Delayed Transfer

Chapter 366

Mark was not surprised at how cruel the girls could be when it came to their pursuers who they may or may not be really interested in but that was only based on the chick flicks that he had seen. At first, he thought that the young men would insist and would follow the girls but it appeared that the girls’ rules were absolute.

The male students of the University of Narcone just looked at the girls pitifully but they stared daggers at Mark and if their stares could kill, Mark would have been under six feet already.

After walking for a bit, the girls didn’t stop talking to Mark including the red-headed beauty. Mark summoned his Space Disc and covered it with a lush thick carpet then conjured two sofas and invited the girls to sit.

When he commanded the disc to float and move forward at a snail's pace, the girls sat straighter as if they were queens riding their royal carriages to bless their citizens with their beauty.

“Again, my name is Mark and I’m a mage who’s part of the circus,” Mark reintroduced himself.

“I’m Arissa De Normune daughter of Count De Normune of Narcone and these are Sonette, Dianne, Kelene, Ondra, and Tunisha,” The red-headed beauty introduced herself as well as her friends.

“Even though you’re not an archmage as you’ve said, you must be near it since you’re able to summon powerful creatures!” Ondra, a black-haired beauty said.

“I agree, since based on how the dragon was being used by the circus, it appeared that it doesn’t have a duration. That’s a very powerful spell but I’m surprised that you’ve allowed your summon to be used like that,” Tunisha, a black woman beauty said.

Tunisha was the first black woman that Mark had seen in this world but that was understandable since he hadn’t been to many places yet and he assumed that there were black people here since when the circus people saw them in the movies, they didn’t react too much. The black woman was statuesque and could rival the supermodels on Earth. To be honest about it, she could rival Arissa’s beauty it was just Mark preferred Arissa’s type but of course, even though he planned to pursue Arissa, if any of the girls expressed their interest in him, who was he to deny any beauty, Mark thought and laughed at himself for being a pervert.

“You know your magic. Are you all mages?” Mark asked the girls.

It was Arissa who answered.

“Only Tunisha is a mage. The rest of us are just useless daughters of nobles,” Arissa said and Mark could detect some sort of behavior from the red-headed beauty but he was too inexperienced to know what it was.

Maybe bitterness for feeling useless because she’s not a mage? Or maybe because she’s a woman and wouldn’t be allowed to handle it responsibly? Either way, it isn’t safe to assume anything since as they say assuming something about someone was just “making an ass out of you and me.”

“Where are you bringing us? Are you bringing us to your castle? Why are we moving so slowly?” One of the girls asked and Mark temporarily forgot what her name was.

“I don’t have a castle here inside the circus. I’m just bringing you to my carriage so we can eat lunch together with my twin brothers and little sister and the rest of my friends. My twin brothers are seven years old and my little sister is three. They’re very cute so I wanted you to see them. I also wanted you to taste the exotic dishes that we learned on our journey to different lands. We’re also moving slowly so you can appreciate the sights in the circus,” Mark laughingly said.

Mark then remembered to message Milena through the item Lover’s Ring to not cook since he had guests and he would be the one who would prepare lunch and Milena just replied her affirmative.

“We already roamed the circus so we know the different attractions that one can find here. We’re also going to watch the magical shows that everyone was talking about in the castle tomorrow,” Arissa said and Mark could detect the excitement in the girl’s voice.

“Why didn’t you watch the movies here in the circus? The theater is very comfortable and watching a movie with an audience adds to the experience,” Mark said to the girls.

That statement caught the girls off guard.

“Is that true that being with an audience would make the magical shows better?” Tunisha coldly asked.

“Yes. since everyone would be caught up with the emotions that people are exhibiting while watching the movies be it excitement, fear, anger, and more,” Mark answered.

“If I had known that, I would have watched it with the people before but since the nobles would watch it tomorrow and our family’s invited, we would watch the movies then,” Arissa said.

While they were floating towards Mark RV, the girls were talking about the magical creatures that they had seen when Mark cast his Forest Sanctuary spell. He was a bit impressed that the girls had seen all the creatures before and that brought to mind that these girls were wealthy and he couldn’t afford, maybe, to offend them and shouldn’t pursue any of them haphazardly. But he was really interested in Arissa so her wealth wouldn’t stop him from trying his luck.

He was very confident now since he’s a very powerful mage and able to conjure unique things so he knew what he could bring to the table.

When they arrived in Mark’s RV, everyone saw Milena setting up her stall that contained the unique items that Mark conjured.

Mark dispelled the disc when it reached the ground and the girls rushed to the stall. Since everyone saw that the beautiful girls came with Milena, the people guarding Milena’s stall didn’t stop them.

Milena wasn’t finished setting up the stall so when the girls kept asking her what the items were and how much were they, Milena exasperatedly looked at Mark.

“Ladies, Milena is not yet finished setting everything up so after lunch, I’ll allow you to browse the items and take one product for free before opening the stall.”

The girls almost couldn’t take their eyes away from the items since all of them were a bit unique like the Barbie Dolls with her accessories and dresses, the cute purses and sun dresses, the multi-functional tools, the Swiss knives, and more.

“Just one?” Tunisha asked coldly and Mark laughed.

“Any more than that and Milena, my assistant wouldn’t stop nagging about letting beautiful girls take advantage of me even though I’m very willing.”

Everyone could hear a loud snort from Milena and the girls started laughing and even Arissa and Tunisha let out a brief laugh.

Mark invited the girls who were curiously looking at the RV. When the ladies entered, they were surprised at the cool temperature inside but of course, Mark knew that the girls assumed he was just using a magic rune to control the temperature.

Then they saw the twins and Liriel playing with their Lego toys and Mark had to admit that the boys and Liriel were adorable with their faces all scrunched up in concentration to form the best spaceship design out of Lego.

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