Delayed Transfer

Chapter 379

The next town where they would set up the circus next was seven days away from the city of Narcone. They would only stay there for a week. The town was called Drovan Town and Hamil planned to set up the theater and show the three original Star Wars movies every day they stayed there.

Hamil planned to spread the fame of the films to as many places as they could so word of mouth would spread out since it could travel faster than their caravan and the moment they arrived at a prominent place like a major city, the sense of anticipation that those who were looking forward to seeing the films would reach the peak and then a huge crowd would then see the movies which would make the circus earn an untold amount of coins.

The twins were looking forward to staying in the new town since they would have new friends that they would meet that they could indoctrinate on the way of the force and then they would invite them to fly their space fleet with them as the captains.

Mark could only laugh at the boys’ imaginations when he heard the twin's plans. The kids were also overjoyed when they learned that Rendira would only be teaching them three days a week since it meant that they would have the rest of the week to play.

“That doesn’t mean you will spend the rest of the week playing!” Mark scolded the boys.

“Of course not, Mark. We will also watch some animes and play some console games and then we’ll also invite Toby and Deo to play console games with us,” Isaac said acting like what he said was the epitome of reasonableness with his brother Aaron nodding at his every word.

Mark just laughed when he heard what Isaac had said and just let them be. Toby and Deo were overjoyed when they were invited by the twins and they were amazed at the console games that the twins invited them to play. Since there were four of them, Mark had to set up another television and console so the four of them could play multiplayer games.

The kids, including Toby, basically play console games after breakfast until lunch but Mark forbade them to continue playing and told them to play some physical games.

“We can’t play inside the R.V.! It’s too small!” Aaron complained so Mark was forced to show them how to play some board games and then finally he was forced to teach them how to play Dungeons and Dragons board games.

Mark taught them how and even Connor invited himself to join them since the board game was truly highly entertaining in his opinion. He wondered if playing the board game or setting up computers to play multiplayer games like Diablo II and some other games were the same but then again, he just put it at the back of his mind.

Besides, even if the children became otakus, Mark didn’t mind. He’s an otaku himself so he didn’t find anything wrong in being addicted to games, movies, or animes.

So basically that was their schedule. Three days of the week, the boys and Liriel would be taught by Rendira in the morning and during the afternoon they would then get busy playing and watching the television. During their vacation days from homeschool, they would play console games with Toby and Deo and sometimes with the other children from the circus in the morning and during the afternoon, they would then play other games or watch the television.

The twins were beginning to get annoyed with Liriel because she had been pestering them so Mark was forced to conjure her own television, console games, board games, and more toys for her but he was thankful that Milena, Lisa, and Norleen were there to help him take care of the kids.

They were driving a single RV since Mark stored the other one. At first, Milena and the others wanted to drive the second RV but Mark decided that it was just a waste of energy since a single RV could let them travel comfortably. He would only summon the second RV during nighttime so the others could sleep there.

Mark was planning to continue dungeon diving since there were only nine more floors before he completely conquered his dungeon but since the kids were still feeling a bit insecure as a result of them leaving the city of Narcone abruptly, he decided to not leave them in the meantime. He didn’t even have the chance to check out the forty-first floor which was a safe zone and wondered what a safe zone on an alien planet would look like.

Yoda was still flying above them and the void dragon was a major deterrence to monsters in the wild as well as any bandits lurking around so their journey had been very peaceful. Hami informed him that once they reached a place where they would show the movies, they wouldn’t tell anyone that Yoda and the films were from him and would just announce that it was a gift from an archmage and that the moment the films left the circus, a terrible curse would be released.

Mark didn’t tell anyone but he left a warp gate near the Library of Cormantura so whenever they wanted to have access to a dungeon, they could return to Narcone anytime through that warp gate. He actually flew back to the city during the night and cast invisibility so he would not be noticed by anyone then went to a park near the dungeon and cast the gate there. The city was also a good place to go in case they needed to run away quickly.

When they arrived at Drovan town, Mark was happy to see that the town people welcomed them especially when they learned that the dragon flying overhead was not an actual dragon but a golem given to them by the archmage who gave the circus the movies.

“I’m so excited to befriend the kids in here so we could have a crew on our spaceships!” Isaac said excitedly while they were setting up the circus.

The twins were running around inside the RV and they wanted to get outside so they could roam the town.

“You can only invite the town kids once they have seen the movies,” Mark said.

“Then you should allow them to see the movies for free!” Aaron said.

Mark agreed with the twins' suggestion and asked Hamil to allow children below ten years old to watch the film for free as long as they were accompanied by a paying adult and since the movies were owned by Mark, Hamil agreed. Milena also informed Mark that she still wanted to sell things and since it was only taking him less than an hour to replicate things, he agreed with his cook. To make it easier for him, Mark then conjured a huge box and filled it with items that Milena wanted to sell so he would only replicate the boxes and they were good to go. It considerably lessens the time Mark needed to take to conjure the item for sale on their stall.

This time there were no time restrictions on when they could open the circus so Hamil planned to open the circus from morning till night.

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