Delayed Transfer

Chapter 375

Mark knew that it was kind of pathetic to be relying on his left hand and his collection of hentai to relieve his horniness and the privacy of his villa on the eleventh floor of his dungeon was a great help but he didn’t want to be casual to anyone who was part of the circus.

But now that he was planning to concentrate on dungeon diving, Mark knew that he would have little time for that nonsense.

After dinner, he informed everyone that he would be busy the next several days until the Star Wars convention. He would be gone to do some wizard project and research in his private realm from after breakfast until before dinner. He had to explain it clearly and thoroughly to the kids, especially Liriel but to his surprise and delight, Liriel seemed to understand and said an unexpectedly beautiful phrase, “I stand Mark. Me behave,’ which meant that she understood and would behave. After that, he laughed and hugged Liriel. The twins complained that they understood too and would also behave so he included them in his hug and the kids laughed.

Mark informed Milena that he would replicate the items that they would sell after dinner and Milena assured him that they would look after the children without any issues. He also reminded Milena that if there was any unexpected issue, she could always contact her using the communication ring that he provided her.

After that, Mark went outside the RV and visited the elven sisters. He informed them that he would be gone every day for several hours but if they needed something, he would still be in his RV during breakfast and before dinner. The sisters said that they understood and were glad that he wasn’t giving up on his mage studies.

“I noticed that you’re not asking us any advice for magic anymore. Are you not planning to continue learning the magic of these lands?” Mentorra asked.

“I do still plan it but I will need to focus on my own magic first,” Mark replied.

When he was done speaking with the elven sisters, he went and looked for Hamil and found him in his carriage with Halinda and his children.

“Mark, can I have a cake please?” Deo suddenly asked Mark and Halinda scolded him but she and Toby turned to look at Mark expectantly.

Mark laughed and gave a large chocolate cake to Halinda. Hamil’s wife thanked Mark and asked her sons to thank him as well so they did while their eyes never left the chocolate cake.

“What can I do for you, Mark?” Hamil asked.

“I’ll be busy with my research on my private realm during the next few days until the Star Wars convention so I’ll only be available during breakfast and before dinner. If you need to talk to me between those times, Milena had a way to contact me while I’m away.”

Hamil thanked Mark for informing him and also for the cake then Mark returned to his RV.

During the next three days, Mark spent a day conquering one floor and this allowed him to collect a lot of items that he stored on the first floor of his dungeon. Dungeon floors thirty-three to thirty-five were the same as dungeon thirty-second which was snowy fields filled with cold-based monsters.

To be honest, he was getting bored with the snowy settings since he didn’t like the extreme cold. It delayed him so much that Mark almost didn’t make it during dinnertime. Not only that, but the main reason for his boredom was he was truly over-leveled for the floors and was able to kill the mobs almost in one hit.

After conquering the thirty-fifth level of his dungeon Mark leveled up from level one-hundred-five to one-hundred and fifteen. He also received a few stat points and skill points from monsters and was glad that stats and skill points still dropped though incredibly rare. His current unused stat points were thirty and his unused skill points were thirty as well. He immediately put all of the stat points to his Wisdom stat to increase his MP since he was feeling the pinch of lacking some MP during his casting especially with Yoda taking up some reserve MP.

Mark’s base MP without including the stats from items was now two-thousand five-hundred forty and was happy with the amount since he was now comfortable casting all of his spells without any issues. He planned to put the next free stats that he would earn on intelligence to increase his damage and the effect of his spells.

He then increased the level of his Invisibility spell from level two to level three since he wanted to put points on Warp Gate and its requirement was level three Mass Invisibility and Mass Invisibility’s requirement was level three Invisibility. After putting points on the required spell to get Warp Gate, his Invisibility Spell was now level three, his Mass Invisibility was also now level three and then he put five skill points to Warp Gate.

Level three Invisibility would allow him to become invisible for twenty minutes and it had a thirty MP cost. Level three Mass Invisibility would allow him and eleven other people near him to become invisible for twenty-five minutes and had a casting cost of sixty MP.

A level five Warp Gate would allow him to establish five permanent gates with a casting cost of eight hundred MP per gate and a gate that he would allow to remain would hold one-hundred eight of his MP as reserve per gate. The system paned didn’t mention any distance limitation so in theory, it could be used to travel between dimensions. That meant that once he was able to return to Earth, he would have the power and means to establish a gate between the two dimensions.

Now his goal was to find a way to go back to Earth. Since there were magic schools here in this city and archmages, he would find a way to research how to get back to his old world before leaving the city.

Mark still had twenty-one skill points remaining but he wanted to reserve it a bit for emergency. After putting points in some of his skills, he immediately established a gate inside his bedroom in the RV beside the door.

After casting the Warp Gate spell, an actual door appeared and it looked like it was made of metal and plastic which was the same material as what the RV was made which greatly surprised him. Mark then opened the system panel to read up on Warp Gate to check why it looked like that and according to the system information help section, the Warp Gate that the casting would establish would look like the environment where it was cast so if he cast it inside a cave-like location, the warp gate would look like it was made of stone.

The Warp Gate spell also brought him a humongous surprise. It had two settings. The first setting was that he could allow anyone to use the established gates and there would be a panel that would contain the information where the gates were located and an activation button. Every time someone accessed the panel and activated the gate would cost ten mana which was negligible to Mark but a total of five gates would basically lock a total of nine hundred of his MP.

The second setting of his warp gate was to make the gate private, meaning only he and those who he would allow would be able to use the gate. A gate activation would last for ten minutes and after that, it would need to be activated again costing Mark ten MP.

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