Delayed Transfer

Chapter 368

Mark, the twins, and Liriel went to the part of the city where the tailors and seamstresses were located. They immediately headed to the tailor to whom he gave the Jedi and Sith costumes so that the tailor could make them fit the twins or use them to copy and make the costumes.

When they arrived at the shop, the teenager who was the tailor's grandson was the one manning the counter and when he saw Mark, Liriel and the twins come in, he immediately called his grandfather at the back.

“You’re here! I’m almost done with the costumes. I need a couple more days, and they’re good to go, but I’ll still need a final fitting. It appears that I didn’t have to make new ones since the costumes that you gave me allowed me to resize them to the twin’s body size but as I’ve said, you will not be able to get it back to the original size,” The old tailor said the moment he appeared from the back.

Mark and the kids followed the old tailor at the back with his invitation and when they entered the spacious room full of the tailor’s tools of the trade, the old man immediately asked one of the twins to stand on a small pedestal so Isaac did. Then the tailor busied himself measuring what seemed like every part of the boy's body.

After that, the tailor helped Isaac wear the Jedi Costume and when it was done, Isaac looked like a miniature Jedi Knight.

“Wow, Isaac you look very handsome! Like a young padawan,” Mark said to Isaac while Aaron and Liriel cheered.

Aaron then clamored to wear his costume so the tailor got busy again measuring Aaron’s body and then after a few minutes, the kid was now also wearing his Sith Costume.

The costumes looked particularly fine on the twins and Mark reckoned that they really did have the chance of winning the costume contest when the Star Wars convention arrived in less than two weeks.

“As you can see, I will need to do some more sewing. There were still a lot of flaws,” The old tailor critiques the costume while the twins admire themselves in the huge mirror located by the side.

To be honest, to Mark, it looked like the costumes were already done but he let the professional do his job and just kept nodding.

“When are we supposed to return to get them?” Mark asked the tailor.

“As I’ve said, in two days. I’m just glad that my grandson insisted that we watch those magical shows even though they cost an arm and a leg but after watching them, I understood how they were supposed to be worn. What I can say is that the cost of the tickets for those shows was worth it,” The old man said.

After the twins’ costumes fitting, they kept babbling about how good the costumes were and once they received them, they would wear them all the time.

“That’s not a problem. Once we receive the costumes, I could make copies of them and I can also make sure that they’re clean but isn’t it inconvenient to wear something like that all the time?” Mark replied to the twins, joining in their idea that it was okay to wear the costumes every day of their lives.

“It doesn’t matter as long as we look good while driving our spaceships!” Isaac said and Mark just laughed. Liriel joined in by giggling.

Since it was still a bit early, he asked the kids if they wanted to tour around the city but the twins’ insisted on getting back to the circus immediately since they needed to join their friends in their adventure in space and on different planets to fight off alien monsters.

Mark just smiled while they walked home back to the circus. When they arrived where the RV was located, Lisa, one of Milena’s assistants informed Mark that Hamil was waiting inside the RV with Nedertu. Lisa, then said that she would watch after the kids so she took Liriel from his arms and the twins ran off to the electric carts that were currently plugged in, recharging, and when they did, a veritable army of children suddenly appeared as if by magic which astonished Mark.

Inside the RV, Mark saw Hamil and Nedertu waiting while drinking cans of beer, and based on the number of cans on the table, he was almost sure that all the beers in the fridge were consumed.

Mark was sure that they would not get drunk since with the constitution of the people in this world, a few cans of beer would not make any warrior drunk and Hamil and Nedertu were warriors.

“Mark I have some good news!” Hamil immediately said when he saw Mark.

Mark just smiled since he assumed that it was about the palace requesting for the Star Wars films to be shown there the next day and just waited for Hamil to continue.

“The three circuses beside us expressed their desire to join their family to ours! Our circus will be the biggest in this world but they want to meet with you first. Since they understand that our circus will be busy for the next two weeks, they said that they wanted to meet after the Star Wars convention.”

Mark understood that the main reason why the other circuses wanted to join theirs was because of the films and Yoda. The movies would bring in an incredible amount of wealth to everyone in the circus and Yoda would as well but the main contribution that Yoda the Void Dragon would bring was its powerful deterrent to monsters and bandits’  attacks while the circus journeyed between cities.

 Mark just shrugged his agreement since the bigger the circus was, the livelier it would be and the safer it would be for those who belonged in it.

“Not only that, a lot of the wizard council members expressed interest in watching the movies so they invited us to set up a theater in the palace tomorrow. Since we’re still staying in this city for two months, this will make our relationship with the government smoother!” Hamil continued.

Mark just nodded again but then Hamil finally said the main request that he was going to ask of him.

“Can you provide a second theater equipment since I don’t want to stop the theater in the circus since they’re bringing us a lot of coins and it might cause a riot! A lot of the theater watchers had been watching the movies every day as if they were addicted!” Hamil said and Mark laughed when he heard it.

“Sure, I’ll provide the theater setup. I want to join you though since I’m interested in one of the ladies that will be attending tomorrow. Her name is Arissa De Normune. She’s a student at the University of Narcone who was protesting Yoda earlier.”

“A noble student?!” Hamil asked.

“Protesting Yoda?!” Nedertu asked as well.

“She and her friends even had signboards saying that we were exploiting Yoda. Norunta came and mocked them and told them that Yoda was a summoned golem so they stopped quickly but the lady protesters were really beautiful, all of them but the Lady Arissa was truly one hell of a beauty.”

Nedertu laughed and Hamil just shook his head. Mark did appreciate the fact that Hamil didn’t warn him or anything of that sort about entangling with the nobility and just started planning on how they would set up the theater in the palace.

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