Delayed Transfer

Chapter 21

Mark stored the big table first into his inventory, went to the First Floor of the dungeon, and put the table there. He then removed all the drop items from his Inventory, placing them on the table so he can use Identify on them later. The he went back up, put the sofa, the rug, and the coffee table on his Inventory. When he arranged the furniture on the First Floor of the dungeon, he felt a bit satisfied. “Now my safe home isn’t empty.” Mark thought. Of course he was planning to add more things but that was in the future.
Looking at the items on the table, Mark Identified them one by one and as expected, every crude items were adding just one to different stats. The crude leather rod to Intelligence, the crude leather hat to Wisdom, the bracer to Dexterity, the sandals to Agility, the crude leather shirt to Defense and the pants to Vitality. All the other crude weapons like the knife, spear and sword added one stat to Strength.
Mark used Inventory Material Destruction to all the weapons to see if he could get any crafting materials but unfortunately there were none. More than likely, it was because the items were too trash. Looking at his smartphone, he saw that it was about time for the monsters on the Second Floor to respawn so he wore the leather item set. He was surprised that they fit but then again it was conceivable that it was because of magic.
Once the items were equipped, he checked his Stats and he can see the increase the items that gave him. He then entered the portal to the Second Floor.
Mark battled the monsters on the second floor without any strategy. He just hit everything in sight with Void Slash and he never had to rest to recuperate his MP because of Floating Sunflower. Once he cleared the Second Floor, he leveled up three levels bringing his level to level eleven. All the dropped items were the same one that he received during the first run but before, he was just throwing the items away. This time, he destroyed them using Material Inventory Destruction and he manage to get three crafting materials. One was low quality blank rune board, the other was low quality ink and the third one was iron ink stone.
Mark also manage to received three skill points and one skill. The skill was Mage Light. Unfortunately, it confirmed the fact that drop skills were not usable, not until he put a skill point on them.
When he was done reviewing the items that he received from his second run of the Second Floor, he braced himself and entered the Third Portal. The first thing that he did was refresh his Barkskin and the floating Space Shield was still there in front of him which brought him comfort. He walked until he arrived at the area where he was injured the last time. He saw that there were still two hobgoblins near the stone pillar. When he was near enough he casted Void Slash, Thorn Whip and Void Bolt one after another and the two hobgoblins died without even making a move. “That’s what you get for hitting me!” Mark spat on the second hobgoblin with the bow. He knew that it was entirely illogical to blame the hobgoblin since it was a newly respawn monster. The two hobgoblin only dropped a bow. He paused for a bit and added the stats that he earned from leveling up to Strength bringing it up to five from three and added a point to Dexterity to bring it up to five as well. Now all of his physical stats: Strength, Vitality, Agility and Dexterity were five. Even his Intelligence and Wisdom were both ten.
Mark knew that he should add some more stats to Intelligence and Wisdom since he needed those stats to increase his magic damage as well as his MP so that was what he planned to do. After he was done with his stats, he spent all the skill points next. He added three points to Inventory and three points to Replicate. It brought his Inventory up to fifty by fifty grid with one MP per kilogram cost and Replicate went up to thirty five by thirty five grid from twenty by twenty. The MP cost also decreased to two MP per kilogram cost. Now his skill points and stat points were both zero.
Mark continued walking and after a while he heard some noise above him and saw two screeching bats coming at him. Looking at the ugly bat monsters, He felt some goosebumps on his arms. He immediately casted Void Slash on the monsters which made them scream some more and then he casted void bolt on the two monsters one after the other killing them. He realized that he forgot to use Identify on the monster but then again he knew the details of the goblin and the hobgoblin already and the bat monster just appeared suddenly. While the bat monsters were still on the ground, he used Identify on them and it said that they were Vampire Bats with an HP of one hundred and sixty. Regarding any other details there were question marks since his Identify was still just level one.
When the corpses of the Vampire Bats disappeared, he looted the drop from them. Mark received a skill point and a Vampire Bat fang which, when he identified it, said that it was a crafting material. He walked further down the cave and while walking he noticed that the light on the cave darkened a bit. When he checked the time, it was already in the afternoon. He realized then that the dungeon followed the day and night cycle of the outside world. He now knew the importance of the Mage Light skill. He decided there and then that he would avoid dungeon diving during night time because to be honest, he thought that he may not be able to cope with the darkness even if he had Mage Light. He was not being a coward it was just the dark was bad.
He saw another Stalagmite in the distance with four monsters on it. He used Identify and two of them were Hobgoblin and the other two were Dire Wolves which was a bigger and nastier version of the wolves on Second Floor. When he used Identify on the monsters, they saw him and began running towards him.
Mark refreshed his defensive skills then casted Floating Sunflower. He then casted Field of Briar to slow the enemies down. He heard one arrow was stopped by the Space Disc so he focused on the Hobgoblin archer. Mark killed the archer using a couple of Void Bolts and kill the rest of the monster running to him using a couple of Void Slash. Mark thought he should increase Space Shield since one arrow hit almost destroyed it. He was not worried because he still had Barkskin but then what if there were more than one archer. He needed a plan on how to deal with ranged enemies. A good thing that he already leveled up to eleven so that means that he had a new set of skills he could review but looking at his measly one skill point, he decided to continue with the dive.

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