space Disc since to a lazy person like him, riding a hovering disc would have been phenomenal but more than likely, the MP cost would be high.
He decided he would prioritize Inventory and Replication first since he needed them to collect and store his things. He added three points each to Inventory and Replicate, raising the Inventory to thirty five by thirty five grid and two MP per kilogram storage cost. Replicate would cost him five MP per kilogram and it also increased to twenty by twenty grid. More than likely, his desire to store things as large as a car would be realized by the time he was transmigrated by the system to the other world.
With zero skill points, Mark decided to rest. He went to his bedroom after showering and eating. He then turned off all the lights. While lying down, he casted Floating Sunflower and it appeared giving off a gentle light. Although it relieved his fatigue, his mental exhaustion brought him to sleep.
Mark woke up feeling refreshed. He stretched languorously, stood up and brushed his teeth. He then weigh himself using the scale on his bathroom and it said that he was two hundred and forty five pounds. Mark thought all the adventure that he had yesterday probably shed five pounds from his obese body since he new that his weight was two hundred and fifty and had been that way since forever. He then prepared a twenty minute exercise video for beginner to check what would happen if he exercised vigorously with the new stats that he had. He first casted a Floating Sunflower and did the cardio video.
After twenty minutes, although he was soaking wet with sweat, he still felt energetic. Mark then did some sit-ups up to twenty and then push-ups up to twenty as well. He knew that supposedly, after so much exercise, his body would be sore but he was not afraid because he did have Goodberry.
After around thirty minutes, he completed the exercise. He took a rest for about five minutes after casting Floating Sunflower again then did the routine again. He did it two more times bringing the total time to two hours. After two hours of exercise, instead of feeling tired or sore, he actually felt good.
After exercising, Mark thought of what to eat but was not in the mood to cook. He felt too excited to cook so he casted Goodberry and ate the three berries which relieved his hunger a bit and invigorated his cells. It was around ten a.m. so he called his friend Sam.
“What choo want?” Sam mumbled, obviously still in his bed.
“Wake up! Come to my house immediately. I have a business for you! You’ll earn a lot and can quit the job from the store.” Mark said to Sam.
He heard some noise that sounded like things falling and heard Sam said “Be there in ten.” then the phone call dropped. Mark laughed and waited for Sam while checking how many Movies and Anime he had completely downloaded so far. He also made a list of things that he would like to buy like a new gaming monitor, a new huge smart TV, add some more speaker and planned which restaurants he could order some good meals that he could store in his inventory.
After a few minutes, Mark heard some knocking on his door. He went and let Sam entered. The first thing Sam saw was the brand new gaming laptop.
“Oh my god! That’s so sick. Where did’ya get that?”
“I bought it. Told you, I have a new money making business.” Mark said to Sam while smiling.
“What is it? Can I get in on it?” Sam asked.
“Of course, that’s why I asked you here.”
“Wait, there’s something different about you.” Sam said while looking at him.
“I just started exercising that’s all.” He said while smiling.
Mark then said to Sam that he would give the laptop to him so he could download all the anime, movies and web novels that he could. He then added that he would give him some money to purchase an additional laptop for him to use in downloading all the Single Player Games that he could as well.
Sam then asked “Why would I do that”. He exasperatedly told Sam that of course it was for money. For every day that he would be downloading the media, Mark would give one thousand dollars as long as the downloaded content had high enough quality. He would also give additional funds for those content that needed to be purchased and for his internet fees as well.
Mark also said to Sam that this would be a long time endeavor so he better quit from the store. Sam agreed but then asked where he got the funds for this type of undertaking. He said to Sam that all of these pursuit was for an online client who already paid and that Sam needed to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
Of course it was all nonsense to divert Sam. Mark then gave him twenty thousand dollars spending fee, for the purchase of the second laptop and additional needed funds. Sam was overjoyed and said that he would make sure that he would download only all high quality content as soon as possible. Mark also said that he would check with him after seven days. Sam agreed excitedly while clutching the money pouch.
Sam left obviously excited with the new prospect and Mark was quite sure that he would do okay with the things that Mark asked him to do. Once Sam left, Mark went outside to do some more Jewelry purchasing and selling run to add to his original funds.
It was not a lot, only around three to four thousand dollars per run to avoid suspicion. By the time noon came, he managed to gather around fifty thousand dollars of original funds and thought that it was enough. Mark only did it to avoid the obvious serial number duplication when he used the money to purchase things.

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