Delayed Transfer

Chapter 20

Mark did not forget to deposit some funds to his bank account so he could use his saving account if needed.  He made sure that his credit card will automatically pull funds from the account to avoid late fees that may raise alerts.  He knew that all the things that he did was not foolproof but at the end day of the day, the money that he used was not so excessive that it would raise any eyebrows.  Also the things that he purchased were just leisure things and not illegal things like drugs or excessive amount of alcohol.  When he was done with the gathering of funds, he went to a couple of high class restaurant and ordered their best meal. 

When the meal arrived,  Mark made sure that nobody was looking and put it all in the iInventory.  He then replicated it and brought the replicated food back to the table.  After eating the meal,  he paid for it and called Uber so he could go back home.  While travelling ,  he thought about what to prioritize.  Mark knew that he needed to focus on dungeon diving to increase his level.  Not only would it give him strength, more importantly it would level up his Inventory so he could store more things.  He laughed and knew that his priority was still all wrong but it was just a passing thought. 

While resting at home,  Mark played Elden Ring for a couple of hours on his brand new gaming laptop that he bought again.  At around eight in the evening,  he decided to work out even though he did already this day. 

In the morning,  Mark woke up and repeated his plan of exercising but this time he increased the intensity of the routine since it seemed that his body could handle it.  After he was done,  he made a list of the things that he would like to purchase first. Things that he could store on the first floor of the dungeon to make it livable. 

He planned to set up a high end desktop gaming computer with advance curve monitor just like what he saw on YouTube.  He also planned to set up a home theater with huge screen and loud speaker.  He also planned to get a huge generator that could support all of his tech without any issues and with his Replicate, he would have an unlimited amount of fuel. 

Mark’s ultimate goal was to have a huge enough Inventory so he could have a copy of the devices on it that he can replicate if there were any wear and tear.  After he was done planning all of those things, he pretended to be a decorator and planned the things that he needed to purchase to beautify the floor.  Once he was done, he practiced the Skills that he had just learned one by one.   He was happy being a gamer because he could use some of the experience that he had for strategizing on how to cast his spells.  

For example, his initial plan were, which of course would change depending on the situation, if confronted by a group of enemy, he will cast all defense skill first,  then Field of Briar for slow,  Floating Sunflower for MP regeneration and then bombard the enemies with his offensive spells.  It was as simple as that.  He was thankful that his skills only had one second global cooldown but it was still a cooldown so it was important for him to have many offensive skills.  All he needed to manage was his MP and knew that Floating Sunflower was only a stop gap because more than likely, some of the higher level skills would cost more MP.

After a few hours,  Mark went back up.  He received a text from Sam saying that he purchased the high end gaming laptop and started downloading games to it.  He also mentioned that he continued on downloading the animes, movies and web novels on the first laptop.  Sam then asked which type he would like to download and Mark replied that he should download everything and knew that it was going to be a lot that was why he advised Sam that it was going to be a long endeavor. He also told Sam to buy high quality hard drive for media storage as necessary and to not forget to download music as well.  Sam replied that he understood and that he will give an update every three days.  Although Mark said that it was suppose to be after seven days, he just agreed and knew that Sam was just making sure that there would be more funds. 

Mark then went outside to purchase some high end basic things first to put on the safe floor.  One of them was a sofa.  He made sure that it was big and comfortable enough for resting.  Another one was a table that he can use to put his item for sorting.  Then a huge rug to soften the ground.  Since the furniture store was near, he was promised that the items would be delivered that afternoon. 

After purchasing some things for the fist floor of the dungeon,  Mark went to a couple of restaurants with good review the ordered their best meals again.  He again stored a copy of the meals in his inventory for replication.  Looking at his inventory, his total copy of meals in the inventory was about five.  Mark knew that he cannot just store meals, he would also need to store raw ingredients, spices and condiments.  He would probably do that at a later time once his inventory was big enough. 

When he arrived home, he called Sam to advise him to arrange the downloaded media as logically as possible.  Some should be alphabetical, some by genre, etc.   Sam replied that, of course, he would do that and Mark can feel him rolling his eyes on the phone.  Mark just laughed and promised Sam that there would be a bonus after three days if the client was happy with the content and then they ended the call. 

While waiting for the delivery to arrive, he studied his skills again for better combat strategy and when he was done, he played some Hogwarts Legacy.  When he received the call that his furniture were there,  he went to go get it.  He asked the delivery guys to just put the items on the space just inside the door, tipped them then asked them to leave. 

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