Delayed Transfer

Chapter 361

Mark and his new adventurer friends went near the dungeon portal of the Library of Monderro where the official-looking booths were located. With Vermont in the lead, they talked to the person behind the booth. The government’s booth was guarded by tough-looking men and women who based on their uniforms were from the army.

The government official who looked like a soft person wearing glasses brought out a crystal globe and Vincent put his hands on it while saying that he was over level thirty and he had no malicious intention towards his party mates. Then Mark’s current party leader paid the official some coins. Drenod and Lucius followed suit.

When Mark’s turn came, he followed what the others had said and paid coins to the man. After that, they headed directly to the portal which looked like a huge door that could be seen at any entrance of any library in both worlds.

Mark and his new teammates entered the dungeon by opening the door and when they opened it, a swirling portal appeared before them. Without further ado, everyone entered. He was amazed at what they had stumbled upon. Mark saw that they were now located on some sort of wide road or bridge made of stone but the surrounding that road or bridge was just black nothingness. Suddenly, swathes of light appeared everywhere and disappeared immediately like aurora borealis lights appearing for a few seconds and then disappearing.

The road was lit up by lights coming from those swirling aurora borealis enchantments and even though they kept appearing and disappearing, the number was great and their appearance was constant enough that the road or bridge was bright enough for Mark to see.

It was truly a magical location and Mark was amazed at the power and imagination of the beings who made something like this possible.

Mark went near the side of the road to check if he could see anything underneath and when he did, he saw nothing but space filled with those aurora borealis thingies that kept appearing and disappearing. At that moment, he was so glad that he could fly. Even though the border of the road didn’t have any sort of guard rail so anyone who wasn’t careful and stumbled on the edge would fall, at least the road was wide enough to fit ten of his RV parked side by side.

The only other thing that he could see on the road or bridge were scattered huge bookshelves filled haphazardly with books. Some of the shelves were filled to the brim with books and some were almost empty.

Before moving, Mark equipped all of his dungeon items by using his system skill auto-equip and since he was at the back of the group and the skill was instant, his party mates didn’t notice. He then retrieved the legendary mace that would allow him to act as a healer from his inventory. He could have used the Staff of Vikander but it was a truly magnificent-looking staff and highly noticeable.

Based on the groups of people queueing outside the dungeon to enter it, there should have been more people where they were and that meant that this dungeon was also an Instance Dungeon.

Mark would have asked the others more questions about the dungeon but held himself off since he assumed that Vermont would just ask him to purchase the information book later.

Vermont then told everyone to prepare themselves so everyone equipped their weapons and held them ready. He wondered why Vermont wasn’t giving out any advice or suggestion to him and Mark was a bit embarrassed to ask so when their Drenod, their tank, moved forward, he just followed along like the others.

The first group of enemies they encountered were three humanoid and three dog-like-looking beings. The monsters or beings had purple skins and their eyes were red. The dog-like creature had mouths filled with red fangs and their claws were red and they were huge. The humanoid beings didn’t have mouths, just red eyes, and their hands weren’t hands, just blades.

Mark identified the monsters and his system said that they were Library Sentinels and Library Guard Dogs. When he identified the monsters, the monsters noticed them and ran towards them. Drenod moved forward and braced himself.

Vermont started attacking with his bow and arrows and when the dogs who were faster than the sentinels were near enough, Lucious threw throwing daggers one after the other at the dog that Vermont was hitting. The archer and the rogue killed one dog but when the enemy got near them, Mark cast Void Push and pushed the monsters back. This allowed the archer and the rogue to kill another library guardian dog.

The three humanoid monsters and one dog reached them. Drenod met the two library sentinel and the dog while Lucius engaged one sentinel. Vermont kept attacking the dog with his bow and arrows so it appeared that the archer wanted to kill the dog as soon as possible so they could assist Drenod.

Mark saw Drenod got wounded in his arm so he cast a healing bolt from the mace and hit their tank with it. Drenod felt the healing magic and it suddenly looked like he was injected with some kind of stimulant. He let go of his tight defense and started attacking the monsters fiercely.

When Drenod got wounded again, Mark hit him again with a healing bolt causing all of his wounds to heal apparently, the healing bolt probably filled his stamina as well since he became very energetic again so Mark hit Lucius with the healing bolt and the rogue became energetic as well.

He did the same with Vermont and the archer’s attacks became fierce. That confirmed that the healing bolt also filled the recipient’s stamina.

After a few seconds, the dog was killed by Lucius and Vermont and they assisted Drenod in killing the three Library Sentinel. Mark kept healing the tank since it appeared that Drenod became a bit reckless, allowing himself to be hit.

Lucious and Vermont engaged one of the sentinels and its attention was finally diverted from the tank and faced Lucious.

The archer kept using different skills. His arrows would suddenly split into three and the enemy Vermont was attacking would receive triple damage or suddenly the enemy would be stunned for a second or two. The thief did the same thing. Lucius was using skills like suddenly becoming double for a second or two, or his dagger attacks becoming very fast.

Their tank also had different skills. Drenod shouted sometimes and some sort of aura was released from him that attracted the enemies' attention to himself so it looked like some sort of taunting skill. Their tank’s shield also glowed sometimes or sometimes the armor glows and Mark didn’t know what buffs or spells the tank was casting.

Even with his party mate’s skills, it was taking them a while to kill the monsters and that meant that the monsters were truly powerful. Mark concluded that the monsters here at the first level of this dungeon were truly as powerful as the monsters found above floor eleven of his dungeon.

Mark kept hitting Drenod with a healing bolt when their tank received even the tiniest damage and he also hit Vermont and Lucious with it once in a while. After a few more minutes, the monsters were dead and the three young men were delighted at the three mana stones they received from the mob. They also found a magic dagger where the sentinels and dogs first spawned and Mark knew that they were the equipment that the monsters got from the adventurer they killed.

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