Delayed Transfer

Chapter 390

Back in the circus, Mark, the twins, and Liriel were watching a lot of people constructing various buildings where the warp gate was standing and the mayor of Drovan Town together who Mark assumed was the village elders since all of them were old were surveying all the construction that was going on. That meant the town fully approved what the circus was doing and who wouldn’t want more wealth injected into their town?

The warp gate was being surrounded by an open-air building as well and he wondered why they chose to create a roof over it. Maybe they were scared that rain would suddenly come in and wet the portal. Then he saw that the people from the circus were constructing different mini buildings that looked like stores and Mark assumed that those were the stores that the circus people would use to sell different things that customers could buy like street food and souvenirs.

Milena, Nedertu, Lisa, Norleen, and Connor were busy with one of them so Mark and the kids approached them.

“Is this going to our store?” Mark asked and Nedertu answered him with a nod.

“It looked pretty permanent to me. Are we going to stay here longer than a week then?” Mark asked the catman.

“I assumed that Hamil already told you. We’ll probably stay for quite some time I just don’t know yet how long exactly. Hamil mentioned that we’ll hold three types of convention, The Star Wars Convention, the Narcone Food Convention, and I don’t know what’s the third one,” Nedertu answered.

“Wow! That is so exciting!” Isaac said while cheering.

“Mark, can we invite our friends from Narcone? They don’t have mana stones though,” Aaron asked.

“Don’t worry, I’ll handle it,” Mark promised the twins and they both became so happy that he knew that the bothersome thing would be worth just for the twin’s happiness alone. Even Liriel was cheering.

Milena, Nedertu, and the others heard Mark and the kid’s conversation and they just shook their head and smiled when they heard Mark’s answer. Everyone in the circus knew that the three children held Mark’s heart in their tiny little hands.

Mark didn’t care. He could do whatever he wanted with the warp gate because it’s his warp gate so if he wanted to invite an army of children from the city to make sure that the twins and Liriel were happy, he wouldn’t hesitate to do so. Besides, he was doing nothing wrong. The children would just watch movies, play, and eat food and he could provide all of that without any issues. He would even invite the kids’ parents to make sure that nothing troublesome would happen.

“Now boys we have a big project. Once we know when the Star Wars convention would happen we need to make invitation cards so you could invite your friends.”

When the twins heard what Mark had said they cheered again and ran back to the RV urging Mark to come with them.

“We still don’t know the exact date though!” Mark shouted at the boys.

“We can add them later!” Isaac shouted back so without any choice, Mark, carrying Liriel followed the twins back to the RV.

Back in the RV, Mark, the twins, and Liriel were in front of a laptop making a very colorful Star Wars theme invitation card. He told the boys that they only needed to make one and that they could write out the name of the invitee and the date at a later time. They didn’t even need to print out a lot of them, just one would do and Mark could replicate it at a later time.

When the twins were satisfied with the invitation letter, Mark was impressed at the twin’s ingenuity. The letter just consisted of space and planets and the spaceships and Star Wars characters would be glued to the letter so every detail would pop out. After the letter was created, it was truly beautifully done, and even Liriel praised it by calling it pretty.

Mark immediately stored it in his inventory and replicated a copy so he could replicate it anytime the kids wanted then gave copies to the twins. The twins ran off to show the invitation letter to their friends. They were followed by Norleen to make sure that they were being looked after. He didn’t even notice that Norleen joined them but was thankful that she was there to babysit while the kids played.

“Liriel want to fly above the sky?” Mark suddenly asked the little girl and Liriel agreed and cheered.

Mark then went outside the RV, summoned the Space Disc, covered it with a lush thick carpet, and filled it with pillows and blankets then he used his Telekinesis to control the Space Disc so it could fly high above the sky.

While they were flying, Mark had to admit that the world was beautiful. The sky was blue filled with thick fluffy clouds. He didn’t go near them though since he didn’t want Liriel to get wet. It was a bit cold but the thick blankets alleviated the clothes.

They saw Yoda in the distance so Mark and Liriel went near them and waved at the people who were riding the void dragon. The customers were looking at Mark and Liriel in amazement since they were flying in what looked like a flying carpet.

Mark then retrieved a laptop and a speaker and played Disney film music while they were flying up in the sky. It was truly a relaxing moment but after an hour, they had to go down since Liriel was already asleep and the temperature up in the sky was dipping.

When they neared the ground, Mark saw that a lot of people were pointing at the “flying carpet” and when they reached the RV, the twins and their friends ran towards them. Liriel woke up because of the noise but Mark was glad to see that she didn’t throw a tantrum.

“Mark, not fair! You and Liriel went up to the sky and everyone could hear the songs that were playing!” Isaac complained and Liriel giggled.

“Why didn’t you bring us with you?” Aaron whined.

“You were playing with your friends and Liriel and I had nothing to do so we decided to fly in the sky.”

“Clouds, pretty!” Liriel said like tossing wood to make the fire bigger.

Hamil and Lorendo suddenly arrived and asked to speak with Mark so the kids scattered. Norleen took Liriel from him and the twins went with their friends followed by Norleen and Liriel. Mark could hear Liriel saying things to the twins about their flight and she was actually taunting the boys, which flabbergasted Mark a bit.

“Everything is settled and we will start our warp gate business tomorrow. We hired a lot of people to spread the news and even though the price of the portal was a bit steep, we predicted that there would be a lot of customers tomorrow. We scheduled four openings of the warp gates. One at eight in the morning, the second would be one in the afternoon, the third would be six in the evening and the last portal opening would be midnight,” Hamil said.

“Four? I thought you would only do two warp gate openings?”

“It would let us earn a lot more if we do four and we’ll only open the warp gate an hour for each scheduled operation. Will it cause any issues with your mana?,” Lorendo added.

“No, I can handle it. I will tell you if it bothers me but I will know for sure tomorrow,” Mark said.

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