Delayed Transfer

Chapter 334

Mark spent an hour replicating all the items that were on the list that Milena made that she and her assistants would sell in the town the next day. That meant that Nedertu would drive their RV and Connor who recently learned how to drive from the catman would drive Nedertu and Milena’s RV which was currently full of products.

The items were basically a combination of all the things that they sold on Culano Village except the food since that one needed to be replicated on the day it was going to be sold to guarantee freshness and Milena suggested that they shouldn’t focus too much on the consumables since they were too cheap and they wouldn’t earn too much coins on those.

Mark reiterated to his cook that the main reason he started selling the items from his homeland was to share cultural differences and not to earn coins since if he really wanted to become truly wealthy, he could just sell some of his magic items.

Milena was taken aback but then promised Mark that she would make sure that the prices that she would set would still be beyond reasonable and that comforted Mark a bit. He knew that the others wanted to earn as much coin as they could so they could live comfortably once they retired from traveling and he knew that Milena probably thought that the best way to do that right now was to earn enough coins from Mark’s products.

The items from Mark didn’t cost anything to produce based on Milena’s understanding and that meant that the coins that they would earn would be pure profit.

She also noticed that Mark didn’t care about gold coins and it would only matter to Mark if it was mana stone.

To be honest, Mark’s priority right now wasn’t earning mana stones even though the currency was extremely valuable and one of the few things that he couldn’t replicate using his system. The problem was, he actually didn’t know how to use the stones so he didn’t have any idea how valuable the said currency was to him personally.

Mark went to his RV to sleep and when he woke up the next day, he saw that the twins and Liriel were with him in his bed. He thought that maybe they looked for him during the wee hours of the morning since they had gotten used to sleeping with him when they were in the oasis.

Surprisingly, he woke up first before the kids and more than likely they were still tired from all that happened yesterday. They had just returned from a vacation full of strenuous activity. They were swimming in the lake the whole day yesterday.

After breakfast, the circus caravan started moving towards the next location, which was a large town so Nedertu informed Mark that they would stay in that place for three days. Milena also assured Mark that they had enough products inside their RV to sell within those three days even if they didn’t include any food like donuts and cakes.

Mark decided then that he wouldn’t sell those because he didn’t want to bother replicating more items for selling. He planned to spend the time in the town touring the place together with the twins and Liriel.

They arrived in the town around lunchtime and Mark saw that the townspeople were especially welcoming.

Hamil informed Mark that he would set up the movie theater for the townspeople to see and would show them a couple of movies, one fantasy which was The Princess Bride, and the second one was a love story which was going to be Pride and Prejudice. The circus leader told him that the theater was a massive earner for the circus, even above the Yoda Roller Coaster.

Mark just shrugged and let Hamil decide what he wanted to do since that had always been the case. He did inform the circus leader that he and the kids would be touring the town.

While they were not busy with selling, Milena informed Mark that Nedertu would be teaching her how to drive the RV and Conor would be teaching Lisa and he approved of their plan.

Nedertu also asked if he could teach some of his friends how to drive since they kept pestering him to teach them and Mark just gave his approval.

Rendira came and asked Mark if she would need to tutor the children while they were in the town and Mark asked her opinion. The kids’ halfling tutor that it would be best if there wasn’t too much time between tutoring to make sure that the twins would be learned enough to apply to an academy once they turned ten.

Mark was suddenly taken aback by the information about an academy.

“Are you saying that there are magical academies here?” Mark asked Rendira.

“I thought you knew and I thought the reason why you were persistent in making sure that the kids were educated was you were planning to enroll them!” Rendira answered.

Mark then decided to enroll the kids in a magical academy once they reached a city with one and he wasn’t worried about being separated from them since he did have a spell that would allow him to establish a warp gate.

“I’m somewhat aware but I thought that it was only for those who were older.”

“No. Rich folks and children of the powerful will let their children start as early as ten years old or even younger. I don’t know about your situation though since you’re traveling with us.”

“That’s not a problem since I have a spell that will let me establish a warp gate that I can use to warp between locations so if they entered an academy, they could study during the day and still come home at night.”

“It doesn’t work like that! They would need to stay at the academy dorm during their studies and would only go home during their vacation days,” Rendira laughed.

Mark shrugged and told Rendira that they would decide once they reached an academy. He then invited the tutor to join them for lunch since Milena had just entered their RV with the food she and her assistants cooked.

Rendira declined and said that she would join her family and told Mark she would return the next day to continue tutoring the kids.

After lunch, Mark told the kids that they would tour the town to check it. Nedertu asked if they would need a guard and he declined saying that they could have the rest of the day for themselves.

The children were excited so they took a shower and wore their best clothes. Liriel, who didn’t know what was happening, was excited as well since she was affected by the twins. Milena dressed Liriel and she looked like a little princess while her older brothers looked like princes.

Mark decided to walk since they didn’t want to get attention from the townspeople by riding the Space Floating Disc.

The circus was set up just outside the town and even though it wasn’t ready yet, a lot of children from the town were already there watching everything. They were particularly enamored with the void dragon since when they neared the town, Yoda garnered a lot of attention.

When the townspeople learned that the circus had a tamed dragon, their excitement for the circus exploded.

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