Delayed Transfer

Chapter 391

The next day was an exciting time for the circus and for the village of Drovan as well. It was the first day that the warp gate would be activated and it was expected that a huge amount of customers from Narcone would come in.

The stores that were constructed near the warp gate resembled a festival street that an otaku could see in school animes. There was a lot of street food that was cooked by and sold by the people from the circus as well as people from Drovan town.

Mark, the twins, and Liriel were roaming around the newly opened stores. They went to their store and they were surprised at how huge it was, like a mini seven-eleven convenience store.

When they entered the store, the shelves were full of items that Mark replicated but some shelves were empty.

“Oh good you’re here! You will need to conjure more products so we can fill up these shelves,” Milena told Mark.

Since all of the items that they were selling were already arranged inside huge carton boxes, Mark only had to replicate those so he did. Milena, Lina, Norleen, and Connor got busy arranging the items on the shelves.

He noticed that Nedertu wasn’t there but he should be somewhere around helping Hamil or his friends. After everything was arranged, Milena and the others looked satisfied.

“I think Miss Mary and Miss Lucy’s Supermarket is better. All the items in their store are food except for the toys,” Isaac said.

“Who are Miss Mary and Miss Lucy?” Milena asked the twins.

“They’re the caretaker of the orphanage in town. Mark made them a supermarket so the kids would have plenty of food to eat,” Aaron replied.

“Are they not going to encounter any issues because of your donation?” Milena asked Mark.

“The orphanage caretakers said that they are being taken care of by the town. I will check on them from time to time though while we’re here to make sure they’re safe,” Mark said to their cook.

Mark knew that the idea for opening a small convenience store must have come from one of the movies or television shows that they had watched but he couldn’t figure out which one. Milena and the others even made some opening day sale discounts and gifts.

“Mark, we opened a small tent warehouse at the back. Could you fill it up with items so we will have a lot more that we can sell today?” Milena asked and Mark nodded.

Mark and the kids went to the back and found the tent so he went inside and immediately replicated all the boxes containing all the items that they were selling and after a few minutes, the whole tent was full.

When they returned to the store Mark asked Milena if they were not afraid somebody would come in and steal items from the tent.

“We hired a couple of people to be our guards so you don’t need to worry,” Milena said.

A few minutes before eight in the morning, Mark, the twins, and Liriel went near the warp gate to check if there would be a lot of people entering the opening day. They saw the guards that Narcone assigned to Drovan town side of the portal and they looked very serious, making sure that everything was in order.

Lorendo stationed himself near the gate so he could access the panel if needed. When the clock struck eight o’clock, a blue glow appeared at the center of the gate and expanded forming a mystical doorway.

At the side where Mark and the kids were staying to watch, they saw Dozon exit out of the portal first. Then he was followed by a lot of people. Everything was very civilized and organized and from how the people that were entering the warp gate looked, they were the affluent citizens of Narcone.

Mark stopped counting when he reached the fiftieth person since it appeared like it wasn’t stopping anytime soon. Soon, he and the kids got bored.

“Let’s go to the orphanage to check them out and you can play with the kids there,” Mark said to the twins.

“When are we going back to Narcone so we can distribute our invitation letter?” Isaac asked.

“Once we know the exact date of the convention. I’ll ask Hamil later.”

It was still early when they arrived at the orphanage. Miss Mary was doing chores and all of the kids were helping her. When the orphanage children saw Mark and his siblings, they all cheered and ran towards them leaving Mary alone and the caretaker was wearing an exasperated look.

“Sorry about that,” Mark said to Mary when he went to her carrying Liriel.

“That’s okay. I’m about done here anyway. Just need to pull a few more weeds,” Mary said.

Liriel squirmed, which meant that she wanted to join the kids playing in the yard so he let her go and the little girl ran off to join the orphans. Mark was glad to see that some of the older children were looking after the young ones.

“Have you all eaten already?” Mark asked Mary.

“We always eat early here, around seven in the morning. I’m glad that you came, I have so many questions about the items in the warehouse supermarket,” Mary said.

Mary then asked Mark to follow her into the supermarket so she could ask her questions while pointing out the items on the shelves. He spent a couple of hours providing recipes and suggestions on how to best use the items in the supermarket. He also added more items to make sure that all the shelves were filled to the brim even though at first look, nothing seemed to be missing.

Mary admitted that they only took a little so far since she was wary of using the items that she hardly knew anything about. That was also the main reason why she was happy that Mark returned so she could ask details on how to use the products.

“By the way, you have to take care. Starting today, the warp gate opened and a lot of people from Narcone came in to watch the movies in the circus,” Mark warned Mary.

“You don’t need to worry, some of the older children actually assigned themselves as the supermarket guardians. They placed their beds inside the warehouse so they could sleep there and guard the items. Of course, if something truly heinous appeared like a thief, they wouldn’t fight but would run off to get the town militia,” Mary said.

“Do a lot of people know about the supermarket,” Mark asked.

“No. Only the town chief knew and he also warned the children here to not tell anyone.”

After that long visit, Mark said his goodbye and brought the twins and Liriel out of the orphanage back to the circus. When they arrived at the circus, it was very lively. There were a lot of customers roaming around.

The twins were particularly gleeful especially when they learned that Rendira would not be teaching them for the next few weeks while the warp gate was operational. Lisa was also there waiting for them and Mark was glad that Milena and the others were still conscious of the fact that he would need help taking care of the kids and always assigned one of them to assist him.

He asked Lisa to look after the kids, and then Mark went inside the RV. He immediately farmed the bosses in his dungeon since it would not take much time for him to do.

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