Delayed Transfer

Chapter 362

“Mark you’re healing spells are great! I felt all my exhaustion disappearing whenever I received your healing bolt,” Drenod said appreciatively.

Vermont and Lucious nodded, fully agreeing with what their tank had said but Mark spent around twelve healing bolts on that battle alone so that meant a single item with a skill or spell would not be enough for a high-level dungeon dive.

“How many healing spells can you cast? You should save them until they’re truly needed,” Drenod said and Mark just nodded.

Mark knew that he should be more diligent in getting more items from the bosses of his dungeon so he could get more items that would be able to support the twins and Liriel.

The three young men were delighted at the amount of loot they received on their first battle but suddenly, he saw Drenod, Vermont, and Lucius sitting down.

“What are you doing?” Mark asked.

“We need to recuperate a bit so our skills will be available for use again. It wouldn’t take long, just around thirty minutes,” Lucius answered.

“But that meant that it would take longer for us to complete this dungeon!” Mark said.

“This is usually the case,” Drenod added while looking at Mark wonderingly.

“Have you never entered a dungeon before?” Vermont asked.

“Of course I have but with all the groups that I’ve been to, we only stop for meals,” Mark answered.

The three young men gasped when they heard what Mark had said.

“What is your level?! That kind of action only happens if the adventurers’ levels are very high,” Drenod said.

Mark didn’t answer the young tank but instead, he cast his Good Berry spell. A bush suddenly grew on the ground and once it was fully grown, which only took a few seconds, appetizing and sweet-smelling fruits appeared.

“Eat those berries. They will make sure that you’re fully healed. Your thirst and hunger will be satiated as well,” Mark said to the young adventurers.

After around five minutes Mark stood up.

“Can we move on? Let’s just fight the monster even if you don’t use your skills. I’ll make sure that you are fully healed and I will use my summoning artifact to summon four plant golems to help us,” Mark said to everyone.

Vermont shrugged and stood up and the two followed suit. The next group of monsters consisted of four sentinels and three sentinel dogs. Mark summoned his two bush golems and his two tree golems. Then commanded the plant golems to attack.

The three young men were surprised at the golems that Mark summoned but based on their expressions, Mark knew that they weren’t expecting much from the golems. When the plant golems reached the dungeon monsters, the three young adventurers were flabbergasted by the power of the golems. They were surprised that during the brief confrontation, the golems managed to kill one dog and were able to hold the attention of the four sentinels and two dogs.

The golems then killed another dog and Mark and the others hadn’t even moved yet. Drenod suddenly ran while shouting that they couldn’t allow Mark’s summons to hog all the glory. Vermont and Lucius ran toward the monsters as well and because of the help of the golems, they managed to kill the monsters after a few minutes.

They received three mana stones again and one leather armor was located where the monster spawned.

Mark then dispelled the golems and planned to resummon them again once they confronted a new bunch of enemies. Since no one was wounded, he didn’t even need to utilize the healing spell of his legendary mace.

“Your golems are powerful! How many times can you summon them and how many golems can you summon?” Drenod asked.

“I can summon four at a time and can summon them every battle. They will last long enough until the battle ends,” Mark answered.

“You alone can probably engage this floor by yourself using your healing spells and summons,” Vermont said while shaking his head.

Mark then urged everyone to continue fighting and they did and managed to defeat a few more groups of Library Sentinels and Sentinel Dogs. When lunchtime arrived, the young men stopped beside a bookshelf to eat lunch. Mark went towards the bookshelf and took one of the books. It said that the book was a Fire Ball spell but when he opened it, the book disappeared from his hands and reappeared back on the shelf.

He was actually expecting that since he was already informed that that would happen. When Mark went back to the group, he saw the three young men were about to eat some hard-looking bread and water from the travel canteen.

‘Stop! Don’t eat those,” Mark said to the men suddenly.

Drenod suddenly threw his bread to the ground.

“What!? Are they poisoned or something?” Their tank asked.

“I’m sorry, no they’re not. I just wanted to invite you to eat the food I prepared,” Mark said embarrassingly.

Drenod stood up and took the bread from the ground and kept it inside their supply bag while the others did the same and then they looked at Mark expectantly.

Mark then replicated a table and four chairs and replicated four whole pizzas and four bacon hamburgers. Then he replicated four liters of ice-cold soda.

The young men gaped at Mark and stared at the things that he had conjured. Drenod asked what the food was so he explained to them what they were. While he was telling them about pizzas and hamburgers, Mark saw the young men couldn’t take away their eyes from the food and Drenod was actually drooling.

When Mark gave the go-ahead, the young men turned into hungry ghosts and devoured the food that was on the table. Mark joined them by eating his pizza and burger but at least the men kept their sanity by asking what the drinks were to make sure that they were not alcohol since they were still in the middle of a dungeon dive.

After lunch, Drenon, Vermont, and Lucius thanked Mark for the food.

“You’re not a healer are you Mark? You’re a mage,” Vermont suddenly said.

“Yes, I’m a mage. Actually, I’m a mage from that circus that showed those movies. But it’s still true that I wanted to check out this dungeon and it’s still true that I know healing spells.”

“Then do you know who made those shows? They’re the best thing that I’ve ever seen. To tell you the truth, were also planning to attend the Star Wars gathering and we already hired someone to queue for us,” Drenod said.

“Well since you’re helping me check out this floor, if you haven’t managed to purchase tickets for the convention just find me in the circus by asking for me and I’ll give you some,” Mark said but didn’t answer the question of who made the movies.

Drenod looked very happy when Mark said that and even Vermont and Lucius smiled.

After lunch, they spent another two hours completing the dungeon and the young men were positively giddy that they were able to complete the dungeon early. They earned a lot of mana stones and equipment and Mark just accepted some mana stones for his share.

“It would be nice if you could join us all the time,” Drenod said regretfully when he learned that Mark would not be joining them again.

Mark just smiled and said his goodbyes to Drenod, Vermont, and Lucius, and then after that, he went home to the circus.

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